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Faramayuda F.; Syam A.K.; Mariani T.S.; Elfahmi; SukrasnoEffect of Media Variation on the Induction and Phytochemical Profile of Callus in Two Varieties of Cat’s Whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus Blume Miq)2023HAYATI Journal of BiosciencesScopus
Rijai A.J.; Fidrianny I.; SukrasnoAn Update Review of the Litsea genus2023Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryScopus
Apsari C.N.; Nugrahani I.; Sukrasno; Gusdinar T.Optimization of active antioxidative defatted Canarium indicum L. (Canary) protein hydrolysate production2023Journal of Applied Biology and BiotechnologyScopus
Nor I.; Wirasutisna K.R.; Hartati R.; Insanu M.The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of avicularin and 4-O-methyl gallic acid isolated from Syzygium myrtifolium leaves2023Saudi Pharmaceutical JournalScopus
Dwiani S.; Choirunnisa A.R.; Haniffadli A.; Octaviana F.; Hartati R.; Insanu M.; Fidrianny I.; Sukrasno S.Reduction of Microbial Contamination in Kaolin from Belitung Island, Indonesia2023Tropical Journal of Natural Product ResearchScopus
Rizaldy D.; Insanu M.; Sabila N.; Haniffadli A.; Zahra A.A.; Pratiwi S.N.E.; Mudrika S.N.; Hartati R.; Fidrianny I.Lemon (Citrus limon L.): Antioxidative Activity and Its Marker Compound2023Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryScopus
Pertiwi D.; Hartati R.; Julianti E.; Fidrianny I.Study Antioxidant and Antibacterial activity of Artocarpus: A Review2023Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyScopus
Toriyama M.; Rizaldy D.; Nakamura M.; Atsumi Y.; Toriyama M.; Fujita F.; Okada F.; Morita A.; Itoh H.; Ishii K.J.Corrigendum: Dendritic cell proliferation by primary cilium in atopic dermatitis (Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, (2023), 10, (1149828), 10.3389/fmolb.2023.1149828)2023Frontiers in Molecular BiosciencesScopus
Toriyama M.; Rizaldy D.; Nakamura M.; Atsumi Y.; Toriyama M.; Fujita F.; Okada F.; Morita A.; Itoh H.; Ishii K.J.Dendritic cell proliferation by primary cilium in atopic dermatitis2023Frontiers in Molecular BiosciencesScopus
Rijai A.J., Fidrianny I., Sukrasno S.Phytochemical and Screening of α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase Inhibitory Activities of Five Litsea Plants from East Borneo, Indonesia2023Tropical Journal of Natural Product ResearchScopus
Rosdianto R.S., Zakiyah N., Viviani R.N., Saesarria Deisberanda F., Nareswari T.L., Satrialdi N., Fidrianny I., Adhika D.R., Waresindo W.X., Supratman U., Suciati T.Novel Insight into Pickering Emulsion and Colloidal Particle Network Construction of Basil Extract for Enhancing Antioxidant and UV-B-Induced Antiaging Activities2023ACS OmegaScopus
Fajriaty I., Ih H., Fidrianny I., Kurniati N.F., Reynaldi M.A., Adnyana I.K., Rommy R., Kurniawan F., Tjahjono D.H.In Vivo Pharmacodynamics of Calophyllum soulattri as Antiobesity with In Silico Molecular Docking and ADME/Pharmacokinetic Prediction Studies2023PharmaceuticalsScopus
Setiawansyah A., Arsul M.I., Sukrasno S., Damayanti S., Insanu M., Fidrianny I.Anti-hyperuricemic potential of caryophyllene from Syzygium aromaticum essential oil: SiO2-AgNO3-based column chromatography purification, antioxidant, and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities2023Advances in Traditional MedicineScopus
Maha H.L., Fidrianny I., Satrialdi, Suciati T.An updated review of Typhonium flagelliforme: phytochemical compound, pharmacological activities and the use of vitexin and isovitexin as flavonoid compound in cosmetics development2023PharmaciaScopus
Prima S.R., Elfahmi, Julianti E., Fidrianny I.Update review: Etnopharmacological, bioactivity and phytochemical of Allium cepa L.2023PharmaciaScopus
