- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1997
- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2002
- S3 University of Duesseldorf – Germany 2008
U Gunawan, S Ibrahim, AL Ivansyah, S DamayantiReactive and Functional Polymers 200, 105915, 2024
Anti-hyperuricemic potential of caryophyllene from Syzygium aromaticum essential oil: SiO2-AgNO3-based column chromatography purification, antioxidant, and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities
A Setiawansyah, MI Arsul, S Sukrasno, S Damayanti, M Insanu, I FidriannyAdvances in Traditional Medicine 24 (2), 475-487, 2024 -
An Experimental and Computational Approach to The Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of 2′-Hydoxychalcone Derivatives in 1-Dodecyl-3-Methylimidazolium Bromide ([DDMIm] Br) Ionic Liquids
D Wahyuningrum, N Nur Pasya, E Eduardus, N Handayani, S DamayantiChemistrySelect 9 (2), e202303211, 2024 -
In silico and experimental study of functionalized monomer for molecularly imprinted-enoxaparin polymer: A novel green approach
EJ Astuti, B Permana, S Ibrahim, MA Zulfikar, S DamayantiReactive and Functional Polymers 194, 105778, 2024 -
A Deep Overview of Anticoagulant Drugs: Recent Synthesis and Their Activity Assay
EJ Astuti, S Ibrahim, MA Zulfikar, S DamayantiIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 24 (2), 2024 -
Toxicity evaluation of zinc oxide nanoparticles green synthesized using papaya extract in zebrafish
NG Zavitri, AP Syahbaniati, RK Primastuti, RM Putri, S Damayanti, I WibowoBiomedical Reports 19 (6), 1-11, 2023 -
Separation and analysis of triazole antifungal in biological matrices by liquid chromatography: a review
U Gunawan, S Ibrahim, AL Ivansyah, S DamayantiPharmacia 70 (4), 1265-1281, 2023 -
Study on monomer functional suitability toward sofosbuvir in molecularly imprinted polymer: In silico and experimental study
HA Wisnuwardhani, S Ibrahim, RR Mukti, S DamayantiComposites Part C: Open Access 12, 100405, 2023 -
Alpha-mangostin, piperine and beta-sitosterol as hepatitis C antivirus (HCV): In silico and in vitro studies
AH Saputro, T Amelia, AB Mahardhika, A Widyawaruyanti, TS Wahyuni, AA Permanasari, AA Artarini, DH Tjahjono, S DamayantiHeliyon 9 (9), 2023 -
Insights into the selective imprinted polymer of voriconazole from host-guest interaction perspective
U Gunawan, S Ibrahim, AL Ivansyah, S DamayantiJournal of Molecular Liquids 383, 122130, 2023 -
Molecularly-Imprinted SERS: A Potential Method for Bioanalysis
HA Wisnuwardhani, S Ibrahim, RR Mukti, S DamayantiScientia Pharmaceutica 90 (3), 54, 2022 -
Ethanolic Sisyrinchium palmifolium L. Extract as Natural Preservative for Indonesian Tofu Preparation
S Damayanti, V Maharani, M Singgih, B Permana, AB Mahardhika, D Rizaldi, R Hartati, I WibowoPHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) 19 (1), 1-9, 2022 -
Analysis of β-Sitosterol in Supplement Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: Development and Validation
K Khonsa, DL Setyaningrum, AH Saputro, T Amelia, S Ibrahim, S DamayantiRasayan J. Chem. 15 (3), 1997-2003, 2022 -
Purification of andrographolide methanolic extract using molecularly imprinted polymer prepared by precipitation polymerization
W Winingsih, S Ibrahim, S DamayantiScientia Pharmaceutica 90 (2), 27, 2022 -
W Winingsih, S Ibrahim, S DamayantiRasayan Journal of Chemistry 15 (2), 2022 -
The long and stumble way to find potential active compounds from plants for defeating hepatitis B and C
