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Daftar Koleksi Buku Perpustakaan Sekolah Farmasi ITB

No Judul Kode Pengarang Penerbit Tahun Edisi
1 A course Manual in Food science 664 BUC c K.A. Buckle AAUCS 1978
2 A Guide to Traditional Herbal Medicines 615.321 BRI a BHMA BHMA 2003
3 A practical guide to contemporary pharmacy practice 615.1 JUD a Thompson, Davidow Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2004 2
4 A practical guide to contemporary pharmacy practice 615.1 JUD a Thompson, Davidow Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2009 3
5 A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Pratice 615.1 THO a Judith E.Thompson Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2004 2
6 A Practical Handbook on the Pharmacovigilance of antiretroviral Medicine 615 WHO a WHO WHO
7 A review of The Clinical Uses of AUREOMYCIN 615.4 AUR a Lederle Lederle 1951
8 a survey in biological science;The human organism and the world of live 574 YOU t Clarence W. Young Harper and brothers 1938
9 A Textbook of HISTOLOGY 611 BLO h BLOOM, William ; FACET, Don W. W.B. Saundres Company 1975
10 A text-book of Macro and Semimacro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis 544.85 VOG t Arthur I. Vogel Longmans 1954 4
11 Absrption and drug development : solubility, permeability and charge state 615.19 AVD a Alex Avdeef John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2003
12 Abstracts FIP 73 615.1 ABS a International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1973
13 Accelerated project management : how to be the first to market 658.404 JAM a James P.Lewis ; Louis Wong Mc-Graw Hills Companies, Inc `2005
14 Achieving sterility in medical and pharmaceutical products 614.4 Nig a Halls Marcel Dekker, Inc 1994 vol 64
15 Active pharmaceutical ingredients: development, manufacturing and regulation 615.19 ACT a Nusim CRC Press, Inc 2005 vol 151
16 Acuan Sediaan Herbal 615.321 IND a DepKes RI DepKes RI 2000 1
17 Advanaces in drug Delivery Systems 615.1 ADV a James M.Anderson Elselvier 1992 5
18 Advanaces in drug Delivery Systems 615.1 ADV a James M.Anderson Elselvier 1992 5
19 Advanced Drug delivery 615.1 ADV a Poste Elselveier 1993
20 Advanced drug formulation design to optimize therapeutic outcomes 615.19 ADV a Williams III Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2008 vol 172
21 Advanced pharmaceutical solids 615.19 JEN a Carstensen Marcel Dekker, Inc 2001 vol 110
22 Advanced Sport Nutrition 613 BEN a Dan Benardot Human Kinetics 2006
23 Advances in Pharmaceutical Science 615.4 BEA a H.S. Bean Academic Press 1964
24 Advences in Drug Derlivery Systems 615.1 ADV a James AM. Anderson Elselvier 1987 3
25 Adverse Effect of Herbal Drug 615.321 ADV a De Smet Springer-Verlag 1992 1
26 Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs 615.321 ADV a De Smet Springer-Verlag 1992
27 Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs 615.321 ADV a P. A.G.M.De Smet Springer-Verlag 1992 1
28 Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs 615.321 ADV a P.A.G/M De Smet Spinger Verlag 1993 2
29 Adverse response to intravenous drugs 615.7 WAT a Watkins, ward Academic press Ltd 1978
30 Aerosol Technology in Hazard Evaluation 614.7 MER a Thomas T. Mercer Academic Press 1973
31 AHFS Drug Information 615.1 AHF a AHFS ASHP 2014
32 AHFS Drug Information 615.1 AHF a AHFS ASHP 2014
33 AHFS Drug Information 615.1 AHF a AHFS ASHP 2014
34 AHFS Drug Information 615.1 AHF a AHFS ASHP 2014
35 Airline Medical Manual 616.02 CHA a Peter Chapman Lutz Bergau 1991
36 Allen’s compounded formulations 615.4 ALL a Allen, Loyd Jobson Publishing, American Pharmacist association 2003
37 Altitude training and athletic performance 613.7 WIL a R.L. Wilber Human Kinetics 2004
38 Amino Acid Analysis 547.75 AMI a Rattenbury Ellis Horwood 1981
39 Amino Acids in Therapy 615.3 LEO a Leon Chaitow Healing Arts Press 1988
40 Vogel; Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro dan Semimikro 576.1 VOG a G. Svehla Kalman Media 1990 5
41 Analisi Spektrum Senyawa Organik 574.346 CRE a K.Padmawinata, Iwang Penerbit ITB 1981
42 Analisis Farmasi Metode Modern Parwa A 615.19 ANA a Munson Airlangga University Press 1991
43 Analisis Farmasi Metode Modern Parwa B 615.19 ANA a Munson Airlangga University Press 1991
44 Analisis Farmasi Metode Modern, Parwa A 615.1 MUN a James W. Munson Airlangga University Press 1991
45 Analisis Kimia Kuantitatif 543.1 DAY a R.A. Day,Jr Erlangga 1996 4
46 Analisis Kimia Kuantitatif 543.1 DAY a R.A. Day,Jr Erlangga 2002 6
47 Analisis Obat secara Kromatografi dan Mikroskopi 615.321 STA a Stahl Penerbit ITB 1985
48 Analisis Obat Secara kromotografi dan Mikroskopi 615.32 STA a Egon Stahl ITB 1985
49 Analisis pangan 664 NUR a Andarwulan Dian rakyat 2011
50 Analisis Spektrum Senyawa Organik 574.34 CRE a Clifford J. Creswell ITB 2005
51 Analysis of Drug Impurities 615.19 ANA a Smith & Webb Blackwell 2007
52 Analysis of Drug in Biological Fluids 615.19 CHA a Cumberlain CRC Press 1985
53 Analytical and Phitochemical studiees on valerian and valerian based preparations 615.321 BOS a Reinder Bos The Verernigde 1997
54 Analytical Aspects of Drug Testing 616.86 ANA a Dale G. Deutsch John Wiley & Son 1989
55 Analytical Chemistry in A GMP environment–A Practical Guide 543.3 ANA a Miller & Crowther John Wiley & Sons 2000
56 Analytical Methode development and Validation 615.19 ANA a Michael E Swartz Marcel Dekker, INC 1977
57 Analytical Microbiology 579 ANA a Kavanag Academic Press 1972 vol.II
58 Analytical Microbiology 615.329 ANA a Frederick Kavanagh Academic Press 1963
59 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances 615.1 ANA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 1990
60 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances 615.1 ANA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 1972
61 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances 615.1 ANA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 1986
62 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances 615.1 ANA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 1980
63 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances 615.1 KLA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 2003
64 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances, Florey v.3 615.1 ANA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 1973
65 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances, Florey v.5 615.1 ANA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 1975
66 Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances, Florey v.9 615.1 ANA a Klaus Florey Academic Press 1980
67 Anatomi 614.96 GAR a Gardner UIP 1995 5
68 Anatomi Dan Fisiologi 611 SLO a Sloane,Ethel EGC 2003
69 Anatomi dan fisiologi untuk pemula 611 ETH a Sloane EGC Penerbit Kedokteran 1994
70 Anatomi tumbuhan Berbiji 582.13 HID a Hidayat,Estiti B. ITB 1995
71 Anatomie Physiologie Pathophysiologie 612 THE a Mutschler Wissenschaftliche 1980
72 Anatomy of surgeon, vol.1, Head and neck 611.7 HOL a W . Henry Hollinshead A Hoeber-Harper 1966
73 Anatomy of surgeon, vol.2 , torax abdomen pelvis 611.7 HOL a W . Henry Hollinshead A Hoeber-Harper 1966
74 Anotomi Tumbuhan Berbiji 582.13 HID a Estiti Hidayat Penrbit ITB 1995
75 Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery 615.1 ALL a Allen, Jr., et al. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2011 9
76 Antaraksi Farmakokinetika 615.7 IMO a Imono Argo Donatus bagian farmakologi dan Farmasi Klinik, fakultas Farmasi UGM 2005
77 Antimicrobials in Foods 664.06 ANT a P.Michael Davidson Marcel Dekker 1993 2
78 Appleton & Lange’s Pharmacy Review 615.1 HAL p Gary D. Hall Prentice-Hall International 1990 4
79 Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetic 615.7 LEO a Shargel Mc-Graw Hills Companies, Inc 2005 5
80 Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics 615.7 SHA a Leon Shargel McGraw-Hill 2005 5
81 Applied pharmaceutics in contemporary 615.19 ROB Shrewsbury Morton Publishing Company 2008 2
82 Applied physical pharmacy 615.19 APP a Amiji, Sandmann Mc-Graw Hills Companies, Inc 2003
83 Applied Physical Pharmacy 621.3 AMI r Mansoor M.Amiji Mc Graw Hill 1979
84 Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceuticals Dosage Forms 615.19 AQU a McGinity et al Marcell Dekker, Inc 1989 vol.36
85 Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceuticals Dosage Forms 615.19 AQU a McGinity et al Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2008 3 vol.176
86 Aromatherapy for Health Professionals 615.321 ARO a Price & Price Churchill Livingstone 2012 4
87 Aromatherapy Science–A Guide for Healthcare Professionals 615.32 MAR a Lis-Balchin Pharmaceutical Press 2006
88 Arzneiformenlehre 615.19 LIS a Paul Heinz List WABA 1980 2
89 Asas-Asas Kimia Medisinal 615.7 MAN a Manfred E.Wolff UGM 1994 4
90 Aseptic pharmaceutical manufacturing : technology for the 1990’s 615.19 ASE a Olson, Groves Interpharm press, Inc 1987
91 Assay of Vitamin in Pharmaceutical Preparations 547.7 MAN a Manzur ul Haque Hashmi John Wiley & Sons 1973
92 Assessing bioavailability of drug delivery systems: Mathematical modelling 615.1 VER a vergnaud, Rosca Taylor and Franchis Group, LLC 2005
93 Atlas Foto Pemberian Obat Lippincott 615.5 PAM a Pamela Lynn Erlangga 2008 3
94 Aulton’s Pharmaceutics–The Design and Manufacture of Medicines 615.19 AUL a Aulton Churchill Livingstone 2007 3
95 Bahan kuliah ; Sistematik Tumbuhan Tinggi 583 UND s Undang Ahmad Dasuki ITB 1991
96 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 615.1 BAS b Bertram G.Katzung Mc Graw Hill 2015 13
97 Basic Biotechnology–A Student’ Guide 660.6 BAS b Präve, et al. VCH Publisher 1982
98 Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics 615.7 WIN b Michael E.Winter Winter 1991
99 Basic Reading in Neuropsychology 616.8 BAS b Robert L. Isaacson Harper & Row 1964
100 Basic tests For Pharmaceutical Substances 615 WHO b WHO WHO 1986 3
101 Bentley’s Text book of Pharmaceitics 615.19 BEN b E.A. Rawlins Low Priced 1979 8
102 Best practices for hospital health system pharmacy (ed 2006-2007) 615.8 BES b hawkins American Society of Health system Pharmacists, Inc 2006
103 Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systems 615.5 BIO b Lenaerts & Gurny CRC Press 1990
104 Biochemical Calculations 574.1 SEG b Segel John Wiley & Sons 1976 2
105 Biochemistry 572 MAT b Christopher K . M Wesley 3
106 Biochemistry 572 MAT b Christopher K.Mathews Wesley 1999 3
107 Biochemistry 3rd ed v.1 572 BIO b Christopher K.Mathews Addison-Wesley 2000 3
108 Biochemistry 3rd ed v.2 572 BIO b Christopher K.Mathews Addison-Wesley 2000 3
109 Biochemistry of foods, 2nd ed. 664 ESK b N.A. Michael Eskin Academic press 1990
110 Biochemistry, ed. International 660.63 MAT b Mathews Addison Wesley Longman 2000 3
111 Biocompatibility ; Interactions of Biological and Implantable Materials 617.9 SIL b Frederick Silver VCH 1989
112 Biodegradable Polymers as Drug Delivery System 615.19 BIO b Chasin & Langer Marcell Dekker, Inc 1990
113 Bioequivalence studies in drug development 615.19 DIE b Hauschke John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2007
114 Biogeography an ecological and evolutionary approach seventh edition 578.9 COX b C. Barry Cox Blackwell 2005 7
115 Biointernational : bioavailability, bioequivalence and pharmacokinetics 615.19 BIO b Blume, Midha Medfarm Scientific publisher 1993
116 Bio-International,Bioavailability,Bioequivalence and Pharmacokkonetics 615 BIO b Midha Medpharm 1992
117 Biokimia : Metabolisme energi, karbohidrat, dan Lipid 574.192 WIR b Wirahadikusumah Penerbit ITB 1985
118 Biokimia ; suatu pendekatan berorientasi kasus 612.015 REX b Rex Montgomery UGM 1993
119 Biokimia–Protein, Enzim, dan Asam Nukleat 574.192 WIR b Wirahadikusumah Penerbit ITB 2001 5
120 Biologi Sel 574 REK b Issoegianti Reksoatmodjo Depdikbud 1993
121 Biological and Pharmaceutical Nanomaterials 615.19 BIO b Kumar et al Wiley-VCH 2006
122 Biology Observation & Concept 574 CAS b James F. Case MacMillan Company 1971
123 Biomedical applications of microencapsulation 615.19 BIO b Lim CRC Press, Inc 1984
124 Biopharmaceutical applications in drug development 615.19 BIO b Krishna, Yu Springer Science Business Media B.V 2008
125 Biopharmaceuticals an Industrial Perspective 615.19 BIO b Gary Walsh Kluwer Academic 1999
126 Biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacokinetic : an introduction 615.7 ROB b Notari Marcel Dekker, Inc 1980 3
127 Biopharmaceutics and linical pharmacokinetics 615.7 MIL b Milo Gibaldi Lea & Febigger 1991 4
128 Biopharmaceutics and relevant pharmacokinetics 615.7 WAG b Wagner Drug Intelligence Publications, Inc 1971 1
129 Biostatistical Analysis 570.151 ZAR b Jerrold H. Zar Prentice Hall 1999 4
130 Biotechnology and Pharmcay 615.1 BIO b Pezzuto, et al. Chapman and Hall 1993
131 Bitterness in foods and beverages 664.07 BIT b R.L. Rouseff Elsevier science publishers 1990
132 BNF 46 615 BNF b British Medical Association BNF 2003 46
133 BNF, British National Formulary 53 615.1 BNF b BMF BMF 2006 53
134 Botanicals–A Phytocosmetic Desk Reference 615.32 FRA b Frank S. D’Amelio CRC 1999
135 British Herbal Compendium 615.321 BRI b Peter R. Bradley BHMA 1992 Vol.1
136 British Herbal Compendium 615.321 BRI b Peter R. Bradley BHMA 2006 Vol.2
137 British Herbal Pharmacopoeia 615.321 BRI b BHMA BHMA 1996 4
138 British Pharacopoeia (Veterinary) 615.1 BRI b The Dept.of Health The Dept.of Health 2015
144 Building Blocks, Biotechnology Reagents and Consumables 615.19 HOC b William L.Hochfeld Interpharm Press 1994
145 Building Type Basics for Research Laboratories 727.5 WAT r Watch John Wiley & Sons 2008 2
146 Buku Ajar, Parasitologi Kedokteran 616.96 FAK p Staf Pengajar FKUI FKUI 2008 4
147 Buku Panduan Obat Wajib Apotik 615.1 ISF o ISFI ISFI 1990
148 Buku Pelajaran Teknologi Farmasi 615.19 VOI b R.Voigt UGM 1995
149 Voge;Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro dan semi Mikro II 576.1 VOG a G.Svehla Pt. Kalman Media 1985 5
150 Voge;Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro dan semi Mikro I 576.1 VOG a G.Svehla Pt. Kalman Media 1985 5
151 Buku Teks Histologi Veteriner II 591.8 DEL b Dellmann UIP 1992 3
152 Burn Wound Coverings, Vol. I 617.11 WIS b D.L. Wise CRC Press 1984
153 Burn Wound Coverings, Vol. II 617.11 WIS b D.L. Wise CRC Press 1984
154 Calcium Channel Antagonists in Cardiovascular Disease 616.1 CAL c Milton Packer ACC 1946
155 CAPA for the FDA- regulated industry 615.1 JOS c Jose Rodriguez Perez ASQ quality press 2011
156 Cara Cepat Identifikasi Obat 615.1 SLA c Slamet Ibrahim ISFI 1983
157 Cara Kromatografi Preparatif, penggunaan pada isolasi senyawa alam 543.089 HOS c K.Hostettmann ITB 1995
158 Cara Mengidentifikasi Flavonoid 547.7 MAR c K.R.Markham ITB 1988
159 Card System dan Reaksi Warna 615 HMF c SIE Kesejahteraan HMF SIE Kesejahteraan HMF 1982
160 Care-takers of Cure 615 SCI c Rosalia Sciortino Univ.of Amsterdam 1991
161 Case Problems in Community Pharmacy Management 658 GOL c Arnold S. Goldstein Lea & Febiger 1970
162 Case Studies in Pharmacy Ethics 174.2 VEA c Robert M. veatch Oxford University Press 1999
163 Cell and molecular Biology Concepts Experimentalts Second Edition 571.6 KAR c Gerald Karp John Wiley & Sons 1996 2
164 CFR, Food and Drugs 664 COD c CFR CFR 1988 21
165 Cheesemaking Practice 637.3 SCO c R. Scott Elsevier 1986 5
166 Chemical Engineering Handbook 660.28 CHE cd John H. Perry McGraw-Hill 1973 5
167 Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry 615.19 CHE c David Ende Wiley-VCH 2010
168 Chemical Process Industries 660.2 SHR c R. Norris Shreve McGraw Hill Book Company 1977 4
169 Chemical Stability of Pharmaceuticals 615.1 CON c Kenneth A. Connors Wiley 1979
170 Chemical Stability of Pharmaceuticals–A Handbook for Pharmacists 615.19 KEN c Connors et al John Wiley & Sons 1979 1
171 Chemical Stabilityof Pharmaceuticals–A Handbook for Pharmacists 615.18 KEN c Connors et al John Wiley & Sons 1986 2
172 Chemistri,International student Version 540 JAM c James E. Brady Wiley 2001 5
173 Chemistriy,the study of matter and its changes 540 BRA c James E. Brady Wiley 1996 2
174 Chemistry in Medicine 615.1 CHE c Charles G. Overberger American Chemical Society 1977
175 Chemometrics, Applications of Mathematics and Statistics of Laboratory Systems 543 BRE c Richard G. Brereton Ellis Horwood 1990
176 Chinese Drugs of Plants Origin 615.321 TAN c Tang & Eisenbrand Springer-Verlag 1992
177 Chlorthalidone 25 mg 615.1 MAN c R.D. Mann MTP Press 1979
178 Clarke’s Analysis of Drug and Poisons 615 CLA c Anthony C. Moffat PhP 1986 2
179 Clarke’s Analysis of Drug and Poisons I 615 CLA c Anthony C. Moffat PhP 2004 3
180 Clarke’s Analysis of Drug and Poisons II 616 CLA c Anthony C. Moffat PhP 2004 3
181 Cleaning Validation Manual 615.19 SYE c Syed Imtiaz Haider CRC 2010
182 Cleanroom Technology–Fundamental of Design, Testing, and Operation 696 CLE c Whyte John Wiley & Sons 2001
183 Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries 617.1 BAH c Roald Bahr Human Kinetics 2004
184 Clinical Interpretation of Laboratory Test 616.1 WID p Frances K. Widmann P.G. Asian Economy 1984 9
185 Clinical Laboratory Management 610.28 GAR c Lynne S. Garcia ASM Press 2004
186 Clinical Nutrition 615.8 CLI c Gibney Blackwell publishing 2005
