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Presentasi Prof. Kattesh V. Katti

Rabu, 5 Agustus 2015, bertempat di Ruang Rapat Sekolah Farmasi Lantai 2, telah diadakan Presentasi tentang Nano Teknologi dengan tema “The Role of Nanotechnology: Current and Next Decades”. Acara yang diadakan sekitar pukul 2 siang ini dibawakan oleh pakar nano teknologi dari University of Missouri, Prof. Kattesh V. Katti.

Dr. Katti telah dianugerahi sejumlah penghargaan internasional diantaranya: 25 Most Influential Scientist In Molecular Imaging in the World, ‘Father of Green Nanotechnology’ citation, for his work on Green Nanotechnology, by the Nobel Prize Winner Norman Borlaug, Gauss Professorship from the Gottingen Academy of Sciences. Dr Katti saat ini menjabat sebagai Curators’ Professor of Radiology, Physics, Biological Engineering, Margaret Proctor Mulligan Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research and a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Missouri Research Reactor.

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