Prof. Dr. apt. Heni Rachmawati, M.Si. adalah salah satu dosen di Kelompok Keilmuan (KK) Farmasetika Sekolah Farmasi ITB. Beliau juga merupakan pewawancara beasiswa LPDP, Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia, Juri Dosen Berprestasi Kemendikbud dan Juri Dosen Berprestasi Poltekes Kemenkes dengan segudang prestasi lainnya seperti Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 tahun, Dosen Berprestasi Nasional, Dosen Berprestasi ITB, Ganesha Award in Innovation, Ganesha Award in Research, serta Top 2% Scientist in The World oleh Stanford University dan Elsevier (2021-2024). Berkat prestasi, inovasi, dan karya beliau, Prof. Heni merupakan salah satu pionir teknologi nano dalam bidang kesehatan paling berpengaruh di Indonesia.
Beliau juga merupakan peneliti yang ulung dengan segudang penelitian di seputar bidang farmasetika. Beliau sangat terlibat dalam kegiatan ilmiah baik di level nasional maupun level internasional. Beliau menjadi pembicara di banyak ajang kegiatan ilmiah internasional seperti Pharmaceutical Sciences World Conggres of FIP, International Conference of Natural Science, dll. Selain itu, beliau juga banyak berkolaborasi dengan lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan baik pemerintahan maupun industri. Kolaborasi ini juga didapatkan baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
Sebagai peneliti yang andal, karya dan inovasi beliau sudah banyak yang dipatenkan dan didaftarkan. Beberapa contoh inovasi yang telah berhasil dimanfaatkan dan diterapkan untuk masyarakat nasional maupun internasional adalah nanokurkumin dan nanoemulsi vitamin. Hal ini menjadikan beliau sebagai salah satu tokoh nanomedicine paling berpengaruh di Indonesia. Prof. Heni Rachmawati juga aktif melakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di propinsi Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur, mempunyai desa binaan di kabupaten sumedang terkait pengentasan anak stanting dengan pengembangan budidaya ikan lele dan pengolahan produk-produk turunannya.
- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1992
- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1998
- S3 University of Groningen, Groningen – Belanda 2005
Bidang Penelitian
- Drug delivery system
- Nanotechnology-based formulation
- Protein therapeutic
- Solid formulation and processing
- Heni Rachmawati, Klaas Poelstra, Leonie Beljaars, Cytokine and Modified-Cytokine as therapeutic agents: Present State and Future Perspectives, in Book: Recent Research Development in Immunology, Publisher: Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2004, 6:191-214, ISBN: 81-7736-206-2.
- Heni Rachmawati, The Design of a liver-selective form of interleukin-10: a new strategy for the treatment of liver fibrosis, dissertation, Publisher: University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, June 2005, ISBN: 90-367-2272-1.
- Bingfeng Sun, Heni Rachmawati, Yutao Liu, Jing Zhao, Si-Shen Feng, Antibody-Conjugated Nanoparticles of Biodegradable Polymers for Targeted Drug Delivery: In book: Bionanotechnology II: Global Prospects by E. Reisner David, CRC Press, August 2010, ISSBN 9781439804636.
- Heni Rachmawati, Adriana Mattos-Pinto, Catharina Reker-Smit, Klaas Poelstra and Leonie Beljaars, Modification of interleukin-10 with mannose 6-phosphate groups yields a liver-specific cytokine with antifibrotic effects in bile-duct ligated rats” in the book “Pharmacology”, publisher Intech, Croatia, ISBN 979-953-307-482-4, March 2012.
Penghargaan dan Hibah Perjalanan
- Young investigator award, Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health USA, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, February 2005.
- EASL Young Investigator’s Bursaries (full Roche Unrestricted Education Grant), The European Association for the Study of the Liver, April 2005.
- International society of Nephrology (ISN), June, 2005.
- Travel grant from COMSTECH (committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation), Pakistan, 2006
- Travel grant from Ministry of Education, Indonesia, 2006.
- Travel grant from PT Biofarma, Indonesia, 2006.
- Travel grant from COMSTECH-OIC, Pakistan, 2008.
- Young investigator award, Ristek-Kalbe Award, 2008, Indonesia
- Travel grant from ICS-UNIDO (International Center for Science and High Technology – United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Italy 2009.
- 100 Wanita terinspiratif 2009, versi Majalah Kartini
- Best Presenter, Indonesia Toray Science Foundation 2010.
- Best research paper in the field of pharmaceutical technology, Indonesian Apotheker Association Congress, Indonesia 2010.
- Best poster in the field of pharmaceutical technology: “Development of curcumin nanocrystal and study on the anti-inflammatory effect in male Wistar rat”, 5th conference of Asian Association of School of Pharmacy, Bandung Indonesia, 16-19 June 2011.
- 2nd best poster in International Seminar on Natural Product Medicines, Bandung, Indonesia, November 2012.
- Best performance, academic staff ITB 2013
- Best performance, academic staff DIKTI 2013
- Best research II Kalbe Award, 2014
- Ganesha Award in Research, 2015
- Ganesha Award in Innovation, 2016
TA Sari, AC Adi, H RachmawatiJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2024
Theoretical Investigation of the Green-Synthesized Carbon-Based Nanomaterial Potential as Inhibitors of ACE2 for Blocking SARS-CoV-2 Binding
HC Sari, HH Putri, PWK Paksi, G Hidayat, SR Amelia, CDD Sundari, H Rachmawati, AL Ivansyah, F Muttaqien, F IskandarACS omega 9 (14), 16701-16715, 2024 -
Pengembangan Formula Nanoemulsi Minyak Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum L.) dan Ekstrak Siwak (Salvadora persica) serta Uji Aktivitasnya terhadap Bakteri dari Saliva Mencit Galur BALB/c
SF Zahro, SP Dewi, A Adlia, H RachmawatiMEDICINUS 37 (1), 27-43, 2024 -
Development of Pastilles containing Fermented Garlic to Improve Acceptability and Health Benefits for the Elderly in a Post-Vaccination Program
AC Adi, H Rachmawati, ER Ishaura, F Farapti, W Salisa, MF Rasyidi, N SutthiwongResearch and Innovation in Food Science and Technology 13 (1), 11-16, 2024 -
Effect of Ag and Ni-Doped Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles on the Formation of ROS and Evaluation as an Alternative Physical Sunscreen Material
AG Marsius, S Hidayat, DR Adhika, AZE Mustofa, V Suendo, H RachmawatiChemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 72 (2), 220-225, 2024 -
Theoretical Insights into the Carbon Linker Length Effects on the Radical Scavenging Activity of Curcumin
LSP Boli, F Rusydi, V Khoirunisa, AG Saputro, MH Mahyuddin, K Yoshizawa, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoMalaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 20 (1), 125-154, 2024 -
Development and Characterization of a Gel Formulation Containing Golden Cherry Exosomes (Physalis minima) as a Potential Anti-Photoaging
VE Setiadi, A Adlia, A Barlian, FD Ayuningtyas, H RachmawatiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 12 (1), 56-67, 2024 -
Development of controlled release particulate system of Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) seed shell extract and effectivity on the hyperuricemic rat model
E Masruriati, IK Adnyana, D Mudhakir, H RachmawatiJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 14 (1), 159-169, 2024 -
The mannose-binding protein from Agaricus bisporus inhibits the growth of MDA-MB-231 spheroids
F Azzahra, R Amalia, AH Karsono, RR Tjandrawinata, WT Ismaya, H RachmawatiChemical Biology & Drug Design 103 (1), e14365, 2024 -
Functionalized Phytochemicals-Embedded Carbon Dots Derived from Medicinal Plant for Bioimaging Application
WD Annisa, FA Permatasari, F Iskandar, H RachmawatiACS Applied Bio Materials 7 (1), 114-123, 2023 -
Effect of Tween 20 Inclusion in Oligopeptide-Based Liposome Formulation on Transfection Agent/DNA Particle Size, Complex Stability and Gene Expression
RE Kartasasmita, H Rachmawati, S AsyarieProceedings of the 1st International Conference for Health Research–BRIN (ICHR 2022) 56, 180, 2023 -
The influence of particle size on the absorption rate of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) bone calcium
AC Adi, AS Veteriny, W Salisa, WC Ayu, H RachmawatiFood Science and Technology 43, 2023 -
H Rachmawati, DR Adhika, AC Adi, W Salisa, AI Tawakal, AS Putri, A AdliaDarmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service & Engagements 5 (1), 2023 -
Effects of fermented and non-fermented garlic as an anti-diabetic on blood glucose levels of wistar rat
AC Adi, Y Susanti, H Rachmawati, ER Ishaura, F Farapti, W Salisa, MF Rasyidi, N SutthiwongJournal of Public Health in Africa, 2023 -
Purification and proteomic analysis of potent fibrinolytic enzymes extracted from Lumbricus rubellus
L Stephani, P Rahayu, D Retnoningrum, MT Suhartono, H Rachmawati, RR TjandrawinataProteome Science 21 (1), 8, 2023 -
AS Veterini, E Susanti, M Ardiana, AC Adi, H RachmawatiNational Nutrition Journal/Media Gizi Indonesia 18 (2), 2023 -
Peptide derived C. striata albumin as a natural angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
G Berlian, C Riani, NF Kurniati, H RachmawatiHeliyon 9 (5), 2023 -
Kajian Interaksi Nanoemulsi Silymarin-Carbon-Dots secara In Vitro pada Sel 3T3/NIH, MCF-7, dan MDA-MB Menggunakan Mikroskop Konfokal
H Rachmawati, Y Handoko, JK ResmiMEDICINUS 36 (1), 26-33, 2023 -
Effect of the Surfactant Charge on the Characteristics and Anticancer Effects of Docetaxel-loaded Poloxamer Polymeric Micelles
D Harry Nugraha, K Anggadiredja, H RachmawatiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 11 (2), 167-179, 2023 -
In Vitro and Silico Studies on the N-Doped Carbon Dots Potential in ACE2 Expression Modulation
W Mailisa, WD Annisa, FA Permatasari, R Amalia, AL Ivansyah, F Iskandar, H RachmawatiACS omega 8 (11), 10077-10085, 2023 -
Description of Gastric Acidity (pH) with Simple Method in Lipopolysaccharide Induced Mice.
A Surgean Veterini, B Wahjuprajitno, NM Rehatta, H Rachmawati, SM Soedarmo, IK Sudiana, P Jatim, AC Adi, R SuhandaJurnal Veteriner 24 (1), 2023 -
Effect of cocoa husk Criollo tea on hypercholesterolemia in animal model
AC Adi, AI Tawakal, MF Rasyidi, W Salisa, F Farapti, H RachmawatiFoods and Raw materials 11 (2), 206-214, 2023 -
Effect of the Surfactant Charge on the Characteristics and Anticancer Effects of Docetaxel-loaded Poloxamer Polymeric Micelles.
DH Nugraha, K Anggadiredja, H RachmawatiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 11 (2), 167-179, 2022 -
The Effect of Nanotechnology on Nutrient Characteristic of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Flour: Ball Milling Method
M Srimiati, CM Kusharto, F Anwar, H Rachmawati, UYN Kartini, NA ShofiyyatunnisaakMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 18, 2022 -
AC Adi, W Salisa, FA Raudhany, AI Tawakal, H Rachmawati, ER Ishaura, N SutthiwongJurnal Layanan Masyarakat 6 (2), 2022 -
Application of Nano Technology on Liquid Food Formula Containing Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Flour and Moringa oleifera Leaves Flour
M Srimiati, CM Kusharto, F Anwar, H Rachmawati, UY Kartini, NA ShofiyyatunnisaakProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), 249-256, 2021 -
Mini-review of poloxamer as a biocompatible polymer for advanced drug delivery
DH Nugraha, K Anggadiredja, H RachmawatiBrazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 58, e21125, 2022 -
Study the Interaction of Curcumin Nanoemulsion on 3T3/NIH and MCF-7 Cell Line Using Confocal Microscope
N Nabila, A Catur Adi, A Surgean Veterini, F Iskandar, H RachmawatiInternational Journal of BioLife Sciences (IJBLS) 1 (1), 10-16, 2022 -
The value of mice body temperature in various conditions: the difference of results in abdomen and anus area measurement with non-contact infrared thermometer.