187 Clinical Nutrition 615.8 GIB c Michael J Gibney Blackwell Science 2005
188 Clinical Pharmacokinetic : concept and application 615.5 ROW c Tozer, Rowland Lea & Febigger 1989 2
189 Clinical Pharmacokinetic : concept and application 615.7 ROW c Tozer, Rowland Lea & Febigger 1980 1
190 Clinical Pharmacology, Basic Principles in Therapeutics 615.58 CLI c Kenneth L. Melmon Macmillan 1978 2
191 Clinical Pharmacology, Basic Principles in Therapeutics in Nursing 615.02 CLI c Matthew B. Wiener McGraw-Hill 1979
192 Coated Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Bauer et al MedPharm Scientific Publisher 2000
193 Coating Vol 3 615.19 PHA p Avis et al IHSHealth Group 2001 2
194 Cocarcinogenesis and Biological Effects of Tumor Promoters 616.994 COC c Erich Hecker Raven Press 1982
195 College Chemistry in the laboratory 2 540 MAL c L.E. Malm W.H. Freeman & Co. 1954 2
196 Colloidal Drug Delivery Systems 615.6 COL c Jorg Kreuter Marcel Dekker, Inc 1994 v.66
197 Colonical drug Absorption and Metabolism 615.7 COL c Peter R. Bieck Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 v.60
198 Coloring of Food, drugs, and cosmetics 664 OTT c Mixa, Otterstatter Marcel Dekker, Inc 1999
199 Cometic Lipids and the Skin Barrier 668.5 COS c Förster Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
200 Common Frarance and Flavor Materials 641.3 BAU c Kuit Bauer,Dorothea G. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft 1990
201 Companywide Quality Control 658.5 CON c Yoshio Kondo 3A Corporation 1995
202 Compatibility of Pharmaceutical Products and Contact Materials 615.19 DEN c Jenke John Wiley & Sons 2009
203 Compounding sterile preparations 615.18 BUC c Buchanan, Schneider American Society of Health system Pharmacists, Inc 2004 2
204 Comprehensive medicinal chemistry : biopharmaceutics 615.19 COM c Hansch Pergamon press 1990 5
205 Comprehensive Pharmacy Review 615.1 COM c Shargel, et al. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2010 7
206 Computer Applications in Pharmacy 615.402 FAS c William E. Fassett Lea & Febiger 1986
207 Concept in drug metabolism (part A) 615.7 CON c Testa, jenner Marcel Dekker, Inc 1980 vol 10
208 Conditioning Agents for Hair and Skin 613.488 CON c Schueller & Romanowski Marcell Dekker, Inc 1999
209 Construction Measurements 624 BAR c B. Austin Barry John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 1973
210 Contemporary Biology 574 BEE c Leonard Beevers elsevier 1976
211 Contemporary polymer Chemistry 547.7 ALL c Harry R. Allcock Prentice Hall 1990 2
212 Control and Prediction of Solid-State of Pharmaceuticals Rajni M. Bhadwaj Springerr 2015
213 Control of hospital Infection a Practical Handbook 615.4 CON c G. A..J .Ayliffe Chapman & Hall Medical 1992 3
214 Control of Physical Properties in Pharmaceutical Forms 615.19 BRU c Bruno M Colombo Medico 1976 1
215 Controlled Drug Delivery 615.19 JEA c Robinson & Lee Marcell Dekker, Inc 1987 2
216 Controlled Drug Release of Oral Dosage forms 615.19 CON c Jean Maurice V. Ellis Horwood 1993
217 Controlled Realease Pharmaceuticals 615.19 CON c John Urquhart,M.D. American Pharmaceutical 1980
218 Controlled-release of Biologically Active Agent 615.19 BAK c Baker John Wiley & Sons 1987
219 Cooper and Gunn Pendispensan untuk penuntut farmasetik (terjemahan) 615.4 COO c Carter Universiti Sains Malaysia 1992
220 Cosmeceuticals and Active Cosmetics 615.778 COS c Elsner & Maibach Taylor & Francis Group 2000 2
221 Cosmeceuticals–Drug vs Cosmetics 668.55 COS c Elsner & Maibach Marcell Dekker, Inc 2000
222 Cosmetic Analysis–Selective Method and Technique 669.55 COS c Borré et al Marcell Dekker, Inc 1985
223 Cosmetic and Drug Preservation–Principle and Practice 668.55 COS c Jon J. Kabara Marcell Dekker, Inc 1984
224 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations Vol1 668.55 ERN c Flick Noyes Publications 1989 2
225 Cosmetic Dermatology–Priciples & Practice 616.5 LES c Baumann McGraw Hill 2002
226 Cosmetic Lipids and the Skin Barrier 668.19 COS c Thomas Forster Marcel Dekker 2002
227 Cosmetic Lipids and the Skin Barrier 668.5 COS c Thomas Forster Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
228 Cosmetic Product Testing–A Modern Psychophysical Approach 668.55 HOW c Moskowitz Marcell Dekker, Inc 1984
229 Cosmetics Science and Technology 668.55 COS c M.S.Balsam S John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1972 2
230 Cosmetics–Science and Technology 668.55 COS c Balsam & Sagarin John Wiley & Sons 1974 2 vol.1
231 Cosmetics–Science and Technology 668.55 COS c Balsam & Sagarin John Wiley & Sons 1974 2 vol.3
232 Cosmetology the keystone guide to beauty culture 646.72 COL c Anthony B. Colletti Keystone Publications 1972
233 Cosmeuticals Active Skin Treatment 668.55 COS c Kligman, et al. Allured Publishing Corp. 2002
234 Creatine, the power supplement 612.01 WIL c Melvin H. Williams Human Kinetics 1999
235 Crystal structure analysis : a primer 547.83 GLU c Glusker, Trueblood Oxford University Press 1985 2
236 Crystallography 548.8 DIE c Schwarzenbach John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1993
237 Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal Plants 633.8 CUL c Hornok John Wiley & Sons 1992
238 Current concepts in the pharmaceutical sciences : biopharmaceutics 615.7 CUR c Swarbrick Lea & Febigger 1970
239 Current concepts in the pharmaceutical sciences : dosage form design and bioavailability 615.7 CUR c Swarbrick Lea & Febigger 1973
240 Current Veterinary Therapy 636.2 CUR c KIRK Univercity Book 5
241 Daftar Obat Esensial Nasional 1998 615.1 IND d BPOM BPOM 1998
242 Dale and Appelbe’s Pharmacy Law and Ethics eigth edition 615.4 APP d H.S. Bean; Academic Press, London 1971
243 Dasar – Dasar Ekologi Hewan 591.5 SOE d Soetjipta Depdikbud 1993
244 Dasar – Dasar Mikrobiologi 2 576 PEL d Michael J.Pelczar UIP 1988 2
245 Dasar- dasar Biokomia jilid.1 & 2 660.63 ALB d Albert L. Lehninger Erlangga 1982
246 Dasar Kromatografi Cair 543.089 JOH d Edward L.Johnson ITB 1991
247 Dasar Kromatografi Gas 543.089 MCN d McNair, Harold M ITB 1988
248 Dasar-dasar Biokimia 574.1 POE d Anna Poadjiadi UI Press 1994
249 Dasar-dasar metode numerik 511.93 SUS d I Nyoman Susila Depdikbud 1993
250 Dermal Absorptionand Toxicity Assessment 616.5 MIC d Roberts & Walters Marcell Dekker, Inc 1998
251 Dermatologic, Cosmeceutics, and Cosmetic Development-Therapeutic and Novel Approaches 616.5 DER d Walters & Roberts Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2008
252 Dermatological Formulation–Percutaneous Absorption 615.7 BRI d Barry Marcell Dekker, Inc 1983
253 Dermatological Preparations for the Tropics 615.26 PET d Bakker et al University of Groningen 1989
254 Dermatological Preparations for the Tropics 615.26 DER d Bakker et al University of Groningen 2012
255 Derug Targeting and Delivery H.E. Junginger Ellis Horwood 1992
256 Design and analysis of bioavailability and bioequivalence studies 615.7 DES d Chow, Liu CRC Press, Inc 2009 3
257 Design of Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems 616.19 XIA d Li & Jasti McGraw Hill 2006
258 Desinfeksi dan Sterilisasi 615.19 AGO d Goeswin Agoes ITB Bandung 1969
259 Developing New Products With TQM 658.56 GEV d Charles Gevirtz McGraw Hill Book Company 1994
260 Developing pharmacy practice : a focus on patient care 615.1 WOR d Wiedenmayer WHO & international pharmaceutical federation 2006
261 Developing solid oral dosage forms : Pharmaceutical theory and practice 615.19 DEV d Yihong Qiu Elsevier North Holland, Inc 2009
262 Development and Validation of Analytical Methods 615.19 DEV d Riley& Rosanske Pergamon 1996 1
263 Dictionary of abbreviations in medical sciences 610.14 HEI d Rolf Heister Springer-Verlag 1989
264 Dictionary of Organic Compounds 547.003 DIC d J.I.G. Cadogan Eyre & Spottiswoode 1974
265 Dictionnaire Vidal 615.1 DIC d Jascues 11, rue Quentin-Bauchart 1981 57n
266 Diet and Disease in Traditional and Developing Societies 613.2 DIE d Harrison & Waterlow Cambridge University Press 1990
267 Dietary fibre-a Component of Food Nutritional Function in Health and Disease 613.28 SCH d Thomas F. Schweizer Springer-Verlag 1992
268 Dietary Supplements 615.3 PAM d Mason Pharmaceutical Press 2007 3
269 DIFCO Manual 576.1 DIF d DIFCO Laboratories DIFCO Laboratories 1948
270 Diktat Kuliah, Teknologi Farmasi Sediaan Steril 615 DIK t Tim FMIPA-ITB 1995
271 Dilevery Tecnologies for Biopharmaseuticals 615.6 DEL d Jorgrnsen Wiley 2009
272 Disinfection, Sterilization, and preservation 615.14 DIS d Lawrence, Block Lea & Febigger 1971
273 Dispersion of Powders in Liquids 615.19 PAR d Parfitt Applied science publisher Ltd 1973 ed 2
274 Dissolution Theory, Metodology and Testing 615.19 DIS d Palmieri III Dissolution Technologies, Inc 2007
275 Dissolution, Bioavailability & Bioequivalence 615.1 ABD d Hamed M. Abdou Mack Printing Company 1989
276 Dissolution, Bioavailability, and Bioequivalence 615.19 HAM d Abdou Mack Publishing Company 1989
277 Documentation Basics That Support Good 615.1’068.5-dc Carol DeSain Advanstar 1993
278 DOI, Data Obat di Indonesia 615.1 PUR d S.L. Purwanto Hardjosaputra Muliapurna Jayaterbit 2008 11
279 Doing sport psychology 796.01 AND d Mark. B. Andersen Human Kinetics 2000
280 Domentation Basics 615.J DES d Carol DeSain Advanstar 1993
281 Doping 615.1 MOE d Dangsina Moeloek 1989
282 Doping In Elite Sport,the politics of drugs in the olympic movement 362.29 WIL d Wayne Wilson Human Kinetics 2001
283 Drg stereochemistry analytical method and pharmacology Jozwiak Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2012
284 Drug Stability, Principles and Practices 615.1 CAR d Jens T. Carstensen Marcel Dekker 1990
285 Drug Absorption and Disposition 615.6 DRU d Ke4nnetS. Albert, Ph.D Second Printing 1983
286 Drug Action at the Molecular level 615.7 DRU d Roberts Macmillan Press 1977
287 Drug and biological development : from molecule to product and beyond 615.19 DRA d Evens Springer Science Business Media B.V 2007
288 Drug bioavailability 615.19 DRU d Waterbeemd, Testa John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 40
289 Drug Delivery and Targeting 615.10 DRU d hillery Taylor & Francis Group 2001
290 Drug Delivery Devices 615.5 DRU d James Swarbrick Marcel Dekker. INC 1988
291 Drug Delivery Nanoparticles Formulation and Characterisation 616.6 DRU d Pathak & Thassu Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2009
292 Drug Delivery Strategies for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs 615.5 DRU d Dennis Douroumis Wiley 2013
293 Drug Delivery System 615.1 DRU d R.L. Juliano Oxford 1978
294 Drug Delivery Systems 615.5 RAN d Vasant V. Ranade CRC 2004 2
295 Drug Delivery Systems 615.6 DRU d Kewal K.Jain Humana Press 2010
296 Drug Delivery SystemS 615.7 DRU d R.L. Juliano Oxford 1980
297 Drug Delivery to the Gastrointestinal Tract 615.73 DRU d Hardy Ellis Horwood, Ltd 1989
298 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 615.73 DRU d Christopher T. Rodhes Dekker 1995 9,21
299 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy F Gurtler and R. Gurny Marcel Dekker, INC 1995 1,21
300 Drug Dilevery, Principles and Applications 615.6 WAN d Binghe Wang,Teruna Siahaan John wiley & Sons 2005
301 Drug Discovery a History 615.19 SNE d Walter Sneader John Wiley & Sons 2005
302 Drug Discovery and Development, Traditional Medicine and Ethnopharmacology 615.19 PAT d Bhushan Patwardhan NIPA 2007
303 Drug Discovery and Evaluation,Pharmacological Assays. Part 1 615.3 VOG d H.Gerhard Vogel Springer 2008 2
304 Drug Discovery and Evaluation,Pharmacological Assays. Part 2 615.3 VOG d H.Gerhard Vogel Springer 2008 2
305 Drug Facts and Comparisons 615.1 DRU d Facts & Cimparisons Wolters Kluwer 2008 1
306 Drug Facts and Comparisons 615.1 DRU d Facts & Cimparisons Wolters Kluwer 2008 2
307 Drug Facts and Comparisons 615.1 DRU d Facts & Cimparisons Wolters Kluwer 2008 3
308 Drug Formulation 615.19 RAC d Rãcz John Wiley & Sons 1989
309 Drug formulation manual : Supplement 2001 615.19 KOH d Kohli, shah Eastern publisher 2001
310 Drug formulations manual 615.19 KOH d Kohli, shah Eastern publisher 2005 3
311 Drug Formulations Manual 615.19 KOH d D.P.S. Kohli Grater Kailash 2000 2
312 Drug Information A Guide for Pharmacists 615.1 DRU d Patrick M.Malone Mc Graw Hill 2012 4
313 Drug Information Handbook 615.9 LAC d Charles F. Lacy Lexi-comp 2011 20
314 Drug Information Handbook 615.9 LAC d Charles F. Lacy Lexi-comp 2011 20
315 Drug Interaction Basic Principles and Clinical Problems 615.7 ALB d Joseph A.Albanese McGlow-Hill 1978
316 Drug Interactions 615.7 STO d Stockley Blackwell 1994 3
317 Drug metabolism : Chemical and Biochemical aspect 615.7 BER d Testa, jenner Marcel Dekker, Inc 1976 vol 4
318 Drug stability for pharmaceutical scientists 615.19 tho D Loftsoon Elsevier North Holland, Inc 2014
319 Drug Stability–Principles and Practices 615.18 JEN d Cartensen Marcell Dekker, Inc 1990
320 Drug Stability–Principles and Practices 615.19 DRU d Cartensen Marcell Dekker, Inc 2000 3
321 Drug Stereochemistry analytical Methods and Pharmacology 615.19 JOZ d Krzysztof Joz Wiak Informa 2012 3, Vol.211
322 Drug Targeting 615.7 DRU d H.E. Junginger Ellis Horwood 1992 1
323 Drug Targeting 615.7 DRU d Grietje Molema Wiley-VCH 2001 12
324 Drug toxicokinetics 615.7 DRU d Welling, Iglesia Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993
325 Drug Utilization Studies 615 DRU d M.N.G. Dukes WHO Regional Publications 1993
326 Drug, Device, and diagnostic manufacturing 616.1 DES d Carol DeSain Interpharm Press 1993 2
327 Drugfacts And Comparisons 615.1 NOV Kirsten H. Novak Wolters Kluwer 2008
328 Drugfacts And Comparisons 615.1 NOV Kirsten H. Novak Wolters Kluwer 2008
329 Drugfacts And Comparisons 615.1 NOV Kirsten H. Novak Wolters Kluwer 2008
330 Drugs for the Heart 615.71 DRU d Lionel H. Opie Saunders 1997 4
331 Dry Skin and Moisturizers–Chemistry and Function 616.5 DRY d Lodén & Maibach Taylor & Francis Group 2006 2
332 Dynamic Anatomy and Physiology 612 LAN d L.L. Langley Mc Graw Hill 1980 5
333 Educational Psychology 371.3 FRA e Frandsen McGraw-Hill 1967 2
334 Effective Pharmacy Management 615.19 GUM e Ashok K. Gumbhir NARD 1969 8
335 Efficiency in Research, Development and Production: The Statistical Design and Analysis of Chemical Experiments 519.1 DAV e Leslie Davies The Royl Society of Chemistry 1993
336 Ekologi Umum 385.11 MCN e McNaughton UGM 1990 2
337 Electronics for Biologists 621.3574 OFF e F.F. Offner McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1967
338 Electrophoresis in the Separation of Biological Macromolecules 574.192 GAA e O. Gaal John Wiley & Sons 1980
339 Elektrokimia dan kinetika Kimia 541.3 HIS e Hiskia Ahmad Citra Aditya Bakti 2001
340 Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry 547.046 VOG e SmallScale Longmans 1958 2
341 Elements of Ecology 574.592 SMI e Robert Leo Smith Harper Collins 1992 3
342 Elements of food engineering 664 PAR e Milton E. Parker Reinhold Publ. Corp. 1954
343 Emergency Dermatology a rapid Treatment Guide 616.50 ALA e Fleischer, et al. McGraw Hill 2002
344 Emulsion and Nanosuspensions for the formulation of poorly soluble drugs 615.4 EMU e Muller et al Medfarm Scientific publisher 1998
345 Emulsions and Emulsion Technology 660.2 EMU e Lissant Marcel Dekker, Inc 1984 vol 6, part 3
346 Emulsions and Emulsion Technology 660.2 EMU e Lissant Marcel Dekker, Inc 1974 vol 6, part 2
347 Emulsions and Emulsion Technology 660.2 EMU e Lissant Marcel Dekker, Inc 1974 vol 6, part 1
348 Emulsions, Latices, and Dispersions 541.34 EMU e Becher, Yudenfreund Marcel Dekker, Inc 1978
349 Encyclopedia of Emulsion Technology 660.296 ENC e Paul Becher Marcel Dekker, Inc 1983 1
350 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical science and technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick CRC Press, Inc 2013 edisi 4, vol 1
351 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical science and technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick CRC Press, Inc 2013 edisi 4, vol 2
352 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical science and technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick CRC Press, Inc 2013 edisi 4, vol 3
353 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical science and technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick CRC Press, Inc 2013 edisi 4, vol 4
354 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical science and technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick CRC Press, Inc 2013 edisi 4, vol 5
355 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical science and technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick CRC Press, Inc 2013 edisi 4, vol 6
356 Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical sciences and technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick CRC Press, Inc 2013
357 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 edisi 3, vol 4
358 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 edisi 3, vol 6
359 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 edisi 3, vol 1
360 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 edisi 3, vol 2
361 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 edisi 3, vol 3
362 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology 615.19 ENC e Swarbrick Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 edisi 3, vol 5
