Publikasi 2018
Jurnal Internasional 2018
No. | Pencipta | Judul | Publikasi |
1 | Suciati, T., Rachmawati, P., Soraya, E., Mahardhika, A.B., Satrialdi, Hartarti, R., Anggadiredja, K. | A novel acemannan-chitosan modified lipid nanoparticles as intracellular delivery vehicles of antibiotic | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, Volume 8, Issue 12, 1 December 2018, Pages 1-11 |
2 | Ainurofiq, A., Mauludin, R., Mudhakir, D., Soewandhi, S.N. | A novel desloratadine-benzoic acid co-amorphous solid: Preparation, characterization, and stability evaluation | Pharmaceutics 10(3),85 |
3 | Megantara, S., Levita, J., Iwo, M.I., Ibrahim, S. | Absorption, distribution and toxicity prediction of andrographolide and its derivatives as anti-HIV drugs | Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 2018, vol. 22 Special Issue 1, pp 82-85 |
4 | Susilawati, E., Aligita, W., Adnyana, I.K., Patonah, Sukmawati, I.K., Anneesha, Putri | Activity of karehau (Callicarpa longifolia lamk.) leaves ethanolic extract as a wound healing | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2018, 10 (5), pp 1243-1247 |
5 | Ratwita, W., Sukandar, E.Y., Kurniati, N.F., Adnyana, I.K. | Alpha mangostin and xanthone from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) role on insulin tolerance and PPAR-γ in preclinical model diabetes mellitus | Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 2018, 8 (3), pp 83-89 |
6 | Adlia, A., Tomagola, I., Damayanti, S., Mulya, A., Rachmawati, H. | Antifibrotic activity and in ovo toxicity study of liver-targeted curcumin-gold nanoparticle | Scientia Pharmaceutica 86(4), 41 |
7 | Garmana, A.N., Sukandar, E.Y., Fidrianny, I. | Antihypertension study of anredera cordifolia (Ten). V. steenis extract and its fractions in rats through dexamethasone induction and nitric oxide release | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2018, 11 (1), pp 278-282 |
8 | Hardiyanti, R., Marpaung, L., Adnyana, I.K., Simanjuntak, P. | Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of various extracts of duku’s mistletoe leaf (Dendrophthoe pentandra (l.) miq) collected from medan, indonesia | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11(12), pp. 526-529 |
9 | Fidrianny, I., Virna, V., Insanu, M. | Antioxidant potential of different parts of bogor pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr. Var. Queen) cultivated in West Java-Indonesia | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2018, 11 (1), 129-133 |
10 | Ruslan, K., Happyniar, S., Fidrianny, I. | Antioxidant potential of two varieties of Sesamum indicum L. collected from Indonesia | Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 2018, 13 (3), pp 211-218 |
11 | Fidrianny, I., Anggraeni, N.A.S., Insanu, M. | Antioxidant properties of peels extracts from three varieties of banana (Musa sp.) grown in West Java-Indonesia | International Food Research Journal 2018, 25 (1), pp 57-64 |
12 | Purwaeni, E., Darojatin, I., Riani, C., Retnoningrum, D.S. | Bacterial Fibrinolytic Enzyme Coding Sequences from Indonesian Traditional Fermented Foods Isolated Using Metagenomic Approach and Their Expression in Escherichia Coli | Food Biotechnology 2018, 32 (1), pp 47-59 |
13 | Utami, R.A., Asyarie, S., Retnoningrum, D.S. | Biochemical characterization of recombinant Cu-Zn SOD from Citrus limon fused to gliadin peptides | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2018, 8 (1), 115-121 |
14 | Diana, D., Ismaya, W.T., Meidianto, V.F., Tandrasasmita, O.M., Tjandrawinata, R.R., Rachmawati, H. | Bioconjugation of Captopril–Light Subunit of Agaricus bisporus Mushroom Tyrosinase: Characterization and potential use as a drug carrier for oral delivery | Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 41(12), pp. 1837-1842 |
15 | Fidrianny, I., Rahmawati, A., Hartati, R. | Comparison profile of different extracts of Averrhoa bilimbi L. In antioxidant properties and phytochemical content | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 11(4), pp. 1628-1634 |
16 | Arba, M., Yamin, Ihsan, S., Tjahjono, D.H. | Computational approach toward targeting the interaction of porphyrin derivatives with Bcl-2 | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8(12), pp. 60-66 |
17 | Kurniawan, F., Kartasasmita, R.E., Yoshioka, N., Mutalib, A., Tjahjono, D.H. | Computational study of imidazolylporphyrin derivatives as a radiopharmaceutical ligand for melanoma | Current Computer-Aided Drug Design 14(3), pp. 191-199 |