Silviani D.; Wahyuni W.T.; Syafitri U.D.; Ilmiawati A.; Septaningsih D.A.; Insanu M.; Aminah N.S.; Rohman A.; Rafi M.LC-HRMS and FTIR-based metabolomics analysis and xanthine oxidase inhibitory evaluation of Sida rhombifolia with different drying methods2023Biocatalysis and Agricultural BiotechnologyScopus
Karomah A.H.; Rafi M.; Septaningsih D.A.; Ilmiawati A.; Safitri U.D.; Aminah N.S.; Insanu M.; Rohman A.UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS-based Untargeted Metabolomics of Sida rhombifolia Leaves and Stem Extracts2023HAYATI Journal of BiosciencesScopus
Rafi M.; Yolanda S.R.; Septaningsih D.A.; Bintang M.; Aminah N.S.; Insanu M.; Rohman A.Identification of Sida rhombifolia from Its Related Plants Using Thin-Layer Chromatographic Analysis2023Indonesian Journal of ChemistryScopus
Putra N.; Garmana A.N.; Qomaladewi N.P.; Amrianto; Al Muqarrabun L.M.R.; Rosandy A.R.; Chahyadi A.; Insanu M.; ElfahmiBioactivity-guided isolation of a bioactive compound with α-glucosidase inhibitory activity from the leaves extract of Sauropus androgynus2023Sustainable Chemistry and PharmacyScopus
Silviani D.; Zam Astari S.; Anggraini Septianingsih D.; Hudatul Karomah A.; Ilmiawati A.; Dyah Syafitri U.; Tri Wahyuni W.; Siti Aminah N.; Insanu M.; Rohman A.; Rafi M.UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HR-MS-Based Metabolomics for Profiling the Sida rhombifolia Metabolites with Different Plant Organs and Cultivation Ages2023Chemistry and BiodiversityScopus
Cempaka L.; Rizki A.A.; Asiah N.; David W.; Ramadhan K.; Mukaromah A.S.; Pramastya H.; Husain F.; Huda N.Characteristics of Soto, an ethnic food that reflects Indonesian diversity: Based on ingredients2023Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary JournalScopus
Prabowo B.; Fahlevy K.; Subhan B.; Santoso P.; Hadi T.A.; Atmaja H.E.; Hudha F.; Elfahmi; Syafrizayanti; Andriani Y.; Arafat D.; Bashari M.H.Variation in species diversity and abundance of sponge communities near the human settlement and their bioprospect in Pramuka Island, Jakarta, Indonesia2023AACL BiofluxScopus
Dwita L.P.; Iwo M.I.; Elfahmi; Mauludin R.NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF PHYLLANTUS DEBILIS ON RAT’S HIPPOCAMPUS2023Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences. AssiutScopus
Ratnah S., Salasa A.M., Ramadhan D.S.F.Formulation, Physical Quality, and Microbial Contamination Tests of Anti-Acne Cream from Longan (Euphoria longan [Lour. Steud.]) Seed Extract2023Tropical Journal of Natural Product ResearchScopus
Permana B.; Hasanah M.; TursinoSimultaneous HPLC Determination of Arbutin, Niacinamide and 3-O-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid in Whitening Cream Products in the Presence of Parabens2023Journal of chromatographic scienceScopus
Saputro A.H.; Amelia T.; Mahardhika A.B.; Widyawaruyanti A.; Wahyuni T.S.; Permanasari A.A.; Artarini A.A.; Tjahjono D.H.; Damayanti S.Alpha-mangostin, piperine and beta-sitosterol as hepatitis C antivirus (HCV): In silico and in vitro studies2023HeliyonScopus
Wisnuwardhani H.A.; Ibrahim S.; Mukti R.R.; Damayanti S.Study on monomer functional suitability toward sofosbuvir in molecularly imprinted polymer: In silico and experimental study2023Composites Part C: Open AccessScopus
Gunawan U.; Ibrahim S.; Luqman Ivansyah A.; Damayanti S.Insights into the selective imprinted polymer of voriconazole from host-guest interaction perspective2023Journal of Molecular LiquidsScopus
Nugrahani I.; Herawati D.; Wibowo M.S.The Benefits and Challenges of Antibiotics–Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Non-Covalent Reaction2023MoleculesScopus
Nugrahani I.; Sulaiman M.R.; Eda C.; Uekusa H.; Ibrahim S.Stability and Antibiotic Potency Improvement of Levofloxacin by Producing New Salts with 2,6- and 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid and Their Comprehensive Structural Study2023PharmaceuticsScopus