363 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1988 vol 1
364 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1990 vol 2
365 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1990 vol 3
366 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1991 vol 4
367 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1992 vol 5
368 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1992 vol 6
369 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 vol 7
370 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 vol 8
371 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1994 vol 9
372 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1994 vol 10
373 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1995 vol 11
374 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1995 vol 12
375 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1996 vol 13
376 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1996 vol 14
377 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1997 vol 15
378 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1997 vol 16
379 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1998 vol 17
380 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1999 vol 18
381 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology : Supplement 2 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick, Boylan Marcel Dekker, Inc 2000 vol 19
382 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical technology: Supplement 3 615.1 ENC e Swarbrick Marcel Dekker, Inc 2001 vol 20, sup 3
383 Encyclopedia of science and technology 615.19 ENC e Parker Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company 1978
384 Endotoxins : Pyrogens, LAL testing, and depyrogenation 579.5 END e William Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 ed 3, vol 167
385 Engineering Economic Analysis 658.15 NEW e NEWMAN, Donald G. Binarupa Aksara 1990 3
386 Enhancement in Drug Delivery 615.1 ENH e Elka Touitou CRC 2007
387 Enkapsulasi Farmasetika (SFI-5) 615.19 AGO e Goeswin Agoes ITB 2010
388 Enkapsulasi Farmastik (SFI-5) 615.19 AGO e Goeswin Agoes ITB Bandung 2010 5
389 Environmental, Health, and Safety Auditing Handbook Second Edition 615.4 HAR e Lee Harrison McGraw Hill 1990 2
390 Essentials of Molecular Pharmacology 615.19 AND e Andrejus Korolkovas Wiley 1970
391 essentials of pharmaceutical Chemistry 615.19 DON e Donald Cairns PhP 2008 3
392 Essentials of pharmaceutical preformulation 615.1 GAI e gaisford, Saunders John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2013
393 Essentials of Pharmacy Management 362.178 TOO e Dennis H. Tootelian Mosby Year book 1993
394 Essentials of pharmacy management 362.1 TOO e Tootelian, Gaedeke Mosby yearbook Inc 1993
395 Essentials of Physiology 612 ESS e J.F Lamb Blackwell Scientific Publications 1980
396 Essentials of Primary Care Sports Medicine 617.1 LAN e Gregory L. Landry Human Kinetics 2003
400 Evaluasi & Coaching Medical Reps 615.19 FIK e Wardana Elex Media Komputindo 2008
401 Evaluation Of The Carcinogenic Hazards of food additives 664 FOO e FAO/WHO 1961
402 Evolving Concepts in Gastrointestinal Motiliting 616.3 EVO e Champion & Orr Blackwell 1996
403 Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Delivery System 615 EXC e Ashok Katdare Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2006
404 Exercise in rehabilitation medicine 615.82 FRO e Walter .R. Frontera Human Kinetics 2006 2
405 Experimental and Surgical Technique in the Rat 507.24 WAY e Waynforth Academic Press 1980
406 Extended stability for parenteral drugs 615.8 EXT e Bing American Society of Health system Pharmacists, Inc 2005 3
407 Extended-Release Dosage Forms 615.19 LES e Krówczyński CRC Press 1987
408 Farmakodinami dan terapi Anti Biotik 615.7 FAR f WATTIMENA, Joke R. Gadjah Mada University Press 1991
409 Farmakokinetika & Farmakodinamika 615.7 THO f Tozer, Rowland Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006
410 Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik 615.7 KAT f Katzung,Bertram G. Salemba Medika 2002 8
411 Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik, Katzung 615.7 KAT f Katzung,Bertram G. Salemba Medika 2001 8
412 Farmakope Herbal China 615.321 CHI f
413 Farmakope Herbal China 615.321 CHI f
414 farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DepKes RI DepKes RI 2014 5, Bk.1
415 farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DepKes RI DepKes RI 2014 5, Bk.2
416 farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DepKes RI DepKes RI 1995 4
417 Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f Depkes Depkes 1995 4
418 Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DEPKES RI DEPKES RI 2014 5
419 Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DEPKES RI DEPKES RI 2014 5
420 Farmakope Indonesia Edisi 2 615.1 IND f DEPKES RI DEPKES RI 1972 2
421 Farmakope Indonesia Edisi IV 615.1 IND f DEPKES RI DEPKES RI 1995 4
422 Farmakope Obat Hewan Indonesia Jilid II 615.19 FAR f DepPer RI DepPer RI 2001 2
423 Farmasetika 2, Biofarmasi 615 DEV f Devissaquet J Airlangga University 1993 2
424 Farmasi Fisik Dasar-Dasar Kimia Fisik Dalam Ilmu Farmasetik 615.4 MAR f Alfred Martin UI 1990 3
425 Farmasi Fisik Dasar-Dasar Kimia Fisik Dalam Ilmu Farmasetik 615.4 MAR r Alfred Martin, UI 1990 3
426 Farmasi Klinik :Teori dan Penerapan 615.4 SIR f Charles J.P.Siregar EGC 2005
427 Farmasi Klinis (Clinical Pharmacy) : Menuju Pengobatan Rasional dan Penghargaan pilihan Pasien 615.1 FAR f Mohamad Aslan,; Chik Kaw Tan; Adji Prayitno Elex Media Komputindo 2003
428 Farmasi Rumah Sakit Teori & Penerapan 362.17 SIR f Charles J.P.Siregar EGC 2003
429 Farmasi Rumah Sakit teori dan penerapan 362.17 SIR f Charles J.P.Siregar, Lia Amalia EGC 2004
430 Fasttrack : Pharmaceutics dosage form and design 615.19 DAV f Jones Pharmaceutical press 2008
431 Fasttrack : Pharmaceutics drug delivery and targetting 615.1 YVO p Perrie, rades Pharmaceutical press 2010
432 Fasttrack : Pharmaceutics drug delivery and targetting 615.1 YVO p Perrie, rades Pharmaceutical press 2010
433 Fasttrack : Physical Pharmacy 615.19 DAV f Attwood, Florence Pharmaceutical press 2008
434 fasttrack: Manging symptoms in the pharmacy 615.19 ALA f Nathan Pharmaceutical press 2008
435 fasttrack: Pharmaceutical compounding and dispensing 615.19 CHR f Langley, Belcher Pharmaceutical press 2008
436 FDA bioequivalence standards 615.19 FDA f Lawrence, Springer Science Business Media B.V 2014
437 Feedback Control of dynamic Systems 629.8 FRA f Gene F. Franklin Addison Wesley 1969 3
438 Fessenden & Fessenden Kimia Organik edisi ketiga jilid 1 574.1 FES k Ralp J, Fessenden Alih.bhs Erlangga 1986
439 Fessenden ,Organic Chemistry 547 FES o Ralph J. Fessenden Brooks 1990 4
440 Fessenden ; Kimia Organik 574.1 FES k Ralph J. Fessenden Erlangga 1986 3
441 Fine powders preparation, properties, and uses 620.43 VEA f Veale Applied science publisher Ltd 1972
442 Fisika untuk Ilmu-ilmu Hayati 719.44 CRO f Allan H. Cromer UGM Press 1994 2
443 Fisiologi Ikan : dasar pengembagangan teknik perikanan 597 YUS f Fujaya Rineka Cipta 2008
444 Fitness Nutrition for Special Dietary Needs 613.20 VOL f Stella Lucia Volpe Human Kinetics 2007
445 Fitoterapi Dasar 615.321 ABD f Mun’im & Hanani Dian Rakyat 2011
446 Food Allergy: Adverse Reactions to Foods and Food Additives 616.97 MET f Dean D. Metcalfe Blackwell Scientific Publications 1991
447 Food and beverage control 642.406 KET f D.C. Keister Prentice Hall 1990 2
448 Food and Bioengineering Fundamental and Industrial Aspects 664 LAW f Ben Lawrence American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1971
449 Food Biochemistry 664 ALA f Charles Alais Ana Ellis Horwood 1991
450 Food Chemistry 664.43 FOO f Lillian Hoagland Meyer The Avi Publising 1982
451 Food Contaminants Sources and Surveillance 664 CRE f Colin Creaser The Royal Chemistry 1991
452 Food Industries Manual 664 RAN f M D Ranken Blackie 1988
453 Food Microbiology 664 FRA f William C. Frazier Mc Graw Hill 1988 4
454 Food Packaging Principles and Practice 664.092 ROB f Gordon L.Robertson Marcel Dekker, INC 1993
454 Food Packaging and Converting Technology Harold a.Hughes Marcel Dekker, INC 1993
455 Food Safety Administration of Japan 664 JAP f JICA JICA 1981
456 Food safety and quality assurance, applications of immunoassay systems 664.07 MOR f M.R.A. Morgan Elsevier science publishers 1992
457 Food Safety Assessment 363.19 FIN f John W. Finley American Chemical Society 1992
458 Food safety issues associated with products from aquaculture 664 WHO f WHO WHO 1999
459 Food safety, a techno-legal analysis 664.07 MAH f S.N. Mahindru The McGraw-Hill publishing 2000
460 Food Sanitation in Japan, Part II 665 JAP f JICA JICA 1981
461 Food Sanitation in Japan, Part III 666 JAP f JICA JICA 1981
462 Food Sanitation Law 664 FOO f Japan Food Hygiene Ass. 1972
463 Food Science 664 POT f Norman N. Potter Chapman & Hall 1995 5
464 Foodborne Microorganisms of Public Health Significance 576.1 FOO f Buckle AIFST 1989 4
465 Foodborne Microorganisms of Public Health Significance 664.581 FOO f Ailsa D.Hocking AIFST INC 2017 6
466 Foods of Plant Origin Production, Technology, and Human Nutrition 664 FOO f D. K. Salunkhe Van Nostrand Reinhold 1991
467 Formes Pharmaceutiques Nouvelles 615.1 FOR f P. Buri F. Pusieux TEC.SDOC 1985
468 Formes Pharmaceutiques Pour Application Locale 615.1 FOR f M. Seller MC.Maktini Tec. Doc 1996
469 Formularium der nederlandse apothekers 615.1 NED f 1968 1
470 Formularium Der Nederlandse Apothekers 615.1 NED f Nederland Nederland 1969 1
471 Formularium der nederlandse apothekers: Hoofdstuk 1 615.1 NED f 1987
472 Formularium nasional 615.1 FOR f Depkes RI Depkes RI 1978 2
473 Formularium Nasional 615.1 IND f DepKes RI DepKes RI 1978 2
474 Formulartion of Veterinary Dosage Forms 636 FOR f Jack Blodinger Marcel Dekker, Inc 1983 vol 17
475 Formulasi steril 614.48 LUK f Stefanus Lukas Andi Offset 2006
476 Formulating for Sun 616.5 FOR f Allured Publishing Corp. 2006
477 Formulating poorly water soluble drugs 615.19 FOR f Williams III Springer, American association of pharmaceutical scientist 2012
478 formulation and Preparation of Dosage Forms 615.14 FOR f J. Polderman Elselvier 1977
479 Formulation and analytical development for low-dose oral drug products 615.1 FOR f Zheng John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2009
480 Formulation and Function of Cosmetics 668.55 STE f Jellinek John Wiley & Sons 1970
481 Foundations of sport & exercise psychology, 3rd ed. 796.01 WEI f R.S. Weinberg Human Kinetics 2001 3
482 Freeze-Drying / Lyophylization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products 615.19 FRE f Rey & May Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2010 3
483 Freeze-drying and Advanced Food Technology 615.19 FRE f Goldblith, et al. Academic Press 1975
484 Fundamental Concepts in Chemical Chemistry 541 DEV f Thakur S. Chand & Co. Ltd. 2001
485 Fundamental Concepts of Biology 574 NEL f Gideon E.Nelson John Wiley & Sons 1970 2
486 Fundamentals of Anatomy dan Physiology 611.9 MAR f Frederic H. Martini Benjamin Cummings 2009 8
487 Fundamentals of drug metabolism and drug disposition 615.7 FUN f La Du Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1971
488 Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy 615.321 FUN f Hendrich et al Churchill Livingstone 2004 1
489 Further MCQs in Pharmacy Practice 615.19 AZZ f Lilian M Azzopardi Pharmaceutical Press 2006
490 Galenica 2, Biopharmacie 615.19 GAL g AIACHE J Technique et Documen 1978 2
491 Gas Chromatography 543.085 WIL g J.E.Willett John Wiley & Sons 1991
492 Gastrointestinal Transit–Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 615.32 GAS g Kamm & Lennard-Jones Wrightson Biomedical Publishing 1991
493 Gene Cloning & DNA Analysis 572.8 BRO g T.A.Brown John Wiley & Sons 2010 6
494 General Biology for Colleges 574 MOM g Gairdner B. Moment Appleton-Century-Crofts 1942
495 Generic Drug Formulations 615.1 BUH g Volker Buhler BASF 1998 2
496 Generic Drug Formulations 615.1 BUH g Volker Bohler BASF 1997 1
497 Generic Drug Product Development 615.19 GEN g Isadore Kanfer Informa 2010 v.201
498 Generic drugs product development : solid oral dosage forms 615.19 GEN g Kanfer, Shargel CRC Press, Inc 2014 edisi 2, vol 129
499 Generic drugs product development : solid oral dosage forms 615.19 GEN g Kanfer, Shargel Marcel Dekker, Inc 2005
500 Generic drugs product development : speciality dosage forms 615.19 GEN g Kanfer, Shargel Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2010 vol 204
501 GLP Quality Adult manual 657.45 MIL g Anderson Interpharm press, Inc 1992 2
502 Glycolic Acid Peels 615.19 GLY g Moy et al Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
503 Good Laboratory Practice and Current Good Manufacturing Practice, A Primer 669.95 LUD g Ludwig Huber Hewlett-Packard 1994
504 Good Laboratory Practice Regulations 574.072 GOO g Weinberg Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2007 4
505 Good Laboratory Practice Regulations 574.072 GOO g Hirsch et al Marcell Dekker, Inc 1989
506 Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical 615.1 SID g Sidney H Willing Dekker 1982 2
507 Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical: A plan for total quality control from manufacturer to consumer 615.1 SID g Sidney H Willing Marcel Dekker, Inc 2001 ed 5
508 Good Pharmaceutical Freeze-Drying Practice 615.19 GOO i Peter Cameron Interpharm Press 1997
509 Goodman & Gilman Dasar Farmakologi Terapi 615.1 JOE g Joel G.Hardman ; Lee E.Limbird EGC 2008 10
510 Goodman & Gilman The Pharmacological Basic of Theurapeutic 615 JOE g Joel G.Hardman ; Lee E.Limbird McGraw-Hill 2001 10
511 Goodman & Gilman The Pharmacological Basic of Theurapeutic 615.7 GOO g Laurence L.Brunton McGraw-Hill 2006 11
512 Goodman & Gilman The Pharmacological Basic of Theurapeutic 615.7 GOO g Laurence L.Brunton McGraw-Hill 2006 11
513 Goodman & Gilman The Pharmacological Basic of Theurapeutic 615.7 JOE g Joel G.Hardman ; Lee E.Limbird McGraw-Hill 2001 10
514 Granulation 620.43 SHE g Sherrington, Oliver Heyden & Son Ltd 1981
515 Guide to drug development 615.19 SPI g Bert Spilker Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2009
516 Guyton, Fisiologi Manusia dan mekanisme penyakit 612 GUY f Arthur c Guyton EGC 1990 3
517 HACCP Principles and Applications 664 HAC h Merle D. Pierson Chapman & Hall 1994
518 Handbook of basic pharmacokinetic : including clinical applications 615.7 WOL h Ritschel, Kearns American pharmacist association 2004 6
519 handbook of bioequivalence testing 615.7 SAR h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007
520 Handbook of Clinical Pharmacokinetics 615 HAN h Milo Gibaldi Adis Health S.Press
521 Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology 668.55 HAN h Barel Marcell Dekker, Inc 2001
522 Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology 668.55 HAN h Barel Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2009 3
523 Handbook of Dissolution Testing 615.9 HAN h Royal Hanson ; Vivian Gray Dissolution Technologies, Inc 2004 3
524 Handbook of Food Preservation 664 FOO f Rahman Marcell Dekker, Inc 1999
525 Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice 615.1 HAN i BROWN, Thomas R. ASHP 1992 3
526 Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice 615.4 BRO p Thomas R.Brown. ASHP 1992
527 Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice 615.1 HAN h Thomas R. Brown ASHP 1986 2
528 Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice 615.4 BRO i Thomas R. Brown ASHP 1992 3
529 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 615.321 JAM h Duke CRC Press 1987
530 Handbook of Modern Pharmaceutical Analysis 615.19 HAN h Ahuja et al Academic Press 2001 3
531 Handbook of Package Marterials 615.7 SAC h Stanley Sacharow The Avi Publising 1976
532 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipient 615 RAY h Raymond C Rowe Pharmaceutical Press 2009 6
533 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Controlled-Release Technology 615.19 HAN h Wise Marcell Dekker, Inc 2000
534 Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients 615.19 HAN h Rowe American pharmaceutical association, Pharmaceutical press 2009 6
535 Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients 615.19 HAN h Rowe American pharmaceutical association, Pharmaceutical press 2012 7
536 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology 615.19 HAN h Parikh Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2010 ed 3, vol 198
537 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology 615.19 HAN h Dilip M.Parikh Marcel Dekker, Inc 1997 v.81
538 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: compressed solid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 1
539 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: compressed solid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi CRC Press, Inc 2004 vol 1
540 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: liquid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 3
541 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: liquid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi CRC Press, Inc 2004 vol 3
542 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: over the counter products 615.19 NIA h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 5
