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Bandung, –School of Pharmacy ITB inaugurated 107 new pharmacists in the Semester II – 2020/2021 period in the Oath-Taking and Inauguration of Pharmacists event in the Aula Barat ITB.

The oath-taking and inauguration processions were carried out in a hybrid way (a combination of online and offline). The new pharmacist graduates who attended offline consisted of 39 participants and 68 other participants attended online. The entire procession of this event ran smoothly and wisely while still carrying out health protocols.

The event began with the opening session by the chair of the pharmacist exam committee, the Dean of School of Pharmacy ITB, and a report from the secretary of the pharmacist exam committee, the Chair of Pharmacist Profession Study Program. The event continued with the oath-taking and inauguration of pharmacists by the National Pharmacy Committee (Komite Farmasi Nasional. KFN) witnessed by clergy and then continued with the signing of the pharmacist’s oath.

The KFN’s representative in his speech stated that every pharmacist who will practice is required to have an Apothecary Registration Certificate (Surat Tanda Registrasi Apoteker, STRA), in which now, the STRA application is conducted online through the STRA issuance application (e-STRA)

The Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs in his speech said that with the competence and expertise of pharmacists, it is hoped that they can make a real contribution to the community, so that the benefits of pharmacists can be widely felt, especially in efforts to improve health status.

In the procession of this event, awards were given to four outstanding students. PT. Dexa Medica awarded apt. Stefani Anabella Dwiputri, S.Farm. for achieving the highest GPA for the Pharmacist Study Program, specializing in Production and Quality Testing. Additionally, PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories gave the Novell Award to apt. Bella Wijaya, S.Farm. for achieving the highest pharmacist exam score. Next, PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation gave the Paragon Award to apt. Gabriela Natasha, S.Farm for achieving the highest GPA. Then, Kalbe Pharmaceutical Manufacture gave the Kalbe Award to apt. Lydia Husen Kartadinata, S. Farm.

diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi nyata kepada masyarakat sehingga manfaat keberadaan apoteker dapat dirasakan secara luas, terutama dalam upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan.

Dalam prosesi acara diberikan penghargaan kepada 4 mahasiswa berprestasi. PT. Dexa Medica memberikan penghargaan kepada saudari apt. Stefani Anabella Dwiputri, S.Farm atas capaian IPK Tertinggi Program Studi Apoteker Peminatan Produksi dan Pengujian Mutu. PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories memberikan penghargaan Novell Award kepada saudari apt. Bella Wijaya, S.Farm atas prestasinya sebagai peraih nilai ujian apoteker tertinggi. Saudari apt. Gabriela Natasha, S.Farm dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) tertinggi mendapatkan Paragon Award dari PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation. Penghargaan berupa Kalbe Award diberikan oleh Kalbe Pharmaceutical Manufacture kepada saudari apt. Lydia Husen Kartadinata, S.Farm.

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