Dr. apt. Satrialdi, S.Farm., M.Si
KK Farmasetika
- 2006 – 2010 : Sarjana Farmasi, Sekolah Farmasi, ITB
- 2011 – 2012 : Magister Farmasi, Sekolah Farmasi, ITB
- 2012 – 2013 : Apoteker, Sekolah Farmasi, ITB
- 2017 – 2020 : Doktor, Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University
Lingkup Penelitian
Nanoteknologi dalam penghantaran obat bertarget ke organel spesifik untuk terapi kanker, termasuk aplikasi nanoteknologi dalam fototerapi.
- Yamada Y, Munechika R, Satrialdi, Kubota F, Sato Y, Sakurai Y, Harashima H. Mitochondrial Delivery of an Anticancer Drug Via Systemic Administration Using a Mitochondrial Delivery System That Inhibits the Growth of Drug-Resistant Cancer Engrafted on Mice. J Pharm Sci 2020, 109(8), 2493-2500. doi: 10.1016/j.xphs.2020.04.020
- Yamada Y, Takano Y, Satrialdi, Abe J, Hibino M, Harashima H. Therapeutic Strategies for Regulating Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress. Biomolecules 2020, 10, 83. doi:10.3390/biom10010083.
- Satrialdi, Munechika R, Biju V, Takano Y, Harashima H, Yamada Y. The optimization of cancer photodynamic therapy by utilization of a pi-extended porphyrin-type photosensitizer in combination with MITO-Porter. Chem Comm 2020, 56, 1145-1148. doi: 10.1039/c9cc08563g.
- Suciati T, Rachmawati P, Soraya E, Mahardhika AB, Satrialdi, Hartati R, Anggadiredja K. A Novel Acemannan-chitosan Modified Nanoparticles as Intracellular Delivery Vehicles of Antibiotic. J Appl Pharm Sci 2018, 8, 1-11. DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2018.81201.
- Suciati T, Aliyandi A, Satrialdi. Development of Transdermal Nanoemulsion Formulation for Simultaneous Delivery of Protein Vaccine and Artin-M Adjuvant. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci 2014, 6, 536-546.
- Mudhakir D, Satrialdi, Asyarie S, Sumirtapura YC. Packaging the Alkaloids of Cinchona Bark in Combination with Etoposide in Polymeric Micelles Nanoparticles. World Acad Sci Eng Technol 2012, 6, 685-689.
- Suciati T, Prasetya D, Fidrianny I, Satrialdi. Formulasi dan karakterisasi sediaan mukoadhesif ekstrak etanol Centella asiatica (L.) urb. ACTA Pharmaceutica Indonesia 2011, XXXVI, 54-60.
- Satrialdi, Asyarie S, Mudhakir D. Uji Disolusi Terbanding Zat Karbamazepin dalam Bentuk Sediaan Tablet. ACTA Pharmaceutica Indonesia 2011, XXXVI, 23-26.
Presentasi Poster & Oral
- Satrialdi, Yamada Y, Munechika R, Biju V, Takano Y, Harashima H. Mitochondria as an Important Target for Cancer Photodynamic Therapy. The 16th Conference of Asian Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (ASMRM) & The 19th Conference of Japanese Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (J-mit) as E-poster Presenter, Fukuoka-Japan, 3-5 October 2019.
- Satrialdi, Yamada Y, Munechika R, Biju V, Takano Y, Harashima H. Liposomal-based Nanocarrier for Mitochondrial Delivery of Photosensitizer. Liposome Research Days 2019 as Poster Presenter, Sapporo-Japan, 15-18 September 2019.
- Satrialdi, Yamada Y, Munechika R, Biju V, Takano Y, Harashima H. MITO-Porter: A Powerful Mitochondrial Targeting Nanodevice for Cancer Photodynamic Therapy. The 72nd Annual Meeting of Society for Free Radical Research JAPAN as Oral Presenter, Sapporo-Japan, 27-28 June 2019.
- Satrialdi, Yamada Y, Munechika R, Biju V, Takano Y, Harashima H. The Application of MITO-Porter System as a Novel Mitochondrial Targeting Photodynamic Therapy. 12th Young Investigator Symposium on Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sapporo-Japan, 15-16 September 2018.