AS Veterini, NM Rehatta, H Hamzah, W Widijiati, S Sarmanu, SM Soedarmo, WJ Pudjirahardjo, AC Adi, H Rachmawati, IK SudianaJurnal Veteriner 22 (2), 183-188, 2021 -
Computational Investigation on theâ OOH Scavenging Sites of Gnetin C
V Khoirunisa, F Rusydi, LSP Boli, AG Saputro, H Rachmawati, H Nakanishi, H Kasai, HK DipojonoFood Biophysics 16 (3), 337-345, 2021 -
Prediction of the Mannose-Binding Site in the Agaricus bisporus Mannose-Binding Protein
WT Ismaya, RR Tjandrawinata, H RachmawatiThe Protein Journal 40 (4), 554-561, 2021 -
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Nanoemulsion Attenuated Inflammatory Response in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Sepsis
AS Veterini, NM Rehatta, SM Soedarmo, H Rachmawati, WJ Pudjirahardjo, AC Adi, IK SudianaMatrix Science Pharma 5 (3), 68-76, 2021 -
O-H and C-H bond dissociations in non-phenyl and phenyl groups: A DFT study with dispersion and long-range corrections
LS Pulo Boli, F Rusydi, V Khoirunisa, I Puspitasari, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoTheoretical Chemistry Accounts 140 (7), 94, 2021 -
The Influence of Surface Charge on the antiviral effect of curcumin loaded in nanocarrier system
N Nabila, SR Hassan, GP Larasati, B Yohan, RT Sasmono, AC Adi, F Iskandar, H RachmawatiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 9 (3), 210-216, 2021 -
The significance of long-range correction to the hydroperoxyl radical-scavenging reaction of trans-resveratrol and gnetin C
V Khoirunisa, F Rusydi, LSP Boli, I Puspitasari, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoRoyal Society open science 8 (2), 201127, 2021 -
The Difference in Abdomen and Anus Temperature in Mice with Various Conditions (Perbedaan Suhu Abdomen dan Anus pada Mencit dengan Berbagai Kondisi)
AS Veterini, NM Rehatta, H Hamzah, W Widjiati, S Sarmanu, SM Soedarmo, WJ Pudjirahardjo, AC Adi, H Rachmawati, IK SudianaJurnal Veteriner 22 (2), 183-188, 2021 -
Observational Study on the Diet of Burn Patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
M Srimiati, CM Kusharto, F Anwar, H Rachmawati, M Dewi, A Wardhana, M Aitonam, UYN Kartini, NA ShofiyyatunnisaakConference on Nutrition and Food 2020 (1st IPB ICNF 2020) 18, 7, 2020 -
In- silico molecular interaction of short synthetic lipopeptide/importin-alpha and in-vitro evaluation of transgene expression mediated by liposome-based gene carrier
T Tarwadi, JA Jazayeri, S Pambudi, AD Arbianto, H Rachmawati, RE Kartasasmita, S AsyarieCurrent Gene Therapy 20 (5), 383-394, 2020 -
Physical-Chemical Crosslinked Electrospun Colocasia esculenta Tuber Protein-Chitosan-Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Nanofibers with Antibacterial Activity and� â¦
RAK Wardhani, LATW Asri, H Rachmawati, K Khairurrijal, BS PurwasasmitaInternational Journal of Nanomedicine 15, 6433-6449, 2020 -
Relationship of Agaricus bisporus mannose-binding protein to lectins with β-trefoil fold
WT Ismaya, RR Tjandrawinata, BW Dijkstra, JJ Beintema, N Nabila, H RachmawatiBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 527 (4), 1027-1032, 2020 -
V Saraswaty, IK Adnyana, S Pudjiraharti, H RachmawatiRasayan Journal of Chemistry 13 (3), 2020 -
Lectins from the Edible Mushroom Agaricus bisporus and Their Therapeutic Potentials
W Tirta Ismaya, RR Tjandrawinata, H RachmawatiMolecules 25 (10), 2368, 2020 -
Theoretical investigation on electron transfer-based antioxidant activity of melinjo resveratrol
V Khoirunisa, RN Fadilla, LSP Boli, F Rusydi, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 856 (1), 012005, 2020 -
Theoretical exploration on free radical scavenging mechanism of curcumin analogues in water solvent
LSP Boli, ND Aisyah, V Khoirunisa, F Rusydi, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 856 (1), 012004, 2020 -
Formation of electrosprayed composite nanoparticles from polyvinylpyrrolidone/mangosteen pericarp extract
YA Rezeki, DA Hapidin, H Rachmawati, MM Munir, K KhairurrijalAdvanced Powder Technology 31 (5), 1811-1824, 2020 -
Antiviral action of curcumin encapsulated in nanoemulsion against four serotypes of dengue virus
N Nabila, NK Suada, D Denis, B Yohan, AC Adi, AS Veterini, AL Anindya, RT Sasmono, H RachmawatiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 8 (1), 54-62, 2020 -
The simple method of extra virgin olive oil nanoemulsion for oral consumption: the chance for enteral nanonutrition production
AS Veterini, NM Rehatta, AC Adi, H RachmawatiInternational Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 4 (3-4), 139-147, 2020 -
Chemical and physical characterizations of cooked rice using different cooking methods
AC Adi, NR Haryana, DR Adhika, A Suwandi, H RachmawatiJournal of Food and Nutrition Research 8 (11), 638-645, 2020 -
Future views on nanonutrition for critically ill patients: the role of extra virgin olive oil nanoemulsion in sepsis enteral nutrition
AS Veterini, SM Soedarmo, AC Adi, H Rachmawati, NM RehattaCritical Care and Shock 23 (5), 208-220, 2020 -
Role of nanocarriers and their surface modification in targeting delivery of bioactive compounds
H Rachmawati, A Larasati, AC Adi, R ShegokarNanopharmaceuticals, 17-43, 2020 -
Community Empowerment in Pineapple Agroindustry Waste Utilization as an Ingredient of Snacks in Subang Districts