543 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: over the counter products 615.19 NIA h Niazi CRC Press, Inc 2004 vol 5
544 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: semisolid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 4
545 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: semisolid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi CRC Press, Inc 2004 vol 4
546 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: sterile products 615.19 NIA h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 6
547 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: sterile products 615.19 NIA h Niazi CRC Press, Inc 2004 vol 6
548 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: uncompressed solid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 2
549 Handbook of pharmaceutical manufacturing formulation: uncompressed solid products 615.19 NIA h Niazi CRC Press, Inc 2004 vol 2
550 handbook of pharmaceutical salts : properties, selection and uses 615.19 HAN h Stahl, wermuth John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2011 2
551 Handbook of Pharmacy Health-care–Diseases and Patient Advice 362.178 PHA p Harman The Pharmaceutical Press 1990
552 Handbook of Phrmacokinetics 615.7 JEA h Jean Pierre Labaune Ellis Horwood 1980
553 Handbook of powder technology: granulation 620.43 HAN h Salman Elsevier North Holland, Inc 2007 vol 11
554 Handbook of powder technology: particle breakage 620.43 HAN h Salman Elsevier North Holland, Inc 2007 vol 12
555 Handbook of Preformulation: Chemical, biological, and botanical drugs 615.19 SAR h Niazi Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007
556 Handbook of Stability Testing in Pharmaceutical Development 615.19 HAN h Hyunh-Ba et al Springer 2009
557 Handbook of Sweeteners 664 HAN h S.Marie Blackie & Sons Ltd. 1991
558 Handbook of tropical foods 631 CHA t H.T. Chan Marcel Dekker 1983
559 Handbook of U.S Colorants for foods, drugs, and cosmetics 664.06 DAN h Marmion John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1979
560 Handbook on injectable drugs 615.1 LAW h Trissel American Society of Health system Pharmacists, Inc 2011 16
561 Handbook on injectable drugs 615.1 LAW h Trissel American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Inc 1998 10
562 Handbook on Injectable Drugs 615.1 LAW h Lawrence A Trissel ASHP 1994 8
563 Handbook on Injectable Drugs 615.1 LAW h Lawrence A Trissel ASHP 2001 11
564 Handbook on teaching undergraduate science courses, a survival training manual 350.99 UNO h Gordon E. Uno Saunders College Publishing 1999
565 Harrison’s Internal Medicine V.1 616 HAR h Fauci-Braunwald-Kasper-Hauser Longi Mc.Graw Hill 2008 17
566 Harrison’s Internal Medicine V.2 616 HAR h Fauci-Braunwald-Kasper-Hauser Longi Mc.Graw Hill 2008 17
567 Harrison’s Internal Medicine V.3 616 HAR h Fauci-Braunwald-Kasper-Hauser Longi Mc.Graw Hill 2008 17
568 Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 616 HAR h Kasper McGraw-Hill 2015 9
569 Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 616 HAR h Kasper McGraw-Hill 2015 9
570 Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 616 HAR h Kasper McGraw-Hill 2015 9
571 Harry”s Cosmeticology 668.5 HAR m Raph G Harry Chemical Publishing CO 1973
572 Harry’s Cosmeticology 668.5 HAR m Ralph G.Harry Leonard Hill 1973 6
573 Hazardous Chemicals-Spills and Water-borne Transportation, Vol. 76, Nol.194 541 HAZ h S.S. Weidenbaum American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1980
574 Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals 615.321 HER h Bisset & Wicthl CRC Press 2001 2
575 Herbal Drugs Industry 615.321 HER h Chaudri Eastern Publisher 1996 1
576 Herbal Medicine 615.321 RUD h Weiss & Fintlemann Thieme Stuttgard 2000 2
577 Herbal Therapy,Medicinal,and Natural products: an IPA compilation 615.32 TOU h Dwight R. Tousignaut ASHP 1999
578 High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Phytochemical Analysis 572.2 HIG h Hajnos & Shrema CRC Press 2011
579 High Performance Liquid Chromtography 543.089 LIN h Sandy Lindsay John Wiley & Sons 1991
580 High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography 615.19 HIG h Srivastava et al Springer 2011
581 Histamine: Biology And Medical Aspects 574 FAL h A.Falus SpringMed Publishing 2004
582 Homoeophaty 615.5 REB h Wells Aurum 2000
583 Hospital Pharmacy ed.5 362 HAS h Hassan,William E. Lea & Febiger 1986 5
584 Hospitals in Transition 362.1 PAC h T.Packwood Open University Press 1991
585 Hot-Melt Extrusion : Pharmaceutical Application 615 HOT h Dennis Douroumis John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2012
586 HPLC in the Pharmaceutical Industry 615.19 HPL h Marcell Dekker, Inc 1991
587 Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation 796.06 CHE h Packianathan Chelladurai Human Kinetics 2006 2
588 Husa’s, Pharmaceutical Dispensing 615.12 HUS h Eric W. Martin Mack Publishing Company 1959 5
589 Hygiene and sanitation in food industry 664.07 ROD h S. Roday Tata McGraw-Hil publishing 1999
590 Hyginie and Sanitation in Food Industry 664 ROD h Roday McGraw Hill 1999
591 Identifikasi Obat 615.19 AUT i Auterhoff-Kovar ITB 1987
592 Ikatan Kimia 541.224 COM Audrey l. Companion ITB 1991
593 ikatan Kimia 541.224 COM i Companion ITB Bandung 1991
594 Ikatan Kimia 541.96 SYA i Nuraini Syarifudin UGM 1994
595 Ilmu Meracik Obat Teori dan Praktik 615.1 ANI i Moh. Anief UGM (Sumbangan alumni an Gama Marfin) 2000
596 Immunology 574.2 ROI i Ivan M.Roitt gower 1985
597 Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopoeia + Supplement I & II 615.1 IND i Kemenkes RI Kemenkes RI 2012 1
598 Indoor Air Quality 628.53 PHI i Philip J. Walsh CRC Press 1984
599 Industrial bioavailability and pharmacokinetics : guidelnes, regulations, and controls 615.1 ALF i Doluisio College of pharmacy, University of texas 1977
600 Industrial Marketing Management 658 HAA i Rober W. Haas 1994
601 Industrial Safety Handbook 658.2 IND i William Handley McGraw Hill 1969
602 Industrialization of Indigenous Fermented Foods 664 STE i Keith h. Steinkraus Marcel Dekker 1989
603 Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia (ISO) 615.1 IND i POM RI ISFI 2006 41
604 Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia (ISO) 615.1 IND i POM RI ISFI 2007 42
605 Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia (ISO) 615.1 IND i POM RI ISFI 2008 43
606 Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia (ISO) 615.1 IND i POM RI ISFI 2009/10 44
607 Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia (ISO) 615.1 IND i POM RI ISFI 20011/12 46
608 Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia (ISO) 615.1 IND i POM RI ISFI 2016 50
609 Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia 615.1 IND i POM RI Sagung Seto 2008
610 Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia 615.1 IND i Bakti Husada Badan POM 2000
611 Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia 615.1 IND i Sugeng Seto Badan POM 2008
612 Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia 615.1 IND i Sugeng Seto Badan POM 2017
613 Informed consent & informed refusal 615.5 GUW i Guwandi Fakultas Kedokteran UI 2003 3
614 Injectable dispersed systems : formulation, processing, and performance 615.1 INJ i Burges CRC Press, Inc 2005 vol 149
615 Injectable drug development : techniques to reduvce pain and irritation 615.6 INJ i Gutta, Brazeau Interpharm press, Inc 1999
616 Injectable drugs guide 615.1 ALI i Gray Pharmaceutical press 2011
617 Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Indutry 615.19 SCH i David Schwartzman The Johns Hopkins 1976
618 Insect Juvenile Hormones Chemistry and Action 595.7 INS i J.J. Menn Academic Press, 1972
619 Insrumental Analysis 615.19 INS i Bauer Christian 1974
620 Institutional Pharmacy Practise Thomas R. Brown Williams & wilkins 1986 2
621 Instrumen Data for Drug Analysis 615.19 INS i Terry Mills CRC Press 2005 3
622 Instrumental Methods for Quality Assurance in Foods 664.07 INS i Daniel Y.C. Fung Marcel Dekker 1991
623 Integrated Packaging Systems for Transportation and Distribution 658.5 CHA i Ebeling Marcell Dekker, Inc 1990
624 Interaksi Obat 615.70 HAR i Richard Harkness ITB 1989
625 Intermediate Organic Chemistry 547 STO i John c. Stowell John-Wiley & Sons 1993 2
626 International pharmaceutical services : The drug industry and pharmacy practice in twenty-three major countries of the world 338.4 INT i Spivey Pharmaceutical products press 1992
627 International pharmaceutical services : The drug industry and pharmacy practice in twenty-three major countries of the world 338.4 INT i Spivey Pharmaceutical products press 1992
628 International Statistical Classification Of Diseases And Related Health Problems vol.1 616.9 WHO i WHO WHO 1992 1
629 International Statistical Classification Of Diseases And Related Health Problems vol.2 616.9 WHO i WHO WHO 1993 2
630 International Statistical Classification Of Diseases And Related Health Problems vol.3 616.9 WHO i WHO WHO 1994 3
631 Interpharm Guide FDA Pre Approval 615.1 INT i Amy Davis Interpharm Press Inc 1995
632 Intravenous therapy 615.6 NEN i Nentwich Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc 1990
633 Introduction to Athletic Training 617.1 HIL i Susan Kay Hilman Human Kinetics 2005
634 Introduction to biopharmaceutics 615.7 MIL i Gibaldi Lea & Febigger 1971
635 Introduction to cosmetic formulation and technology 646.7 GAB i Baki & Alexander John Wiley & Sons 2015
636 Introduction to industrial sterilization 614.48 RIC i Richards Academic press Ltd 1968
637 Introduction to Macromolecular Science 547.7 PET i Peter Munk John Wiley & Sons 1989
638 Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers 620.11 SHA i James F. Shackelford Macmillan, 1985
639 Introduction To Parasitology 619.96 CHA i A.C. Chandler John Wiley & Sons 1961 10
640 Introduction To Parasitology 619.96 CHA i A.C. Chandler John Wiley & Sons 1961 10
641 Introduction To Parasitology
642 Introduction to Polymer Chemistry 547. 7 RAY i Raymond B. Seymour Polymer Science 1966
643 Introduction to Quality Control, Assurance, and Management 658.9 HUT i Gregory B. Hutchins Maxwell Macmillan International Publishing Group 1991
644 Introduction to Research, multiple strategies for health and human services 610.72 DEP i Elizabeth Depoy Mosby 1993
645 Introduction to Statistical Quality Control 658.5 MON i Montgomery John Wiley & Sons 2001 4
646 Introduction to Statistical Quality Control 658.5 MON i Montgomery John Wiley & Sons 2001 4
647 introduction to the pharmaceutical sciences 615.1 NIT i Pandit Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
648 Introducton to particle technology 620.43 INT i Rhodes John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2008 2
649 ISO 9000 615.1 HUT i Greg hutchins Omneo 1993
650 ISO 9000 : preparing for registration 658.5 JAM i Lamprecht Marcel Dekker, Inc 1992
651 ISO Edisi Farmakoterapi 615.1 ISO i ISFI ISFI 1990
652 ISO Indonesia ISO Indonesia PT.ISPI Penerbitan 2008 43
653 Isolation and Identification Methods for Food Poisoning Organisms 576.163 COR i Janet E. L. Corry Academic Press 1982
654 Isolation ang Identification of Drug 615.19 ISO Clarke The Pharmaceutical Press 1969
655 Janeway’s Immunobiology 616 MUR i Kenneth Murphy Gerland Science 2012 8
656 Jenkin’s quantitative pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19 JEN q Knevel, DiGangi Mc-Graw Hills Company Inc 1977 7
657 Kamus Biologi, Bioteknologi 570.3 SOE k Soemartono Adisoemarto Depdikbud 1993
658 Kamus Farmasi, Farmasi klinik 610 ELI k Elin Yulinah Depdikbud 2003
659 Kamus Istilah Kedokteran 610.3 DIF k Difa Danis Gitamedia Press
660 Kamus Kedokteran 610.3 AHM k Ahmad Ramali Djambatan 1976
661 Kamus Kimia, Biokimia 612 PUD k A.Hadyana Pudjaatmaka Depdikbud 1993
662 Kandungan Organik Tumbuhan Tinggi 581.192 ROB k Robinson Penerbit ITB 1995
663 kandungn organik tumbuhan tinggi 581.19 ROB k Trevor Robinson ITB 1995
664 Kimia dan Ekotoksikologi Pencemaran 615.92 CON k Des W.Connell UI Press 1995
665 Kimia Inti 540 BUN k Bunjali ITB Bandung 2002
666 Kimia inti radiokimia dan penggunaan radioisotop 541 ACH k Achmad Amirudin ITB
667 Kimia Medisinal 615.7 NOG k Nogrady Penerbit ITB 1992 2
668 Kimia Organik 1 547 PIN k Pine et al Penerbit ITB 1988 4
669 Kimia Peptida 635 BOD k Miklos Bodanszky ITB 1998
670 Kimia Polimer 547.28 STE k Stevens Pradnya Paramita 2001
671 Kimia Polimer 547.7 COW k Cowd ITB Bandung 1991
672 Kimia Polimer 547.7 COW k Cowd ITB 1991
673 Kimia Unsur dan Radiokimia 541.38 HIS k Hiskia Achmad Citra Aditya Bakti 2001
674 kimia untuk Universitas 540 KEE k Keenan Erlangga 1989 6
675 Kodeks Kosmetika Indonesia 646.72 KOD k Depkes RI Depkes RI 1980 I
676 Kodeks Kosmetika Indonesia 646.72 KOD k Depkes RI Depkes RI 1993 II, vol I
677 Kodeks Kosmetika Indonesia 646.72 KOD k Depkes RI POM RI 1981
678 Kodeks Makanan Indonesia tentang Bahan Tambahan Makanan 641.3 KOD k Depkes RI Depkes RI 1979
679 Kollidon 615 BAS k Volker Buhler BASF 1992
680 Kompendium Farmasi 615.1 HAR k Sean C Sweetman Pharmaceutical Press 2011
681 Kompendium Farmasi 615.1 HAR k Hartono 1980
682 Kompendium Farmasi 615.1 HAR k Hartono Hdw 1977
683 Kompendium Farmasi ke-4 615.1 HAR k Hartono 1981
684 Kompendium Farmasi ke-6 615.1 HAR k Hartono 1983
685 Kompetensi Farmasis Indonesia tahun 2003 (ISFI) 615 IKA k ISFI ISFI 2003
686 Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy 615.8 MAH f L. Kathleen Maban W.B. Saunders 1974 9
687 Kremer and Urdang’s:History of Pharmacy 615.409 KRE k Kremers JB Lippincott Co. 1976
688 Kuliah di dalam Teknologi Farmaseutik 615.19 BAI k saringat Haji Baie USM 1985 1
689 Laboratorium Farmakologi 542.1 LAB l J.R. Wattimena 1993
690 Laboratory Handbook Of Paper and thin – layer Chromatography 544.9 GAS l Jiri Gasparic Jhon Wiley and sons 1978
691 Laboratory investigations for general biology 574.07 WEA l William G. Weaver J.B. Lippincott comp. 1972
692 Laboratory Manual For Principles and Processes of Pharmacy 615.19 BUR l Joseph B. Burt Mc Graw Hill 1949 2
693 LANGE, Medical Microbiology 616 JAW m Geo.F.Brooks McGraw-Hill 2004 23
694 Law and Ethics, A guide for the health professional 347.30 SID l Nathan T. Sidley Human Sciences Press 1985
695 Les Syndromes Epileptiques de I’enfant et de I’adolescent 616.853 SYN s J. Roger John Libbey 1984
696 Lipid Nanoparticles : Production, Characterization, and Stability 620.1 ROH l Shah et al Springer 2015
697 Liposomes 574.87 LIP l Ostro Marcell Dekker, Inc 1983
698 Liposomes as Tools in Basic Research and Industry 574.8 LIP l Phillippot & Schuber CRC Press 1995
699 Liposomes Drug Delivery Systems 615.7 BET l Betageri, et al. Technomic Publication 1993
700 Liposomes Technology–Incorporation of Drugs, Proteins, and Genetic Materials 615.19 LIP l Gregoriadis CRC Press 1986 Vol.2
701 Liposomes Technology–Targeted Drug Delivery and Biological Interaction 615.19 LIP l Gregoriadis CRC Press 1984 vol.1
702 Liposomes–Rational Design 7615.19 LIP l Janoff Marcell Dekker, Inc 1999
703 Lippincott’s ; Photo Atlas of Medication Administration 615.4 TAY p Carol Taylor Lippincott Williams 2004
704 management of Poisoning,a handbook for healt care workers 615.9 HEN m J.Henry WHO 1997
705 Managing pharmacy practice: principles, strategies, and systems 615.4 PET m Andrew M. Peterson CRC Press 2004
706 Managing Pharmacy Practice–Principles. Strategies, and Systems 615.4 MAN m Peterson CRC Press 2004
707 Managing the Clinical Drug Development Process Vol 51 615.19 DAV m Cocchetto & Nardi Marcell Dekker, Inc 1992
708 Manajemen Apotik 610.73 HAR m Hartono Hwd DIO 1998
709 Manajemen Pemasaran Analisis dan Formulasi Strategi Produk Farmasi 658.05 CEP m Cepi Maryadi Pancar Gradia 2014
710 Manfaat Tanaman Obat 615.32 IND p DepKes RI DepKes RI 1989 3
711 Manual Nutritional Therapeutics 615.19 ALP a David H. Alpers Little, Brown & Company 1995 3
712 Manual of clinical pharmacology 616.5 MAN m Robertson, Smith Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
713 manual of Laboratory pharmacokinetics 615.7 STE m Curry, Whelpton John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1983
714 Manual of Nutritional Therapeutics 615.8 ALP m David H. Alpers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2002 4
715 Manufacturing Organization and Management second Management 658.5 AMR m Harold F. Amrine Prentice Hall 1971 2
716 Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems 615.198 VOL m Thomas E. Vollmann Dow Jones-Irwin 1988 2
717 Margarine 637 AND m A.J.C.Andersen Pergamon Press Limited 1954
718 Marketing for Pharmacists 615.10 HOL m David A. Holdford American Pharmaceutical Association 2003
719 Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach 612.1 SMI m Smith, Colleen M. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1996 2
720 Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry A Clinical Approach 612.1 SMI m Smith, Colleen M. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1996 2
721 Martindale : The Extra Pharmacopoeia 615.1 MAR e James E.F Reynolds PhP 1982 28
722 Martindale : The Extra Pharmacopoeia 615.1 MAR e James E.F Reynolds PhP 1982 28
723 Martindale : The Extra Pharmacopoeia 615.1 MAR e James E.F Reynolds PhP 1982 28