18 | Fidrianny, I., Suhendy, H., Insanu, M. | Correlation of phytochemical content with antioxidant potential of various sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in West Java, Indonesia | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2018, 7 (1), pp 25-30 |
19 | Damayanti, S., Mat, T.N.B.T., Tiyasuwan, P., Bolcarovic, O., Yoo-In, W., Mahardhika, A.B., Jiranusornkul, S. | Development and validation of atomic absorption spectroscopic method for analysis of ZnO in blemish balm cream | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 2018, 45 (1), pp 404-412 |
20 | Nugrahani, I., Utami, D., Permana, B., Ibrahim, S. | Development of the NSAID-L-proline amino acid zwitterionic cocrystals | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2018, 8 (4), 57-63 |
21 | Listianingrum, Yuniarti, R., Al-Aziz, R.H.R.M.T., Rizaldy, D., Insanu, M., Harimawan, A., Lestari, D. | Effect of MgO to Fatty Acid Molar Ratio on the Production of Magnesium Salt of Fatty Acid from Palm Fatty Acid Distillates (PFAD) for Food Additives | MATEC Web of Conferences 2018, 159 art. No. 2063 |
22 | Pusporini, P., Edikresnha, D., Sriyanti, I., Suciati, T., Munir, M.M., Khairurrijal, K. | Electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/green tea extract composite nanofiber mats and their antioxidant activities | Materials Research Express 2018, 5 (5), art. No. 54001 |
23 | Wibowo, I., Permadi, K., Hartati, R., Damayanti, S. | Ethanolic extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) peel: Acute toxicity tests on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos and its toxicity prediction by in silico | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8(6), pp. 82-86 |
24 | Tritama, E., Riani, C., Rudiansyah, I., Hidayat, A., Kharisnaeni, S.A., Retnoningrum, D.S. | Evaluation of alum-based adjuvant on the immunogenicity of salmonella enterica serovar typhi conjugates vaccines | Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2018, 14 (6), pp 1524-1529 |
25 | Boli, L.S.P., Khoirunisa, V., Saputro, A.G., Agusta, M.K, Rusydi, F., Rachmawati, H., Dipojono, H.K. | Frontier Orbitals of Dehydrogenated Tetrahydrocurcumin in Water Solvent: A Theoretical Study | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
26 | Zazuli, Z., Vijverberg, S., Slob, E., Liu, G., Carleton, B., Veltman, J., Baas, P., Masereeuw, R., Maitland-Van Der Zee, A.-H. | Genetic variations and cisplatin nephrotoxicity: A systematic review | Frontiers in Pharmacology 9,1111 |
27 | Utami, R.A., Hakiki, A., Asyarie, S., Retnoningrum, D.S. | Gliadin peptide facilitates FITC dextran transport across the non everted gut sac of rat small intestine | Scientia Pharmaceutica 2018, 86 (2), art. No. 13 |
28 | Nugrahani, I., Khalida, F.N. | Green method for act and ibuprofen simultaneous assay in the combination tablet using FTIR | International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 2018, 10 (3), pp 77-85 |
29 | Ainurofiq, A., Mauludin, R., Mudhakir, D., Umeda, D., Soewandhi, S.N., Putra, O.D., Yonemochi, E. | Improving mechanical properties of desloratadine via multicomponent crystal formation | European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018, 111, pp 65-72 |
30 | Kurniawan, F., Miura, Y., Kartasasmita, R.E., Mutalib, A., Yoshioka, N., Tjahjono, D.H. | In silico study, synthesis, and cytotoxic activities of porphyrin derivatives | Pharmaceuticals 2018, 11 (1) art. No. 8 |
31 | Luangmonkong, T., Suriguga, S., Adhyatmika, A., Adlia, A., Oosterhuis, D., Suthisisang, C., de Jong, K.P., Mutsaers, H.A.M., Olinga, P. | In vitro and ex vivo anti-fibrotic effects of LY2109761, a small molecule inhibitor against TGF-β | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 355, pp. 127-137 |
32 | Wilar, G., Anggadiredja, K., Shinoda, Y., Fukunaga, K. | Inhibition of Nicotine Dependence by Curcuminoid Is Associated with Reduced Acetylcholinesterase Activity in the Mouse Brain | Pharmacology 102(3-4), pp. 223-232 |
33 | Arba, M., Ruslin, Kartasasmita, R.E., Surantaadmadja, S.I., Tjahjono, D.H. | Insight into the interaction of cationic porphyrin-anthraquinone hybrids with Hsp90: In silico analysis | Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 50(3), pp. 303-314 |
34 | Amin, S., Damayanti, S., Ibrahim, S. | Interaction binding study of dimethylamylamine with functional monomers to design a molecular imprinted polymer for doping analysis | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8(10), pp. 25-031 |
35 | Insanu, M., Ramadhania, Z., Halim, E., Hartati, R., Wirasutisna, K. | Isolation of 5,7-Dihydroxy, 6,8-Dimethyl Flavanone from Syzygium aqueum with Its Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor Activities | Pharmacognosy Research 2018, 10 (1), pp 60-63 |
36 | Retnoningrum, D.S., Arumsari, S., Desi, E.S., Tandra, Y.S., Artarini, A., Ismaya, W.T. | Leu169Trp substitution in MnSOD from Staphylococcus equorum created an active new form of similar resistance to UVC irradiation | Enzyme and Microbial Technology 118, pp. 13-19 |
37 | Rachmawati, H., Arvin, Y.A., Asyarie, S., Anggadiredja, K., Tjandrawinata, R.R., Storm, G. | Local sustained delivery of bupivacaine HCL from a new castor oil-based nanoemulsion system | Drug Delivery and Translational Research 8(3), pp. 515-524 |
38 | Wahyu Widowati, Lusiana Darsono, Jo Suherman, Ervi Afifah, Rizal Rizal, Yukko Arinta, Rismawati Laila Qodariah, Tjandrawati Mozef, Tri Suciati | Mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) and its constituents to lower lipid content on adipogenesis cells model (3T3-l1) | Journal of Natural Remedies 18(2), pp. 41-48 |
39 | Widowati, W., Laksmitawati, D.R., Wargasetia, T.L., Afifah, E., Amalia, A., Arinta, Y., Rizal, R., Suciati, T. | Mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) as protective agent in glucose-induced mesangial cell as in vitro model of diabetic glomerulosclerosis | Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 21(9), pp. 972-977 |
40 | Sriyanti, I., Edikresnha, D., Rahma, A., Munir, M.M., Rachmawati, H., Khairurrijal, K. | Mangosteen pericarp extract embedded in electrospun PVP nanofiber mats: Physicochemical properties and release mechanism of α-mangostin | International Journal of Nanomedicine 13, pp. 4927-4941 |
41 | Megantara, S., Halimah, H., Putrianty, A., Tjahjono, D.H., Kartasasmita, R.E., Iwo, M.I., Levita, J., Ibrahim, S. | Microwave-assisted synthesis of hydroxybenzylidene-andrographolides and its inhibitory activity against HIV-1 protease | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2018, 8 (3), pp 9-13 |
42 | Purkan, P., Ihsanawati, I., Natalia, D., Syah, Y.M., Retnoningrum, D.S., Siswanto, I. | Molecular Analysis of katG Encoding Catalase-Peroxidase from Clinical Isolate of Isoniazid-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Journal of medicine and life 11(2), pp. 160-167 |
43 | Arba, M., Ruslin, R., Akib, N.I., Yamin, Y., Ombe, S., Jessi, J., Muzakkar, M.Z., Tjahjono, D.H. | Molecular modeling of 4-fluoropyrrolidine-2-carbonitrile and octahydrocyclopenta[b]pyrrole-2-carbonitrile as a dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP4) inhibitor | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8(10), pp. 1-7 |
44 | Arba, M., Nur-Hidayat, A., Ruslin, Yusuf, M., Sumarlin, Hertadi, R., Wahyudi, S.T., Surantaadmaja, S.I., Tjahjono, D.H. | Molecular modeling on porphyrin derivatives as β5 subunit inhibitor of 20S proteasome | Computational Biology and Chemistry 2018, 74, pp 230-238 |
45 | Slob, E.M.A., Vijverberg, S.J.H., Palmer, C.N.A., Zazuli, Z., Farzan, N.a, Oliveri, N.M.B., Pijnenburg, M.W., Koppelman, G.H., Maitland-van der Zee, A.H. | Pharmacogenetics of inhaled long-acting beta2-agonists in asthma: A systematic review | Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 29(7), pp. 705-714 |
46 | Arba, M., Nur-Hidayat, A., Surantaadmaja, S.I., Tjahjono, D.H. | Pharmacophore-based virtual screening for identifying β5 subunit inhibitor of 20S proteasome | Computational Biology and Chemistry 77, pp. 64-71 |
47 | Wibowo, D.P., Kurniati, N.F., Wirasutisna, K.R., Insanu, M. | Phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of five Indonesian ficus | Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 22(8), pp. 24-27 |
48 | Asri, L.A.T.W., Rahmatika, A., Fahreza, M.Z., Insanu, M., Purwasasmita, B.S. | Preparation and release behavior of carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals-alginate nanocomposite loaded with rutin | Materials Research Express 5(9),095303 |
49 | Arba, M., Ruslin, Kalsum, W.U., Alroem, A., Muzakkar, M.Z., Usman, I., Tjahjono, D.H. | QSAR, molecular docking and dynamics studies of quinazoline derivatives as inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2018, 8 (5), pp 1-9 |
50 | Wahyuni, W., Malaka, M.H., Yanti, N.A., Hartati, R., Sukrasno, S., Sahidin, I. | Radical scavenging and antibacterial activity of phenolic compounds from anacardium occidentale L. stem barks from south east sulawesi-Indonesia | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018, 80 (1), pp 143-149 |
