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Dr. apt. Tri Suciati. M.Si.

KK Farmasetika

Email : tri.suciati at, tsuciati at

Pulbilasi di Jurnal Internasional

  1. Aruan, N.M., Sriyanti, I., Edikresnha, D., Suciati, T., Munir, M.M., Khairurrijal, K., “Polyvinyl Alcohol/Soursop Leaves Extract Composite Nanofibers Synthesized Using Electrospinning Technique and their Potential as Antibacterial Wound Dressing”, Procedia Engineering, 2017, vol 170, pp 31,35
  2. Pamudji, J.S., Suciati, T., Lidia, Sukandar, E.Y., Fidriani, I., “Microemulsion formulation of Aloe vera gel and Apium graveolens ethanol extract for optimizing hair growth promotion”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2015, 8(4), pp 319,323
  3. Indrayati, A., Asyarie, S., Suciati, T., Retnoningrum, D.S., 2014, “Study on the properties of purified recombinant superoxide dismutase from staphylococcus equorum, A local isolate from Indonesia”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (11), pp. 440-445.
  4. Suciati, T., Samhana, A., Mauluddin, R., 2014, “Development of jacalin conjugated nanostructured lipid carriers formula for transcutaneous vaccine delivery”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (6), pp. 542-546.
  5. Mauludin, R., Mohamad, S.F.B., Suciati, T., 2014, “Formulation and characterization of ascorbyl palmitate loaded o/w microemulsion”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (9), pp. 294-298.
  6. Munir, M.M., Nuryantini, A.Y., Iskandar, Suciati, T., Khairurrijal, 2014, “Mass production of stacked styrofoam nanofibers using a multinozzle and drum collector electrospinning system”,  Advanced Materials Research, 896, pp. 20-23.
  7. Suciati, T., Aliyandi, A., Satrialdi, 2014, “Development of transdermal nanoemulsion formulation for simultaneous delivery of protein vaccine and artin-m adjuvant”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (6), pp. 536-546.
  8. Nuryantini, A.Y., Munir, M.M., Ekaputra, M.P., Suciati, T., Khairurrijal, 2014, “Electrospinning of poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan via multi-nozzle spinneret and drum collector”, Advanced Materials Research, 896, pp. 41-44.
  9. Mauludin, R., Suciati, T., Pratiwi, H., 2012, “Development of growth protein delivery system in bone implant based bionanocomposite”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 5 (SUPPL.4), pp. 82-86.
  10. Pramesti, H.T., Suciati, T., Indrayati, A., Asjarie, S., Retnoningrum, D.S., 2012,”Recombinant human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2: Optimization of overproduction, solubilization, renaturation and its characterization”, Biotechnology, 11 (3), pp. 133-143.
  11. Retnoningrum, D.S., Pramesti, H.T., Santika, P.Y., Valerius, O., Asjarie, S., Suciati, T., 2012, “Codon optimization for high level expression of human bone morphogenetic protein – 2 in Escherichia coli”, Protein Expression and Purification, 84 (2), pp. 188-194.
  12. Suciati, T., Howard, D., Barry, J., Everitt, N.M., Shakesheff, K.M., Rose, F.R., 2006, “Zonal release of proteins within tissue engineering scaffolds”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 17 (11), pp. 1049-1056. Cited 24 times.
  13. Suciati, T., Howard, D., Barry, J.J.A., Everitt, N.M., Rose, F.R.A.J., Shakesheff, K.M., 2006, “Zonal release of proteins within tissue engineered scaffolds”, European Cells and Materials, 11 (SUPPL.2), p. 5.

Publikasi di Konferensi

  1. Tri Suciati, Daniel Howard, Kevin M. Shakesheff, Felicity Rose, “Peningkatan Adesi, Proliferasi dan Diferensiasi Sel dalam Matriks Berbasis Mikropartikel Poli(D,L Laktida)”, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah ISFI XVI, Yogyakarta, 11-12 Agustus 2008
  2. R. Emran Kartasasmita, Tri Suciati, As’ari Nawawi, Nurlinda Lubis., “Monitoring of Histamine and Microbiogical Contaminant Formation in Fish Powder From Patin (pangasius hypothalmus)”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, ITB, 28-23 October 2008
  3. Heni Rachmawati, Muhamad Saifullah Amin, Tri Suciati, “Development of Colonic Tablet Containing Ibuprofen Using in Situ Cross-Linked Alginate”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, ITB, 28-23 October 2008
  4. Tri Suciati, Daniel Howard, Kevin M. Shakesheff, Felicity Rose, “Cell Adhesion, Replication, And Differentiation Onto Surface Modified Pdlla Microparticle-Based Scaffold”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
  5. Amila, Agoes,G., Suciati, T., “Instant Tea Formula Made From Aqueous Green Tea Extract And The Determination Of Polyphenol Content Using Visible Spectrophotometer After Reacting With Folin Ciocalteu”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
  6. Dr. Tri Suciati, John Barry, Daniel Howard, Kevin M. Shakesheff, Felicity Rose, “Transformation Of Pdlla Microparticles Into Tissue Engineering Scaffold By Supercritical Carbondioxide Processing”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