724 Martini, Fundamental of Anatomy & Physiology 612 MAR f MARTINI, Frederich Pearson Education 5
725 Martin’s physical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 615.19 PAT m Patrick J. Sinko Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2011 6
726 Masalah Obat-obat bius (Narkotika) dan Penyalahgunaannya 616.86 PARm Fak. K UNPAD Fak. K UNPAD 1975
727 Matematika Dasar Untuk Biologiwan 649.56 DAV m David R. Causton UGM 1992
728 Materia Medika Indonesia 615.1.IND m DepKes RI DepKes RI 1977 1
729 Materia Medika Indonesia 615.1.IND m DepKes RI DepKes RI 1978 2
730 Materia Medika Indonesia 615.1.IND m DepKes RI DepKes RI 1979 3
731 Materia Medika Indonesia 615.1.IND m DepKes RI DepKes RI 1980 4
732 Materia Medika Indonesia 615.1.IND m DepKes RI DepKes RI 1989 5
733 Materia Medika Indonesia 615.1.IND m DepKes RI DepKes RI 1995 6
734 Materials Science 620.1190 MAT m J.C. Anderson Chapman & Hall 1990 4
735 MCQs in Pharmacology 615.1 SOU m Avinash De Sousa Vikas Medical Publishers 2004
736 Measurement theory and practice in kinesiology 613.7 WOO m Terry M. Wood Human Kinetics 2006
737 Mechanism of Transdermal Drug Delivery 615.6 MEC m Potts & Guy Marcell Dekker, Inc 1997
738 Medical Applictions of Controlled Release 615.7 MED m Langer & Wise CRC Press 1984 2
739 Medical Applictions of Controlled Release Volume I 615.7 MED m Langer & Wise CRC Press 1984
740 Medical Device Packaging Handbook 681.761 MED m O’brian Marcell Dekker, Inc 1990
741 Medication Safety: a guide for healt care facilities 363.15 HEN m Manasse, Thompson American Society of Health system Pharmacists, Inc 2005
742 Medicinal Chemistry 615.7 NOG m Thomas Nogrody Oxford 1984
743 Medicinal Chemistry a Biochemical Approach 615.7 NOG m Thomas Nogrady Oxford 1985
744 Medicinal Herb Index in Indonesia 615.321 IND m Eiai Indonesia 1995 2
745 Medicine Bluebook 616 ONG m Willie T. Ong Cacho Hermanos,Inc 1999 3
746 Melt Extrusion : Materials, Technology, and Drugs Product Design 661 MEL m Springer, aapspress 2013
747 Mengenal Asas Proteksi Radiasi 539.296 WIR m Suwarno Wiryosimin ITB 1995
748 Mengenal beberapa penyakit menular dari hewan ke manusia 616.9 EDI m Atmawinata Yrama Widya 2006
749 Methods for Structural Analysis of Protein Pharmaceutical 615.19 MET m Jiskoot & Crommelim APPS Press 2005
750 Metode Fitokimia Penuntun Cara Modern Menganalisis Tumbuhan 581.192 HAR m Harborne Penerbit ITB 1987 2
751 Metode Fitokimia,penuntun cara modern menganalisis tumbuhan 581.1 HAR m J. B. Harborne ITB 1987 2
752 Metode imunologi 614.401 FED m Rantam Airlangga University Press 2003
753 Metodologi Penelitian dalam Farmasi dan Kesehatan 615.98 AHM m Ahmad Fuad Afdhal ISTN 1998
754 Micro-Analytical Entomology for Food Sanitation Control 664.07 KUR m O’Dean L.Kurtz AOAC 1960
755 Microbial Contamination Control in The Pharmaceutical Industry 615.19 MIC m Jimenez Marcell Dekker, Inc 2004
756 Microbiological Applications of High- Performance Liquid Chromatography 576.028 DRU m D.B.Drucker Cambridge univ 1987
757 Microcapsule processing and Technology 621.7 KON m Kondo Marcel Dekker, Inc 1979
758 Microcapsule Processing and Technology 621.7 KON m Asaji Kondo Van Valkenburgf 1969
759 Microcapsules and Orther Capsules 621.7 GUT m M.H. Gutcho Noyes Data 1979
760 Microencapsulation 615.19 MIC m Nixon Marcel Dekker, Inc 1976 vol 3
761 Microencapsulation and related drug processes 615.19 MIC m Swarbrick Marcel Dekker, Inc 1984
762 Microencapsulation and related drug processes 615.19 PAT m Deasy Marcel Dekker, Inc 1984 vol 20
763 Microencapsulation methods an industrial application 615.19 MIC m Simon Benita Marcel Dekker, Inc 1996
764 Microencapsulation methods and industrial application 615.19 MIC m Benita Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2006 ed 2, vol 158
765 Mikrobiologi Air 616.01 SUR m Suriawiria Penerbit Alumni Bandung 1993 2
766 MIMS Petunjuk Konsultasi 615.1 MIM m Ben Yeo Print Production 2015 15
767 MIMS Annual 615.1 MIM m Indonesia IIMS Indonesia IIMS 2003
768 Minyak Atsiri Jilid IV B 661.8 GUE m Ernest Guenther UIP 1990
769 Minyak Atsiri Jilid III A 661.8 GUE m Ernest Guenther UIP 1990
770 Minyak Atsiri Jilid IV A 661.8 GUE m Ernest Guenther UIP 1990
771 Minyak Atsiri Tumbuhan Tropika Indonesia 581.6 AND m Agusta Penerbit ITB 2000
772 Modeling and optimization of fermentation processes 615.7 VOL m B. Volesky, Elsevier 1992
773 Modelling and Data Treatment in the Pharmaceutical Sciences 615 CAR m Carstensen Technomic publishing company inc 1996
774 Modern Analysis of Antibiotics 615.329 MOD m Adorjan Aszalos Marcel Dekker, Inc 1986 v.27
775 Modern Methods of Pharmaceutical Analysis 615.19 SCH m Schirmer CRC Press 1982 vol.I
776 Modern Methods of Pharmaceutical Analysis 615.19 SCH m Schirmer CRC Press 1982 vol.II
777 Modern Methods of Pharmaceutical Analysis 615.19 SCH m Schirmer CRC Press 1982 vol.III
778 Modern Methods of Pharmceutical analysis 615.1 SCH m Roger E.Schimer CRC 1982 2
779 Modern pharmaceutical industry : a primer 615.19 MOD m Jacobsen, Wertheimer Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc 2010
780 Modern Pharmaceutics 615 MOD m Gilbert S. Banker Marcel Dekker, INC 1991 2
781 Modern Pharmaceutics 615 MOD m Gilbert S. Baker Marcel Dekker 1990 2
782 Modern pharmaceutics : basic principles and systems (vol 1) 615.1 MOD m Florence, Siepmann Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 ed 5, vol 188
783 Modern Pharmaceutics–Application and Advances Volume II 615.1 MOD m Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2009 5
784 Modern Pharmacology with clinical Aplications 615.1 CRA m Charles R.Craig Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2004 6
785 Modified-release Drug Delivery Technology 615.19 MOD m Rathbone, et al. Marcell Dekker, Inc 2003
786 Modifying Bitterness–Mechanism, Ingredients, and Applications 664 MOD m Roy CRC Press 1997
787 Molecular Biology of The Cell 574.8 ALB m Bruce Alberts Garland Publishing 1994 3
788 Molecular Cell Biology 574.8 DAR m James Darnell Scientific American books 1990 2
789 Mosby’s Manual of Nuclear Medicina Procedures 616.0757 SOD m D.Bruce Sodee Mosby Company 1981 3
790 Multifunctional Cosmetics 613.488 MUL m Schueller & Romanowski Marcell Dekker, Inc 2003
791 Multifunctional Cosmetics 646.7 SCH m Randy Schueller Marcel Dekker 2003
792 Multinational Drug Companies,issues in Drug Discovery and Development 338.8 SPI m Bert Spilker Raven Press 1989
793 Multiparticulate Oral Drug Delivery 615.6 MUL m Ghebre, Sellassie Marcel Dekker, Inc 1994 vol 65
794 Nanomafacturing Handbook 620.5 BUS n Busnaina CRC Press 2007
795 Nanoparticle Technology for Drug Delivery 620.5 NAN n Gupta & Kompela Taylor & Francis Group 2006 vol.159
796 Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems 615.6 NAN n Thassu et al Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2007
797 Nasal Systemic Drug Delivery 615.6 NAS n Yie W. Chien Marcel Dekker, Inc 1989 v.39
798 Natural Product Medicine 615.321 DER n George F Stickley Co. Conggres Cataloging 1988
799 Natural Products 547.7 NAT n MANN, J. Longman Scientific & Technical 1994
800 Natural Products From Plants 581.6 NAT n Kaufman et al CRC Press 1998
801 NEDERLANDSE PHARMACOPEE 615.1 ARK n C.G. Van Arkel Staatsdrukkerij 1958 6
802 Nederlandse Pharmacopee 615.1 NED n 1951 5
803 Nederlandse Pharmacopee 615.1 NED n 1958 6
804 Nematoda parasitik tumbuhan di pertanian subtropik dan tropik 595.182 NEM n Luc Gajah mada University Press 1995
805 New Drug Approval Process 615.9 NEW n Richard A.Guarino Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 2, v.56
806 Norms for fitness, performance, and health 613.7 HOF n Jay Hoffman Human Kinetics 2006
807 Novel Cosmetic Delivery Systems 616.5 NOV n Magdassi & Touitou Marcell Dekker, Inc 1999
808 Novel Drug Delivbery Systems 615.6 CHI n Yie W. Chien Marcel Dekker, INC 1992
809 Novel Drug Delivery Systems 615.6 CHI n Yie W. Chien Marcel Dekker, Inc 1982 v.14
810 Novel Drug Delivery Systems 615.6 CHI n Yei W. Chien Marcel Dekker 1992
811 Nutraceuticals 613.28 BRI n Lockwood Pharmaceutical press 2007 2
812 Nutraceuticals 615.1 LIS n Rapport & Lockwood Pharmaceutical Press 2002 1
813 Nutrient interactions 615.788 NUT n C.E. Bodwell Marcel dekker 1988
814 Nutrition Science and Application 664.94 SMO n Smolin Academic Press,
815 Nutritional Strategies of Animal Feed Additives 613.2 NUT n Salem Nova Science Publishers, Inc 2013
816 obat-obat jang Harus Diketahui 615.1 GOE o B.S. Goei-The 1955
817 Obat-obat Penting khasiat, Pengunaan, dan Efek-efek Sampingnya 615.1 TAN o Tan Hoan Tjay Elex Media Komputindo 2002 5
818 Obat-obat penting Untuk Pelayanan Kefarmasian 615.11 UGM o Laboratorium Manajemen Farmasi dan Farmasi Masyarakat Gadjah Mada University Press 2006
819 Oeptide and Protein Drug Delivery Vincent H.L.Lee Lee 1990
820 of Drugs R.L. Juliano ANN.N.Y.ACAD SCL 1987 507
821 Office Urology 616.61 OFF o Turner McGraw-Hill 1963
822 Operation and Control of water treatment processes 616 COX o Charles R. Cox WHO 1969
823 Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Systems 617.7 OPH o Ashim K.Mitra Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 v.58
824 Ophthalmic Dtrug Delivery Systems 617.7 MIT o Ashim K.Mitra Marcel Dekker 1993
825 Oral Controlled Release Formulation Design and Drug Delivery–Theory to Practice 615.6 ORA o Wen & Park John Wiley & Sons 2010
826 Oral drug absorption : prediction and assessment 615.1 JEN o Jenniferv B. Dressman Marcel Dekker, Inc 2000
827 Oral drugs Absorpstion, Prediction and assessments 615.6 ORA o Jenniferv B. Dressman Marcel De 2010 edisi 2, vol 193
828 Oral Lipid-based Formulations enhancing the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs 615.1 ORA o Hauss Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007 vol 170
829 Oral Mucosal Drug Delivery and Therapy 615.5 ORA o Michael J.Rathbone Springer 2015
830 Oral solid dosage forms 615.1 ORA o FDA ISPE 2009 edisi 2, vol 2
831 Organic Chemistry 547 VOL o Vollhardt,K.Peter C. Freeman 1990 3
832 Organized Solution–Surfactants in Science and Technology 541.3 ORG o Freeburg & Lindeman Marcell Dekker, Inc 1992
833 Orphan Drugs 362.1 ORP o Fred E.Karch Marcel Dekker, Inc 1982 v.13
834 Outsorcing R&D in the pharmaceutical Industry 615.1 bia O Piachaud Palgrave macmillan 2004
835 Oxidants and Antioxidants in Cutaneous Biology 616.5 OXI o Thiele & Elsner Karger 2001
836 Ozone, a new medical drug 615.19 VEL o Velio Bocci Springer Science Business Media B.V 2011 2
837 Packaging drugs and Pharmaceuticals 615.19 JEN p Wilner A. Jenkins Technomic 1993
838 Packaging of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Products 668.8 LOC p H. Lockhart Blackie Academic 1995
839 Packaging, specifications,purchasing and quality control 668.8 LEO p Edmund A.Leonard Marcel Dekker 1996 4
840 Packaging–Specifications Purchasing and Quality Control 688.8 EDM p Leonad Marcell Dekker, Inc 1987 3
841 Paediatric Drug Handling 615.19 PAE p Ian Costello PhP 2007
842 Panduan Anti-doping untuk atlet dan daftar terlarang 2010 348.02 PAN p LADI LADI 2010
843 Paradigma Dan Tatanan Baru Praktik Kefarmasian 362.17 ALI p Ali Mashuda Tiga Maha 2012
844 Parameter Standar Umum Ekstrak Tumbuhan Obat 615.32 IND p DepKes RI DepKes RI 2000
845 Parenteral nutrition in acute metabolic illness 615.85 PAR p Lee Academic press Ltd 1974
846 Parenteral quality control : Sterility, pirogen, particulate, and package integrity testing 615.19 AKE p Akers Marcel Dekker, Inc 1994 2
847 Parenteral quality control : Sterility, pirogen, particulate, and package integrity testing 615.19 MIC p Akers Marcel Dekker, Inc 1985 1
848 Parenteral Tecnology Manual 660.6 MIC p Michael J. Groves Interpharm Press 1988 2
849 Patent strategy for researchers and research managers 346.7 JAC p Knight John Wiley & Sons Inc 2001
850 Pediatric Drug Development–Concepts and Applications 615.19 PED p Mulberg, et al. Wiley-Blackwell 2009
851 Pediatric Formulations– A Road Map 615.19 PED p Bar-Shalom & Rose AAPS Press 2014
852 Pediatric Therapy 615.5 PED p Harry C. Shirkey Mosby 1972 4
853 Pediatrics Drug Handling Costello, et al. Pharmaceutical Press 2007
854 Pedoman Cara Pembuatan Obat Yang Baik 615.1 BAD p Badan POM Badan POM 2001
855 Pedoman Cara Pembuatan Obat Yang Baik 615.1 BAD p BPOM RI BPOM RI 2006
856 Penapisan Farmakologi Pengujian Fitokimia dan Pengujian Klinik 615.321 PEN p PPOBA KKI 1993
857 Pencemaran Tanah dan Air Tanah 626.168 SUP p Notodarmojo Penerbit ITB 2005
858 Pengantar Bentuk sSediaan Farmasi 615.19 ANS p Howard C. Ansel UIP 1989 4
859 Pengantar Farmakologi Molekuler 615.3 ZUL p Zullies Ikawati Gajah Mada University Press 2006
860 Pengantar Farmakologi Molekuler, Target Aksi Obat dan Mekanismenya 615.1 IKA p Zullies Ikawati UGM 2004 1
861 Pengantar Nanosains 620.5 MIK p Abdullah Penerbit ITB 2009
862 Pengantar Praktikum Kimia Organik 541.2 CHA p Chaerul Anwar ,dkk UGM 1994
863 Pengelolaan & penggunaan obat wajib apotek 615.1 STE p Zeenot D-medika 2013
864 Penuntun Analisis Polimer Aktual 668.9 HAR p Anton J Hartomo Andi Offset Yogyakarta 1993
865 Penuntun Ilmu Kosmetik Medik 613.488 SJA p Wasitaatmadja UI Press 1997
866 Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Umum 570.93 NAS p MOCHamad Nasir,dkk Depdikbud 1993
867 Penyakit Viral Pada Hewan 636.08 RES p A.A.Resang UI- Press 1986
868 Penyalutan Tablet 615.19 AGO p Goeswin Agoes Multi Karya Ilmu 1983
869 Penyalutan Tablet 615.19 AGO p Goeswin Agoes Multi Karya Ilmu 1984
870 Peptide and Protein Drug Delivery 615.3 PEP p Vincent H.L.Lee Marcel Dekker 1990
871 Peptide Chemistry–A Practical Textbook 547.7 BOD p Bodanszky Springer-Verlag 1993 2
872 Perchlorates Their Properties Manufacture and Uses 661.42 PER p Joseph C. Schumacher Reinhold Publ. Corp. 1960
873 Percutaneous Absorption–Drug-Cosmetics-Mechaniscm-Methodology 615.6 PER p Bronaugh & Maibach Taylor & Francis Group 2005 4
874 Performance-enhancing substances in sport and exercise 362.29 BAH p M.S. Bahrke Human Kinetics 2002
875 Periodization Training for Sports 613.7 BOM p Tudor O. Bompa Human Kinetics 2005 2
876 Personal-Care Formulas–Cosmetics and Toiletries 646.72 PER p Allured Publishing Corp. 1997
877 Personnel : the management of human resosurces 658.3 ROB p Robbins Prentice-hall Inc 1978
878 Pestiside Residues And Food Safety, a harvest of viewpoints 363.192 PES p B.G Tweedy ACS 1991
879 Phamaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets K. Avis Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 2
880 Phamaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets K. Avis Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 2
881 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets K.Avis Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 1
882 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 3
883 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets v.2 615.1 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 2
884 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets v.3 615.1 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 2
885 Pharmaceutical Analysis 615 HIG p Takeru Higuchi Interscience Publishers 1961
886 Pharmaceutical Analysis, a textbook for pharmacy students and pharmaceutical chemists 615.1 WAT p David G.Watson Elsevier 2017
887 Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products for Tropical Administration 616.5 VAN p Abé et al William Heinemann Medical Books 1969
888 Pharmaceutical bioequivalence 615.5 PHA p Welling Marcel Dekker, Inc 1991 vol 48
889 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 615.19 PHA p Crommelin & Sindelar Taylor & Francis Group 2002 2
890 Pharmaceutical Blending and Mixing 615.19 PHA p Cullen et al John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2015
891 Pharmaceutical Calculation 615.4 STO p Stoklosa Lea & Febiger 1974 6
892 Pharmaceutical Capsules 615.4 PHA p Pharmaceutical press 2004 2
893 Pharmaceutical care 615.1 KNO p Calvin H. Knowlton ASHP 2003
894 Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing 615.12 LYM t Lyman Lippincott 1955 2
895 Pharmaceutical Disege Form Tablet Herbert A. Lieberman Mercel Dekker Inc 1990 2,3
896 Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing 615.19 BAN p Umesh V. Banakar Marcel Dekker, Inc 1991 v.49
897 Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing 615.19 PHA p Dressman, Kramer CRC Press, Inc 2005
898 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms 615,19 K. Avis Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1992 3,1
899 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets (Manufacture and Process Control) 615.19 PHA p Informa Healthcare 2010 3
900 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets (Rational Design and Formulations) 615.19 PHA p Larry ; Stephen Informa Healthcare 2010 ed.3, vol 2
901 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets (Unit operations and mechanical properties) 615.19 PHA p Larry ; Stephen Informa Healthcare 2008 ed.3, vol 1
902 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets v.1 615.1 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 2
903 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets. 615.19 PHA p Lieberman, Lachman Marcel Dekker, Inc 1982 vol 3
904 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets. 615.19 PHA p Lieberman, Lachman Marcel Dekker, Inc 1980 vol 1