AH Saputro, AA Artarini, DH Tjahjono, S DamayantiPharmacia 69 (3), 699-708, 2022 -
A search for cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors by pharmacophore-based virtual screening, molecular docking, and molecular dynamic simulations
NMP Susanti, S Damayanti, RE Kartasasmita, DH TjahjonoInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (24), 13423, 2021 -
Analytical Method Development of Content and Dissolution Assay of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Capsule
W Megawati, S DamayantiIndonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 8 (3), 96-105, 2021 -
Analytical method development for determining formaldehyde in cream cosmetics using hyphenated gas chromatography
W Yuniati, T Amelia, S Ibrahim, S DamayantiACS omega 6 (42), 28403-28409, 2021 -
Molecular modeling for potential cathepsin L inhibitor identification as new anti-photoaging agents from tropical medicinal plants
S Damayanti, NR Fabelle, W Yooin, M Insanu, S Jiranusornkul, P WongrattanakamonJournal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 53, 259-274, 2021 -
Antiviral activity and toxicity prediction of compounds contained in figs (Ficus carica L.) by in silico method
S Damayanti, K Khonsa, T AmeliaIndonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 8 (1), 21-33, 2021 -
Simpul-Simpul Kesehatan Sebagai Mitra Apoteker-Artikel Media
S DamayantiMedia Indonesia https://epaper.mediaindonesia.com/detail/simpul-simpul-kesehatan-sebagai-mitra-apoteker, 2021 -
Artificial Intelligence di Masa Pandemi
A Purwarianti, B Riyanto, DP Lestari, I Muchtadi-Alamsyah, NP Utama, R Sutriadi, SW Indratno, S DamayantiITB Press ISBN:978-623-297-020-5, 2021 -
Potensi Ketergantungan Mahasiswa Terhadap Konsumsi Minuman Berenergi
K Anggadiredja, TK Putri, S DamayantiJurnal Sains Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan 6 (1), 47-60, 2021 -
C-Phycocianin from Spirulina platensis as A Substrate Candidate For Protease Activity Assay of Pancreatin: Isolation, Characterization and Kinetic Assay
T Tursino, J Elin, T Gusdinar, S DamayantiRasayan Journal of Chemistry 15 (1), 369-376, 2021 -
Simple Method of 9, 10-Anthraquinone Assay in Eleutherine americana (Aubl.) Merr. ex K. Heyne using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
S Damayanti, SG Tanusondjaja, B Permana, R Hartati, DAE Pitaloka, I WibowoIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 21 (6), 1389-1396, 2021 -
Interactions of The Chemical Constituents of Eleutherine americana (AUBL.) Merr. Ex. K. Heyne With Cyclooxygenase and H5N1 Rna Polymerase: An In silico Study
S Damayanti, D Puspaningrum, HN Muhammad, T Amelia, B Permana, R Hartati, I WibowoRasayan Journal of Chemistry 14 (2), 844-854, 2021 -
Regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway and proinflammatory cytokines by ursolic acid in murine macrophages infected with Mycobacterium avium.
AM Cooper, AA Artarini, S Damayanti, EY Sukandar, DAE PitalokaInfectious Disease Reports 12 (1s), 5-10, 2020 -
Recycling of “Minyak Ala Muncar” by Three Crystallization Methods
I Maulana, S Sukrasno, S DamayantiAuthorea Preprints, 2020 -
Formulation and Activity Test of Cinchonine Niosomesas Hair Growth Stimulants.
S Damayanti, ST DarijantoCurrent Trends in Biotechnology & Pharmacy, 2020 -
Effect of Kombucha Culture on Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid Content in Fermentation of Robusta Green Coffee Beans (Coffea canephora L.)