AC Adi, MA Rifqi, DA Regitasari, VA Rahmasari, W Salisa, H RachmawatiDarmabakti Cendekia 2, 66-69, 2020 -
Agaricus bisporus mannose binding protein is not an agglutinating protein
N Nabila, VF Meidianto, RR Tjandrawinata, H Rachmawati, WT IsmayaBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 519 (4), 773-776, 2019 -
Stabilization of chitosan-polyethylene oxide electrospun nanofibrous containing Colocasia esculenta tuber protein
RAK Wardhani, LATW Asri, H Rachmawati, K Khairurrijal, BS PurwasasmitaMaterials Research Express 6 (11), 1150f4, 2019 -
Solvent Effect on Bond Dissociation Enthalpy (BDE) of Tetrahydrocurcumin: A Theoretical Study
LSP Boli, ND Aisyah, V Khoirunisa, H Rachmawati, HK Dipojono, F RusydiMaterials Science Forum 966, 215-221, 2019 -
Predicting notable radical scavenging sites of gnetin C using density functional theory
V Khoirunisa, LSP Boli, R Nur Fadilla, AG Saputro, H Rachmawati, HK Dipojono, F RusydiMaterials Science Forum 966, 229-233, 2019 -
Vitamin E-based folic acid nanoemulsion: formulation and physical evaluation for oral administration
AC Adi, C Christanto, H Rachmawati, A AdliaPharmaceutical nanotechnology 7 (4), 304-313, 2019 -
Orf239342 from the mushroom Agaricus bisporus is a mannose binding protein
H Rachmawati, S Sundari, N Nabila, OM Tandrasasmita, R Amalia, TJ Siahaan, RR Tjandrawinata, WT IsmayaBiochemical and biophysical research communications 515 (1), 99-103, 2019 -
Turmeric extract-loaded polyvinylpyrrolidone spherical submicron particles produced using electrohydrodynamic atomization: their physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activity
D Mustikasari, YA Rezeki, MM Munir, H Rachmawati, K KhairurrijalMaterials Research Express 6 (8), 085415, 2019 -
Green isolation and physical modification of pineapple stem waste starch as pharmaceutical excipient
A Rahma, M Adriani, P Rahayu, RR Tjandrawinata, H RachmawatiDrug development and industrial pharmacy 45 (6), 1029-1037, 2019 -
Anti-infective properties of the golden spice curcumin
D Praditya, L Kirchhoff, J Brüning, H Rachmawati, J Steinmann, E SteinmannFrontiers in microbiology 10, 912, 2019 -
Transformation of Melinjo seed micropowders into nanopowders enhances extractability of phenolic compounds and tyrosinase inhibitory activity
V Saraswaty, NIWWP Suparta, H Setiyanto, H Rachmawati, IK AdnyanaSains Malaysiana 48 (5), 983-990, 2019 -
Theoretical study on frontier orbitals of dehydrogenated tetrahydrocurcumin in gas phase
LSP Boli, V Khoirunisa, AG Saputro, MK Agusta, F Rusydi, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1204 (1), 012019, 2019 -
Xylan from pineapple stem waste: a potential biopolymer for colonic targeting of anti-inflammatory agent mesalamine
AL Anindya, RD Oktaviani, BR Praevina, S Damayanti, NF Kurniati, C Riani, H RachmawatiAAPS PharmSciTech 20, 1-13, 2019 -
Community Empowerment Through Sulfur Soap Preparation for Dermatitis Prevention
A Adlia, S Aljuffrie, AC Adi, DA Regitasari, VA Rahmasari, H RachmawatiDarmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service and Engagements 1 (2), 45-49, 2019 -
Formulasi Dan Karakterisasi Sediaan Nanoemulsi Vitamin A
AC Adi, N Setiawaty, AL Anindya, H RachmawatiMedia Gizi Indonesia 14 (1), 1-13, 2019 -
Study the Interaction of Curcumin Nanoemulsion on 3T3/NIH and MCF-7 Cell Linres Using Confocal Microscope
C Christian, N Nabila, AC Adi, AS Veterini, F Iskandar, H RachmawatiInternational Conference on BioMedical Sciences (ICBMS19), 2019 -
Bioconjugation of captopril-light subunit of Agaricus bisporus mushroom tyrosinase: characterization and potential use as a drug carrier for oral delivery
D Diana, WT Ismaya, VF Meidianto, OM Tandrasasmita, H RachmawatiBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 41 (12), 1837-1842, 2018 -
Optimization transgene expression of short fully synthesized lipopeptide-based transfection agent for non-viral gene delivery vehicle
DE Restiani, S Pambudi, JJ Jazayeri, CW Pouton, H Rachmawati, RE Kartasasmita, S AsyarieCQUniversity, 2018 -
Frontier Orbitals of Dehydrogenated Tetrahydrocurcumin in Water Solvent: A Theoretical Study
LSP Boli, V Khoirunisa, AG Saputro, MK Agusta, F Rusydi, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1090 (1), 012029, 2018 -
Mangosteen pericarp extract embedded in electrospun PVP nanofiber mats: Physicochemical properties and release mechanism of α-mangostin
I Sriyanti, D Edikresnha, A Rahma, MM Munir, H Rachmawati, K KhairurrijalInternational Journal of Nanomedicine 13, 4927-4941, 2018 -
Local sustained delivery of bupivacaine HCl from a new castor oil-based nanoemulsion system
H Rachmawati, YA Arvin, S Asyarie, K Anggadiredja, RR Tjandrawinata, G StormDrug delivery and translational research 8, 515-524, 2018 -
Teknik pengamatan sampel biologi dan non-konduktif menggunakan scanning electron microscopy
DR Adhika, AL Anindya, VV Tanuwijaya, H RachmawatiProsiding Seminar Nasional Instrumentasi, Kontrol Dan Otomasi, 53-58, 2018 -
Preliminary insight into recognizing of mannose toward LSMT Protein: Molecular docking and DFT Study
A Abbas, MK Agusta, HK Dipojono, AG Saputro, H Rachmawati, WT IsmayaJournal of Applied and Physical Sciences 4 (3), 95-100, 2018 -
