apt. Siti Farah Rahmawati, S.Farm., M.Si.
KK Farmakologi-Farmasi Klinik
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Publikasi di Jurnal
- Iwo, M.I., Sjahlim, S.L., Rahmawati, S.F., “Effect of Vernonia amygdalina del. Leaf ethanolic extract on intoxicated male Wistar rats liver”, Scientia Pharmaceutica 2017
- Hidayat, M., Prahastuti, S., Dewi, E., (…), Rahmawati, S.F., Soemardji, A.A., “Subchronic toxicity test of combination ethanol extract of detam 1 soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) and Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia lamk) toward function, weight, and histopathological of wistar rat liver”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016