T Narko, MS Wibowo, S Damayanti, I Wiboworeceptor 13 (2), 1181-1186, 2020 -
Buku: Toksisitas In Vivo dan In Silico: Prinsip dan Aplikasi
I Wibowo, NF Kurniati, S DamayantiITB Press ISBN : 978-623-7568-87-2, 2020 -
Optimization of robusta green coffee fermentation using response surface methodology
T Narko, MS Wibowo, S Damayanti, I Wibowo, MA HadiyatEditora UFLA, 2020 -
Porphyrin-acridine Hybrid Compounds as Potential Candidates for Topoisomerase II Alpha Inhibitors
HN Muhammad, S Damayanti, DH TjahjonoChiang Mai Journal of Science 47 (3), 455-472, 2020 -
Acute toxicity tests of fermented robusta green coffee using zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)
T Narko, MS Wibowo, S Damayanti, I WibowoPharmacognosy Journal 12 (3), 2020 -
In Silico Study on Interaction and Preliminary Toxicity Prediction of Eleutherine americana Components as an Antifungal and Antitoxoplasmosis Candidate
S Damayanti, NAS Martak, B Permana, A Suwandi, R Hartati, I WibowoIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 20 (4), 899-910, 2020 -
Optimasi Proses Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Fisik Niosom Sinkonin
H Hariyanti, S Damayanti, S TariniPHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) 16 (2), 178-187, 2019 -
Studi In Silico Senyawa Turunan 8-Tersubtitusi-7-Methoxy-2h-Chromen-2-One sebagai Penghambat Enzim Telomerase
M Tahir, S Damayanti, D Hadi, T TjahyonoJurnal Farmasi Indonesia 10 (2), 2019 -
Xylan from pineapple stem waste: a potential biopolymer for colonic targeting of anti-inflammatory agent mesalamine
AL Anindya, RD Oktaviani, BR Praevina, S Damayanti, NF Kurniati, C Riani, H RachmawatiAAPS PharmSciTech 20, 1-13, 2019 -
Buku: Kader Kesehatan Sebagai Mitra Apoteker
S Damayanti, YDM Pinanga, M Azhari, B Pratiwi, Q Fadhilah, B Permana, …ITB Press ISBN: 978-623-7165-59-0, 2019 -
Molecular docking, dynamics simulation, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of clinically isolated mycobacterium tuberculosis by ursolic acid: A pentacyclic triterpenes
DAE Pitaloka, S Damayanti, AA Artarini, EY SukandarIndonesia Journal of Chemistry 19 (2), 328-336, 2019 -
Isolate of Heterotrophic Microalgae As a Potential Source for Docohexaenoic Acid (Dha)
E Julianti, M Fathurohman, S Damayanti, RE KartasasmitaMarine Research in Indonesia 43 (2), 79-84, 2018 -
Interaction binding study of dimethylamylamine with functional monomers to design a molecular imprinted polymer for doping analysis
S Damayanti, S IbrahimJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (10), 025-031, 2018 -
Synthesis and characterization molecularly imprinted polymers for analysis of dimethylamylamine using acrylamide as monomer functional
S Amin, S Damayanti, S IbrahimJurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia, 76-84, 2018 -
Ethanolic extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) peel: acute toxicity tests on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos and its toxicity prediction by in silico
I Wibowo, K Permadi, R Hartati, S DamayantiJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (6), 082-086, 2018 -
Interaction Study, Synthesis and Characterization of Molecular Imprinted Polymer Using Functional Monomer Methacrylate Acid and Dimethylamylamine as Template Molecule
S Amin, S Damayanti, S IbrahimJurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 16 (1), 12-19, 2018 -
Interaction Study of Compounds in Eulethrine americana with Bacterial Proteases on of using Computational Chemistry
S Damayanti, A Suwandi, B Permana, R Hartati, I WibowoInternational Conference on Engineering and Natural Science – Summer Session Japan 1, 97-106, 2018 -
Penentuan Kadar ZNO dalam Bedak Wajah Menggunakan Spektroskopi Serapan Atom
S Damayanti, E Prayitno, F Fhahrizal, A SuwandiActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 43 (1), 1-6, 2018 -
Molecular Docking, Dynamics Simulations, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Examination of Drug-Sensitive and Drug-Resistant Strains of Clinically Isolated Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Ursolic Acid: A Pentacyclic Triterpenes
DAE Pitaloka, EY Sukandar, S DamayantiProceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society WCP2018 (The 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology), P02-11-13, 2018 -
Development and Validation of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic Method for Analysis of ZnO in Blemish
S Damayanti, TNBT Mat, P Tiyasuwan, O Bolcarovic, W Yoo-in, AB Mahardhika, S JiranusornkulChiang Mai Journal of Science 45 (1), 404-412, 2018 -
Synthesis and characterization of molecularly imprinted polymer with dimethylamylamine as template
S Amin, S Damayanti, S IbrahimAsian Journal of Chemistry 30 (12), 2749-2753, 2018 -
Antifibrotic activity and in Ovo toxicity study of liver-targeted curcumin-gold nanoparticle
A Adlia, I Tomagola, S Damayanti, A Mulya, H RachmawatiScientia pharmaceutica 86 (4), 41, 2018 -
Lactobacillus plantarum as biopreservative agent in paneer for dietary food of diabetic and coronary heart disease patients
M Singgih, KL Ahsogan, IM Puspitasari, S DamayantiIndonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Volume 6 (1), 2017 -
S Amin, S Damayanti, S IbrahimMalaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 15, 1-1, 2017 -
HN Muhammad, S Damayanti, DH TjahjonoMalaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 15, 23-23, 2017 -
Development of molecular imprinted polymer solid phase extraction for separation nitrofurantoin residue in chicken eggs
S Damayanti, U Gunawan, S IbrahimAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10 (6), 2017 -
Formulasi dan Uji Potensi Antioksidan Nanostructured Lipid Carrier (NLC) Retinil Palmitat
FF Sriarumtias, S Tarini, S DamayantiActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 42 (1), 25-31, 2017 -
Encapsulation of β-carotene in poly (vinylpyrrolidone)(PVP) by electrospinning Technique
RP Reksamunandar, D Edikresnha, MM Munir, S DamayantiProcedia engineering 170, 19-23, 2017 -
Consumption study of supplement on member of gyms in bandung and qualitative analysis of steroid in selected supplement
S Damayanti, EA Fernandez, AB Mahardhika, T ApriantonoAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 78-81, 2016 -
In silico study to develop a lectin-like protein from mushroom Agaricus bisporus for pharmaceutical application
WT Ismaya, S Damayanti, C Wijaya, RR Tjandrawinata, DS Retnoningrum, H RachmawatiScientia Pharmaceutica 84 (1), 203-217, 2016 -
Evaluasi Formula Krim Minyak Biji Delima (Punica granatum L.) dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan dengan Metode β-Carotene Bleaching
N Mita, Sasanti TD, S DamayantiJournal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry 3 (2), 109-119, 2015 -
The use of computational chemistry to predict toxicity of antioxidants food additives and its metabolites as a reference for food safety regulation
S Damayanti, J Permana, DH TjahjonoPharma Chem J 7, 174-181, 2015 -
Consumption study and identification of methyl salicylate in spicy cassava chips
M Nirjana, K Anggadiredja, S DamayantiAIP Conference Proceedings 1677 (1), 2015 -
Validation of spectrophotometric method for lactulose assay in syrup preparation
AB Mahardhika, Y Novelynda, S DamayantiAIP Conference Proceedings 1677 (1), 2015 -
S DamayantiAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 209-211, 2015 -
Carotenogenesis study of Neurospora intermedia N-1 in liquid substrate fermentation.
M Singgih, W Andriatna, S Damayanti, S PriatniJournal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (5), 842-847, 2015 -
Determination of histamine in canned fish products using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method.
S Aminah, S DamayantiJournal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 7 (4), 644-647, 2015 -
Simultaneous determination method of butylhydroxyanisole, butyl hydroxy toluene, propyl gallate, and tertiary butyl hydroquinone in margarine using high performance liquid chromatography
Christinawaty, S DamayantiAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 8 (4), 209-211, 2015 -
Simultaneous identification of caffeine acetaminophen, sildenafilcitrate, tadalafil and vardenafil HCl in aphrodisiac traditional herbal medicines by Thin Layer Chromatography-Densitometry
