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One of The Experts in Bioavailability and Bioequivalence, Prof. Dr. apt. Yeyet Cahyati Sumirtapura

School of Pharmacy proudly presents one of our very own experts in bioavailability and bioequivalence, Prof. Dr. apt. Yeyet Cahyati Sumirtapura.
An ITB alumnus, Prof. Dr. apt. Yeyet Cahyati Sumirtapura or Prof. Yeyet as everyone usually calls him has been a lecturer in School of Pharmacy ITB since 1977 then obtained his Ph.D from Univ. d’Aix – Marseille II, France in 1982. His research interests is in Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics fields.

He has got a professor in Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics since 2004. You can meet Prof. Yeyet teaching courses such as Biopharmacy and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Drug Development, Water Insoluble Drug Formulation, Physical Pharmacy, Basic Industrial Pharmacy, etc.
Prof Yeyet has published many publications and currently, Prof. Yeyet teaches for both undergraduate, Master and Doctoral students while actively involved as an expert in BADAN POM RI, lead assessor in Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN), and consultant/training facilitator in several pharmaceutical industries and bioavailability and bioequivalence (BA-BE) laboratories.

Read more about Prof.Yeyet and his experiences on our website visit

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