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On Saturday, October 23, 2021, the Pharmacists Professional Study Program of School of Pharmacy ITB held an “Interprofessional Education Seminar and Workshop”. This event was divided into two sessions, namely a seminar in the form of material explanation from several presenters and a workshop in the form of student discussions of three professions to solve one particular case.

The involved presenters were Dr. F. Sri Susilaningsih, MN. – Lecturer of Nursing Faculty, Universitas Padadjaran, apt. Rina Winarni – RSHS Pharmacist, dr. Insi Farisa Desy Arya, M.Si – Lecturer of Medical Faculty, Universitas Padadjaran, and Hari Setyowibowo, S.Psi., M.Psi., – Psychologist and Lecturer of Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padadjaran. Besides that, participants in this event consisted of students of ITB pharmacist profession, Padjadjaran doctor profession, and Undergraduate Nursing of Universitas Padjadjaran. In addition, the workshop session was assisted by facilitators from Medical Faculty teaching staff, Nursing Faculty teaching staff, and pharmacists from several hospitals.

This event was very interesting because students were introduced to the way in building collaboration between professions to reach the same goal, namely complete patient care. Hopefully, this event will be the forerunner of better health services in the future.

“Students today, partners tomorrow“
