Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, 25 May 2023, School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung and Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation Universiti Teknologi Mara signed The Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). This collaboration carry important point “The Harmonization of multidicipline science in sport science”. It is certain that this point will provide a solution to the challenge of advancing sports science in Indonesia and Malaysia.
ITB as a part of Indonesian government development, can play a greater role of sport science improvement by this collaboration. On other hand, UiTM can take advantage of this collaboration, for instance transferring knowledge in sports medicine and doping, considering ITB have pharmaceutical experts who can work with sport scientists in these areas.
The meeting was attended by Prof. apt. I Ketut Adnyana, PhD (Dean School of Pharmacy), Dr. apt. Muhamad Insanu, S.Si., M.Si. (Head of Magister Program), Dr. Samsul Bahri., M. Kes (Head of Sports Science Department), and Bagus Winata., M. Or (Liaison officer of this collaboration) as a representative of School of Pharmacy, especially Magister Sports Science Department. From UiTM side, Prof. Dr Mohad Anizu Mohd Nor (Dean), Dr. Shariman Ismadi Ismail (Deputy Dean Academic), Dr. Mohamad Rahizam Abdul Rahim (Deputy Dean Student Affairs) and other faculty staff.
It is hoped that this collaboration will be implemented succesfully and strengthen the partnership between ITB and UiTM