905 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Tablets. 615.19 PHA p Lieberman, Lachman Marcel Dekker, Inc 1981 vol 2
906 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery System 615.1 HOW p Howard C.Ansel Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2005 8
907 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Disperse Suystems 615.19 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 2
908 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Disperse Suystems 2 615.19 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1988
909 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets 2 615.19 PHA p K. Avis Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1989 2
910 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets 1 615.19 PHA p K. Avis Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1988 2
911 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets 3 615.19 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1990 2
912 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications I 615.19 PHA p Avis Marcel Dekker, Inc 1986 2
913 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications I 615.19 PHA p Avis Marcel Dekker, Inc 1992 2
914 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications 615.19 PHA p Avis Marcel Dekker, Inc 1984 vol 1
915 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications 615.19 PHA p Avis Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 vol 3
916 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications Avis Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 vol 3
917 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Parenteral Medications 615.19 PHA p Kenneth E. Avis, Marcel Dekker 1992 2
918 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Parenteral Medications 615.19 PHA p Kenneth E. Avis, Marcel Dekker 1992 2
919 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications (facility design, sterilization and processing) 615.5 PHA p Nema, Ludwig Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2010 ed 3, vol 2
920 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications (formulation and packaging) 615.1 PHA p Nema, Ludwig Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2010 ed 3, vol 1
921 Pharmaceutical dosage forms: parenteral medications (regulation, validation in the future) 615.1 PHA p Nema, Ludwig Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2010 ed 3, vol 3
922 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablet 615.19 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker 1989 2
923 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablet 615.19 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker 1990 2
924 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets 615.19 AUG p Larry L. Augsburger Informa 2008 3
925 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets 615.19 PHA p Herbert A. Lieberman Marcel Dekker 1989 2 rev
926 Pharmaceutical Dosege Forms: Disperse Systems 3 615.19 PHA p Herbert A Lieberman Marcel Dekker, INC 1998 2
927 Pharmaceutical emulsion and suspension 615.19 PHA p Francoise Nielloud Marcel Dekker 2000
928 Pharmaceutical emulsions and suspensions 615.19 PHA p Nielloud, Mestres Marcel Dekker, Inc 2000 vol 105
929 Pharmaceutical emulsions: A drug developers toolbag 615.19 DIP p Sarker John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Blackwell 2013
930 Pharmaceutical Engineering Change Control 615.19 PHA p Turner CRC Press 2004 2
931 Pharmaceutical Engineering Series–Quality 615.19 COR q McCromick Butterworth-Heinemann 2002
932 Pharmaceutical Engineering Series–Quality 615.19 COR q McCromick Butterworth-Heinemann 2002
933 Pharmaceutical Enzymes,properties and assay methods 615.19 PHA p Ruyssen & Lauwers E.Story 1978
934 Pharmaceutical Formulation Development of Peptides and Protein 615.3 PHA p Sven Frokjaer CRC 2000
935 Pharmaceutical Formulation Development Of Peptides and Proteins 615.2 FRO p Sven Frokjaer CRC Press 2000
936 Pharmaceutical Handbook 615.1 PHA p G.R. Todd Pharmaceutical Press 1970 80
937 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Change Control 615.19 PHA p Turner Interpharm Press 1999
938 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia 615.1 SIT p Sittig Noyes Publications 1979
939 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia 615.19 SIT p Marshall Sittig NDC 1979
940 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Handbook : Production and process 615.19 PHA p Shayne cox gad John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2008
941 Pharmaceutical Marketing in the 21st Century 615.10 PHA p Mickey E. Smith Pharmaceutical Product Press 1996
942 Pharmaceutical master validation plan: The ultimate guide to FDA, GMP, and GLP compliance. 615.1 SYE p Haider CRC Press, Inc 2001
943 Pharmaceutical Packaging Handbook 615.10 EDW p Bauer Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2009
944 Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology 615.19 PHA p Hall Taylor & Francis Group 2000
945 Pharmaceutical particulate matter : analysis and control 615.19 BAR p Barber Interpharm press, Inc 1993
946 Pharmaceutical Pelletization Technology 615.19 PHA p Isaac Ghebre Marcel Dekker, Inc 1989 v.37
947 Pharmaceutical Photostability and Stabilization Technology 615.PHA p Joseph T.Piechocki Informa 2007
948 Pharmaceutical powder compaction technology 615.19 CEL p Celik Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2011 ed 2, vol 197
949 Pharmaceutical powder compaction technology 615.19 PHA p Alderborn, Nystorm Marcel Dekker, Inc 1996 vol 71
950 Pharmaceutical powder compaction technology 615.19 PHA p Celik Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2011 ed 2, vol 197
951 Pharmaceutical Pracatice 615.4 PHA p Collett & Aulton Churchill Livingstone 1990
952 Pharmaceutical Practice 615.4 AUL p Michael Aulton Churcill Livingstone 1990
953 Pharmaceutical preformulation 615.19 CAR p Carstensen CRC Press, Inc 1998
954 Pharmaceutical preformulation : the physicochemical properties of drug substances 615.19 WEL p James I. Wells Ellis Horwood, Ltd 1988
955 Pharmaceutical preformulation and formulation 615.1 PHA p Gibson Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 edisi 2, vol 199
956 Pharmaceutical Principles of Solid Dosage Forms 615.4 CAR p J.T. Carstensen Technomic Publication 1993
957 Pharmaceutical Process Engineering 615.19 HIC p Hickey & Ganderton Marcell Dekker, Inc 2001 vol.112
958 Pharmaceutical Process Engineering 615.19 HIC p Hickey & Ganderton Marcell Dekker, Inc 2010 2, vol.195
959 Pharmaceutical Process Scale-up 615.19 PHA p Levin Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
960 Pharmaceutical Process Validation 615.1 LOF p Bermard T. Loftus Marcel Dekker,Inc 1984
961 Pharmaceutical Process Validation 615.19 PHA p Berry, Nash Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 ed 2
962 Pharmaceutical Process Validation 615.19 PHA p Nash, Wachter Marcel Dekker, Inc 2003 ed 3, vol 129
963 Pharmaceutical product development IVIVC 615.1 PHA p Chilukuri Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2007
964 Pharmaceutical product licensing requirements for europe 615.09 PHA p Cartwright, Matthews Ellis Horwood, Ltd 1991
965 Pharmaceutical Skin Penetration Enhancement 615.6 PHA p Walters & Hadgraft Marcell Dekker, Inc 1993
966 Pharmaceutical Statistics 615.1 BOL p Bolton Marcell Dekker, Inc 1990
967 Pharmaceutical Statistics, Practical and Clinical Applications 615.1 BOL p Sanford Bolton Marcel Dekker 1990 2
968 Pharmaceutical Stress Testing Predicting Drug Degradation 615.19 PHA p Baertschi Taylor & Francis Group 2005
969 Pharmaceutical Suspensions: From formulations development to Manufacturing 615.19 PHA p Kulshreshtha et al Springer, American association of pharmaceutical scientist 2010
970 Pharmaceutical Suspensions: From formulations development to Manufacturing (fotokopi) 615.1 ALO p Kulshreshtha et al Springer, American association of pharmaceutical scientist 2010
971 Pharmaceutical Technology Controlled Release Drug 615.6 PHA p John Wiley & Sons 1987 vol.1
972 Pharmaceutical Technology Tableting Technology 615.43 PHA p M.H.Rubinstein Ellis Horwood 1987 1
973 Pharmaceutics 615 ERI p Erik Sandell Swedish Pharmaceutical Press 1983 2
974 Pharmaceutics 615.152 SAN p Erik Sandell Swedish Pharmaceutical 1983 2
975 Pharmaceutics Galenical Pharmacy 615 ERI p Erik Sandell Swedish Pharmaceutical Press 1968
976 Pharmaceutics of solid and solid dosage forms 615.43 JEN p Carstensen John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1977
977 Pharmaceutics The Science of Dosege form Design 615.19 PHA p Michael E. Aulton CHUCHILL 1988
978 Pharmacist for the Future : The report of the study Commisision on Pharmacy 615.07 ASS p A.M. Assoc. Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor 1975
979 Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine 615.321 MAN p Ebadi CRC Press 2002
980 Pharmacoeconomics 615.3 PHA p Walley elsevier science Ltd 2004
981 Pharmacoeconomics from theory to practice 338.47 PHA p Arnold CRC Press, Inc 2010
982 Pharmacognocy 615.321 CLA c Edward P. Claus Lea 7 Febiger 1965 5
983 pharmacognosy 615.321 TYL r VARRO E.TYLER. DKK Lea & Febiger 1965 5
984 pharmacognosy 615.321 TYL r VARRO E.TYLER. DKK Lea & Febiger 1988 9
985 Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry Medicinal Plants 615.3 JEA p Bruneton Intecept Ltd 1995
986 Pharmacokinetics 615.1 GIB p Milo Gibaldi Marcel Dekker 1975
987 Pharmacokinetics 615.329 MIL p Gibaldi, Perrier Marcel Dekker, Inc 1975 vol 1
988 Pharmacokinetics for the Pharmaceutical Scientist 615.7 WAG p John G. Wagner Technomic 1993
989 Pharmacological Assays of Plant-Based Natural Products 615.19 par P Thangaraj Springer 2016
990 Pharmacological Investigaton of Certain Medicinal Plants and Compound Formulations Used in Ayurveda and Siddha 615.321 PHA p Malhotra Ministry of Health and Familiy Welfare India 1996 1
991 Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica Vol I 615.1 CHI p Chang & But World Scientific Publishing 1986
992 Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica Vol II 615.1 CHI p Chang & But World Scientific Publishing 1987
993 Pharmacopoeia Herbal Of The Peoples Republic Of China 615.321 CHI p 1878
994 Pharmacopoeia Herbal Of The Peoples Republic Of China 615.321 CHI p 1879
995 Pharmacopoeia Herbal Of The Peoples Republic Of China 615.321 CHI p 1879
996 Pharmacopoeia of The People’s Republic of China 615.1 CHI p The Pharmacopoeia Commission of PRC Guangdong Science and Technology press 1992
997 Pharmacopoeia of The People’s Republic of China 615.1 CHI p Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission People’s Medical Publishing 2005 v.1
998 Pharmacopoeia of The People’s Republic of China 615.1 CHI p Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission People’s Medical Publishing 2005 v.3
999 Pharmacopoeia, Of The Peoples Republic Of China 615.1 PRC p CHEMICAL INDUSTRY PRESS CHEMICAL INDUSTRY PRESS 2000
1000 Pharmacotherapy 1 615.58 PHA p Joseph T.Dipiro Mc.Graw Hill 1999 6
1001 Pharmacotherapy 2 615.58 PHA p Josph T. DiPiro Mc. Gwaw Hill 1999 6
1002 Pharmacotherapy 3 615.58 PHA p Joseph T. DiPiro Mc. Gwaw Hill 1999 6
1003 Pharmacy Business Management 658.02 KAY p Steven B Kayne Pharmaceutical Press 2005
1004 Pharmacy information Systems.,Justifying, evaluating, and Implementing a System. 615.4 ASH p American Society of Hospital Pharmacists ASHP 1993
1005 Pharmacy Management in Canada 615.10 PHA p Andre Archambault Grosvenor House Press, Inc. 1989
1006 Pharmacy Practice 615.4 STO p Patricia Stone, Farrand Press 1995 2
1007 Pharmacy Practice 615 ALF p Patricia Stone Farrand Press 1995 2
1008 Pharmacy Practice and The Law 344.73 ABO p Richard Abod Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2005
1009 Pharma-ecology 615.1 PAT p Jjemba John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2008
1010 Phase transition in solid : an approach to the stdy of the chemistry in physics of solid 530.4 RAO p Rao, Rao McGraw Hills Inc 1978
1011 Photoaging 616.5 PHO p Rigel, et al. Marcell Dekker, Inc 2004
1012 Photodamaged Skin 668.5 PHO p Goldberg Marcell Dekker, Inc 2004
1013 Photostability of Drugs and Drug Formulations 615.19 PHO p Tønnesen CRC Press 2004 2
1014 Phsicians’ Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs 615.1 PHY p PDR medical economic 1996 16
1015 Physical chemical properties of drugs 615.19 PHY p Yalkowsky Marcel Dekker, Inc 1980 seri 10
1016 Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 541.34 ADA p Arthur W. Adamson John Wiley 1976 3
1017 Physical Chemistry, with applications to Biological Systems 541.3 CHA p Raymond Chang Macmillan 1981
1018 Physical Pharmaceutics 615 PHY p E. Shotton Clarendom Oxford 1974
1019 Physical Pharmacy 615 ALF p Alfred Martin Lea & Febiger 1993 4
1020 Physical quantities and units, a self-instructional; programmed manual 530.8 DAY p E.F. O’day Prentice-Hall 1967
1021 Physicians Desk Reference 610.92 PHY p PDR Thomson Healthcare 2008 62
1022 Physicians Desk Reference : for nutritional supplements 616.39 PDR p PDR Thomson Healthcare 2008 2
1023 Physicians Desk Reference for Herbal Medicine 615.321 PDR p PDR Thomson Healthcare 2007 4
1024 Physician’s Handbook 616.075 PHY p Marcus Krupp et al Lange Medical / Maruzen 1973
1025 Physicochemical Principles of Pharmacy 615.1 FLO p A.T. Florence Macmillan 1988 2
1026 Physicochemical principles of pharmacy 615.2 ALE p Attwood, Florence Pharmaceutical press 2011 5
1027 Physicochemical principles of pharmacy 615.2 FLO p Florencence, Antwood Macmillan Press 1998 3
1028 Physicochemical principles of pharmacy 615.2 FLO p Florencence, Antwood Macmillan Press 1988 2
1029 Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance 612.44 HOF p Jay Hoffman Human Kinetics 2002
1030 Physiological assessment of human fitness 613.7 MAU p Peter.J. Maud Human Kinetics 2006 2
1031 Physiology of Sport and Exercise 612.04 WIL p Jack H. Wilmore Human Kinetics 2008 4
1032 Physiology of sport and exercise 612.044 WIL p Jack.H. Wilmore Human Kinetics 1994
1033 Physiology of the Human Body 612 MCC p J. Robert McClintic John Wiley & Sons 1977 2
1034 Phytopaharmaceutical Technology 615.19 LIS p List & Schmidt CRC Press 1989
1035 Pigment dalam pengolahan pangan 664.06 WIN p Winarno Fatemeta IPB 1973
1036 Plant Systematics,A Phylogenetic Approach 580.1 JUD r Walter S.Judd Sinauer 2008
1037 Plastic Packages for Foodstuffs 644 FIG p Karl Figge WABA 1996
1038 Plastic Packaging MateriaLs For Food 664 PLA p O.G.Piringer Wiley-VCH 2000
1039 Plastic Packaging Materials for Food 664.09 PLA p Piringer & Baner Wiley-VCH 2000
1040 Plastics 668.4 HAR p DuBois & John Litton Educational Publishing 1981 6
1041 Plastics Engineering Handbook of The Society of the Plastic Industry, Inc. 668.4 PLA p Frados Society of Plastic industries 1991 4
1042 Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook 636.08 PLU v Donald C. Plumb Blackwell 2008 6
1043 Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children 362 WHO h WHO who
1044 Poisons , their isolation and identification 615.9 BAM p Frank Bamford J & A Churchill 1947
1045 Polymer Science and Technology 668.9 JOE p Fried Prentice-Hall 1995
1046 Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems 615.6 GLE p Glen S. Kwon Taylor & Francis Group 2005
1047 Polymers : Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials 547.7 COW p Cowie Blackie Academy and Professionals 1994 2
1048 Polymers for Controlled Drug Delivery 547.8 POL p Tarcha CRC Press 1990
1049 Polymofphism in the pharmaceutical industry 615.19 POL p Hilfiker John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2006
1050 Polymorphism in pharmaceutcal solids 615.19 POL p Brittain Marcel Dekker, Inc 1999 vol 95
1051 Polymorphism in pharmaceutcal solids 615.19 POL p Brittain Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2009 ed 2, vol 192
1052 Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids 615.1 BRI p Harry G. Brittain MARCEL DEKKER. INC 1999
1053 Powder and bulk solid : behaviour, characterization, storage and flow 615.19 SCH p Schulze Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
1054 Powder Sampling and particle size determination 615.19 TER p Allen Elsevier North Holland, Inc 2003
1055 Powder Technology Handbook 620.43 POW p Gotoh Marcel Dekker, Inc 1997 2
1056 Practical Aspects of Gas Chromatography 543.08 MES p Gordon M.Message
1057 Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry 615.19 BEC p A.H. Beckett The Athlone Press 1975 3
1058 Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry 615.19 BEC p A.H. Beckett The Athlone Press 1975 2
1059 Practical Pharmacoeconomics 615.4 BAS p LORNE E. BASSKIN ADVANSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 1998
1060 Practical Philosophy Of Sport And Physical Activity 796.01 KRE p R. Scott Kretchmar Human Kinetics 2005 2
1061 Practical synthetic organic chemistry 547.2 PRA p Caron John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
1062 Practice Standars of ASHP 615 ASH p Wanda E. Hicks ASHP 1994/1995
1063 Practikal Pharmaceutical Chemistry 615.19 BEC p A.H. Beckett The Athlone Press 1975 3
1064 Practice Standars of ASHP 615 ASH p Wanda E. Hicks ASHP 1994/1995
1065 Predicting The Properties of Mixtures: Mixture rules in science and engineering 660.29 LAW p Nielsen Marcel Dekker, Inc 1978
