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apt. Siti Farah Rahmawati, S.Farm., M.Si.








KK Farmakologi-Farmasi Klinik

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Publikasi di Jurnal

  1. Iwo, M.I., Sjahlim, S.L., Rahmawati, S.F., “Effect of Vernonia amygdalina del. Leaf ethanolic extract on intoxicated male Wistar rats liver”, Scientia Pharmaceutica 2017
  2. Hidayat, M., Prahastuti, S., Dewi, E., (…), Rahmawati, S.F., Soemardji, A.A., “Subchronic toxicity test of combination ethanol extract of detam 1 soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) and Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia lamk) toward function, weight, and histopathological of wistar rat liver”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016