W Irsyad, IK Adnyana, H RachmawatiProceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society WCP2018 (The 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology), PO3-10-3, 2018 -
Disain Senyawa Sintetik Berbasis Lipopeptida Sebagai Penghantar Material Genetik ke Dalam Sel Mamalia
T Tarwadi, S Pambudi, S Asyarie, AD Arbianto, H Rachmawati, RE KartasasmitaJurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia 7 (1), 61-75, 2018 -
DNA Condensation Studies of Fully Synthesized Lipopeptide-Based Transfection Agent for Gene Delivery Vehicle
T Tarwadi, H Rachmawati, RE Kartasasmita, S Pambudi, AD Arbianto, DE Restiani, S AsyarieAnnales Bogorienses 22 (2), 65, 2018 -
Antifibrotic activity and in Ovo toxicity study of liver-targeted curcumin-gold nanoparticle
A Adlia, I Tomagola, S Damayanti, A Mulya, H RachmawatiScientia pharmaceutica 86 (4), 41, 2018 -
Nanoparticle Evaluation of Synthetic Palmitoyl-CKKHH As Transfection Reagent for Non-Viral Gene Delivery Vehicle
T Tarwadi, S Pambudi, H Rachmawati, RE Kartasasmita, S Asyarie, JA Jazayeri, CW PoutonInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Application 8 (1), 40-48, 2018 -
R Ambarwati, H RachmawatiFITOFARMAKA: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi 7 (2), 23-29, 2017 -
Biological responses in Balb/c mice after long-term parenteral administration of the light subunit of mushroom tyrosinase
WT Ismaya, A Efthyani, RR Tjandrawinata, H RachmawatiJournal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 31 (11), e21958, 2017 -
Fractionation using adsorptive macroporous resin HPD-600 enhances antioxidant activity of Gnetum gnemon L. seed hard shell extract
V Saraswaty, I Ketut Adnyana, S Pudjiraharti, T Mozef, M Insanu, NF Kurniati, H RachmawatiJournal of food science and technology 54, 3349-3357, 2017 -
The light subunit of mushroom Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase: Its biological characteristics and implications
WT Ismaya, OM Tandrasasmita, S Sundari, X Lai, DS Retnoningrum, BW Dijkstra, RR Tjandrawinata, H RachmawatiInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules 102, 308-314, 2017 -
Study of response of Swiss Webster mice to light subunit of mushroom tyrosinase
WT Ismaya, A Efthyani, DS Retnoningrum, X Lai, BW Dijkstra, RR Tjandrawinata, H RachmawatiBiotechnic & Histochemistry 92 (6), 411-416, 2017 -
Multiple functions of D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) as curcumin nanoparticle stabilizer: in vivo kinetic profile and anti-ulcerative colitis analysis in animal model
H Rachmawati, AT Pradana, D Safitri, IK AdnyanaPharmaceutics 9 (3), 24, 2017 -
Overproduction and purification of soluble recombinant human granuocyte colony stimulating factor in Escherichia coli using thioredoxin as fusion
DF Agustiyanti, DS Retnoningrum, H Rachmawati, AM FuadAnnales Bogorienses 21 (1), 1-8, 2017 -
Co-delivery of curcumin-loaded nanoemulsion and Phaleria macrocarpa extract to NIH 3T3 cell for antifibrosis
H Rachmawati, MA Novel, RM Nisa, G Berlian, OM Tandrasasmita, A Rahma, C Riani, RR TjandrawinataJournal of Drug delivery science and technology 39, 123-130, 2017 -
Electrospun Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Nanofiber Mats Loaded by Garcinia mangostana L. Extracts
I Sriyanti, D Edikresnha, MM Munir, H Rachmawati, K KhairurrijalMaterials Science Forum 880, 11-14, 2017 -
Frontier Orbitals of Dehydrogenated Tetrahydrocurcumin in Water Solvent: A Theoretical Study
LSP Boli, V Khoirunisa, AG Saputro, MK Agusta, F Rusydi, H Rachmawati, HK DipojonoIOP Publishing 1090, 1-21, 2017 -
Correlation between Structures and Antioxidant Activities of Polyvinylpyrrolidone/Garcinia mangostana L. Extract Composite Nanofiber Mats Prepared Using Electrospinning
I Sriyanti, D Edikresnha, A Rahma, MM Munir, H Rachmawati, K KhairurrijalJournal of Nanomaterials 2017 (1), 9687896, 2017 -
Rotary forcespun polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) fibers as a mangosteen pericarp extracts carrier
D Andjani, I Sriyanti, A Fauzi, D Edikresnha, MM Munir, H RachmawatiProcedia engineering 170, 14-18, 2017 -
The in vitro-in vivo safety confirmation of peg-40 hydrogenated castor oil as a surfactant for oral nanoemulsion formulation
H Rachmawati, MA Novel, S Ayu, G Berlian, OM Tandrasasmita, RR Tjandrawinata, K AnggadiredjaScientia pharmaceutica 85 (2), 18, 2017 -
TPGS-stabilized curcumin nanoparticles exhibit superior effect on carrageenan-induced inflammation in wistar rat
H Rachmawati, D Safitri, AT Pradana, IK AdnyanaPharmaceutics 8 (3), 24, 2016 -
A novel immune-tolerable and permeable lectin-like protein from mushroom Agaricus bisporus
WT Ismaya, A Efthyani, X Lai, DS Retnoningrum, H Rachmawati, BW Dijkstra, RR TjandrawinataBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 473 (4), 1090-1093, 2016 -
Removing a Cystein Group On Interferon Alpha 2b at Position 2 and 99 does Not Diminish Antitumor Activity of the Protein, Even Better
H Rachmawati, A Jessica, YC Sumirtaputra, DS Retnoningrum, A Adlia, RA NingrumScientia Pharmaceutica 84 (1), 113-130, 2016 -
In silico study to develop a lectin-like protein from mushroom Agaricus bisporus for pharmaceutical application
WT Ismaya, S Damayanti, C Wijaya, RR Tjandrawinata, DS Retnoningrum, H RachmawatiScientia Pharmaceutica 84 (1), 203-217, 2016 -
