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Mini-Webinar on “Halal Research to Support National and World Economic Recovery”

School of Pharmacy proudly host a Mini-Webinar on “Halal Research to Support National and World Economic Recovery” as part of Academic Leader Collaboration Program in ITB.

Both producers and consumers of products circulating in Indonesia and Muslim-populated countries need the support of accurate information about material standards, manufacturing methods, and halal product guarantee systems.

Therefore, research activities for the development and guarantee of halal products are being continuously intensified, not only in the nationally but also regionally and internationally.

Let’s follow the explanations of competent experts in the field of halal studies in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. In this mini webinar, important and comprehensive information will be presented which is certainly useful for scientists, policy makers, and practitioners.


Prof. Dr. apt. Slamet Ibrahim Surantaatmadja, DEA – Professor of Pharmaceutical Analysis, SF ITB; Head of Halal Center Salman ITB

Prof Irwandi Jaswir – Former Director and Deputy Dean, International Institute for Halal Research and Training, International Islamic University Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Yo Nonaka, PhD. – Islamic Study Researcher, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Japan

Ir. Dina Sudjana – Chief Executive of the Salman Halal Center

Moderators :

Dr. apt. Ilma Nugrahani – Head of ITB Halal Study Center; ITB School of Pharmacy

Saturday, July 3, 2021

13.00 WIB – finished

Zoom link: