Last December 6, 2020, the entire family of School of Pharmacy mourned the passing of Prof. Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum Ph.D. Many of the deceased’s closest people have felt the kindness that she continued to spread throughout her life. Even though she had indeed completed her mandate and left us all, she left a good name and a myriad of stories that should be followed by all of us. During her lifetime, she was a kind, patient, and simple person and almost never complained about her life’s problems in front of many people. As people also know that she was very dedicated in terms of education and research. She has conducted many projects and received many awards that must be emulated and continued. As a form of appreciation for her contribution, Pharmaceutical Scientific Group (Kelompok Keilmuan, KK) held an event entitled “In Loving Memory: Tribute to Prof. Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum, Ph.D.”.
The event began with an autobiographical video of Prof. Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum, Ph.D. followed by remarks from the Head of Pharmaceutical KK, Dr. apt. Lucy Dewi Nur Sasongko. Besides that, the committee presented Prof. Patrick Cleary, Ph.D., a promoter of her doctoral program at Minnesota University, USA, who presented a mini lecture on her research during her doctoral degree and conducted postdoctoral work. This event was continued with a mini lecture on Breast Cancer Awareness from dr. Drajat Suardi, a Surgical Oncology specialist, who is also the doctor who treated her.
In this event, it was explained about the development of research that was first conducted by her after returning from the USA until the days before she passed away. This research has helped many students who have graduated and are currently scattered in Indonesia and abroad in which their relationship is maintained with the monthly routine of Alumni of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Sharing Sessions. This event also presented message impressions from her family and colleagues. This was ended with a song offering from the alumni of pharmaceutical biotechnology and a prayer by Prof. Dr. apt. Yeyet Cahyati S. Hopefully, this event can be a reminder for her dedication and an encouragement for future generations to be able to continue her struggle.