Study of HMG-CoA reductase inhibition activity of the hydrolyzed product of snakehead fish (Channa striata) skin collagen with 50 kDa collagenase from Bacillus licheniformis F11. 4
A Virginia, H Rachmawati, C Riani, DS RetnoningrumScientia pharmaceutica 84 (1), 81-88, 2016 -
In vitro study on antihypertensive and antihypercholesterolemic effects of a curcumin nanoemulsion
H Rachmawati, IS Soraya, NF Kurniati, A RahmaScientia pharmaceutica 84 (1), 131-140, 2016 -
Curcumin-loaded PLA nanoparticles: formulation and physical evaluation
H Rachmawati, YL Yanda, A Rahma, N MaseScientia Pharmaceutica 84 (1), 191-202, 2016 -
Intermolecular interactions and the release pattern of electrospun curcumin-polyvinyl (pyrrolidone) fiber
A Rahma, MM Munir, A Prasetyo, V Suendo, H RachmawatiBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 39 (2), 163-173, 2016 -
Destabilization mechanism of ionic surfactant on curcumin nanocrystal against electrolytes
H Rachmawati, A Rahma, L Al Shaal, RH Müller, CM KeckScientia pharmaceutica 84 (4), 685-693, 2016 -
Formation of phytosome containing silymarin using thin layer-hydration technique aimed for oral delivery
W Maryana, H Rachmawati, D MudhakirMaterials today: proceedings 3 (3), 855-866, 2016 -
Bromelain encapsulated in self assembly nanoemulsion exhibits better debridement effect in animal model of burned skin
H Rachmawati, E Sulastri, MI Iwo, D Safitri, A RahmaJournal of Nano Research 40, 158-166, 2016 -
Phytosome containing silymarin for oral administration: Formulation and physical evaluation
W Maryana, A Rahma, D Mudhakir, H RachmawatiJournal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering 25, 54-65, 2015 -
Tabletting process of pellets containing bioactive fraction DLBS1033F isolated from Lumbricus rubellus: challenge and strategy
G Christy, RR Tjandrawinata, H RachmawatiBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 38 (12), 1843-1849, 2015 -
The influence of non-ionic surfactant on the physical characteristics of curcumin-loaded nanofiber manufactured by electrospinning method
A Rahma, MM Munir, K Khairurrijal, H RachmawatiAdvanced Materials Research 1112, 429-432, 2015 -
Intraoral Film Containing Insulin-Phospholipid Microemulsion: Formulation and In Vivo Hypoglycemic Activity Study
H Rachmawati, BM Haryadi, K Anggadiredja, V SuendoAaps PharmSciTech 16, 692-703, 2015 -
CA Edityaningrum, H RachmawatiPharmaciana 5 (1), 2015 -
Curcumin nanoemulsion for transdermal application: formulation and evaluation
H Rachmawati, DK Budiputra, R MauludinDrug development and industrial pharmacy 41 (4), 560-566, 2015 -
Self-nanoemulsion containing combination of curcumin and silymarin: formulation and characterization
UW Rachmadi, D Permatasari, A Rahma, H RachmawatiResearch and Development on Nanotechnology in Indonesia 2 (1), 37-48, 2015 -
The influence of formula and process on physical properties and the release profile of PVA/BSA nanofibers formed by electrospinning technique
C Risdian, M Nasir, A Rahma, H RachmawatiJournal of Nano Research 31, 103-116, 2015 -
Preparation of Electrospun Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Nanofibers for Ultrafast Release of Protein
C Risdian, H Rachmawati, M NasirResearch and Development on Nanotechnology in Indonesia 1 (3), 91-94, 2014 -
Bioactive protein fraction DLBS1033 containing lumbrokinase isolated from Lumbricus rubellus: ex vivo, in vivo, and pharmaceutic studies
RR Tjandrawinata, J Trisina, P Rahayu, LA Prasetya, A Hanafiah, H RachmawatiDrug Design, Development and Therapy, 1585-1593, 2014 -
Size-dependent of oil droplet of curcumin nanoemulsion on the in vivo release kinetic of curcumin after oral and intravenous administrations in animal model
H Rachmawati, L Meylina, A Rahma, YC SumirtapuraAdvanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 6 (9), 959-964, 2014 -
H Rachmawati, L Agustina, RA Ningrum, DS RetnoningrumIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy 25 (3), 132-137, 2014 -
Turmeric curcumin inhibits entry of all hepatitis C virus genotypes into human liver cells
CC Colpitts, LM Schang, H Rachmawati, A Frentzen, S Pfaender, P Behrendt, RJP Brown, D Bankwitz, J Steinmann, M Ott, P Meuleman, CM Rice, A Ploss, T Pietschmann, E SteinmannGut 63 (7), 1137-1149, 2014 -
The Dual Positive Actions of Colonic Release of Ibuprofen in TNBS-Induced Colitis Wistar Rats
H Rachmawati, IK Adnyana, K AnggadiredjaJournal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 2014, 2014 -
Formulation of tablet containing curcumin nanoemulsion
H Rachmawati, CW Yee, A RahmaInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 6 (3), 115-116, 2014 -
Encapsulation of risperidone into chitosan-based nanocarrier via ionic binding interaction
D Mudhakir, C Wibisono, H RachmawatiProcedia Chemistry 13, 92-100, 2014 -
Pegylation of recombinant mutein streptokinase from overproduction in escherchia coli bl21 and study on the fibrinolityc activity in vitro
H Rachmawati, F Damanhuri, IA Darfiansyah, DS RetnoningrumInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6 (1), 137-141, 2014 -
The influence of polymer structure on the physical characteristic of intraoral film containing BSA-loaded nanoemulsion
H Rachmawati, BM HaryadiJournal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology 5 (1), 1, 2014 -
