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OVERSEAS STUDENT ADMISSION 2014 FOR BACHELOR IN PHARMACY (4 years): written exam on June 21, 2014Written Test Result

School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) will be holding official entry test for 2014 admission in Kuala Lumpur for bachelor programme in:

  1. Clinical and Community Pharmacy
    recognised by Pharmacy Board of Malaysia, to be registered Pharmacists
  2. Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
    offered since 2006 (for international students), for applicants willing to have career in Pharmaceutical Industries or pursue advanced studies in pharmaceutical sciences


  1. Diploma holders, certificate awarded no earlier than 2012
  2. Foundation/STPM graduates, certificate awarded no earlier than 2011


  1. Complete application form;  available at
  2. Entrance examination fee RM 750, paid via bank transfer to this account: BNI 46 Cabang PTB, Account No. 0901092013, Account holder: Penampungan PPM SF, Swift Code: BNINIDJA
  3. Written test (covers math, physics, chemistry, biology and aptitude test) to be held on 21 June 2014 Successful applicants are eligible for interview, on 23 June 2014
  4. Admission granted upon successful completion of written test and interview
  5. New semester starts  mid August 2014

Registration form along with proof of transfer of entrance examination fee must be sent, no later than 18 June 2014, via Fax No. +62-22-2504852 or email :

For further inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Sophi Damayanti +62-81394075730 (Phone/WhatsApp), email :

Download Application Form here