Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd signed a cooperation agreement of “Kolaborasi Beasiswa Magang Pendidikan Luar Negeri Pascasarjana” (Collaboration of Internship Scholarship of Postgraduate Overseas Education) with School of Pharmacy (Sekolah Farmasi, SF) ITB on May 31, 2021. This cooperation agreement is a form of Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd’s contribution in advancing the health and pharmaceutical fields through a series of talent development activities and the provision of research environment facilities.
One of forms of this cooperation agreement is embodied through the realization of the Daewoong Global Drug Delivery System Training Program. This program is a series of integrated training and talent development activities intended for pharmacy students who are currently studying both postgraduate and pharmacist education. This program allows participants to directly obtain real learning experiences in the research and development process of pharmaceutical products. This will be conducted for approximately four months. The participants will be placed at Daewoong Pharmaceutical R&D Center located in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do Province, South Korea. They will be divided into their respective divisions in accordance with their research interests, namely biopharmaceuticals (Biopharmaceutical Research Division) and chemical pharmaceuticals (Chemical Pharmaceutical Division). During this program, participants do not only acquire knowledge of the latest theoretical formulations and drug development, but also have the opportunity to obtain hands-on practical experience and participate in the research and development process of pharmaceutical products.
Had been delayed due to restrictions on access to enter Korea, ITB currently sent two postgraduate students to join this program as representatives of ITB. The program for this batch is held from December 19, 2021 to April 30, 2022. Those two students will also get a total credit score of 8 credits while participating in this program. For a briefing on preparation for the departure of participants and an explanation of program implementation, Daewoong Pharmaceutical held a meeting on December 9, 2021 with the participants. This meeting was also attended by researchers from Daewoong Pharmaceutical R&D Center who will be involved in this program.
On December 16, 2021, the Dean, accompanied by the Head of Masters Study Program, had released the departure of selected participants. They also gave motivation, support, and hope, so that participants are able to absorb as much knowledge and experience as possible from this program, and always maintain the good name of School of Pharmacy and ITB. Besides that, the Dean and Head of Masters Study Program reminded the participants to study hard, maintain worship, keep health, and remain disciplined in health protocols in the midst of this unending pandemic.