Molecular inclusion complex of curcumin-β-cyclodextrin nanoparticle to enhance curcumin skin permeability from hydrophilic matrix gel
H Rachmawati, CA Edityaningrum, R MauludinAaps Pharmscitech 14, 1303-1312, 2013 -
MY Kristanti, R Mauludin, H RachmawatiIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy/Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 24 (4), 2013 -
H Rachmawati, RLY Hartiadi, I Fidrianny, IK AdnyanaIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 177-185, 2013 -
Turmeric curcumin inhibits entry of all hepatitis C virus genotypes into human liver cells
A Kusuma, CC Colpitts, LM Schang, H Rachmawati, A Frentzen, S Pfaender, P Behrendt, RJP Brown, D Bankwitz, J Steinmann, M Ott, Philip Meuleman, T Pietschmann, E SteinmannInternational Liver Congress; 48th Annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) 58 (suppl 1), S473, 2013 -
Evaluation of Adverse Effects of Mutein Forms of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha-2b in Female Swiss Webster Mice
H Rachmawati, A Merika, RA Ningrum, K Anggadiredja, DS RetnoningrumBioMed Research International 2013 (1), 943687, 2013 -
Development of nanoemulsion-loaded recombinant HBsAg for oral hepatitis B vaccination
H Rachmawati, R Reni, C Riani旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告 (Reports of research assisted by the Asahi Glass Foundation), 2013 -
Curcumin nanoforms promise better therapeutic values
H RachmawatiInt. J. Res. Pharm. Sci 4, 211-20, 2013 -
Development of curcumin nanocrystal: physical aspects
H Rachmawati, L Al Shaal, RH Müller, CM KeckJournal of pharmaceutical sciences 102 (1), 204-214, 2013 -
Study the potency of colonic pellet containing ibuprofen on the suppression of gastro duodenal ulceration in male Wistar rats
H Rachmawati, K Apparavoo, A Anatasia, K AnggadiredjaInternational Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (4), 523-527, 2013 -
Peptida bioaktif sebagai anti hipertensi dan anti kolesterol
DS Retnoningrum, RR Tjandrawinata, S Setyadi, C Riani, H Rachmawati, …Seminar INSINAS 2013 -
Over Production of Human Recombinant Interferon a-2b: Scaling up Process
RA Susilo, YC Sumirtapura, H Rachmawati, ST Darijanto, DS Retnoniningrum, LBS KardonoJournal of Applied Sciences 12 (15), 1613-1617, 2012 -
Chitosan reinforced alginate microcapsules retained the release of papain in simulated gastric fluid
CIS Arisanti, H Rachmawati, JS Pamudji, YC SumirtapuraJournal of Pharmaceutical Science and Application 1 (1), 2012 -
Development of novel interferon alpha2b muteins and study the pharmacokinetic and biodistribution profiles in animal model
RA Ningrum, DE Rahmatika, DS Retnoningrum, AH Wangsaatmadja, YC Sumirtapura, H RachmawatiJournal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 5 (3), 2012 -
Modification of Interleukin-10 with Mannose-6-Phosphate Groups Yields a Liver-Specific Cytokine with Antifibrotic Activity in Rats
H Rachmawati, A Mattos, C Reker-Smit, K Poelstra, L BeljaarsPharmacology 2012, 161-176, 2012 -
Labeling of the recombinant streptokinase using Iodine-131 as a new thrombolytic agent
I Daruwati, A Hanafiah, DS Retnoningrum, H RachmawatiAtom Indonesia 38 (3), 106-111, 2012 -
The influence of polyethylene glycol structure on the conjugation of recombi-nant human interferon α2b overproduced using synthetic gene in E. coli
H Rachmawati, PL Febrina, RA Ningrum, DS Retnoningrumnternational Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 3 (2), 228-233, 2012 -
Antibody-Conjugated Nanoparticles of Biodegradable Polymers for Targeted Drug Delivery
B Sun, H Rachmawati, SS FengBionanotechnology II; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA, 174-199, 2011 -
Influence of Artocarpus communis Leave Extract on the Physical Characteristic of Pellet
H Rachmawati, T Mozef, S AdamJurnal Matematika & Sains 15 (3), 123-127, 2011 -
Optimization of human interferon α2b soluble protein overproduction and primary recovery of its inclusion bodies
RA Ningrum, DS Retnoningrum, Y Cahyati, H RachmawatiMicrobiology Indonesia 5 (1), 27-32, 2011 -
Intravenous Administration of Recombinant Human IL-10 Suppresses the Development of Anti-Thy 1-Induced Glomerulosclerosis in Rats
H Rachmawati, L Beljaars, C Reker-Smit, HI Bakker, AMV Loenen-Weemaes, MNLD Hooge, K PoelstraPDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology 65 (2), 116-130, 2011 -
The influence of oils and surfactants on the formation of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS) containing therapeutic protein
H Rachmawati, DH Rasaputri, RA Susilowidodo, ST Darijanto, YC SumirtapuraProc. Int. Conf. Mater. Sci. Technol 247, 3-9, 2011 -
Pengembangan formula tablet hancur cepat dari kompleks inklusi ketoprofen dalam beta siklodekstrin (Development of fast disintegrating tablet formula of ketoprofen-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes)
H Rachmawati, EJ Marbun, JS PamudjiMajalah Farmasi Indonesia 22 (3), 229-237, 2011 -
Potency of a flavonoid isolated from Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg in inhibition of platelet aggregation in hyper-aggregative subjects
T Mozef, AA Soemardji, EY Sukandar, H RachmawatiMedicinal Plants-International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries 3 (4), 307-310, 2011 -
