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Meet our faculty member

Prof. Sukmadjaja Asyarie is one of our very own experts in pharmacokinetics and veterinary pharmacy.

An ITB alumnus, Pak Sukma as everyone usually calls him has been a lecturer in School of Pharmacy ITB since 1979 then obtained his Ph.D from Universite Paris 7, Paris, France in 1986. His research interests is in Pharmacokinetics and Veterinary Pharmacy fields especially pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in animals that lead him got a professor in Pharmacokinetics since 2008.

Pak Sukma loves this field because antibiotics have been used to strengthen profitability and productivity of modern food-animal production. However the use of veterinary drugs in large amounts and consistently could result in deposition of antimicrobial residues in muscle and organs of animal. Consumption of these residues in animal products may pose health risk to consumers including development of antibiotic resistance.

Pak Sukma also has published many publications and currently, Pak Sukma teaches for both undergraduate, Master and Doctoral students teaching pharmakokinetics, veterinary pharmacy, and management of pharmacy while actively involved as advisor for employee cooperative (Koperasi Keluarga Pegawai).

Previously Pak Sukma actively as Vice Rector and Rector in Institut Sains dan Teknologi Al Kamal, as consultant in PT. Saroni Milenia Laboratoris, PT. Solas Langgeng Sejahtera, PT. Meta Galenika, PT. Multi Permana Farma, chief of employee cooperative, compiler of alquran index (1984), etc.

Read more about Prof. Sukma and his experiences on our website visit
