Undergraduate study programs at the School of Pharmacy, namely Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, STF) and Clinical and Community Pharmacy (Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas, FKK) Study Program are re-accredited by an international accreditation agency, *The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics* (ASIIN). ASIIN is an international accreditation agency that has provided expert support to universities at the international level regarding the implementation of accreditation procedures, both at the level of study programs and institutions. ASIIN is a leading agency from Germany that plays a role in the accreditation process for education programs in engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, and computer science.
ASIIN’s accreditation process uses an accreditation system based on learning outcomes (Outcome-Based Accreditation or OBE). It means that the evaluation process is based on how high the achievement obtained by students in each course/practicum is with the achievement provisions determined by ASIIN. This shows that all compulsory courses contained in the curriculum of these two study programs uphold the quality of material delivery, evaluation, and practicum, hence after students complete the courses/practicum, they have qualified abilities. Another thing highlighted by ASIIN is the implementation that has been carried out by study programs related to Outcome-Based Education (OBE), which is accompanied by evidence of evaluation on the achievement of study programs and institutions’ outcomes.
Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, STF) and Clinical and Community Pharmacy (Farmasi Kinik dan Komunitas, FKK) Study Program were previously internationally accredited by ASIIN in 2015. The ASIIN International Re-accreditation process was conducted in 2020, and both study programs successfully met the requirements and evaluation of ASIIN, so that the accreditation period is extended until 30 September 2027. Being re-accredited by ASIIN shows that School of Pharmacy ITB is highly committed to providing high-quality and internationally competitive educational programs by continuing to develop lecture and laboratory facilities to support the continuity of lecture and research process.