Dr. rer. nat. apt. Rachmat Mauludin, S.Si., M.Si.
KK Farmasetika
Assistant Professor
Email : rachmat at itb.ac.id
Telepon : 022 2504852
Institut Teknologi Bandung | Bandung/Indonesia | Sarjana | Farmasi | |
Institut Teknologi Bandung | Bandung/Indonesia | Master | Farmasi | |
Free University of Berlin | Berlin, Germany | Dr. rer nat. | Farmasi |
Publikasi di Jurnal
- Ainurofiq, A., Mauludin, R., Mudhakir, D., Umeda, D., Soewandhi, S.N., Putra, O.D., Yonemochi, E., “Improving mechanical properties of desloratadine via multicomponent crystal formation”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, vol 111, pp 65,72
- Pamudji, J.S., Mauludin, R., Indriani, N., “Development of nanostructured lipid carrier formulation containing of retinyl palmitate”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 8(2), pp 256,260
- Mauludin, R., Primaviri, D.S., Fidrianny, I., “Nanoemulsion of ethanolic extracts of propolis and its antioxidant activity”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015,
- Rachmawati, H., Budiputra, D.K., Mauludin, R., “Curcumin nanoemulsion for transdermal application: Formulation and evaluation”, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 2015, 41(4), pp 560,566
- Nugrahani, I., Ibrahim, S., Mauludin, R., Almira, M., “Hydrate transformation study of fluoroquinolone antibiotics using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015,7(8), pp 246,252
- Shubar, H.M., Lachenmaier, S., Heimesaat, M.M., Lohman, U., Mauludin, R., Mueller, R.H., Fitzner, R., Borner, K., Liesenfeld, O., 2011, “SDS-coated atovaquone nanosuspensions show improved therapeutic efficacy against experimental acquired and reactivated toxoplasmosis by improving passage of gastrointestinal and blood-brain barriers”, Journal of Drug Targeting, 19 (2), pp. 114-124.
- Mauludin, R., M�ller, R.H., Keck, C.M., 2009, “Development of an oral rutin nanocrystal formulation”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 370 (1-2), pp. 202-209.
- Mauludin, R., M�ller, R.H., Keck, C.M., 2009, “Kinetic solubility and dissolution velocity of rutin nanocrystals”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 36 (4-5), pp. 502-510.
- Shubar, H.M., Dunay, I.R., Lachenmaier, S., Dathe, M., Bushrab, F.N., Mauludin, R., Mller, R.H., Fitzner, R., Borner, K., Liesenfeld, O., 2009, “The role of apolipoprotein e in uptake of atovaquone into the brain in murine acute and reactivated toxoplasmosis”, Journal of Drug Targeting, 17 (4), pp. 257-267.
- Preparation and Chracterization of Rutin Nanosuspensions,International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2009, Submitted
- Second generation of drug nanocrystals for delivery of poorly soluble drugs: smartCrystals technology D O S I S, 2 4, (0 2) : 124 – 128, 2008
- Stability Determination of Amoxicillin – Potassium Clavulanate Combination Tablets, Health Magazine: Medika, No. 8, 2002
- Kinetics of Barbitals Polymorphic Transformation by X-ray Diffraction Method ,Journal : Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, Vol. 11 no. 3, 2000
- Pamudji, J.S., Khairurrijal, Mauludin, R., Sudiati, T., Evita, M., 2013, “PVA-ketoprofen nanofibers manufacturing using electrospinning method for dissolution improvement of ketoprofen”, Materials Science Forum, 737, pp. 166-175.
- Mauludin, R., Pamudji, J.S., Ruyanti, D., 2011, “Dissolution improvement of ketoprofen tablets by solid dispersion method”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 4 (4), pp. 119-124.
- Mauludin, R., M�schwitzer, J., M�ller, R.H., 2012, “Fast dissolving ibuprofen nanocrystalloaded solid dosage forms”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4 (SUPPL.3), pp. 543-549.
- Mauludin, R., Suciati, T., Pratiwi, H., 2012, “Development of growth protein delivery system in bone implant based bionanocomposite”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 5 (SUPPL.4), pp. 82-86.
- Keck, C., Kobierski, S., Mauludin, R., M�ller, R., 2013, “Novel Top-Down Technologies: Effective Production of Ultra-Fine Drug Nanocrystals”, Drug Delivery Strategies for Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs, pp. 247-263.
- Mauludin, R., M�ller, R.H., 2013, “Physicochemical properties of hesperidin nanocrystal”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (SUPPL 3), pp. 954-960.
- Mauludin, R., M�ller, R.H., 2013, “Preparation and storage stability of rutin nanosuspensions”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 43 (5), pp. 395-404.
- Rachmawati, H., Edityaningrum, C.A., Mauludin, R., 2013, “Molecular inclusion complex of curcumin-�-cyclodextrin nanoparticle to enhance Curcumin skin permeability from hydrophilic matrix gel”, AAPS PharmSciTech, 14 (4), pp. 1303-1312.
- Pamudji, J.S., Mauludin, R., Lestari, V.A., 2014, “Improvement of carvedilol dissolution rate through formation of inclusion complex with B-cyclodextrin”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (4), pp. 228-233.
- Mauludin, R., Mohamad, S.F.B., Suciati, T., 2014, “Formulation and characterization of ascorbyl palmitate loaded o/w microemulsion”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (9), pp. 294-298.
Aqilah Hassim, Rachmat Mauludin, Heni Rachmawati, Preparation and characterization of calcium carbonate nanoparticle, The 3rd Nanoscience and nanotechnology Symposium, ITB, June 2010.