1066 Preformulation in solid dosage form development 615.19 PRE p Adeyeye, Brittain Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2008 vol 178
1067 Preparation and properties of solid state materials: aspect of crystal growth 546.6 PRE p Lefever Marcel Dekker, Inc 1971 1
1068 Prescibing Adult Intravenous Nutrition 615 AUS p Peter David Austin PHP
1069 Prescription for death : the drugging of the third world 338.4 MIL p Silverman The University of California Press 1982
1070 Prescriptions for Death 338.4 PRE p Silverman California 1982
1071 Preservative-Free and Self Preserving Cosmetics and Drugs–Principle and Practice 668.55 PRE p Kabara & Orth Marcell Dekker, Inc 1996
1072 Prevent and reverse heart disease 616.1 CAL p Esselstyn Penguin group 2007
1073 Priciples of Instrumental Analysis 543.22 SKO p Dauglas A. Skoog Saunders college 1998 5
1074 Priciples of Human Nutrition 615.8 EAS p Martin Eastwood Blackwell 2003 2
1075 Principal of Biotechnology 660.6 PRI p Wiseman Surrey University Press 1988 2
1076 Principal of Colloid and Surface Chemistry 541.345 PAU p Hiemenz Marcell Dekker, Inc 1977
1077 Principle of organic chemistry 547.1 ROB p Oullette, Rawn elsevier science Ltd 2015
1078 Principles and Practice of Disinfection Preservation & Sterilization 614.4 RUS d Russell,Hugo Blackwell 2004 4
1079 Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy 615.321 SIM p Mills & Bonne Churchill Livingstone 2000
1080 Principles and Practices of Solvent Extraction 660.28 PRI p Rydberg et al Marcell Dekker, Inc 1992
1081 Principles and Practices of Solvent Extraction 660.28 PRI p Jan Rydberg MARCEL DEKKER. INC 1992
1082 Principles Fermentation Technology 660.62 STA p Peter F. Stanbury Pergamon Press 1984
1083 Principles instrumental analysis 543 SKO p Skoog, Douglas A. Thomson Learning – Brooks/Cole 1998 5
1084 Principles Of Anatomy And Physiology 612 GER p Gerard J.Tortora Harper & Row 1990 6
1085 Principles of Ecotoxicology scope 12 574.42 PRI p G. C. Butler John Wiley & Sons 1978
1086 Principles of Food Sanitation 664 MAR p Norman G. Marriott Chapman & Hall 1994
1087 Principles of Modern Biology 574 MAR p Douglas Marsland Henry Holt And Company 1945
1088 Principles of Operations Research with Applications to Managerial Decisions 658 WAG p Harvey M. Wagner Prentice-Hall, 1975
1089 Principles of phamaceutical accounting 657.83 FRA p Marino Lea & Febigger 1980
1090 Principles of pharmaceutical marketing 615.1 MIC p Smith Lea & Febigger 1983 3
1091 Principles of Pharmaceutical Marketing 658.80 SMI p Mickey E. Smith Lea & Febiger 1975 2
1092 Principles of Photochemistry 541.4 SUP p Suppan The Chemical Society 1972
1093 Principles of Solutions and Solubility 541.34 SHI p Kozo Shinoda Marcel Dekker, Inc 1978
1094 Principles of Sterile Product Preparation 615.1 PRI p Philip J.Schneider ASHP 1995
1095 Prinsip-Prinsip Fisiologi Hewan 591.93 WUL p Kartolo s. Wulangi Depdikbud 1993
1096 Prinsip-Prinsip Manipulasi Gen 660.65 OLD p R.W.OLD UIP 1989 4
1097 Prinsip-Prinsip Manipulasi Gen, pengantar rekayasa genetik 660.96 OLD p R.W. Old UIP 1989
1098 Probiotik : Basis ilmiah, aplikasi dan aspek praktis 616.3 PRO p Soeharsono Widya Padjajaran 2010
1099 Process analitycal technology 660.2 PRO p Bakeev John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2010 2
1100 Prodrugs: Topical and ocular drg delivery 615.6 PRO p Sloan Marcel Dekker, Inc 1992
1101 Protein Formulation and Delivery 615.19 PRO p Mcnally Marcel Dekker, Inc 2000
1102 Protozoologi Veteriner 581 LEV c Norman D Levine UGM 1995
1103 Pulsatile Drug Delivery 615.19 GUR p Gurny Wissenchaftliche 1993
1104 Purification of Laboratory Chemicals 542.028 WIL p Armarego, Chai Elsevier, Inc 2009 ed 6
1105 Qualitative Analysis and Chemical Equilibrium 544 HOG q T.R. Hogness HOLT 1954 4
1106 Quality Assurance 544 STE q Lionel Stebbing Ellis Harwood Limited 1993 3
1107 Quality Assurance 545 STE q Lionel Stebbing Ellis Harwood Limited 1993 3
1108 Quality Assurance and TQM for Analytical Laboratories 542.8 QUA q Parkany The Royal Society of Chemistry 1995
1109 Quality Assurance for Analytical Laboratories 542.8 QUA q M. Parkany The Royl Society 1993
1110 Quality Assurance for Pharmacy – Prepared Sterile Products Workbook 615.19 QUA q Toby Clark ASHP 1994
1111 Quality Assurance in Drug Manufacturing SF Univ. Southem Southerm California 1968
1112 Quality Assurance Manual for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries 615.7 STE q Leonard Steinborn Interpharm Press 1984
1113 AOAC,Quality Assurance Principles for Analytical Laboratories 544 GAR q Frederick M. Garfield AOAC 1992 2
1114 QUALITY Control 658.562 BES c BESTERFILD, Dale, H Prentice-Hall 1990 3
1115 Quality Control 658.562 BES c Dale H Bestefiedr Prentice Hall 4
1116 Quality Control 658.562 BES c Dale H. Besterfield Practice Hall 1980 3
1117 Quality Control 658.562 BES c Dale H Besterfield Prentice Hall 1998 5
1118 Quality Control in The Pharmaceutical Industry 2 615.19 QUA q Murray S. Cooper Academic Pree 1973
1119 Quality Control in The Pharmaceutical Industry 3 615.19 QUA q Murray S. Cooper Academic Pree 1973
1120 quality Control In Blood Banking 362.1 MYH q Byron A. Myhre A Wiley Biomedical 1974
1121 Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials 615.321 WOR q WHO WHO 1998
1122 Quality Control of Herbal Drugs Mukherjee Business Horizons Pharmaceutical 2002
1123 Quality Control of Packaging Materials in The Pharmaceuticals Industry 615.19 KEN q Harburn Marcell Dekker, Inc 1991
1124 Quality in The Manufacture of Medicines and Other Healthcare Products 615.1 JOH q Sharp Pharmaceutical Press 2000
1125 Quality Manager’s–Complete Guide to ISO 9000 658.5 RIC q Clements Prentice-Hall 1993
1126 Quality Control in The Pharmaceutical Industry 615.19 QUA q Murray S, Copper Academic Press 1979 3
1127 Quantitative pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19 JEN q Jenkins Mc-Graw Hills Company Inc 1957
1128 Quqlity Control in The Pharmaceutical Industry Murray S. Cooper Acadeic Press 1973 2
1129 Racun dan Keracunan 615.9 SAR r Sartono Widyamedika 1999
1130 Radiation Biology 574.191 CAS r Alison P. Casarett Prentice-Hall 1968
1131 Radiation chemistry of gases 574.192 LIN r Samuel C. Lind Reinhold Publ. Corp. 1961
1132 Radioisotope Techniques 543.088 OVE r Ralph T. Overman McGraw-Hill Book Company 1960
1133 Radiopharmaceuticals, chemistry and pharmacology 615.19 RAD r Adrian D.Nunn Marcel Dekker 1992
1134 Radipharmaceuticals–Chemistry and Pharmacology 615.8 RAD r Nunn Marcell Dekker, Inc 1992
1135 Rational Phytotherapy 615.321 RAT r Schulz et al Springer 2004 5
1136 Rational Phytotherapy 615.321 SCH r Schulz et al Springer 1998 3
1137 Recommended Methods for the Micro-biological Examination of Food 2nd Ed. 664.07 REC r J.M. Sharf APHA 1966 2
1138 Remington 615.1 TRO r David B.Troy Lippincott Williams 2006 21
1139 Remington Pharmaceutical Sciences 615.1 REM p Alfonso R. Gennaro Mack Publishing Company 1975 15
1140 Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 1 615.1 REM r David B.Troy Lippincott Willams 2006 21
1141 Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 1 615.1 REM r David B.Troy Lippincott Willams 2006 21
1142 Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 2 615.1 REM r David B.Troy Lippincott Willams 2006 21
1143 Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 2 615.1 REM r David B.Troy Lippincott Willams 2006 21
1144 Research and development in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry 615.19 PET r Bamfield Wiley-vch verlag Gmbh & co 2006
1145 Research Methods in Biomechanics 612.7 ROB r D. Gordon E. Robertson Human Kinetics 2004
1146 Research strategies in technical communication 621.38 LYN r Porter, Coggin John Wiley & Sons Inc 1995
1147 Resistance Training for Health and Rehabilitation 615.8 GRA r James E. Graves Human Kinetics 2001
1148 Reverse Approach and the A+B=C Equation 615.882 SUT r R. Bambang Sutrisno univ.Pancasila 1996
1149 Revitalisasi Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit 362.17 DWI r M. Dwijo Susono YPI Press 2003
1150 Risk management application in parmaceutical and biopharmaceutical engineering 658.57 RIS r Mollah John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2013
1151 Safety and Efficacy of Topical Drugs and Cosmetics 615.778 SAF s Albert M K, Grune & Stratton 1982
1152 Sains Bahan 620.11 MUS s Ibrahim Abu Talib Dewan Bahasa KL 1993 2
1153 Sains Bahan 620.11 MUS s Ibrahim Abu Talib Dewan Bahasa KL 1991 1
1154 Sains Polimer 668.9 BIL s Fred W. Billmeyer.JR UK Malaysia 1989
1155 Scale-up in Chemical Engineering 660.01 MAR s Zlokarnik Wiley-VCH 2002
1156 Seafood quality determination 664.7 KRA s D.E. Kramer Elsevier 1987
1157 Seafoods: Chemistry, Processing Teknology and Quality 664 SEA s Fereidoon Shahidi,J Richard Botta Blackie Academic & Professional 1994
1158 Sediaan Farmasi Steril ( SFI-4) 615.19 AGO s Goeswin Agoes ITB Bandung 2009 4
1159 Segala peraturan tentang kefarmasian 615.1 TIM s Tim Penerbit Buku biru 2012
1160 Selected Medicinal Plants of India 615.321 SEL s Rao Chemexcil 1992
1161 Selected Pharmaceutical Specialities 615.13 HID s Arifien I. Hidajat Grafika Karya 1971
1162 Selectivity and Detectability Optimizations in HPLC 543.08 AHU s Satinder Ahuja John Wiley & Sons 1989
1163 Sembuh tanpa Obat 640 ATK s Atkin Grafidian Jaya 1984
1164 Sensory evaluation of food 664.07 OMH s M. O’Mahony Marcel dekker 1986
1165 Senyawa Obat 615.19 SCH s Walter Schunack UGM 1990 2
1166 Separation Methods In Chemical Analysis 544.1 MIL s James M. Miller John-Wiley & Sons 1974
1167 seri farmakokimia: Metode Volumentri 615.1 SRI m Sriwoelan S. Sekalah Farmasi ITB 2007
1168 seri farmakokimia: Pemodelan molekul dan Bioteknologi dalam Kimia Medisinal 615.1 HAR p Haryanto Dhanutirto Sekalah Farmasi ITB 2007
1169 Serotonin in Antipsychotic treatment 615.026 SER s Kane Marcel Dekker, Inc 1996
1170 Side effects of drugs 615.7 MEY s L.Meyler Excerpta Medica Foundation 1964 4
1171 Sistem Pengantaran Obat Pelepasan Terkendali (SFI-3) 615.19 AGO s Goeswin Agoes ITB Bandung 2008 3
1172 Six Sigma for managers 658.56 GRE s Brue Mc-Graw Hills Companies, Inc 2002
1173 Skin Moisturization 615.778 SKI s Leyden & Rawlings Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
1174 Socioeconomic evaluation of drug therapy 615.6 VAN s Eimeren, Horisburger Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1988
1175 Solar Crop Drying 631.5 SOL s Mahendra S. Sodha CRC Press 1987
1176 Solar Crop Drying 631.5 SOL s Mahendra S. Sodha CRC Press 1987
1177 Solid Pharmaceutics : Mechanical properties and rate phenomena 615.19 JEN s Carstensen Academic press Ltd 1980
1178 Solid state characterization of pharmaceuticals 615.19 SOL s Storey, Ymen John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2011
1179 Solid state chemistry and its application 540.421 ANT s West John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1984
1180 Solid state chemistry of drugs 615.19 BYR s Byrn SSCI, Inc 1999 2
1181 Solomons ; Organic Chemistry 547 SOL c T.W.Graham Solomons John Wiley & Sons 1996 6
1182 Solomons and Fryhle Organic Chemistry 547 GRA r T.W .Graham Solomon Jhon Wiley and sons
1183 Solubility and Related Properties 615.19 JAM s Kenneth C. James Marcel Dekker, INC 1986
1184 Solvent Effect in Chemistry 541.34 ERW s Buncel & Stairs Wiley 2016 2
1185 Sourcebook for Biological Science 574 TRO s Donald L.Troyer The Macmillan Co. 1972
1186 Specialized Drug Delivery Systems 615.19 SPE s Tyle Marcell Dekker, Inc 1990
1187 Sport and exercise medicine for pharmacist 617.1 KAY s Steven B. Kayne Pharmaceutical Press, 2006
1188 Sport finance 612.04 FRI s Gil Fried Human Kinetics 2008 2
1189 Sport Marketing 796.06 MUL s bernard J. Mullin Human Kinetics 2007
1190 Sport nutrition, an introduction to energy production and performance 613.2 JEU s Asker Jeukendrup, M. Gleeson Human Kinetics 2004
1191 Sport Promotion and Sales Management 659.2 IRW s Richard L. Irwin Human Kinetics 2002
1192 Sports injuries : their prevention and treatment 613.7 PET s Lars Peterson Martin Dunitz Ltd. 2001 3
1193 Spplement 1 to Codex Alimentarius Food and Agriculture WHO 1983 1,11
1194 Stabilitas Kimiawi Sediaan Farmasi 615.18 CON s Kenneth A.Connors, Jonhn Wiley & Sons 1992 2
1195 Stabilitas Kimiawi Sediaan Farmasi 615.18 CON s Kenneth A.Connors, Jonhn Wiley & Sons 1992 2
1196 Determination and Use of Stability Constants 541.392 MAR d Arthur E. Martell VCH 1992 2
1197 Stability of Drugsand Dosage Forms 615.18 SUM s Yoshioka & Stella Kluwer Academic Publisher 2002
1198 Stability Testing in the EC, Japan and the USA 615.19 STA s Wolfgang Grimm WABA 1993 32
1199 Standard of ASEAN herbal Medicine 615.321 ASE s ASEAN Countries ASEAN Countries 1993 V.1
1200 Starch Conversion Technology 664.2 STA s G.M.A. Van Beynum ; J.A Roels Marcel Dekker 1985
1201 State Pharmacopoeia of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 615.1 MIN s Ministry of Health of The USSR Ministry of Health of The USSR 1961 9
1202 Statistic and Chemometric for Analytical Chemistry 543 JAM s Miller & Miller Prentice-Hall 2000 4
1203 Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry 543.07 MEI s Peter C.Meier John Wiley & Sons 1993
1204 Statistical Methods in Biological Assay 519 FIN s D.J. Finney Charles Griffin & Co. Ltd. London 1964 2
1205 Statistics for Analytical Chemistry 519.5 MIL s Miller & Miller John Wiley & Sons 1984
1206 Statistics in Kinesiology 612.7 VIN s William J. Vincent human kinetics 1995 3
1207 Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry 615.19 STA s Buncher & Tsay Marcell Dekker, Inc 1981
1208 Statistik fur Anwender 615.1 GOT s Wolfgang Gottwald Wiley-VCH 2000
1209 Statistika untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran, dan Ilmu yang Bertautan 519.502 SCH s Schefler Penerbit ITB 1987 2
1210 Statistika untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran, dan ilmu yang bertautan 519.502 SCH s William C.Schefler ITB 1987
1211 Statistika untuk Biologi, Farmasi, Kedokteran, dan ilmu yang bertautan. Terbitan kedua 519.50 SCH s William C. Schefler ITB 1987
1212 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 610.3 STE m Julie K. Stegman Lippincott Williams 2006 28
1213 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 610.3 STE m Julie K. Stegman Lippincott Williams 2006 28
1214 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 610.3 STE m Julie K. Stegman Lippincott Williams 2006 28
1215 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the health professions and nursing 610.3 STE m Stedman’s Lippincott Williams 2005 5
1216 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the health professions and nursing 610.3 STE m Stedman’s Lippincott Williams 2005 5
1217 Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the health professions and nursing 610.3 STE m Stedman’s Lippincott Williams 2005 5
1218 stefani 615.19 VAN i C.F. Van Duin Soeroengan 1958
1219 Sterile filtration : a practical approach 615.19 MAI s Jornitz, Meltzer Marcel Dekker, Inc 2001
1220 Sterile dosage forms 615.42 SAL s Turco, King Lea & Febigger 1979 2
1221 Sterile dosage forms : their preparation and clinical applications 615.6 SAL s Turco Lea & Febigger 1994 4
1222 Sterile drug products : formulation, packaging, manufacturing, and quality 615.19 MIC s Akers Informa Healthcare USA, Inc 2010
1223 Sterile Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 615.14 STE s Michael J.Groves Interpharm Press 1991
1224 Sterile Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 615.14 STE s Michael J.Groves Interpharm Press 1991
1225 Sterile Pharmaceutical manufacturing : application of the 1990’s 615.1 STE s Groves Interpharm press, Inc 1991 vol 2
1226 Sterile Pharmaceutical manufacturing : application of the 1990’s 615.1 STE s Groves Interpharm press, Inc 1991 vol 1
1227 Sterile Pharmaceutical Packaging : Compatibility and Stability 615.1 WAN s Wang & Chien Parenteral Drug Association, Inc. 1984
1228 Sterile Pharmaceutical products : process engineering applications 614.4 STE s Avis Interpharm press, Inc 1995
1229 Sterile preparation s for the hospital pharmacist: an ilustrated manual of prosedurs 615.1 KEN s Avis, akers ann arbor science 1982
1230 Sterile product development : formulation, process, quality, and regulatory considerations 615.19 STE s Kolhe Springer, American association of pharmaceutical scientist 2013
1231 Struktur dan fungsi tubuh manusia untuk paramedis 611 IRI s Kus Irianto Yrama Widya 2004
1232 Subtle Aromatherapy 615.321 PAT s Davis The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd 1991
1233 Sun Products–Protections and Tanning 668.5 SUN s Klein, et al. Allured Publishing Corp. 1998
1234 Sunscreens–Development, Evaluation, and Regulatory Aspects 616.5 SUN s Lowe & Shaath Marcell Dekker, Inc 1990
1235 Supercritical Fluid Extraction, Principles and Practice 660.96 MCH s Mark McHugh Butterworths 1986
1236 Supercritical Fluid Technology for Drug Product Development 615.19 SUP s York, et al. Informa Healthcare USA Inc. 2008
1237 Suplemen I Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DEPKES RI DEPKES RI 2009 4
1238 Suplemen I Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND s DepKes RI DepKes RI 2009 4
1239 Suplemen II Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DEPKES RI DEPKES RI 2010 4