Musfiroh I.; Kartasasmita R.E.; Ibrahim S.; Muchtaridi M.; Hidayat S.; Ikram N.K.K.Stability Analysis of the Asiatic Acid-COX-2 Complex Using 100 ns Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Its Selectivity against COX-2 as a Potential Anti-Inflammatory Candidate2023MoleculesScopus
Handayani D.; Sari H.C.; Julianti E.; Artasasta M.A.Endophytic fungus isolated from Zingiber officinale Linn. var. rubrum as a source of antimicrobial compounds2023Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical ScienceScopus
Singgih M.; Kurniati N.F.; Permana B.; Amelia D.R.; Yuliana A.In silico anticholesterol of Monacolin from Monascus sp. on HMG-CoA protein receptor2023Food ResearchScopus
Mahardhika A.B.; Ressemann A.; Kremers S.E.; Greg?rio Castanheira M.S.; Schoeder C.T.; M?ller C.E.; Pillaiyar T.Design, synthesis, and structure–activity relationships of diindolylmethane derivatives as cannabinoid CB2 receptor agonists2023Archiv der PharmazieScopus
Suliska N.; Mentari S.K.; Sukandar E.Y.Evaluation of the teratogenic effect of water extract of Sonchus arvensis L. and Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis leaves as a combination in Wistar rat2023Journal of Research in PharmacyScopus
Zazuli Z.; Op ’t Hoog C.J.P.; Vijverberg S.J.H.; Masereeuw R.; Rassekh S.R.; Medeiros M.; Rivas-Ruiz R.; Maitland-van der Zee A.H.; Carleton B.C.Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in childhood cancer: comparison between two countries2023Pediatric NephrologyScopus
Iwo M.I.; Alfaridzi M.A.; Muhammad H.N.Potential sources of chemopreventive agents from Indonesian plants against colorectal cancer: A review2023Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical ScienceScopus
Nafi’ah R.; Sumirtapura Y.C.; Darijanto S.T.; Iwo M.I.Diffusion and Lipolysis Test on Forskolin Microemulsion Gel2023Journal of Research in PharmacyScopus
Iwo M.I.; Pratiwi B.; Sunny K.O.Literature Review of D-Dimer Levels on Disease Severity and Mortality, Along with Benefits of Anticoagulants in Covid-19 Patients2023Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryScopus
Hariyanti H.; Mauludin R.; Sumirtapura Y.C.; Kurniati N.F.Activity and Safety of Cinchonine Nanostructured Lipid Carriers as a Hair Growth Stimulant in Mice Model of Androgenetic Alopecia; [Aktiviti dan Keselamatan Pembawa Lipid Berstruktur Nano Sinkonina sebagai Perangsang Pertumbuhan Rambut dalam Model Tikus Alopecia Androgenetik]2023Sains MalaysianaScopus
Prasesti G.K.; Anggadiredja K.; Kurniati N.F.Momordica charantia Fruit Extract on Cardiac Biomarker Serum Attenuation in Rats and its Bioactive Compound Molecular Docking Against SIRT-1 Protein2023Tropical Journal of Natural Product ResearchScopus
Berlian G.; Riani C.; Kurniati N.F.; Rachmawati H.Peptide derived C. striata albumin as a natural angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor2023HeliyonScopus
Hariyanti H.; Kurniati N.F.; Sumirtapura Y.C.; Mauludin R.Development and validation of an analytical method for the determination of nanostructured lipid carrier’s cinchonine used direct method modified by liquid-liquid extraction using high-performance liquid chromatography2023Journal of Research in PharmacyScopus
Lumbanraja M.P.; Anggadiredja K.; Muhammad H.N.; Kurniati N.F.Alkaloids from Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb Leaf as Promising Candidates for Antidyslipidemic Agents: An in silico study2023Pharmacognosy JournalScopus
Syuhada; Anggadiredja K.; Kurniati N.F.; AkromThe potential of Nigella sativa oil on clinical output improvement of diabetic neuropathy2023Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical ScienceScopus