Combination of inulin-shellac as a unique coating formulation for design of colonic delivery dosage form of ibuprofen
H Rachmawati, D Mudhakir, J KusumaInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2, 1-7, 2011 -
Preparation and characterization of calcium carbonate nanoparticles
A Hassim, H RachmawatiAIP Conference Proceedings 1284 (1), 195-198, 2010 -
Preparation and Characterization of Folic Acid-Encapsulated
H Rachmawati, DH Rasaputri, S TariniJurnal Nanosains & Nanoteknologi 3 (2), 37-40, 2010 -
Construction of synthetic open reading frame encoding human interferon alpha 2b for high expression in Escherichia coli and characterization of its gene product
DS Retnoningrum, RA Ningrum, YN Kurniawan, A Indrayati, H RachmawatiJournal of Biotechnology 145 (2), 193-198, 2010 -
Formulasi Mikroenkapsulasi Protein Dalam Poli (D, L-Laktida) Dengan Teknik Penguapan Pelarut
L Fitriani, H Rachmawatoi, T SuciatiJurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi Vol 15 (1), 34-41, 2010 -
A Study on the Effects of IL-10 in Anti-Thy 1-Induced Glomerulonephritis in Rats
H Rachmawati, L Beljaars, C Reker-Smit, HI Bakker, AMV Loenen-Weemaes, K PoelstraInternational Journal of Pharmacology 5(6), 346-353, 2009 -
Dissolution test of various low-dose acetylsalicylic acid preparations marketed in Indonesia
YC Sumirtapura, A Setiawati, JS Pamudji, H RachmawatiMedical Journal of Indonesia 18 (3), 161-6, 2009 -
Physical Identification of Binary System of Gliclazide-Hydrophilic Polymers Using X-Ray Diffraction
H Rachmawati, Yatinasari, Faizatun, SA SyarieAIP Conference Proceedings 989 (1), 268-272, 2008 -
In vivo and in vitro evaluation of a solid dispersion system of gliclazide: PEG 6000
S Asyarie, H RachmawatiPDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 61 (5), 400-410, 2007 -
Chemical Modification of Interleukin-10 with Mannose 6-Phosphate Groups Yields a Liver-Selective Cytokine
H Rachmawati, C Reker-Smit, MNLD Hooge, AV Loenen-Weemaes, K Poelstra, L BeljaarsDrug Metabolism and Disposition 35 (5), 814-821, 2007 -
Formula tablet kaptopril lepas lambat dengan matriks pautan silang alginat
S Asyarie, H Rachmawati, P SinambelaMajalah Farmasi Indonesia 18 (1), 34-39, 2007 -
Tablet of captopril with a cross-linked system of alginate
S Asyarie, H Rachmawati, P SinambelaTablet 18 (1), 2007 -
H Rachmawati, AMV Loenen-Weemaes, C Reker-Smit, L Beljaars, K PoelstraNEPHROLOGY 10, A173-A173, 2005 -
Modification of interleukin-10 (IL-10) yields a liver-specific cytokine with antifibrotic activities in rats
H Rachmawati, HI Bakker, CR Smit, AL Weemaes, K Poelstra, L BeljaarsJOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 42, 12-12, 2005 -
The design of a liver-selective form of interleukin-10: a new strategy for the treatment of liver fibrosis.
H RachmawatiUniversity of Groningen, 2005 -
Chemically modified IL-10 with a liver-specific ligand: a new strategy for the treatment of liver fibrosis with a therapeutic cytokine
H Rachmawati, L Beljaars, C Reker-Smit, AMV Loenen-Weemaes, DKF Meijer, K.PoelstraThe design of a liver-selective form of interleukin-10, 105, 2004 -
Pharmacokinetic and Biodistribution Profile of Recombinant Human Interleukin-10 Following Intravenous Administration in Rats with Extensive Liver Fibrosis
H Rachmawati, L Beljaars, C Reker-Smit, AMV Loenen-Weemaes, WI Hagens, DKF Meijer, K PoelstraPharmaceutical research 21, 2072-2078, 2004 -
Pharmacokinetic and biodistribution profile of recombinant human IL-10 following intravenous administration in rats with extensive liver fibrosis
H Rachmawati, L Beljaars, C Reker-Smit, AMV Loenen Weemaes, WI Hagens, DKF Meijer, K PoelstraThe design of a liver-selective form of interleukin-10, 39, 2004 -
The use of cytokines and modified cytokines as therapeutic agents: present state and future perspectives
H Rachmawati, K Poelstra, L BeljaarsThe design of a liver-selective form of interleukin-10, 5, 2004 -
A study on the antifibrotic effects of IL-10 in anti-Thy 1-induced glomerulosclerosis in rats
H Rachmawati, L Beljaars, C Reker-Smit, HI Bakker, AMV Loenen-Weemaes, MNLD Hooge, DKF Meijer, K PoelstraThe design of a liver-selective form of interleukin-10, 79, 2004 -
Modification of IL-10 with M6P yields a liver-selective cytokine with antifibrotic activities in rats
H Rachmawati, L Beljaars, HI Bakker, AMV Loenen-Weemaes, PL Jager, DKF Meijer, K PoelstraThe design of a liver-selective form of interleukin-10, 129, 2004
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Pemberdayaan Limbah Pengolahan Tepung Ikan Lele Berupa Kulit, Minyak, Tulang Sebagai Sumber Pangan Sehat Dan Suplemen Kesehatan Di Wilayah Tulung Agung Jawa Timur | 2021 | Tulung Agung, Jawa Timur | Masyarakat Desa Mojosari, Tulung Agung, Jawa Timur |
Pelatihan pengolahan margarin dari stearin kelapa sawit yang difortifikasi dengan berbagai vitamin (nanovitamin) untuk penggerak ekonomi kecil-menengah | 2020 | Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat | Masyarakat Desa Mekarwangi, Lembang, Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat |
Judul | Tahun | Tipe | No. Paten |
Sediaan Injeksi Subkutan Vitamin K1 Nanoemulsi Minyak Dalam Air Untuk Indikasi Mengatasi Masalah Pembekuan Darah Pada Bayi Baru Lahir dan Metode Pembuatannya | 2019 | Paten | P00201902087 (Pemeriksaan Substantif) |