1240 Suplemen II Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND s DepKes RI DepKes RI 2009 4
1241 Suplemen III Farmakope Indonesia 615.1 IND f DEPKES RI DEPKES RI 2011 4
1242 Surfactant and Polymers in Aqueous Solution 668.1 SUR s Holmberg, et al. John Wiley & Sons 2003 2
1243 Surfactants and Polymers in Drug Delivery 615.6 MAR s Malmsten Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
1244 Surfactants and Polymers in Drug Delivery 615.6 MAR s Malmsten Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
1245 Surfactant’s in Cosmetics 668.55 SUR s Rieger Marcell Dekker, Inc 1985
1246 Sustained Release Pharmaceuticals 615.19 WIL s Alec Williamas Moyes Development 1969
1247 Tablet Making 615.19 LIT t Arthur Little The Northern Publishing 1968
1248 Tablet Manufacture 615.19 JOH t J.C. Johnson Noyes Data Corporat 1974
1249 Tablet and capsule machine instrumentation 615.19 TAB t Armstrong Pharmaceutical press 2008
1250 Tak Terjampurkannja Obat-obatan 615.4 ARK t C. G. Van Arkel Soeroengan
1251 tata cara mengurus perizinan usaha farmasi dan kesehatan 610.73 MUH t Firmansyah Visimedia 2009
1252 Techniques and practice of Chromatography 543.089 SCO t Raymond P.W.Scott Marcel Dekker 1995
1253 Techniques of Solubilization of Drugs 615.19 TEC t Samuel H. Yalkowsky Marcel Dekker, Inc 1981 v.12
1254 Technology Conference Proceedings Part II, Advances in Water Analysis and Treatment 614.77 ADV a American Water Works Ass. American Water Works Ass. 1991
1255 Teknologi ELISA, dalam diagnosis dan penelitian 615.19 TEK t Graham W. Burgess UGM 1995
1256 Teknologi Proses Pengolahan Pangan 664.8 TIE t Muchtadi & Ayustaningwarno Alfabeta 2010 4
1257 Temulawak Curcuma xanthorriza L (Roxb) 615.321 SID t Sidik Phyto Media
1258 Teori dan Praktek Farmasi Industi II ed.3 338.4 LEO t Leon Lachman UIP 1994 3
1259 Termodinamika–Azas Dasar dan Terapan Kimia 541.369 SUS t Rahayu ITB Bandung 2006
1260 testing and characterization of powders and fine particles 625.85 TES t Beddow, Meloy Heyden & Son Ltd 1980
1261 Texbook of Buiopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics 615.7 NIA t Sarfaraz K. Niazi Appleton Century Crofis 1977
1262 Texbook of Human Anatomy 612 TEX t W.J. Hamilton A. Wheaton & CO 1977 2
1263 Text Book of Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering 628 HUS t SK Husain Oxford & IBH Publishing 1979
1264 Textbook of biopharmaceutic analysis 615.7 SMI t Smith, Stewart Lea & Febigger 1981
1265 Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics 615.7 NIA t Sarfaraz Niazi ACC 1979
1266 Textbook of Medical Physiology 612 GUY m Guyton Holt Saunders 1981 6
1267 Textbook Of Therapeutics, Drug And Disease Mangement 615.5 HEL d Richard A. Helms Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006 8
1268 Textbook Of Therapeutics, Drug And Disease Mangement 615.5 HEL d Richard A. Helms Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2008 8
1269 Textbook Of Therapeutics, Drug And Disease Mangement 615.5 HEL d Richard A. Helms Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006 8
1270 The Aging Clock 612.6 AGI t Walter Pierpaoli Annals 1994
1271 The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary 610.3 DOR m W.A. Newman Dorland W. B. Saunders Company 1951 2
1272 The Amino Revolution 613.2 ERD t Erdmann Fireside 1987
1273 The ancient egyptian medicine plant, Aloe Vera, Handbook 615.321 SKO a Max. B. Skousen Aloe vera reseearch institute 1982
1274 The Art of Compounding 615.12 ART a Glenn L.Jenkins McGraw-Hill 1957 9
1275 The Art, science and technology of pharmaceutical compounding 615.19 LOY t Allen, Loyd American pharmacist association 2008 3
1276 The Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding 615.4 ALL t Loyd V. Allen Jr. Ph.D APhA 2002 2
1277 The Behavior of Plasticizers 620.136 MEL t Ibert Mellan Pergamon Press 1961
1278 The Biotechnology of Malting and Brewing 663.32 HOU t Hough Cambridge University Press 1985
1279 The Cambride Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms 581 HIC r Michael Hickey Cambridge University 2000
1280 The Cell 574.8 PEE c John Pfeiffer Time-Life Book N.Y. 1977
1281 The chemical constituents of oriental herbs 615.321 HON c Hong Yen Hsu Oriental Healing Arts Institute 1985
1282 The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics Vol I–Basic Science 668.5 THE t Schlossman Allured Publishing Corp. 2000 3
1283 The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics Vol II-Formulating 668.5 THE t Schlossman Allured Publishing Corp. 2000 3 vol.2
1284 The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics Vol III–Ingredients (Book One) 668.5 THE t Schlossman Allured Publishing Corp. 2002 3
1285 The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics Vol III–Ingredients (Book Two) 668.5 THE t Schlossman Allured Publishing Corp. 2002 3
1286 The Chemistry and Physics of Coating 541.042 CHE t Marrion et al Royal Society of Chemistry 2004 2
1287 The Complete German Commission E Monographs therapeutic Guide to herbal medicines 615.321 AME c Mark Blumenthal ABC 1998
1288 The Complete Homeopathy Handbook 615.5 MIR t Castro ST. Martin’s Press 1990
1289 The Context of Medicines in Developing Countries 615 CON c Sjaak Van Der Geest Het Spinhuis 1991
1290 The Cosmetic Industry–Scientific and Regulatory Foundations 668.5 THE t Estrim Marcell Dekker, Inc 1984
1291 The ecology of the indonesian seas 574.5 TOM t Tomas Tomascik Periplus Editions 1997
1292 The ecology of the indonesian seas 574.5 TOM t Tomas Tomascik Periplus Editions 1997
1293 The Enclopedia of Nursing 649 PET e Lucile Petry Saunders 1952
1294 The Essentials of contraceptive Teknology 613.9 ESS t Robert A. Hatcher Johns Hopkins 1997
1295 The Food Pharmacy, Dramatic New Evidence that Food is Your Best Medicine 664.88 CAR f Jean Carper Simon Schuster LTD. 1988
1296 The Green Pharmacy 615.321 DUK t James A. Duke Rodale 1997
1297 The Handbook of Glass Manufacture 666.1 FAY t Tooley Ashlee Publishing 1953
1298 The Handbook of Nanomedicine 610 KEW t Jain Humana Press 2008
1299 The Healing Herbs 615.321 CAS t Michael Casileman, Melissa Joan Rubin Rodale 1987
1300 The healing nutrients within 664 BRA h Pufeifer Keates Publishing 1997 2
1301 The Hospital from Centre of Excellence to Community Support 362.1 VET h Norman Vetter Chapman and Hall 1995
1302 The Innovator’s Prescription–A Disruptive Solution for Health Care 362.1 CLA t Christensen et al McGraw Hill 2009
1303 The International Pharmacopeia 615.1 WHO i WHO WHO 1979 3
1304 The International Pharmacopeia 615.1 WHO i WHO WHO 1981 3
1305 The International Pharmacopeia 615.1 WHO i WHO WHO 1988 3
1306 The International Pharmacopeia 615.1 WHO i WHO WHO 1994 3
1307 The International Pharmacopeia 615.1 WHO i WHO WHO 2003 3
1308 The International Pharmacopeia 615.1 WHO i WHO WHO 2006 4
1309 The International Pharmacopeia 615.1 WHO i WHO WHO 2006 4
1310 The International Pharmacopoeia 615.19 WOR t WHO WHO 1979 III (volum 1)
1311 The International Pharmacopoeia 615.19 WOR t WHO WHO 1981 III (volum 2)
1312 The International Pharmacopoeia 615.19 WOR t WHO WHO 1988 III (volum 3)
1313 The International Pharmacopoeia v.1 615.11 WOR p WHO WHO 1979 3
1314 The International Pharmacopoeia v.2 615.11 WOR p WHO WHO 1981 3
1315 The International Pharmacopoeia v.3 615.11 WOR p WHO WHO 1988 3
1316 The International Pharmacopoeia v.4 615.11 WOR p WHO WHO 1994 3
1317 The International Pharmacopoeia v.5 615.11 WOR p WHO WHO 2003 3
1318 The Interpharm International Dictionary of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 615.1 INT i Dean E. Snyder Interpharm Press 1992
1319 The Japanese Pharmacopoeia, 14th ed 615 SOC t Society Of Japanese Pharmacopoeia Yakuji Nippo 2001 14
1320 The Japanese Pharmacopoeia, 15th ed 615 JAP p Society Of Japanese Pharmacopoeia Yakuji Nippo 2006 15
1321 The Medicinal Plant Industry 615.32 THE t Wijesekera CRC Press 1991
1322 The Merck Index 615.1 MER t The Royal Society of Chemistry 2001 13
1323 The Merck Index, An Encyclopedia Of Chemicals, Drug, And Biological 615.1 NEI m Maryadele, J.O ‘NEIL, CS Merck & co 2006 14
1324 The Merck Index, An Encyclopedia Of Chemicals, Drug, And Biological 615.1 NEI m Maryadele, J.O ‘NEIL, CS Merck & co 2006 14
1325 The Natural Coumarins. Occurrence,Chemistry and Biochemistry 547.038 MUR n Robert D. H. Murray Jhon Wiley and sons 1982
1326 The Natural Pharmacy 615.5 THE t Schuyler W. Lininger Three Rivers press 1999 2
1327 The New Age Herbalist 615.321 MAB m Richard Mabey A fireside book 1988
1328 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Analysis and Management 621.48 COC t Robert G.Cochran ANS 1999
1329 The Pharmaceutical Codex 615.1 LUN p Walter Lund The Pharmaceutical 1994 12
1330 The Pharmaceutical Codex : Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutics, 12th Ed. 615.1 LUN p Walter Lund THE PHARMACEUTICAL PRESS 1994 12
1331 The Pharmaceutical Curriculum 378 BLA p Lioyd E. Blauch ACOE 1952
1332 The Pharmaceutical Curriculum 378 BLA p Lloyd E. Blauch American Council 1952
1333 The Pharmacological Basic of Therapeutics 2 615.19 PHA p Goodman & Gilman’s Mc. Graw Hill 11
1334 The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs 615.321 HUA c Kee Ckhang Huang CRC 1993
1335 The Pharmacy and pharmacotherapy of Asthma 616.2 THE t D’Arcy & McElnay Ellis Horwood 1989
1336 The Pharmacy of Silicones and their uses in medicine 615.19 LEV p Ronald Levin The Chemist and Druggist 1958
1337 The Pill the Most Misunderstood Drug in the World 616.7 SAM p G. Samsioe the Parthenon Publising 1991
1338 The Pharmacological Basic of Therapeutics 615.19 PHA p Goodman & Gilman’s Mc. Graw Hill 11
1339 The PsychologicalCompanion 612 STE p Robert J.Sternberg Cambridge University 1993
1340 The science of biology 570 WEI s Paul B. Weisz Mcgraw hill 1963 2
1341 The Sciences : an integrated approach 500 TRE t TREFIL, James ; HAZEN, Robert M. Wiley 2007 5
1342 The Sciences an integrated approach 500 TRE t James Trefil Wiley 2007 5
1343 The Sciences an integrated approach 615.5 TRE r James Trefil Jhon Wiley and sons
1344 The Starch Industry 664.2 KNI s Knight Pergamon Press Limited 1969
1345 The Sugar Solution 613.3 THE t Harrar Rodale 2004
1346 The Systematic identification of organic compounds 615.2 SHR s Ralph L. Shriner Wiley 2004 8
1347 The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine 615.2 PHA t J.P. Griffin, J.O.Grady Queen University 1993
1348 The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy 615.19 LEO t Leon Lachman Lea &Febiger 1976 3
1349 The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy 615.19 LAC t Leon Lachman Lea &Febiger 1970 2
1350 The Truth About Hormone Replacement Therapy 615.36 PEA t Cynthia Pearson National women’s health network 2002
1351 The Ultimate Nutrient Glutamine 612.01 SHA t Shabert & Ehrlich Avrry Publishing Group 1994
1352 The United States Dispensatory, 27th Ed. 615.12 OSO d Osol A.. J.B. Lippincott Co. 1973 27
1353 The Veterinary Formulary 636.089 THE t Bishop Pharmaceutical press 2001 5
1354 The Vitamins : fundamental aspects in nutrition and health 612.3 THE t Combs elsevier science Ltd 2008 3
1355 The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging Techonology 668.8 THE t Bakker John Wiley & Sons 1986
1356 Theory of Pharmaceutical Systems 615.19 CAR t J. Thuro Carstensen Academic Press 1972 1
1357 Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins–Formulation Processing and Delivery Systems 615.3 AJA t Banga CRC Press 2015 3
1358 Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins–Formulation Processing and Delivery Systems 615.3 AJA t Ajay K. Banga CRC Press 2005 2
1359 Thermal analysis of pharmaceuticals 615.19 THE t Craig, Reading CRC Press, Inc 2007
1360 Thin Layer Chromatography,a laboratory Handbook 544.92 THI t Egon Stahl Springer 1969 2
1361 Toksikologi Dasar 615.9 IMO t Imono Argo Donatus Lab FA UGM 2005 2
1362 Tomorrow’s Tecnology and You 600 BEE r George Beekman Pearson Prentice Hall 2008
1363 Tomorrow’s Tecnology and You 601 BEE r George Beekman Pearson Prentice Hall 2008
1364 Topical Absorption of Dermatological Products 615.6 TOP t Bronaugh & Maibach Marcell Dekker, Inc 2002
1365 Topical Drug Bioavailability, Bioequivalence, and Penetration Shah & Maibatch Plenum Press 1993
1366 Topical Drug Delivery Formulations 615.19 TOP t David W. Osborn Marcel Dekker, Inc 1990 v.42
1367 Topics in Pharmacy : formulation factors in adverse reactions 615.7 FOR f Florence, Salole Butterworth & Co. Ltd 1990
1368 FDA Introduction To;Total Drug Quality 615.19 FDA f Daniel Banes FDA 1974
1369 Total parenteral nutrition : Premises and promises 615.5 TOT t Ghadimi John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1975
1370 Total Quality management 658.5 ART t Tenner, DeToro Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1992
1371 Towards Better Safety of Drugs and Pharmaceuetical 363.1 TOW t D.D. Breimer Elselvier 1980
1372 Toxicological Aspects of Food Safety 615.954 TOX t B.J Leonard Springer-Verlag 1978
1373 Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology of Herbal Products 615.9 TOX t Cupp et al Humana Press 2000
1374 Traditional Medicine anad Health Care Coveragae 615.321 TRA t Robert H. Bannerman WHO 1983
1375 Traite De Pharmacologie 615.1 FAL t Traduit par Margot Maloine 1974
1376 Transdermal Controlled Systemic Medication 615.67 TRA t Chien Marcell Dekker, Inc 1987
1377 Transdermal Drug Delivery 615.66 TRA t Hadgraft & Guy Marcell Dekker, Inc 1989
1378 Transnasal Sysrtemic Medications 615 TRA t Yie W. Chien Elselvier 1985
1379 Treatise on Controlled Drug Delivery 615.6 TRE t Agis Kydonieus Marcel Dekker, INC 1991
1380 Trissel’s :Stability of Compounded Formulations 616.19 LAW t Lawrence A. Trissel APHA 1996
1381 Trissel’s stability of compounded formulation 616.19 LAW t Trissel American pharmacist association 2009 4
1382 Trissel’s stability of compounded formulation 616.19 LAW t Trissel American pharmacist association 2012 5
1383 Tropical Drug Bioavailability,Bioequivalence and penetration 615.6 TOP t Vinod P.SHAH ; HowardnI.Maibach Plenum Press 1993
1384 Tuberculosis and the Tubercle Bacillus 616.9 TUB t Stewart T.Cole ASM 2005
1385 Tumbuh-tumbuhan Obat di Indonesia Jilid I 615.321 TUM t Achmad, et al. Penerbit ITB 2009 1
1386 Tumbuh-tumbuhan Obat di Indonesia Jilid II 615.321 TUM t Achmad, et al. Penerbit ITB 2013 2
1387 Tutorial Pharmacy, 615.4 COO c S.J. Carter Pitman Medical 1972 6
1388 Tyler’s Herbs of Choice 615.321 JAM t Robers & Tyler Haworth Herbal Press 2000
1389 Tyler’s Honest Herbal 615.321 STE t Foster & Tyler Haworth Herbal Press 2000 4
1390 Understanding Medical Term 615.4 STA u Walter F. Stanaszek Technomic Publ. 1992
1391 Unit Process in Pharmacy 615 DAV u Ganderton William Heinemann Medical Books 1968
1392 Unit processes in pharmacy 615.4 GAN u David Ganderton William Heinemann 1968
1393 Useful and Harmful Interactions of Antibiotics 615.329 MAU u Neuman CRC Press, Inc 1985
1394 USP DI, Information For The Health Care Prefessional 615.1 USP d USP DI USP DI 2007 27
1395 USP DI, Information For The Health Care Prefessional 615.1 USP d USP DI USP DI 2007 27
1396 USP DI, Information For The Health Care Prefessional 615.1 USP d USP DI USP DI 2007 27
1397 Vaccine Design 615.3 BRO v Fred Brown Wiley 1993
1398 Vadamecum for vitamin formulations 615.328 BUH v Volker Buhler Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 1988
1399 Vademecum for vitamin formulations 615.19 VOL v Buhler Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft MBH 2000 2
1400 Validation and Qualification in Analytical Laboratories 543 HUB v Ludwig Huber Interpharm Press 1999
1401 Validation of Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes 615.19 VAL v Carleton, Agalloco Marcel Dekker, Inc 1986
1402 Vegetable Processing 664.8 VEG v Arthey et al VCH Publisher 1991
1403 Venoms: Chemistry and Molecular Biology 591.19 ANT v Anthony T. TU John Wiley & Sons 1977
1404 Veterinary Medicine Part 1 636.089 RAD v Radostits, et al. Saunders 2006 10
1405 Veterinary Medicine Part 2 636.089 RAD v Radostits, et al. Saunders 2006 10
1406 Viruses in water systems 628.161 BLO v J. C. Block VCH 1989
1407 Viscoelastic properties of foods 664.07 VIS v M.A. Rao Elsevier science publishers 1992
1408 Vogel ; Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro Dan Semimikro 576.1 VOG a Vogel PT. Kalman Media Pusaka cetakan kedua 1990 5
1409 Vogel ; Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro Dan Semimikro 576.1 VOG a Vogel PT. Kalman Media Pusaka cetakan kedua 1990 5
1410 Water Pollution Control in Developing Cauntries 614.77 WAT w E.A.R. Ouano AIT 1978
1411 Water-insoluble drug information 615.42 WAT w Rong Liu Interpharm press, Inc 2000
1412 Webster’s New World Stedman’s Concise Medical Dictionary 610.3 WIL k William Webster’s New World 1987
1413 Wettability 541.33 WET w Berg Marcel Dekker, Inc 1993 vol 49
1414 WHO Expert Committee On Specifications For Pharmaceutical Preparations Forty-ninth report 615.19 WHO w World Health Organization WHO 1996
1415 WHO Model Formulary for Children 615.1 WHO w WHO WHO 2010
1416 Women, Health and Environment, An anthology 615.1 SIM w Jacqueline Sims WHO 1994
1417 Women’s Health Today Perspective on Current Research and Clinical Practice 618 POP w Popkin the Parthenon Publising 1994
1418 Zoonosis kedokteran 616.4 SOE z Soedarto Airlangga University Press 2003