Kurniati N.F.; Fathadina A.Combination of Empagliflozin and Liraglutide protects heart against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats2023PharmaciaScopus
Prasesti G.K.; Anggadiredja K.; Kurniati N.F.Potential combined effect of Spirulina platensis and Momordica charantia fruits on attenuation of isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats: identification and prediction its mechanism2023PharmaciaScopus
Oktora M.P.; Yuniar C.T.; Amalia L.; Abdulah R.; Hak E.; Denig P.Attitudes towards deprescribing and patient-related factors associated with willingness to stop medication among older patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in Indonesia: a cross-sectional survey study2023BMC GeriatricsScopus
Anggadiredja K.; Amalia L.; Haq F.A.Ameliorating Effects of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) on Nicotine Dependence and Quality of Life in Smokers2023CNS and Neurological Disorders – Drug TargetsScopus
Sukmawan Y.P.; Anggadiredja K.; Adnyana I.K.Anti-neuropathic Pain Mechanistic Study on A. conyzoides Essential Oil, Precocene II, Caryophyllene, or Longifolene as Single Agents and in Combination with Pregabalin2023CNS and Neurological Disorders – Drug TargetsScopus
Adnyana I.K.; Anggadiredja K.; Sukmawan Y.P.Essential oil of Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.: Acute and subchronic toxicity studies; [Aceite esencial de Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.: Estudios de toxicidad aguda y subcr?nica]2023Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy ResearchScopus
Nugraha D.H.; Anggadiredja K.; Rachmawati H.Effect of the Surfactant Charge on the Characteristics and Anticancer Effects of Docetaxel-loaded Poloxamer Polymeric Micelles2023Pharmaceutical NanotechnologyScopus
Muttaqin F.Z.; Fahlevi R.; Muhammad H.N.In silico study of aminothiazole, benzohydrazide, namoline, piridine, and parnate derivatives as Jumonji domain histone lysine demethylase (KDM1A, KDM4A, KDM4C, KDM4E, AND KDM5B) inhibitors in prostate cancer2023Pharmacy EducationScopus
Aligita W.; Singgih M.; Sutrisno E.; Adnyana I.K.Hepatoprotective properties of water kefir: A traditional fermented drink and its potential role2023International Journal of Preventive MedicineScopus
Dewi M.; Mahmudiono T.; Helmiyati S.; Yuniar C.T.; Putra M.G.S.Consumption of Iron-Rich Food in Children under Two Years in Urban and Rural Areas in Indonesia: An Analysis of Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey 20172023Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health SciencesScopus
Shin H.; Yuniar C.T.; Oh S.; Purja S.; Park S.; Lee H.; Kim E.The Adverse Effects and Nonmedical Use of Methylphenidate Before and After the Outbreak of COVID-19: Machine Learning Analysis2023Journal of Medical Internet ResearchScopus
Kusumawati A.H.; Garmana A.N.; Elfahmi E.; Mauludin R.Pharmacological studies of the genus rice (Oryza L.): a literature review; [Estudos farmacol?gicos do g?nero arroz (Oryza L.): uma revis?o de literatura]2023Brazilian Journal of BiologyScopus
Fauzian F.; Garmana A.N.; Mauludin R.Applications of Nanotechnology-Based Drug Delivery System for Delivering Natural Products into Acute and Chronic Wounds: A Review2023Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryScopus
Solihah I.; Herlina; Munirah E.; Haryanti H.; Amalia M.; Rasyid R.S.P.; Suciati T.; FatmaThe hypoglycemic effect of purple sweet potato leaf fractions in diabetic rats2023Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and ResearchScopus
Yuwono L.A.; Siswanto; Sari M.; Yusuf Y.; Suciati T.; Sari Y.W.; Che Abdullah C.A.; AminatunFabrication and characterization of hydroxyapatite-polycaprolactone-collagen bone scaffold by electrospun nanofiber2023International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric BiomaterialsScopus
Liana P.; Jenica A.; Suciati T.; Rahmawati E.; Pariyana P.; Umar T.P.Comparison of Liver Function Test Results between Architect C8000 and COBAS C501 Automatic Chemistry Analyzer2023Archives of Razi InstituteScopus
Waresindo W.X.; Priyanto A.; Sihombing Y.A.; Hapidin D.A.; Edikresnha D.; Aimon A.H.; Suciati T.; Khairurrijal K.Konjac glucomannan-based hydrogels with health-promoting effects for potential edible electronics applications: A mini-review2023International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesScopus
Aminatun; Suciati T.; Sari Y.W.; Sari M.; Alamsyah K.A.; Purnamasari W.; Yusuf Y.Biopolymer-based polycaprolactone-hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering2023International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric BiomaterialsScopus
Waresindo W.X.; Luthfianti H.R.; Priyanto A.; Hapidin D.A.; Edikresnha D.; Aimon A.H.; Suciati T.; Khairurrijal K.Freeze-thaw hydrogel fabrication method: basic principles, synthesis parameters, properties, and biomedical applications2023Materials Research ExpressScopus
Nareswari T.L.; Juniatik M.; Aminatun A.; Sari M.; Utami R.A.; Sari Y.W.; Khairurrijal K.; Yusuf Y.; Suciati T.A facile technique for overcoming seeding barriers of hydrophobic polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite-based nanofibers for bone tissue engineering2023Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical ScienceScopus
Rahma H.; Suciati T.FORMULATION OF SODIUM ASCORBYL PHOSPHATE (SAP) INTO O/W NANOEMULSION2023International Journal of Applied PharmaceuticsScopus
Kubota F.; Satrialdi; Takano Y.; Maeki M.; Tokeshi M.; Harashima H.; Yamada Y.Fine-tuning the encapsulation of a photosensitizer in nanoparticles reveals the relationship between internal structure and phototherapeutic effects2023Journal of BiophotonicsScopus
Retnoningrum D.S.; Yoshida H.; Pajatiwi I.; Muliadi R.; Utami R.A.; Artarini A.; Ismaya W.T.Introducing Intermolecular Interaction to Strengthen the Stability of MnSOD Dimer2023Applied Biochemistry and BiotechnologyScopus
(Otsuka) Saito K.; Fujita F.; Toriyama M.; Utami R.A.; Guo Z.; Murakami M.; Kato H.; Suzuki Y.; Okada F.; Tominaga M.; Ishii K.J.Roles of TRPM4 in immune responses in keratinocytes and identification of a novel TRPM4-activating agent2023Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsScopus
Yusuf N.A.; Abdassah M.; Mauludin R.; Chaerunisaa A.Y.GLIBENCLAMIDE TRANSETHOSOME PATCH FOR TRANSDERMAL DELIVERY: FORMULATION AND EVALUATIONS2023International Journal of Applied PharmaceuticsScopus
Hariyanti H.; Mauludin R.; Sumirtapura Y.C.; Kurniati N.F.A Review: Pharmacological Activities of Quinoline Alkaloid of Cinchona sp.2023Biointerface Research in Applied ChemistryScopus
Mailisa W.; Annisa W.D.; Permatasari F.A.; Amalia R.; Ivansyah A.L.; Iskandar F.; Rachmawati H.In Vitro and Silico Studies on the N-Doped Carbon Dots Potential in ACE2 Expression Modulation2023ACS OmegaScopus
Stephani L.; Rahayu P.; Retnoningrum D.; Suhartono M.T.; Rachmawati H.; Tjandrawinata R.R.Purification and proteomic analysis of potent fibrinolytic enzymes extracted from Lumbricus rubellus2023Proteome ScienceScopus
Adi A.C.; Susanti Y.; Rachmawati H.; Ishaura E.R.; Farapti F.; Salisa W.; Rasyidi M.F.; Sutthiwong N.Effects of fermented and non-fermented garlic as an anti-diabetic on blood glucose levels of wistar rat2023Journal of Public Health in AfricaScopus
Azzahra F.; Amalia R.; Karsono A.H.; Tjandrawinata R.R.; Ismaya W.T.; Rachmawati H.The mannose-binding protein from Agaricus bisporus inhibits the growth of MDA-MB-231 spheroids2023Chemical Biology and Drug DesignScopus
Adi A.C.; Tawakal A.I.; Rasyidi M.F.; Salisa W.; Farapti F.; Rachmawati H.Effect of cocoa husk Criollo tea on hypercholesterolemia in animal model2023Foods and Raw MaterialsScopus
