Monday, November 29, 2021, was a historic day for the academic community of Sport Science Scientific Group (Kelompok Keilmuan, KK) of School of Pharmacy (SF ITB) with Faculty of Sports Science (Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan) Universitas Negeri Jakarta (FIK UNJ) because a commitment and a form of cooperation were created in the signing of Tridaharma Cooperation Agreement (Perjanjian Kerjasama, PKs) between SF ITB and FIK UNJ. In the PKs signed by the Dean of SF ITB, Prof. apt. I Ketut Adnyana., Ph.D, and the Dean of FIK UNJ, Dr. Johansyah Lubis, M.Pd, several collaborations have been agreed namely in the field of research including research collaboration, writing scientific articles, and borrowing sports science laboratory infrastructure; in the field of Community Service including the creation of collaborative community service work programs; and in the field of teaching including the opportunity to have lecturer exchange by becoming a supervising lecturers for final semester students for each institution.
As a representative of Sports Science KK of SF ITB, Dr. Samsul Bahri., M.Kes., the Chair of Sports Science KK of SF ITB, was very enthusiastic about this collaboration. He was optimistic that the collaboration between these two institutions would be mutually beneficial and able to expand the scientific field for both institutions. This statement was also confirmed and emphasized by Prof. apt. I Ketut Adnyana., Ph.D. when delivering his welcoming speech. He said that the collaboration of these two institutions could strengthen each other in the development of achievement sports or health sports for the community. He really hoped that the PKs was not only a ceremonial event, but its future impact and work development was the most essential to be done immediately. He also hoped that, especially in the future, Sports Science KK of SF ITB can make a product, either a product in the realm of sports nutrition such as a supplement for athletes or a product for making sports equipment, so that it can help athletes in the coaching process.
On the other hand, FIK UNJ was also ready to collaborate with SF ITB, specifically Sports Science KK of SF ITB. The Dean of FIK UNJ emphasized that all the collaborations contained in this PKs would be able to run well optimistically and become a fundamental spirit of sport and the warmth of kinship for these two institutions. In closing the event, the two leaders from SF ITB and FIK UNJ were waiting for a real collaboration in the field of Tridharma contained in the PKs. As a concrete form in the nearest future, they hoped that a research proposal could be submitted to the Ministry of Research and Technology, Higher Education, or other government agencies involving SF ITB and FIK UNJ in the field of achievement sports or public health sports.