“Mauludin, R, Sasanti Tarini D, I. Fidrianny, R. Rinaldi, Mouthwash formulation development of Piper betle extract and activity test against Streptococcus mutans, International Conference On Medicinal Plant, Surabaya, 21-22 July,2010.
Mauludin, R, and R. H. M�ller. 2008. Physicochemical Characteristic of Lyophilized Coenzyme Q10 Nanocrystals. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, New York
Mauludin, R, and R. H. M�ller. 2008. Drug Release Study of Rutin Nanocrystal-Loaded Tablet. Proceedings of the 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceuticals Technology, Barcelona, Spain
Mauludin, R, and R. H. M�ller. 2008. Physicochemical Characteristic of Lyophilized Coenzyme Q10 Nanocrystals. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, New York
Mauludin, R, and R. H. M�ller. 2008. Dissolution Velocity of Coenzyme Q10 Nanocrystal-Loaded Capsules. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, New York
Mauludin, R, J. M�schwitzer and R. H. M�ller. 2007. Comparison of different homogenization technologies to produce Ultrafine Testosterone Nanocrystals. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Long Beach, California
Mauludin, R, and R. H. M�ller. 2007. Physical Stability of Rutin Nanosuspension Produced by High Pressure Homogenization. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Long Beach, California
M�ller, R. H. and R. Mauludin, 2006. Drug Nanocrystals – State of The Art & Latest Developments. Proceedings of the 13th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium, Antalya, Turkey
Mauludin, R, J. M�schwitzer and R. H. M�ller. 2006. Testosterone Nanosuspensions Produced by High Pressure Homogenization – Comparison of different homogenization technologies. Proceedings of the 13th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium, Antalya, Turkey
Physical Interaction of Mixed of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen, Pharmacy Researches National Seminar, 25 September 2002
Kinetics of Barbitals Polymorphic Transformation by Thermal Analytical Method, Pharmacy Researches National Seminar, 25 September 2002
Interaction Between Diclofenac Sodium with copolymer ammoniomethacrylate (Eudragit RL�): Profile of the Adsorption and Release at Various pH, Pharmacy Researches National Seminar, 25 September 2002
Bioequivalence Study of Anti Tuberculosis Fixed Dose Combination Tablet Containing Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol HCl and Isoniazid Produced By PT. Kimia Farma (Tibiq 1), June 2003
Bioequivalence Study of Anti Tuberculosis Fixed Dose Combination Tablet Containing Rifampicin and Isoniazid Produced By PT. Kimia Farma (Tibiq 2), June 2003
Bioavailability Testing of Nutrexon Tablet Containing Naltrexon HCl 50 mg Produced by PT. Nufarindo, August 2003
Bioavailability Test of Rifampicin – Isoniazid – Pyrazinamid Combination Tablets from Indofarma Industries, November 2002
Bioavailability Comparison Test of Ranitidine 150 mg Generic Tablets from Indofarma Industries, March 2001
Bioavailability Comparison Test of Ciprofloxacin 500 mg Generic Tablets from Indofarma Industries, March 2001
Bioavailability Comparison Test of Sodium Diclofenac Enteric Coats Generic Tablets from Indofarma Industries, November 2001
Bioavailability Comparison Test of Cefadroxil Generic Capsules from Indofarma Industries, November 2001
Stability Determination of Amoxicillin – Potassium Clavulanate Combination Tablets, 2001
Interaction Between Indomethacin and Diclofenac Sodium with copolymer ammoniomethacrylate (Eudragit RL�) : Profile of the Adsorption and Release at Various pH, 2001-2002
Kinetics of Barbitals Polymorphic Transformation ,1999-2000
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Hydroquinone and Mercury in Whitening Creams that prepared in Indonesia , 1999-2000
Crystallographic Risks of Mixture of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen in Tablet Dosage Forms, 2000-2002
Formula Developments of NSAID Semisolid Topical Products with Ketoprofen, 2000
Bioavailability Test of Ciprofloxacin 500 mg Generic Tablets from Kimia Farma Industries, 2000
Bioavailability Test of Pyrazinamid 500 mg Generic Tablets from Kimia Farma Industries, 2000
Development of Pseudoephedrin Sustained Release Tablets with Eudragit RLPO and Mixture of Eudragit RLPO and Eudragit RS 100 as Matrix , 1995-1996
R. Mauludin, and Cornelia M. Keck, May 30-31, 2008, Production of lyophilised coenzyme Q10 nanocrystals, European Workshop on Particulate Systems Berlin,
R. Mauludin, R. H. M�ller, Hesperidin smartCrystals-redispersibility and saturation properties, abstract of 2008 American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) the Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia
R. Mauludin, R. H. M�ller, Superior Dissolution Behavior of Rutin SmartCrystal�-Loaded Tablets, abstract of 2008 American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) the Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia
R. Mauludin, R. H. M�ller, Physicochemical properties of Lyophilized Rutin Nanocrystals, abstract of 2007 American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) the Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California
R. Mauludin, R. H. M�ller, Investigation of crystalline state of dry powder ibuprofen nanocrystals produced by high pressure homogenization technique, abstract of 2006 American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) the Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Antonio, TX
R. Mauludin, M�schwitzer, J, R. H. M�ller, Comparison of Ibuprofen Drug Nanocrystals Produced by High Pressure Homogenization (HPH) versus Ball Milling, abstract of 2005 American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) the Annual Meeting and Exposition , Baltimore.
R. Mauludin, M�schwitzer, J, R. H. M�ller, Development of Effervescent and Pellet formulations containing Ibuprofen Drug Nanocrystals produced by High Pressure Homogenization, abstract of 2005 American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) the Annual Meeting and Exposition, Baltimore