51 | Nugrahani, I., Dillen, N. | Rapid assay development of diclofenac sodium coated tablet assay using FTIR compared to HPLC method | International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 10(4), pp. 43-50 |
52 | Widowati, W., Noverina, R., Ayuningtyas, W., Kurniawan, D., Faried, A., Laksmitawati, D.R., Rihibiha, D.D., Rizal, R., Suciati, T., Sumitro, S.B. | Reactive oxygen species and aging mechanism (Book Chapter) | Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS): Mechanisms and Role in Health and Disease 2018, pp 101-134 |
53 | Widowati, W., Rachmat, O., Suciati, T., Rihibiha, D.D., Afifah, E., Mozef, T., Rizal, R., Wargasetia, T.L., Sumitro, S.B. | Reactive oxygen species in osteoarthritis (Book Chapter) | Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS): Mechanisms and Role in Health and Disease 2018, pp 135-175 |
54 | Indriyanti, N., Garmana, A.N., Setiawan, F. | Repairing effects of aqueous extract of kalanchoe pinnata (lmk) pers. On lupus nephritis mice | Pharmacognosy Journal 10(3), pp. 548-552 |
55 | Schoeder, C.T., Kaleta, M., Mahardhika, A.B., Olejarz-Maciej, A., Łażewska, D., Kieć-Kononowicz, K., Müller, C.E. | Structure-activity relationships of imidazothiazinones and analogs as antagonists of the cannabinoid-activated orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR18 | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 155, pp. 381-397 |
56 | Fidrianny, I., Octaviani, G.D., Kusmardiyani, S. | Study of antioxidant profile and phytochemical content of different organs extracts of Morinda citrifolia L. | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 10(8), pp. 2102-2105 |
57 | Pitaloka, D.A.E., Sukandar, E.Y. | Synergistic study on n-Hexane Extract of Anredera cordifolia (Ten.)v Steenis (binahong) leaves combined with antituberculosis drugs against drug-sensitive and drug-resistant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2018, 8 (5), pp 134-138 |
58 | Amin, S., Damayanti, S., Ibrahim, S. | Synthesis and characterization of molecularly imprinted polymer with dimethylamylamine as template | Asian Journal of Chemistry 30(12), pp. 2749-2753 |
59 | Sitompul, J.P., Gusdinar, T., Anggadiredja, K., Rahman, H., Tursino | Synthesis of structured triglycerides based on canarium oil for food application | Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 2018, 50 (1), pp 87-98 |
60 | Nursamsiar, Asnawi, A., Kartasasmita, R.E., Ibrahim, S., Tjahjono, D.H. | Synthesis, biological evaluation, and docking analysis of methyl hydroquinone and bromo methyl hydroquinone as potent cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) inhibitors | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8(7), pp. 16-20 |
61 | Ainurofiq, A., Mauludin, R., Mudhakir, D., Soewandhi, S. | Synthesis, characterization, and stability study of desloratadine multicomponent crystal formation | Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018, 13 (2), pp 93-102 |
62 | Ainurofiq, A., Mauludin, R., Mudhakir, D., Soewandhi, S.N. | The effect of compression on solid-state properties of desloratadine and multicomponent crystal | Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 22(4), pp. 570-577 |
63 | Retnoningrum, D.S., Yoshida, H., Arumsari, S., Kamitori, S., Ismaya, W.T. | The first crystal structure of manganese superoxide dismutase from the genus Staphylococcus | Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications 2018, 74 (3), 135-142 |
64 | Sutrisno, E., Sukandar, E., Fidrianny, I., Adnyana, I.K. | Wound healing in vivo and in vitro study of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) and pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) urban) ethanolic extract | Pharmacologyonline 2018, 1, pp 111-116 |
65 | Nugrahani, I., Utami, D., Ibrahim, S., Nugraha, Y.P., Uekusa, H. | Zwitterionic cocrystal of diclofenac and L-proline: Structure determination, solubility, kinetics of cocrystallization, and stability study | European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018, 117, pp 168-176 |
66 | Kusnandar Anggadiredja, Nazhifa Ufamy, Lia Amalia, Neng Fisheri Kurniati & Irianti Bahana Maulida Reyaan | Ameliorating Effects of Four-Week FiberMultivitamin Combination Treatment on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein B Profiles in Hypercholesterolemic Participants | Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2018 |