Lestari D.; Aqilah K.P.; Putri S.; Harimawan A.; Mudhakir D.; Insanu M.Vitamin E Extraction from Magnesium Salts of Palm Fatty Acid Distillates2022Journal of Engineering and Technological SciencesScopus
Suhery W.N.; Mudhakir D.; Sumirtapura Y.C.; Pamudji J.S.Comparative Bioavailability Study of Solid Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System of Fenofibric Acid in Healthy Male Subjects2022Medical Principles and PracticeScopus
Kosasih K.; Sumaryono W.; Supriyono A.; Mudhakir D.Cytotoxic Effect of Cantigi [Vaccinium varingiaefolium (Blume) Miq.] Extracts on T47D Cells2022AIP Conference ProceedingsScopus
Nuraini N.; Sukandar K.K.; Tahu M.Y.T.; Giri-Rachman E.A.; Barlian A.; Suhardi S.H.; Pasaribu U.S.; Yuliar S.; Mudhakir D.; Ariesyady H.D.; Rosleine D.; Sofyan I.; Martokusumo W.Infectious Disease Modeling with Socio-Viral Behavioral Aspects—Lessons Learned from the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in a University2022Tropical Medicine and Infectious DiseaseScopus
Setiawan E.; Yanuar A.; Hermanto M.E.; Riani C.; Prayogo F.A.; Budiharjo A.Revisit Study of Freshwater Sponges Eunapius carteri (Bowerbank, 1863) and a New Record of Oncosclera asiatica Manconi and Ruengsawang, 2012 (Porifera: Spongillida) in Porong River, East Java, Indonesia2023HAYATI Journal of BiosciencesScopus
Artarini A.; Nurmalasari D.R.; Permanasari S.C.; Riani C.; Tjandrawinata R.R.; Retnoningrum D.S.T118N Substitution of Hepatitis B X Protein Reduces Colony Formation of HepG2 Cells2023Indonesian Biomedical JournalScopus
Iliopoulos F.; Tang C.F.; Li Z.; Rahma A.; Lane M.E.Confocal Raman Spectroscopy for Assessing Bioequivalence of Topical Formulations2023PharmaceuticsScopus
Rahma A.; Lane M.E.; Sink? B.A comparative study of the in vitro permeation of 2-phenoxyethanol in the skin PAMPA model and mammalian skin2023International Journal of PharmaceuticsScopus
Dhamanti I.; Suwantika A.A.; Adlia A.; Yamani L.N.; Yakub F.Adverse Reactions of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Scoping Review of Observational Studies2023International Journal of General MedicineScopus
Artarini A.; Hadianti T.; Giri-Rachman E.A.; Tan M.I.; Safitri I.A.; Hidayat N.A.; Retnoningrum D.S.; Natalia D.Development of Adenovirus-Based Covid-19 Vaccine Candidate in Indonesia2023Molecular BiotechnologyScopus
Armimi A.; Syuaib A.F.; Vanya K.; Tan M.I.; Natalia D.; Chen D.V.; Ono C.; Matsuura Y.; Artarini A.SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization Assay System using Pseudo-lentivirus2023Indonesian Biomedical JournalScopus
Apriantono T.; Herman I.; Winata B.; Chia-Smith Y.-D.; Akbari M.R.; Ihsani S.I.; Syafriani R.; Sunadi D.; Kusnaedi; Bahri S.Impact of Decreased Hamstring Flexibility and Trunk Muscle Strength Performance in Junior Badminton Athletes with a History of Knee Injuries: The Risk of Low Back Pain2023International Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesScopus
Sumarjo; Sumaryanti; Mulyawan R.; Nugroho S.; Syafriani R.; Sulistiyono; Dev R.D.O.; Kurniawan D.D.Short-term effects of milk (both unpasteurized and pasteurized) on active adolescence hemoglobin; [Krótkoterminowy wpływ spożycia mleka (niepasteryzowanego i pasteryzowanego) na aktywną hemoglobinę w okresie dojrzewania]2023Fizjoterapia PolskaScopus
Hidayat Y.; Yudiana Y.; Rahayu N.I.; Carsiwan; Hambali B.; KusnaediUse of the Test of Performance Strategies for Athletes: Gender and Levels of Athletes Analysis2023International Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesScopus
Perdana Ilsya S.A.C.; Ma’mun A.; Kusmaedi N.; Nuryadi; Purnomo E.; Ilsya M.N.F.; Hasan M.F.The Relevance of Physical Activity to Public Health Levels in West Java, Indonesia2023International Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesScopus