- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1993
- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1996
- S3 Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama – Jepang 2001
Bidang Keahlian
- Farmakologi Bahan Alam
Pengalaman Mengajar
- Konsep Teknologi (S1)
- Anatomi Fisiologi Manusia I (S1)
- Etnofarmakologi (S1)
- Patofisiologi (S1)
- Kapita Selekta Farmakologi (S1)
- Farmakoterapi (Profesi Apoteker)
- Farmakoterapi lanjut (S2)
- Farmakoterapi lanjut (S2)
- Metode Farmakologi-Toksikologi (S2)
- Fitoterapi (S2)
- Farmakologi Antiinfeksi dan Antitumor (S2)
- Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Retnosari Andrajati, Joseph I. Sigit, I Ketut Adnyana, Adji Prayitno Setiadi, Kusnandar, 2008, ISO Farmakoterapi, PT. ISFI, Jakarta.
- Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Retnosari Andrajati, Joseph I. Sigit, I Ketut Adnyana, Adji Prayitno Setiadi, Kusnandar, 2013, ISO Farmakoterapi 2, PT. ISFI, Jakarta.
S Vikasari, E Sukandar, T Suciati, IK AdnyanaPhysiology and Pharmacology 28 (1), 18-26, 2024
IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Anti-inflammatory effects of eggshell membrane hydrolysates on carrageenan-induced rat
SN Vikasari, EY Sukandar, T Suciati, IK AdnyanaPharmacy Education 24 (2), 152-157, 2024 -
In vitro and in silico studies of the potential cytotoxic, antioxidant, and HMG CoA reductase inhibitory effects of chitin from Indonesia mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) shells
I Fajriaty, I Fidrianny, NF Kurniati, NM Fauzi, SH Mustafa, IK AdnyanaSaudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 103964, 2024 -
In-silico and In-vivo Long-term Safety Studies of Mangosteen Rind Ethanol Extract (Garcinia mangostana Linn.).
R Mahmudah, EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaTropical Journal of Natural Product Research 8 (2), 2024 -
Mangosteen rind ethanol extract’s mechanism of action against SGLT-2 receptors: In silico and in vivo
EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 14 (1), 238-246, 2024 -
Development of controlled release particulate system of Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) seed shell extract and effectivity on the hyperuricemic rat model
E Masruriati, IK Adnyana, D Mudhakir, H RachmawatiJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 14 (1), 159-169, 2024 -
Anti- inflammatory effect of the mixture of Ageratum conyzoides L. extract and eggshell membrane hydrolysates and in silico active compound predictions
SN Vikasari, EY Sukandar, T Suciati, IK AdnyanaJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 12 (5), 972-993, 2024 -
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit and Combination with Losartan Attenuate the Elevation of Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Rats Induced by Angiotensin II
T Hendrayana, K Yoana, IK Adnyana, EY SukandarJournal of Pharmacopuncture 26 (4), 298, 2023 -
Stabilisation Potential of Cell Membrane from Different Polarity Extract of Sirih Bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth) as Anti-inflammatory Agent
IGAA Kartika, S Suryani, DHS Palupi, IK AdnyanaJURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA 21 (2), 215-222, 2023 -
Potential extract of robusta coffee as antihypertensive agent: in vivo study on dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rats
H Husniati, AN Garmana, IK AdnyanaAIP Conference Proceedings 2902 (1), 2023 -
Hepatoprotective properties of water kefir: A traditional fermented drink and its potential role
W Aligita, M Singgih, E Sutrisno, IK AdnyanaInternational Journal of Preventive Medicine 14 (1), 93, 2023 -
Anti-neuropathic pain mechanistic study on A. conyzoides essential oil, Precocene II, Caryophyllene, or Longifolene as single agents and in combination with pregabalin
YP Sukmawan, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaCNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders) 22 (6), 924-931, 2023 -
The effect of speed training on the physical performance of adolescent futsal players
T Apriantono, AD Juniarsyah, IK Adnyana, MF Hasan, D ResmanaJurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran 9 (1), 172-184, 2023 -
Histopathological Profile of Obese Zebrafish Liver after Administration of Red Spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.)
A Yuniarto, AZ Putri, N Selifiana, S Megawati, SN Rangkuti, IK AdnyanaEuropean Journal of Medicinal Plants 34 (3), 40-44, 2023 -
IMAG Wirasuta, NK Warditiani, IK AdnyanaJURNAL FARMASI UDAYANA 11 (2), 06, 2023 -
In Vivo Pharmacodynamics of Calophyllum soulattri as Antiobesity with In Silico Molecular Docking and ADME/Pharmacokinetic Prediction Studies
I Fajriaty, H Ih, I Fidrianny, NF Kurniati, MA Reynaldi, IK Adnyana, R Rommy, F Kurniawan, DH TjahjonoPharmaceuticals 16 (2), 191, 2023 -
W ALIGITA, M SINGGIH, E SUTRISNO, IK ADNYANAInternational Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 15 (Special Issue 2), 109-112, 2023 -
Centella asiatica (Indian Pennywort) Extract and Exercise Increase Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Plasma, Cognition, and Physical Fitness among Menopausal Women
I Setiawan, LA Fitriana, IK Adnyana, K Anggadiredja, N Ufamy, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, ST Putri, U Rahmi, S Andriyani, K Komarudin, RM Theresa, A CahyaniUniversal Journal of Public Health 11 (6), 861-868, 2023 -
Hepatoprotective study of Indonesian water kefir against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
W Aligita, M Singgih, E Sutrisno, IK AdnyanaJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 11 (6), 1002-1016, 2023 -
Essential oil of Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.: Acute and subchronic toxicity studies
IK Adnyana, K Anggadiredja, YP SukmawanJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 11 (4), 625-634, 2023 -
Hepatoprotective study of Indonesian water kefir against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
W Aligita, M Singgih, E Sutrisno, IK AdnyanaJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 11 (6), 1002-1016, 2023 -
Effect of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) fruit extract in improving insulin sensitivity by modifying glucose-regulating gene expression
Antiinflammation and Antioxidant Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Ageratum conyzoides Leaves
SN Vikasari, EY Sukandar, T Suciati, IK AdnyanaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1104 (1), 012024, 2022 -
Science mapping for nutrition education in sports recovery research: A bibliometric analysis
S Bahri, IK Adnyana, MF Hasan, HRD Ray, ST ParamithaInternational Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 10 (4), 795-811, 2022 -
Macronutrient and micronutrient intake in dietary habits contributed to dyspeptic symptoms in Indonesia
M Miftahussurur, RI Alfaray, YAA Rezkitha, KA Fauzia, H Maulahela, VN Muzellina, LSM Rotty, YS Namara, A Abubakar, S Mustika, N Ratnasari, AY Santosa, M Richardo, IDN Wibawa, IK Adnyana, PH Rachman, BE Rachman, D Doohan, LA Waskito, Y Yamaoka, A KhomsanGaceta Médica de Caracas 130 (2), 266-275, 2022 -
Pkm Monitoring Harga Pokok Persediaan dengan Metode Fifo Berbasis Aplikasi Website
IKW Adnyana, NAN DewiSELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan 6 (2), 779-783, 2022 -
The Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Recovery and Performance of Weightlifting Athletes
S Bahri, IK Adnyana, MF Hasan, T Apriantono, AD JuniarsyahSport Mont 20 (2), 57-61, 2022 -
Inhibitory activity of xanthoangelol isolated from Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei Koidzumi) towards α-glucosidase and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV: in silico and in vitro studies
DL Aulifa, IK Adnyana, S Sukrasno, J LevitaHeliyon 8 (5), 2022 -
Peperomia pellucida extracts stimulates bone healing in alveolar socket following tooth extraction
IGAA Kartika, C Riani, M Insanu, IK AdnyanaJournal of traditional and complementary medicine 12 (3), 302, 2022 -
YP Sukmawan, L Amalia, IK Adnyana, K AnggadiredjaJurnal Kesehatan Bakti Tunas Husada: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keperawatan, Analis Kesehatan dan Farmasi 22 (1), 58-75, 2022 -
Exercise and Gotu Kola Extract to Ameliorate Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha, Quality of Life, and Executive Function in Cognitive Impairment Women
LA Fitriana, I Darmawati, ST Putri, S Andriyani, S Rohaedi, IK Adnyana, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, U RahmiHealth 10 (5), 465-472, 2022 -
Efficacy of the Hibiscus surattensis L. Leaves Active Fraction in Reducing the Levels of HbA1c, AGEs, and Glucose Uptake in Muscle Cells of Diabetic Type 2 Model Rat
Y Susanto, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, J TandiIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 630-640, 2022 -
The Role and Mechanism of Cinnamon for Athlete Metabolism and Recovery Process: A Systematic Literature Review
MF Hasan, IK Adnyana, S Bahri, HRD RayJurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga 7 (2), 140-148, 2022 -
Implementasi Knowledge Management System dan Knowledge Sharing Berbasis ChatBot-Penyakit Parvo pada Anjing
IKW Adnyana, J Octavia, NK AriasihExpert 11 (2), 150-156, 2021 -
Differences of electroencephalography wave with eyes-closed between older women with dementia and without dementia
LA Fitriana, A Pragholapati, S Rohaedi, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, IK AdnyanaJournal of Engineering Research – ASSEEE Special Issue, 2021 -
The Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Estradiol Plasma, Quality of Sleep, and Cognitive Function in Menopausal Women.
L Amalia, LA Fitriana, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, A Suherman, NA Novan, L Komariyah, IK AdnyanaMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 17 (Supp 14), 28-32, 2021 -
Effect of Centella Asiatica and Aerobic Exercise in Older Women With Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
LA Fitriana, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, ST Putri, S Rohaedi, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, N Fauziyah, IK AdnyanaMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 17 (Supp 14), 153-160, 2021 -
E Susilawati, MR Pahlevi, IK AdnyanaJournal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 10 (4), 6851-6857, 2019 -
Effect of fresh cow milk and pasteurization milk toward lactate in soccer players accompanied by physical activity
RS SYAFRIANI, RM MULYAWAN, TA APRIANTONO, IK ADNYANAGazzetta Medica Italiana-Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 180 (11), 695-700, 2021 -
Overview of Helicobacter pylori infection in Indonesia: what distinguishes it from countries with high gastric cancer incidence?
M Miftahussurur, LA Waskito, KA Fauzia, I Mahmudah, D Doohan, IK Adnyana, A Khomsan, N Ratnasari, YAA RezkithaGut and liver 15 (5), 653, 2021 -
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe var. Sunti Val) essential oil distillation residues
S Suciyati, S Sukrasno, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaEgyptian Journal of Chemistry 64 (9), 5031-5035, 2021 -
Identification of nutritional status and body composition in weightlifting athlete.
MF Hasan, S Bahri, IK AdnyanaJournal of Physical Education & Sport 21, 2021 -
MF Hasan, S Bahri, IK Adnyana4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS), 2021 -
Bioaktivitas Daun Benalu Duku
R Hardiyanti, L MARPAUNG, IK ADNYANA, P SimanjuntakPenerbit Qiara Media, 2021 -
In Vitro Determination of Sun Protection Factor of Water Extract of Aerodramus fuciphagus from Central Kalimantan
DAD Sandi, EF Susiani, IK Adnyana, P WikaningtyasBorneo Journal of Pharmacy 4 (2), 78-83, 2021 -
Twenty weeks of Centella asiatica improved cognitive function of women elderly with dementia
LA Fitriana, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 755 (1), 012064, 2021 -
Molecular docking studies of α-mangostin, γ-mangostin, and xanthone on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma diphenyl peptidase-4 enzyme, and aldose reductase enzyme as an antidiabetic drug candidate
IK Adnyana, EY SukandarJournal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research 12 (2), 196-208, 2021 -
Polarity difference and the presence of phytoestrogen compounds affecting estrogenic activity of Peperomia pellucida extracts
I Kartika, M Insanu, C Riani, KH Chung, IK AdnyanaSains Malaysiana 50 (2), 449-460, 2021 -
Anti-neuropathic pain activity of Ageratum conyzoides L due to the essential oil components
YP Sukmawan, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaCNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders) 20 (2), 181-189, 2021 -
Studi potensi interaksi obat pada resep polifarmasi di dua apotek Kota Bandung
IBM Reyaan, C Kuning, IK AdnyanaJurnal Manajemen Dan Pelayanan Farmasi (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) 11 (3), 145-152, 2021 -
Potent inhibition of Peperomia pellucida extracts towards rankl-induced osteoclast formation through m1 macrophage polarization
A Kartika, C Riani, M Insanu, K Paiboonsukwong, N Charoenphandhu, A Tubsuwan, IK AdnyanaRasayan J Chem 14, 1369-1377, 2021 -
Preventive effect of ethanol extract of red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) on diet-induced obese Zebrafish
A Yuniarto, AZ Putri, N Selifiana, IK AdnyanaEuropean Journal of Medicinal Plants 31 (20), 27-32, 2020 -
Acute Toxicity of Keladi Tikus (Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume) Ethanol Extract on Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryo in vivo
F Fakri, LS Idrus, MA Iskandar, I Wibowo, IK AdnyanaIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy 31 (4), 297-304, 2020 -
Pengaruh Pemberian Madu dari Lebah Apis mellifera, Apis cerana, dan Trigona sp. terhadap Beberapa Parameter Biokimia pada Mencit yang Diuji dengan Metode WFST
M Priastomo, IK Adnyana, S Sukrasno, K KusnaediMPI (Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana) 3 (2), 80-87, 2020 -
E-test versus agar dilution for antibiotic susceptibility testing of Helicobacter pylori: a comparison study
M Miftahussurur, KA Fauzia, IA Nusi, PB Setiawan, AF Syam, LA Waskito, D Doohan, N Ratnasari, A Khomsan, IK Adnyana, J Akada, Y YamaokaBMC research notes 13, 1-6, 2020 -
Pharmacological effects of Garcinia mangostana L.: an update review
R Mahmudah, IK Adnyana, EY SukandarResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 13 (11), 5471-5476, 2020 -
Isolation and Characterization of Phenylpropanoid and Lignan Compounds from Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth with Estrogenic Activities
IGAA Kartika, IJ Bang, C Riani, M Insanu, JH Kwak, KH Chung, IK AdnyanaMolecules 25 (21), 4914, 2020 -
Active Subfractions, Phytochemical Constituents, Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitory Activity and Antioxidant of Leaf Extract from Hibiscus surattensis L.
EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaThe Natural Products Journal 10 (4), 400-410, 2020 -
Demographic Factors and Disease History Associated with Dementia among Elderly in Nursing Homes
LA Fitriana, N Ufamy, K Anggadiredja, L Amalia, S Setiawan, IK AdnyanaJurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran 8 (2), 120-128, 2020 -
V Saraswaty, IK Adnyana, S Pudjiraharti, H RachmawatiRasayan Journal of Chemistry 13 (3), 2020 -
Effect of Consecutive Days of Match Play on Athletes’ Physiology in Futsal
AD Juniarsyah, T Apriantono, IK Adnyana4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019), 362-364, 2020 -
Aktivitas analgetik ekstrak etanol daun ciplukan (Physalis peruviana L.) pada mencit Swiss Webster jantan dengan metode geliat (Sigmund)
G Fadhilla, IK Adnyana, R ChaniagoJurnal Ilmiah Farmako Bahari 11 (1), 75-88, 2020 -
Ameliorative effect of Etlingera calophrys (K. Schum.) rhizome ethanolic extract on high fat diet-induced obese zebrafish
LS Idrus, F Fakri, R Hartati, V Saraswaty, IK AdnyanaSains Malaysiana 49 (2), 389-397, 2020 -
Updates on 4-hydroxyderricin and xanthoangelol of Angelica plants: extraction and pharmacological activities.
DL Aulifa, IK Adnyana, J LevitaRasayan Journal of Chemistry 13 (1), 2020 -
The Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Cognition, Physical Fitness, and Apolipoprotein E Plasma among Women with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
LA Fitriana, ST Putri, K Anggadiredja, RIA Theresa, IK AdnyanaInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (09752366) 12 (1), p1646, 2020 -
Analgetic activity of ethanol extract of ciplukan leaves (Physalis peruviana L.) on male Swiss Webster mice by stretching method (Sigmund)
G Fadhilla, IK Adnyana, R ChaniagoJurnal Ilmiah Farmako Bahari 11 (1), 75-88, 2020 -
Inhibitory Activity Of The Active Compound Of Ethyl Acetate Fraction Of Tamoenju (Hibiscus Surattensis L.) Leaves Against Α-Glucosidase And Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Enzymes
Y Yuliet, EY Sukandar, K Budipramana, IK AdnyanaRasayan Journal of Chemistry 13 (2), 826-835, 2020 -
Comparison profile of quality of life, phosphorylated-tau, and superoxide dismutase plasma in women elderly with and without dementia
LA Fitriana, K Anggadiredja, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, L Amalia, S Rohaedi, I Setiawan, A Suherman, IK AdnyanaSyst Rev Pharm 11 (11), 1600-1603, 2020 -
Antidiabetes activity of herbal product containing Phyllanthus niruri and Zingiber americans.
E Elfahmi, IK Adnyana, I Fitria, T TaufikurahmanSains Malaysiana 49 (9), 2159-2168, 2020 -
Anti-helicobacter pylori effects of propolis ethanol extract on clarithromycin and metronidazole resistant strains
N Ratnasari, YAA Rezkitha, IK Adnyana, RI Alfaray, KA Fauzia, A Panjaitan, Y Priskila, E Yulinah, A Khomsan, LA Waskito, D Priyantini, AF Syam, Y Yamaoka, M MiftahussururSystematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (3), 429-434, 2020 -
Hubungan Kemandirian (Basic dan Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) dengan Pendidikan, Status Marital, dan Demensia
LA Fitriana, S Setiawan, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaJurnal Pendidikan Keperawatan Indonesia 5 (2), 177-183, 2019 -
Kontribusi Konsep Diri Dan Peduli Sosial Terhadap Kompetensi Pengetahuan IPS Siswa Kelas V SD
IGRAY Dangin, KN Wiyasa, IK AdnyanaMedia Komunikasi FPIPS 18 (1), 55-62, 2019 -
Isolation of quercitrin from Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq leaves and it’s antioxidant and antibacterial activities
R Hardiyanti, L Marpaung, IK Adnyana, P SimanjuntakRasayan J. Chem 12 (4), 1822-1827, 2019 -
Duku’s Mistletoe Leaves (Dendrohtoe pentandra (L.) Miq) Collected from North Sumatera as Botanical Insecticides
R Hardiyanti, L Marpaung, IK Adnyana, P SimanjuntakJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1232 (1), 012016, 2019 -
Aktifitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Metanol Daun Benalu Duku Hijau (Dendrohtoe pentandara (L.) Miq) dan Merah (Scurrula ferruginea (Jack) Danser) dengan Metode DPPH
R Hardiyanti, L Marpaung, IK Adnyana, P SimanjuntakTalenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST) 2 (2), 2019 -
Zebra fish model of obesity: Relevance to metabolic syndrome
A Yuniarto, EY Sukandar, I Fidrianny, AA Crystalia, IK AdnyanaInternational Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP) 13 (2), 2019 -
Transformation of Melinjo seed micropowders into nanopowders enhances extractability of phenolic compounds and tyrosinase inhibitory activity
V Saraswaty, NIWWP Suparta, H Setiyanto, H Rachmawati, IK AdnyanaSains Malaysiana 48 (5), 983-990, 2019 -
Edukasi Anti Penyalahgunaan Obat Kepada Siswa SD Di Kota Palu Melalui Media Kartu Kuartet
H Hannan, P Wikaningtyas, IK AdnyanaJurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy)(e-Journal) 5 (1), 20-25, 2019 -
Uji Fenolik Dan Toksisitas (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) Ektrak Methanol Daun Benalu Duku Hijau (Dendrohtoe pentandara (L.) Miq) Dan Merah (Scurrula ferruginea (Jack) Danser)
R Hardiyanti, L Marpaung, IK Adnyana, P SimanjuntakTalenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST) 2 (1), 84-87, 2019 -
Immunomodulatoryactivity of ethanolic extract of Melastoma malabathricum L. in balb/c mice.
P Hasimun, IK Adnyana, ND TibeJournal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 10 (4), 6726-6732, 2019 -
Antidiabetic activity of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) fruit extract.
W Aligita, S Muhsinin, E Susilawati, DS Pratiwi, D Aprilliani, A Artarini, IK AdnyanaRasayan Journal of Chemistry 12 (1), 157-167, 2019 -
Effect of senna (Senna alexandrina mill.) and pomegranate (punica granatum l.) leaves extracts and its fractions on pro-inflammatory cytokines of the obese zebrafish (danio rerio)
A Yuniarto, EY Sukandar, I Fidrianny, H Nasrullah, IK AdnyanaRasayan Journal of Chemistry, c/o Dr. Pratima Sharma 12 (3), 1496-1502, 2019 -
Hubungan Tingkat Kemandirian (Basic dan Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) dengan Pendidikan, Status Marital, dan Demensia pada Lansia di Panti Wredha
LA Fitriana, N Ufamy, K Anggadiredja, S Setiawan, IK AdnyanaJurnal Pendidikan Keperawatan Indonesia 5 (2), 177-183, 2019 -
Ethanol Extract of Gardenia augusta (L.) Merr. Flowers Produces Sleep Improvement in Rat Model
K Anggadiredja, IK Adnyana, D Safitri, SF Rahmawati, T HendrayanaPharmacognosy Journal 11 (6s), 2019 -
4-Hydroxyderricin Isolated from the Sap of Angelica keiskei Koidzumi: Evaluation of Its Inhibitory Activity towards Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV
DL Aulifa, IK Adnyana, J Levita, S SukrasnoScientia Pharmaceutica 87 (4), 30, 2019 -
Biochemical evaluation of duku’s mistletoe leave (Dendrophtho epentandra (L.) Miq) extract with antidiabetic potential
R Hardiyanti, L Marpaung, IK Adnyana, P SimanjuntakRasayan Journal of Chemistry 12 (3), 1569-1574, 2019 -
Acute and subchronic (28-day) oral toxicity studies on the film formulation of k-carrageenan and konjac glucomannan for soft capsule application
NNW Sutrisni, SN Soewandhi, IK Adnyana, LDN SasongkoScientia Pharmaceutica 87 (2), 9, 2019 -
Zingiberaceae family effects on alpha-glucosidase activity: implication for diabetes
P Hasimun, IK AdnyanaBioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Diabetes, 387-393, 2019 -
Alpha mangostin and Xanthone activity on fasting blood glucose, insulin and langerhans Islet of langerhans in Alloxan induced diabetic mice
W Ratwita, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, NF KurniatiPharmacognosy Journal 11 (1), 2019 -
Alpha mangostin and xanthone from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) role on insulin tolerance and PPAR-γ in preclinical model diabetes mellitus
W Ratwita, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaJournal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 8 (3), 83-90, 2018 -
In Vitro And in Vivo Antidiabetic Activity of Ethanol Extract and Fractions of Hibiscus surattensis L Leaves
Y Yuliet, EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaIndonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 1 (1), 25-30, 2018 -
Activity of Karehau (Callicarpa longifolia Lamk.) leaves ethanolic extract as a wound healing
E Susilawati, W Aligita, IK Adnyana, IK SukmawatiJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 10 (5), 1243-1247, 2018 -
Wound healing in vivo and in vitro study of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia (ten.) Steenis) and pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) ethanolic extract
E Sutrisno, E Sukandar, I Fidrianny, IK AdnyanaPharmacologyonline 1, 111-116, 2018 -
Antiobesity Activitity Of Water Fractions Extract Of Tamarind (Tamarindus Indica L.) In High Carbohydrate Diet Induced Male Wistar Rats
N Hidayah, IK Adnyana, F SetiawanAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11 (1), 200-205, 2018 -
W Irsyad, IK Adnyana, H RachmawatiProceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society WCP2018 (The 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology), PO3-10-3, 2018 -
Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of various extracts of duku’s mistletoe lea f (Dendrophthoe Pentandra(L.) Miq) collected from medan, indonesia
R Hardiyanti, L Marpaung, IK Adnyana, P SimanjuntakAsian J Pharm Clin Res 11 (12), 526-529, 2018 -
Pengaruh gel ekstrak daun kerehau (Callicarpa longifolia Lam.) terhadap penyembuhan luka pada model tikus diabetes
S Candra, E Susilawati, IK AdnyanaKartika: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi 6 (2), 70-80, 2018 -
Evaluasi Teknik Penggunaan Inhaler pada Pasien Asma dan PPOK di Suatu Sarana Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer: Suatu Studi Pendahuluan di Selangor Malaysia (Evaluating Inhaler Use Technique among Asthma and COPD Patients at a Primary Health Care Unit: A Pilot Study in Selangor Malaysia)
Z Zazuli, K Ramasamy, IK AdnyanaJurnal Manajemen Dan Pelayanan Farmasi (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) 8 (2), 80-9, 2018 -
Aktivitas ekstrak etanol daun singawalang (Petiveria alliacea L.) dan fraksinya sebagai antidiabetes
E Susilawati, IK Adnyana, N FisheriKartika J. Ilm. Farm 5 (2), 68, 2017 -
Antidiabetic activity of extract, fractions, and asiaticoside compound isolated from Centella asiatica Linn. Leaves in alloxan-induced diabetic mice
EKA Fitrianda, EY Sukandar, E Elfahmi, IK AdnyanaAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 268-272, 2017 -
Antihyperlidemic Effects of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Pericarp Ethanolic Extract in High-Carbohydrate Wistar Rats
AS Abuzaid, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaJournal of Natural Remedies, 165-173, 2017 -
Drug-related problems in type 2 diabetic patients with hypertension: a prospective study
Z Zazuli, A Rohaya, IK AdnyanaJ Basic Clin Pharm 8 (4), 251-4, 2017 -
Fractionation using adsorptive macroporous resin HPD-600 enhances antioxidant activity of Gnetum gnemon L. seed hard shell extract
V Saraswaty, I Ketut Adnyana, S Pudjiraharti, T Mozef, M Insanu, NF Kurniati, H RachmawatiJournal of food science and technology 54, 3349-3357, 2017 -
Multiple functions of D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) as curcumin nanoparticle stabilizer: in vivo kinetic profile and anti-ulcerative colitis analysis in animal model
H Rachmawati, AT Pradana, D Safitri, IK AdnyanaPharmaceutics 9 (3), 24, 2017 -
Aplikasi zebrafish (Danio rerio) pada beberapa model penyakit eksperimental
A Yuniarto, EY Sukandar, I Fidrianny, IK AdnyanaMPI (Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana) 1 (3), 116-126, 2017 -
P Prawestyi, IK Adnyana, Y MulyaniJurnal Farmasi Galenika 4 (Edisi Khus), 68-76, 2017 -
Alpha mangostin and xanthone from Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) role on glucose tolerance and glucose transporter-4 in diabetes mellitus
W Ratwita, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, NF KurniatiInt J Pharmacogn Phytochem Res 9 (9), 1206-12, 2017 -
The antirheumatic activity of Muntingia calabura L. Leaves ethanol extract and its fraction
J Sarimanah, IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, NF KurniatiAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10 (1), 84-86, 2017 -
Anti-asthma activity of Tamarind pulp extract (Tamarindus indica L.)
M RIFA’ATUL, IK ADNYANA, N KurniaInt J Curr Pharm Res 9 (3), 102-105, 2017 -
Karakteristik Fisiologi Pemain Futsal Profesional Dalam Dua Pertandingan Berturut-Turut
AD Juniarsyah, T Apriantono, IK AdnyanaJurnal Sains Keolahragaan Dan Kesehatan 2 (2), 31, 2017 -
Red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe var rubrum): A review
SW Suciyati, IK AdnyanaPharmacologyonline 2 (8), 60-65, 2017 -
Six-Month Chronic Toxicity Study of Tamarind Pulp (Tamarindus indica L.) Water Extract
I Iskandar, F Setiawan, LDN Sasongko, IK AdnyanaScientia Pharmaceutica 85 (1), 10, 2017 -
R Syafriani, R Mulyawan, T Apriantono, IK AdnyanaJurnal Sains Keolahragaan & Kesehatan 2 (1), 2017 -
Kajian Aktivitas Antidiabetes dari Ekstrak Etanol dan Fraksinya dari Daun Singawalang (Petiveria alliacea L.)
E Susilawati, IK Adnyana, N FisheriPHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) 13 (2), 2016 -
The study of red ginger rhizomes ethanol extract (zingiber officinale roscoe var. Sunti val.) on hyperlipidemic-induced rats
D Safitri, NF Kurniati, S Adharani, SW Suciyati, IK AdnyanaPharmacologyonline 3, 15-21, 2016 -
Anti-inflammatory activities and gastric ulcer-inducing properties of tetraacetylquercetin and tetrapivaloylquercetin
R Herowati, RE Kartasasmita, IK Adnyana, TG KartawinataJ Math Fundam Sci 48, 252-262, 2016 -
New update: Traditional uses, phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicity review of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth
I Kartika, M Insanu, D Safitri, CA Putri, IK AdnyanaPharmacologyonline 2, 30-43, 2016 -
Preventive effect of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth herbs on ovariectomy-induced osteoporotic rats
CA Putri, A Kartika, IK AdnyanaChin. Med 25, 546-551, 2016 -
TPGS-stabilized curcumin nanoparticles exhibit superior effect on carrageenan-induced inflammation in wistar rat
H Rachmawati, D Safitri, AT Pradana, IK AdnyanaPharmaceutics 8 (3), 24, 2016 -
Preventive effect on obesity of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp ethanolic extract by reduction of fatty acid synthase level in monosodium glutamate and high-calorie diet-induced male wistar rats
AS Abuzaid, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaAsian J Pharm Clin Res 9 (3), 257-260, 2016 -
Effectivity and safety of phaleria macrocarpa fructus extract for osteoarthritis treatment
AR Rahmadi, A Nawawi, IK Adnyana, RG WachjudiOsteoarthritis and Cartilage 24, S354, 2016 -
The effect of aqueous extract of Kalanchoe Folium on methylprednisolone pharmacokinetic profile
N Indriyanti, AN Garmana, F Setiawan, EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaAIP Conference Proceedings 1718 (1), 2016 -
Activity of tamarindus indica pulp water extract in high carbohydrate diet rats as a treatment for obesity and insulin resistance.
F Setiawan, EY Sukandar, S Sukrasno, IK AdnyanaJournal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 25 (12), 892-897, 2016 -
Preventive Effect of Jasmine Flower Ethanol Extract on MSG-High Fat Diet Induced in Male Wistar Rats
I Adnyana, D Safitri, W ChristopherInternational Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 8 (7), 1066-1070, 2016 -
Anti- inflammatory study of Anredera cordifolia leaves and Centella asiatica herbs and its combinations using human red blood cell-membrane stabilization method
E Sutrisno, IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, I Fidrianny, W AligitaAsian J Pharm Clin Res 9 (5), 78-80, 2016 -
Potential alpha-glucosidase inhibitor from selected Zingiberaceae family
P Hasimun, IK Adnyana, R Valentina, E LisnasariAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 9 (1), 164-7, 2016 -
Perbandingan karakteristik fisiologi pemain futsal profesional dan amatir dalam dua pertandingan berturut-turut
AD Juniarsyah, T Apriantono, IK AdyanaJurnal Sains Keolahragaan & Kesehatan 1 (2), 46-54, 2016 -
Prevention of obesity and development of metabolic syndrome by mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp ethanolic extract in male wistar rats fed with high-fat diet
AS Abuzaid, EY Iskandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaInt J Pharm Pharmaceutic Sci 8, 1-7, 2016 -
Effectivity and safety of mahkota dewa fruit extract compared to meloxicam (phaleria macrocarpa fructus) on osteoarthritis
AR Rahmadi, S Dewi, A Nawawi, IK Adnyana, RG WachjudiIndonesian Journal of Rheumatology 8 (1), 2016 -
Napak Tilas Jahe Gajah (Zingiber officinale Roscoe var officinale) Dan Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale var rubrum)
IK Adnyana, SW SuciyatiJ Farmasi Galenika 3 (1), 1-7, 2016 -
IK AdnyanaJURNAL FARMASI GALENIKA 3 (01), 2016 -
Pancreatic lipase and α-amylase inhibitory potential of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) pericarp extract
IK Adnyana, AS Abuzaid, EY Iskandar, NF KurniatiInt. J. Med. Res. Health Sci 5 (1), 23-28, 2016 -
Antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activity of five strains of soil microorganisms isolated from tangkuban perahu mountain by fermentation
DGS Andayani, U Sukandar, EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaHayati Journal of Biosciences 22 (4), 186-190, 2015 -
Anti Inflamatory Activities of UNRIPE, Ripe Mutingia Calabura L. Fruits and Mutingia Calabura L Leaves In Wistar White Rat
J Sarimanah, IK Adnyana, NF KurniatiUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015 -
Pharmacological Screening For Potency of Antiobesity on Five Plants Based on Ethnopharmacological Use
F Setiawan, IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, S Sukrasno, A Yuniarto, R PebritrinasariAsian J Pharm Clin Res 8 (4), 299-301, 2015 -
Antifungal activity of five strains of soil microorganisms isolated from tangkuban perahu mountain
U Sukandar, DGS Andayani, EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 7 (2), 84-88, 2015 -
Antioxidant potential of garlic and turmeric mixture-A traditional Indonesian formulation
EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, RS NurfitriaIndian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 14 (4), 632-636, 2015 -
Efek Antilelah Ekstrak Air Mesokarp Semangka Kuning (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) Tanpa Biji
IK Adnyana, ND Arlinda, D SafitriKartika: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi 2 (2), 1-6, 2014 -
Kajian aktivitas penyembuhan luka dan antibakteri binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis, pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) serta kombinasinya terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa dari pasien luka kaki diabetes
E Sutrisno, IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, I Fidrianny, T LestariBionatura-Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Hayati dan Fisika 16 (2), 78-82, 2014 -
The Dual Positive Actions of Colonic Release of Ibuprofen in TNBS-Induced Colitis Wistar Rats
H Rachmawati, IK Adnyana, K AnggadiredjaJournal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 2014, 2014 -
Animal model of obesity in populations with high-carbohydrate diet: T6: S28. 53
F Setiawan, I Adnyana, E Sukandar, S Sukrasno, R PebritrinasariObesity Reviews 15, 2014 -
Antidiabetic activity of Nigella sativa L. seed powder and its combination with gliclazide in alloxan induced diabetic mice
IK Adnyana, JI Sigit, SA AsadInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6 (10), 434-7, 2014 -
Acute and sub-chronic (28 days) repeated oral toxicity test of ethanol extract of lerak (Sapindus rarak. DC) fruits in Wistar rats
I Fajriaty, IK Adnyana, I FidriannyInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 6 (11), 487-92, 2014 -
Evaluation of ethanolic extracts of mullaca (Physalis angulata L.) herbs for treatment of lupus disease in mice induced pristane
IK Adnyana, E Yulinah, N Maeistuti, F SetiawanProcedia Chemistry 13, 186-193, 2014 -
Gastric ulcer healing effect of wild honey and its combination with Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) Rhizome on male Wistar rats
IK Adnyana, JI Sigit, LA KusumawardaniJournal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 23 (12), 844-849, 2014 -
Isolation, identification of phenyl acetic acid from Streptomyces galbus TP2 strain and its toxicity
DS Andayani, E Sukandar, U Sukandar, IK AdnyanaInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 6, 643-646, 2014 -
Recent study of turmeric in combination with garlic as antidiabetic agent
EY Sukandar, P Sudjana, IK Adnyana, AS Setiawan, U YuniarniProcedia Chemistry 13, 44-56, 2014 -
Toxicity studies of a bioactive protein with antithrombotic-thrombolytic activity, DLBS1033
EY Sukandar, K Anggadireja, JI Sigit, IK Adnyana, RR TjandrawinataDrug and Chemical Toxicology 37 (1), 8-16, 2014 -
Anti-obesity effect of the pomegranate leaves ethanol extract (Punicagranatuml.) in high-fat diet induced mice
IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, A Yuniarto, S FinnaInternational journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 6 (4), 626-631, 2014 -
Anti-Fatigue Activity of Honey From Apis mellifera, Apis cerana, and Trigona sp in Mice
M Priastomo, IK Adnyana, S SukrasnoASEAN/Asian Academic Society International Conference Proceeding Series, 2013 -
H Rachmawati, RLY Hartiadi, I Fidrianny, IK AdnyanaIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 177-185, 2013 -
Aktivitas ekstrak etanol dan fraksi akar singawalang (Petiveria alliacea L.) terhadap jamur penyebab ketombe dengan metode Broth Microdilution
N Indriyanti, IK Adnyana, EY SukandarJournal Of Tropical Pharmacy And Chemistry 2 (2), 113-117, 2013 -
Therapeutic potency of Solanum torvum Swartz on benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment: a review.
JM Peranginangin, AA Soemardji, IK Adnyana, DD DhianawatyInternational Journal of Research in Phytochemistry & Pharmacology 3 (3), 121-127, 2013 -
Antidiabetic activity of aqueous leaf extracts of Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk., ethanolic extracts of Curcuma xanthorrhiza and their combinations in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.
IK Adnyana, E Yulinah, Y Yuliet, NF KurniatiResearch Journal of Medicinal Plant 7 (3), 158-164, 2013 -
DGSRI ANDAYANI, EY SUKANDAR, U SUKANDAR, IK ADNYANAInt. J. of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (2), 291-294, 2013 -
Study on antimicrobial activity of Nocardia sp. strain TP1 isolated from Tangkuban Perahu Soil, West Java, Indonesia
I Wardani, DG Andayani, U Sukandar, EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5, 713-716, 2013 -
Evaluation of antibacterial activity and determination amoxicillin concentration on generic and branded products
IK Adnyana, S Murtini, A Roni, I WARDANIInt J Pharm PharmSci 5 (3), 353-357, 2013 -
Efficacy and safety O-desmethyl quinine compare to quinine for nocturnal leg cramp.
IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, F Setiawan, Y ChristantiJournal of Medical Sciences (Pakistan) 13 (8), 819-823, 2013 -
From ethnopharmacology to clinical study of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth
IK Adnyana, F Setiawan, M InsanuInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (3), 66-73, 2013 -
ISO Farmakoterapi 2
EY Sukandar, R Andrajati, JI Sigit, IK Adnyana, AAP Setiadi, K KusnandarPT. ISFI Penerbitan: Jakarta, 2013 -
Effect of Administration of Cork Fish (Channa Striata) Concentrate to the Blood’s Profile of Balb/C Mouse Thrombocytopenia Model
IK Adnyana, JI Sigit, N NurlinaJurnal Medika Planta 2 (1), 2012 -
Uji Aktivitas Antistres dan Sedatif Minyak Biji Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) pada Mencit Jantan Galur Swiss Webster
IK Adnyana, R Nugrahani, S Suwendar, Z ZazuliActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (2), 33-38, 2012 -
Antihyperuricemic effect of ethanol extract of snake fruit (Salacca edulis reinw.) var. Bongkok on wistar male rat
LHA Priyatno, EY Sukandar, S Ibrahim, IK AdnyanaJournal of Food Science and Engineering 2 (5), 271, 2012 -
Pengaruh pemberian jus daun katuk, jus daun ubi jalar, dan kefir terhadap profil hematologi mencit anemia yang diinduksi alumunium sulfat
IK Adnyana, A Rosmadi, JI Sigit, SF RahmawatiActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (2), 54-8, 2012 -
Petiveria alliacea: New alternative for the treatment of sensitive and multi-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Y Mulyani, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, E ElfahmiJournal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy 4 (7), 91-95, 2012 -
Uji Efek Antihiperurikemia Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata L.) pada Tikus Betina Galur Wistar
EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, S ReadiActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (3), 71-75, 2012 -
Karakteristik Energy Expenditure di Kegiatan Alam Terbuka
IK Adnyana, T Apriantono, SJ Purwanti, TI ArminaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (1), 2012 -
Mechanism of Action of Coumarin against Candida albicans by SEM/TEM Analysis
GP Widodo, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, S SukrasnoITB J. Sci 44, 145-151, 2012 -
Anti-Rheumathoid Arthritis Effect of Water Fraction of Siwalan Fruit (Borassus Flabellifer L.) to Mice Induced by Complete Freund’s Adjuvants
IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, W IndriasariJurnal Medika Planta 2 (1), 246921, 2012 -
A simple method for screening antihyperlipidemic agents.
P Hasimun, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, DH TjahjonoInternational Journal of Pharmacology 7 (1), 74-78, 2011 -
AKTIVITAS ANTIHIPERURIKEMIA EKSTRAK ETIL ASETAT DAN ETANOL BUAH SALAK VARIETAS BONGKOK (Salacca edulis Reinw.) PADA TIKUS GALUR WISTAR [Antihyperuricemic Activity of Ethyl Acetate and Ethanol Extracts of Snake Fruit var. Bongkok (Salacca edulis Reinw.) on Wistar Rat]
LH Afrianti, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, S IbrahimJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 22 (1), 7-7, 2011 -
Efek antidiabetes kombinasi ekstrak bawang putih (Allium sativum Linn.) dan rimpang kunyit (Curcumma domestica Val.) dengan pembanding glibenklamid pada penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
AS Setiawan, E Yulinah, IK Adnyana, H Permana, P SudjanaMajalah Kedokteran Bandung 43 (1), 26-34, 2011 -
Synergistic effect of curcuminoid and S-methyl cysteine in regulation of cholesterol homeostasis
P Hasimun, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, DH TjahjonoInt J Pharmacol 7 (2), 268-72, 2011 -
Antidiabetic Effect of Garlic Extract (Allium sativum Linn.) and Curcumin Extract (Curcumma domestica Val.) Combination Compared to Glibenclamide in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
AS Setiawan, E Yulinah, IK Adnyana, H Permana, P SudjanaMAJALAH KEDOKTERAN BANDUNG-MKB-BANDUNG MEDICAL JOURNAL 43 (1), 26-34, 2011 -
Anti Tumor and Immunostmulant Activities of Eleutherine Americana Exctract and Isolation of Its Active Components
IK Adnyana, S Sukrasno, S Kusmardiayani旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告 (Reports of research assisted by the Asahi Glass), 2011 -
Aktivitas kemopreventif kanker dari ekstrak etanol temu kunci pada mencit yang diinduksi DMBA
IK Adnyana, AT Afifa, D SafitriActa Pharmaseutica Indonesia 36 (3&4), 40-43, 2011 -
Aktivitas Kemopreventif Kanker dari Ekstrak Etanol Lempuyang Wangi pada Mencit yang Diinduksi DMBA
IK Adnyana, I Rakhmawati, AT AfifaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (1&2), 11-15, 2011 -
Kajian aktivitas anti bakteri ekstrak etanol dan fraksi daun singawalang (Petiveria alliaceae) terhadap bakteri resisten
Y Mulyani, EY Sukandar, IK AdnyanaMajalah Farmasi Indonesia 4 (22), 293299, 2011 -
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of quercetin-3, 3′, 4′-Triacetate.
T Gusdinar, R Herowati, RE Kartasasmita, IK AdnyanaJournal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 6 (2), 182-188, 2011 -
Aktivitas Ekstrak Ethanol Daun, Ranting, dan Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana l.) sebagai Tabir Surya secara in vitro
L Liandhajani, MI Iwo, S Sukrasno, AA Soemardji, IK AdnyanaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (1), 22-24, 2011 -
SENYAWA ASAM 2-METILESTER-1-H-PIROL-4-KARBOKSILAT DALAM EKSTRAK ETIL ASETAT BUAH SALAK VARIETAS BONGKOK SEBAGAI ANTIOKSIDAN DAN ANTIHYPERURICEMIA [Studies on 2-Methylester-1-H-Pyrolle-4-Carboxylic Acid Compound in Ethylacetate Extract of Snake Fruit Variety Bongkok as Antioxidant and Anthyperuricemic]
LH Afrianti, EY Sukandar, S Ibrahim, IK AdnyanaJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 21 (1), 66-66, 2010 -
Anti-inflammatory activity of dominant compound of mahkota dewa fruit Phaleria macrocarpa Scheff. Boerl
R Mariani, KR Wirasutisna, IK AdnyanaIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 129-133, 2010 -
Clinical study of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) extracts as antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic agent in type-2 diabetes-dyslipidemia patients
EY Sukandar, H Permana, IK Adnyana, JI Sigit, RA Ilyas, P Hasimun, D MardiyahIJP – International Journal of Pharmacology 6 (4), 456-463, 2010 -
Sintesis kuersetin terklorinasi dan aktivitas perlindungan terhadap tukak lambung (Synthesis and gastric ulcer protective activity of chlorinated quercetin)
T Gusdinar, R Herowati, RE Kartasasmita, IK AdnyanaMajalah Farmasi Indonesia 20 (4), 171-177, 2009 -
A coumarin from Ageratum leaves (Ageratum conyzoides L.).
GP Widodo, EY Sukandar, S Sukrasno, IK AdnyanaIJP – International Journal of Pharmacology 4 (1), 56-59, 2008 -
民族薬物研究センター 外国人客員部
IK Adnyana, AA Soemardji, MB Gewali, P Wetwitayaklung, T Supavita和漢医薬学総合研究所年報 (Annual report, Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama) 34, 123-124, 2008 -
ISO Farmakoterapi
EY Sukandar, R Andrajati, JI Sigit, IK Adnyana, AAP Setiadi K KusnandarPT. ISFI Penerbitan: Jakarta, 2008 -
Xanthine oxidase inhibitor activity of terpenoid and pyrrole compounds isolated from snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) cv. Bongkok
LHA Priyatno, EY Sukandar, S Ibrahim, IK AdnyanaJournal of Applied Sciences 7 (20), 3127-3130, 2007 -
Evaluation of pharmacological efficacy of Jamu medicine
IK Adnyana, AA SoemardjiToyama: Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama, 2007 -
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Ageratum conyzoides L. Fractions on Carrageenan-Induced Edema in Rats
IK Adnyana, E Yulinah, S Sukrasno旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告 (Reports of research assisted by the Asahi Glass Foundation), 1-6, 2007 -
LHA Priyatno, EY Sukandar, S Ibrahim, IK AdnyanaInfomatek 8 (1), 2006 -
Kunyit si kuning yang kaya manfaat
T Sumiati, IK AdnyanaArtikel Pikiran Rakyat Online, 2004 -
Benzophenone glucoside from red fruit Phaleria macrocarpa and test the activity against DPPH and murine leukemia cells P-388
R Hakim, A Nawawi, I Adnyana, S Achmad, E Makmur, E Hakim, Y Syah, …Bull. Soc. Nat. Prod. Chem 4 (6770), 6, 2004 -
Uji aktivitas antidiabetes ekstrak etanol buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.)
IK Adnyana, E Yulinah, A Andreanus, K SoemardjiActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 29 (2), 43-48, 2004 -
Nitric Oxide Inhibitory Isopimarane-type Diterpenes from Orthosiphon stamineus of Indonesia
S Awale, Y Tezuka, AH Banskota, IK Adnyana, S KadotaJournal of Natural Products 66 (2), 255-258, 2003 -
Highly-oxygenated isopimarane-type diterpenes from Orthosiphon stamineus of Indonesia and their nitric oxide inhibitory activity
S Awale, Y Tezuka, AH Banskota, IK Adnyana, S KadotaChemical and pharmaceutical bulletin 51 (3), 268-275, 2003 -
Hepatoprotective effect of majonoside R2, the major saponin from Vietnamese ginseng (Panax vietnamensis)
Q Le Tran, IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, Y Harimaya, I Saiki, Y Kurashige, QK Tran, S KadotaPlanta medica 68 (05), 402-406, 2002 -
Triterpene Saponins from Vietnamese Ginseng (Panax vietnamensis) and Their Hepatocytoprotective Activity
QL Tran, IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, T Nagaoka, QK Tran, S KadotaJournal of Natural Products 64 (4), 456-461, 2001 -
Three New Triterpenes from the Seeds of Combretum quadrangulare and Their Hepatoprotective Activity
IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, AH Banskota, KQ Tran, S KadotaJournal of natural products 64 (3), 360-363, 2001 -
Hepatoprotective constituents from Vietnamese medicinal plant” Tram Bau”(Combretum quadrangulare Kurz)
IK Adnyana富山医科薬科大学 (Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University), 2001 -
1-O-galloyl-6-O-(4-hydroxy-3, 5-dimethoxy) benzoyl-β-D-glucose, a new hepatoprotective constituent from Combretum quadrangulare
IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, S Awale, AH Banskota, KQ Tran, S KadotaPlanta medica 67 (04), 370-371, 2001 -
Hepatoprotective and anti-Helicobacter pylori activities of constituents from Brazilian propolis
AH Banskota, Y Tezuka, IK Adnyana, E Ishii, K Midorikawa, K Matsushige, S KadotaPhytomedicine 8 (1), 16-23, 2001 -
Hepatoportective Constituents of the Seeds of Combretum quadrangulare
IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, AH Banskota, KQ Tran, S KadotaBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 23 (11), 1328-1332, 2000 -
Cytotoxic, hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging effects of propolis from Brazil, Peru, the Netherlands and China
AH Banskota, Y Tezuka, IK Adnyana, K Midorikawa, K Matsushige, D Message, AAG Huertas, S KadotaJournal of ethnopharmacology 72 (1-2), 239-246, 2000 -
Quadranosides VI-XI, six new triterpene glucosides from the seeds of Combretum quadrangulare
IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, S Awale, AH Banskota, KQ Tran, S KadotaChemical and pharmaceutical bulletin 48 (8), 1114-1120, 2000 -
Hepatoprotective effect of Apocynum venetum and its active constituents.
XQB Xiong QuangBo, FWZ Fan WenZhe, Y Tezuka, IK Adnyana, P Stampoulis, M Hattori, T Namba, S KadotaPlanta Medica 66 (2), 127-133, 2000 -
Quadranosides I-V, New Triterpene Glucosides from the Seeds of Combretum quadrangulare
IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, AH Banskota, Q Xiong, KQ Tran, S KadotaJournal of natural products 63 (4), 496-500, 2000 -
Hepatoprotective effect of combretum quadrangulare and its constitutents
AH Banskota, Y Tezuka, IK Adnyana, Q Xiong, K Hase, KQ Tran, K Tanak, I Saiki, S KadotaBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 23 (4), 456-460, 2000 -
Hepatoprotective effect of Apocynum venetum and its active constituents
Q Xiong, W Fan, Y Tezuka, IK Adnyana, P Stampoulis, M Hattori, T Namba, S KadotaPlanta medica 66 (02), 127-133, 2000 -
Biological evaluation of propolis from Brazil, Peru, the Netherlands and China
AH Banskota, Y Tezuka, IK Adnyana, K Midorikawa, K Matsushige, D Massage, AG Alfredo, AAG Huertas, S KadotaJ. Ethnopharmacol 72 (239), e246, 2000 -
Hepatoprotective Constituents from MeOH extract of Seeds of Combretum quadrangulare: 天然物化学
IK Adnyana, Y Tezuka, AH Banskota, KQ Tran, S Kadota和漢医薬学雑誌 (Journal of traditional medicines) 17 (suppl.), 61-61, 2000 -
Biological Evaluation and LC-MS Analysis of Propolis from Brazil, Peru, China and the Netherlands: 天然物化学
AH Banskota, K Midorikawa, Y Tezuka, IK Adnyana, T Nagaoka, K Matsushige和漢医薬学雑誌 (Journal of traditional medicines) 17 (suppl.), 60-60, 2000
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Upaya Pencegahan Dini Munculnya Penyakit Degeneratif Pada Usia Produktif-Kasus Pada Mahasiswa ITB | 2014 | ITB | Mahasiswa ITB |
Bantuan BPP Mahasiswa Apoteker (2021)
Efektivitas Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) Latihan Fisik dan Kombinasinya dalam Penanganan Demensia (Studi Uji Praklinik dan Uji Klinik terhadap Kadar Plasma Tau-protein Asam Laktat dan Gelombang EEG) (2021)
Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Telur Unggas sebagai Produk Kosmetik Serum (2021)
Program Pengmbangan Kurikulum Kompetisi Peneliti (2021)
Efektivitas Gerak Latih Otak dan Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.) terhadap Kadar Beta Amiloid dan BDNF Plasma, serta Kebugaran pada Lanjut Usia dengan Demensia (2020)
Efektivitas Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban), Latihan Fisik, dan Kombinasinya dalam Penanganan Demensia (Studi Uji Praklinik dan Uji Klinik terhadap Kadar Plasma Tau-protein, Asam Laktat, dan Gelombang EEG) (2020)
International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)
Kajian Mekanisme Kerja Senyawa Hasil Isolasi dari Fraksi Terpilih serta Ekstrak Herba Sirih Bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth.) sebagai Agen Antiosteoporosis (2020)
Kerjasama pendidikan dengan chong kun dang kochon fondation (2020)
Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan Kelas Internasional 2020 (2020)
Pemberian Award untuk mahasiswa PSPA (2020)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal dari Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garsinia mangostana) sebagai Agen Antidiabetes: Studi Non Klinik Lanjut dan Klinik serta Pengembangan Formula (2020)
Pengujian Toksisitas Akut (2020)
Pengujian toksisitas akut, urotialisis, dan toksisitas subkronis 3 bulan produk BATUGIN (2020)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Magister Farmasi Industri (2020)
Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Studi Profesi Apoteker (2020)
Potensi Limbah Kulit Kacang Hijau dan Kombinasinya dengan Herba Sirih Bumi sebagai Antiosteoporosis (2020)
Uji toksisitas akut dan farmakodinamik antidislipidemia pada hewan uji (2020)
Webinar (2020)
Efektivitas Gerak Latih Otak dan Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.) terhadap Kadar Beta Amiloid dan BDNF Plasma, serta Kebugaran pada Lanjut Usia dengan Demensia (2019)
Kajian Mekanisme Kerja Senyawa Hasil Isolasi dari Fraksi Terpilih serta Ekstrak Herba Sirih Bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth.) sebagai Agen Antiosteoporosis (2019)
Pengembangan Formulasi Sediaan Dengan Komposisi Kombinasi Ekstrak Kunyit Dan Propolis Sebagai Adjunctive Therapy Pasien Tukak Lambung (2019)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal dari Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garsinia mangostana) sebagai Agen Antidiabetes: Studi Non Klinik Lanjut dan Klinik serta Pengembangan Formula (2019)
Pengujian Toksisitas Produk Biopestisida Organik dari Daun Tembakau (2019)
Potensi Limbah Kulit Kacang Hijau dan Kombinasinya dengan Herba Sirih Bumi sebagai Antiosteoporosis (2019)
Studi Aktivitas Antiobesitas dan Antiangiogenesis dari Ekstrak Tumbuhan Lokal Sulawesi (Etlingera calophrys) dan Beberapa Tanaman Terpilih Secara In Vitro dan in Vivo Menggunakan Model Hewan Uji Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2019)
Uji Farmakodinamik Analgetik dan Anti-inflamasi Neo Rheumacyl Oralinu (2019)
Uji Toksisitas Subkronis (28 Hari) Neo Rheumacyl Oralinu (2019)
Validasi diagnostik, aktor risiko, dan bahan alam sebagai terapi alternatif ineksi Helicobacter pylori pada pasien dispepsia di Indonesia (2019)
Pendamping Persiapan PSPA STFI (2018)
Pengembangan Daging Biji (Endosperm) Biji Melinjo sebagai Sumber Alternative Bahan Baku Kosmetika Penghambat Enzyme Tyrosinase (2018)
Pengembangan Formulasi Sediaan Dengan Komposisi Kombinasi Ekstrak Kunyit Dan Propolis Sebagai Adjunctive Therapy Pasien Tukak Lambung (2018)
Pengembangan Herba dan Senyawa Bioaktif dari Tanaman Sirih Bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L]. Kunt.) sebagai Agen Antiosteoporosis (2018)
Pengembangan Senyawa Bioaktif Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale Roscoe var. Rubrum) sebagai Agen Antiaterosklerosis (2018)
Potensi Limbah Kulit Kacang Hijau dan Kombinasinya dengan Herba Sirih Bumi sebagai Antiosteoporosis (2018)
Pelaksanaan Seminar Tahun 2017 (2017)
Pengembangan Formulasi Sediaan Dengan Komposisi Kombinasi Ekstrak Kunyit Dan Propolis Sebagai Adjunctive Therapy Pasien Tukak Lambung (2017)
Pengembangan Herba dan Senyawa Bioaktif dari Tanaman Sirih Bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L]. Kunt.) sebagai Agen Antiosteoporosis (2017)
Pengembangan Senyawa Bioaktif Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale Roscoe var. Rubrum) sebagai Agen Antiaterosklerosis (2017)
Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Ekstraksi dan Green Nanotechnology untuk Peningkatan Rendemen dan Nilai Guna Terapi Resveratrol dan Trans-Resveratrol dari Biji Melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon L) untuk Anti Hiperurisemia, Dan Spirulina Indonesia (Arthrospira Platensi (2017)
Evaluasi Penggunaan Carrageenan sebagai bahan cangkang pada vegetarian soft capsule yang mengandung ekstrak jahe dan virgin coconut oil (2016)
International Seminar on Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy (2016)
Nanopartikel Polifenol Sebagai Sumber Bahan Anti Asam Urat (2016)
Pengembangan Herba dan Senyawa Bioaktif dari Tanaman Sirih Bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunt.) sebagai Agen Antiosteoporosis (2016)
Pengembangan herba sirih bumi (Peperomia pellucida L.) sebagai sediaan obat untuk Pencegahan Osteoporosis (2016)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal Terstandar (OHT) Asam Jawa(Tamarindus Indica L.) Sebagai Antiobesitas (2016)
Uji Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale var Rubrum) secara in vitro terhadap TNF-alfa, IL-6 dan IL-10: Peranan dalam Aterosklerosis (2016)
Uji Toksisitas Pestisida Antara Sekolah Farmasi dan Pt.Multi Sarana Indotani (2016)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal berbahan dasar Limbah Kulit Kacang Mete Untuk Memperbaiki Profil Lipid Pada Tikus Yang Diinduksi Hiperlipidemia (2015)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal Terstandar (OHT) Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica L) Sebagai Antiobesitas (2015)
Royalti Fortibi Priode Bulan januari- Desember 2015 (2015)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal Terstandar (OHT) Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica L.) Sebagai Antiobesitas (2014)
Upaya Pencegahan Dini Munculnya Penyakit Degeneratif Pada Usia Produktif-Kasus Pada Mahasiswa ITB (2014)
Pemanfaatan Buah Takokak (Solanum Torvum Swartz) untuk Penyembuhan Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (2013)
Pencarian dan Pengembangan Antiobesitas dari Lerak (Sapindus rarak), Jati Cina (Senna alexandrina) dan melati (Jasminum sambac) (2013)
Pengujian Toksisitas akut oral dan dermal untuk satu jenis kelamin tikus untuk produk FORCE MAGIC 0,24 AE (bahan aktif: Praletrin Sganghai TOSCO/ new source) (2013)
Pengujian toksisitas akut oral dan dermal untuk satu jenis kelamin tikus untuk Produk FORCE MAGIC 0,24 AE dengan Permethrin Sumitomo (new source) (2013)
Uji Antihiperlipidemia dan Uji Toksisitas Subkronik Ekstrak Etanol Buah Lerak (Sapindus Rarak) pada Tikus Galur Wistar (2013)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal untuk Satu Jenis Kelamin Tikus untuk 1 (Satu) Sampel Produk AEROSOL (2013)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal Untuk Satu Jenis Kelamin Tikus untuk 2 (Dua) Sampel Produk AEROSOL (2013)
BlackBerry Academic Program License Agreement – BBIC ITB (2012)
Kajian Penekanan Ulser dari Colonic targeting ibuprofen pelet-salut serta studi efikasinya dalam penanganan model inflammatory bowel disease pada tikus jantan galur wistar (2012)
Lustrum Ke-13 Tahun 2012 Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi -ITB (2012)
Pengujian Pestisida di Laboratorium Toksisitas dan Keamanan Bahan (2012)
Produksi antibiotik-antibakteri menggunakan mikroba yang diisolasi dari daerah gunung tangkuban perahu (2012)
Program Development (PDV) 2012 (2012)
Royalti Fortibi PT. Soho (2012)
Uji Toksikologi Akut Oral Dan Dermal Untuk 1 (satu) Jenis Kelamin Tikus Untuk 1 (satu) Sampel Produk Mosquito Reprllent Soffell 120 SL (2012)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal Pada 1 (satu) jenis kelamin tikus untuk produk Aerosol (2012)
Kerma SFWHO, Rapid Assessment and Situation Analysis of current Management Medicine Supply System at Central Level & 3 Selected Provinces (Banten, DKI, Jakarta and West Java) (2011)
Menggunakan/memanfaatkan hasil penelitian (Paten Indonesia No. P00200600332) (2011)
Program Riset Unggulan ITB 2011 Pusat Penelitian Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat (2011)
Uji toksisitas akut oral dan dermal pada tikus, uji iritasi mata dan kulit pada kelinci dan uji sensitisasi kulit pada marmut untuk produk Moswuito Repellent (2011)
Uji toksistas oral dan dermal 5 produk (2011)
Aktivitas Ekstrak Daun Singawalang (Petiveria alliaceae), terhadap Mycobacterium tuberculosis Resisten, MRSA dan VRE (2010)
Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Jatibelanda (Guazuma Ulmifiolia) dan Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza) sebagai Herbal Terstandar Untuk Hiperlipidema (2010)
Pengembangan eksipien salut enterik berbasis amilum menggunakan fermentasi Aspergilus oryzae dan fosforilasi untuk meningkatkan stabilitas obat dan pangan fungsional di lambung (2010)
Uji klinik antiartritis dan peningkatan produksi sediaan fitofarmaka dari buah Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) (2010)
Anti Tumor and Immunostrimultant Activities of Eleutherine Americana Extract and Isolation of its Active Components (2009)
BATAL (2009)
Pengembangan sediaan obat semprot cair (liquid spray) dari bahan alam Indonesia untuk penanganan luka dan penyakit infeksi kulit yang praktis, efisien dan elegan (2009)
Permulaan Formula Sediaan Obat Kombinasi Ekstrak Babadotan (Ageratum Conyzoides L) dan Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocaroa L) sebagai penyembuh luka baru (2009)
Uji klinik antiartritis dan peningkatan produksi sediaan fitofarmaka dari buah Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) (2009)