R Septiani, S DamayantiDer Pharma Chemica 7 (5), 335-341, 2015 -
Prediction of hazard identification and characterization of several compounds used as food additives applying in silico methods
I Nasrullah, RE Kartasasmita, S Damayanti3rd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST-3), 49-58, 2015 -
Interactions of Porphyrin-Acridine Hybrids to DNA Duplexes and Quadruplex: In Silico Study
HN Muhammad, S Damayanti, DH Tjahjono3rd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST-3), 20-24, 2015 -
Reseptor P2Y G-Protein Couple Receptors (GPCRs): Target Menarik Pengembangan Obat Baru
S DamayantiJURNAL FARMASI GALENIKA 2 (01), 2015 -
Analisis In Silico Genistein Dan Analognya Sebagai Inhibitor Kanker Payudara Reseptor Estrogen Alfa Positif (Erα+)
FZ Muttaqin, R Andriani, S DamayantiJurnal Farmasi Galenika 2 (2), 2015 -
The Content of Fatty Acids in Indonesia’s Fish Oil
IT Maulana, S Sukraso, S DamayantiJurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 6 (1), 2014 -
O-desmethylquinine as a cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors using AutoDock Vina
S Damayanti, AB Mahardhika, S Ibrahim, WL Chong, VS Lee, DH TjahjonoAIP Conference Proceedings 1621 (1), 103-107, 2014 -
Structural evolution and its implication to heavy oil potential in iliran high, South Sumatera Basin, Western Indonesia
Z Holis, DA Firmansyah, W Romodhon, MK Kamaludin, S Damayanti76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014 2014 (1), 1-5, 2014 -
Prediksi Toksisitas Senyawa Antioksidan Alami Dan Analisis Interaksinya Terhadap Reseptor Vegf-1 Menggunakan Metode Molecular Docking
S Si, D Pratiwi, M Insanu, S DamayantiJurnal Farmagazine 1 (1), 1-9, 2014 -
Kandungan asam lemak dalam minyak ikan Indonesia
IT Maulana, DS Sukraso, S DamayantiJurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 6 (1), 121-130, 2014 -
Antimicrobial activity of standardized Piper betel extract and its mouthwash preparation
M Singgih, S Damayanti, N PandjaitanInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 6 (7), 243-6, 2014 -
The utilization of solid substrates on Monascus fermentation for anticholesterol agent production
S Priatni, S Damayanti, V Saraswaty, D Ratnaningrum, M SinggihProcedia Chemistry 9, 34-39, 2014 -
The influence of temperature and ethanol concentration in monacolin K extraction from Monascus fermented rice
M Singgih, V Saraswaty, D Ratnaningrum, S Priatni, S DamayantiProcedia Chemistry 9, 242-247, 2014 -
Transesterification of Linoleic acid in grape seed [Vitis vinifera l.] oiland its analytical method development using gas chromatography
S Damayanti, VA Sigi, E JuliantiInternational Journal 6, 528-531, 2014 -
Determination of sugar content in fruit juices using high performance liquid chromatography
S Damayanti, B Permana, CC WengActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (4), 139-145, 2012 -
Profil penggunaan terapi bekam di Kabupaten/Kota Bandung ditinjau dari aspek demografi, riwayat penyakit, dan profil hematologi
S Damayanti, F Muharini, B GunawanActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (3), 102-109, 2012 -
Effect of ultraviolet radiation on the formation of ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) in Pleurotus ostreatus
RA Reza, S DamayantiBionatura 13 (3), 2011 -
Simultaneous determination of paracetamol and ibuprofene mixtures by high performance liquid chromatography
S Damayanti, S Ibrahim, K Firman, DH TjahjonoIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 3 (1), 9-13, 2010 -
Novel Agonists and Potent Antagonists at P2Y11 Purinergic Receptors: Synthesis and Biological Testing (Neue Agonisten und Potente Antagonisten an P2Y11-Purinergic-Rezeptoren: Synthese und Biologische Untersuchung)
S DamayantiUniversity of Duesseldorf, 2008 -
Development of Physicochemical and Spectroscopic Methods for Studying the Interaction of Cationic Porphyrin with DNA (Part II: Affinity and Thermodynamic Parameters)
DH Tjahjono, S Damayanti, RE KartasasmitaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 29 (1), 2, 2004 -
Penetapan Kecermatan dan Keseksamaan Metode Kalorimetri Menggunakan Pereaksi Floroglusin untuk Penetapan Kadar Hidrokuinon dalam Krim Pemucat
S Ibrahim, S Damayanti, Y RianiAct Pharm 29 (1), 28-33, 2004 -
Penetapan secara Simultan Campuran Paracetamol dan Ibuprofen dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi
S Damayanti, S Ibrahim, K Firman, DH TjahjonoIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 2 (3), 9-13, 2003
Peningkatan Keahlian Kader Kesehatan Sebagai Mitra Apoteker Dalam Program Keamanan Penggunaan Suplemen Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Dan Penggunaan Kosmetik Yang Aman Untuk Mendukung Pengetahuan Masyarakat Di Daerah Pariwisata Kabupaten Pangandaran (2021)
Chatbot Berteknologi Deep Learning untuk Layanan Kader Ksehatan Mitra Apoteker (2020)
Peningkatan Keahlian Kader Kesehatan sebagai Mitra Apoteker dalam Program Penanganan Obat dan Makanan untuk Mendukung Pengetahuan Masyarakat di daerah Pariwisata Kabupaten Pangandaran (2020)
Pemberdayaan Posyandu Sebagai Mitra Apoteker Dalam Peningkatan Derajat Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Cikahuripan, Lembang, Jawa Barat (2018)
Pengembangan Ekstrak Bawang Tiwai (Eleutherine americana Merr.) sebagai Kandidat Bahan Tambahan Pangan (BTP) Pengawet Makanan Alami : Analisis secara Molekular, In Silico dan In Vivo (2018)
Kajian In Silico Toksisitas, Termodinamika dan Mekanisme Reaksi Sintesis Senyawa Analog Kurkumin sebagai Kandidat Antikanker (2017)
Pelaksanaan Seminar Tahun 2017 (2017)
Pengembangan Ekstrak Bawang Tiwai (Eleutherine americana Merr.) sebagai Kandidat Bahan Tambahan Pangan (BTP) Pengawet Makanan Alami : Analisis secara Molekular, In Silico dan In Vivo (2017)
Pengembangan Senyawa Turunan Porfirin sebagai Ligan Radiofarmaka, Fotosensitizer dan Antikanker (2017)
Pengembangan sistem penghantaran bertarget prodrug mesalamin dengan silan dari limbah batang nanas (Ananas comusus): kajian in vivo dan aktivitas pada model kolitis ulseratif (2017)
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Molecular Imprinting Polymers (MIPS) untuk Pengembangan Metode Analisis Senyawa Doping Dimetilamilamin (DMAA) dalam Suplemen Makanan (2017)
Skrining, Sintesis dan Uji In Vitro Senyawa Turunan Kurkumin sebagai Kandidat Antikanker (2017)
Dapatkan Gunakan Simpan Buang Obat (DAGUSIBU) (2016)
Desain Dan Sintesis Senyawa Kationik Porifin Sebagai Kandidat Antikanker (2016)
Isolasi Mikrolaga Heterotrofik dari selasah mangrove yang berpotensi menghasilkan Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (2016)
Pembentukan Nano partikel Kurkumin-Emas (Curcumin-gold nanoparticle) Untuk Terapi Bertarget ke hati: Kajian Biofarmasi, Toksisitas Invitro -in vivo dan uji Aktivitas Invitro (2016)
Pengembangan Senyawa Turunan Porfirin sebagai Ligan Radiofarmaka, Fotosensitizer dan Antikanker (2016)
Desain dan Sintesis Senyawa Kationik Porfirin sebagai Kandidat Antikanker Radiofarmaka (2015)
Indentifikasi Senyawa AnabolikSteroid Pada Suplemen ee3ngan Kromatografi gas dan Studi Pola Konsumsi Penggunaan Suplemen yang umum digunakan oleh anggota Klub Fitness (2015)
Pengembangan Senyawa Turunan Porfirin sebagai Ligan Radiofarmaka, Fotosensitizer dan Antikanker (2015)
Pemberdayaan Lingkungan ITB dan Masyarakat Untuk Mendukung Kampanye Bandung Juara dalam Aspek Lingkungan (2014)
Penandaan poloksamer dengan radionuklida iodium-131 serta uji farmakokinetik dan biodistribusinya dalam bentuk nanopartikel sebagai kandidat pembawa obat kanker (2014)
Penggunaan Bahan Tambahan Pangan (BTP) yang Diijinkan untuk Mengurangi Resiko Kesehatan Akibat Penggunaan BTP yang Dilarang di Industri Rumahan Pembuat Roti dan Kue di Daerah Citarip Kopo (2014)
Program Riset Unggulan Pusat Penelitian Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat-obatan (2014)
Pengolahan Bawang Putih untuk Mengurangi Penyakit Degeneratif dan Kemandirian Pengobatan di Daerah Padat Penduduk Kiaracondong (2013)
Produksi dan Pengembangan Ekstrak Monascus sp sebagai Jamu dan Pangan Fungsional Antikolesterol (2013)
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi MIBI Sebagai Ligan Kit Radiofarmaka (2013)
Bantuan Biaya Seminar Luar Negeri (2012)
Lustrum Ke-13 Tahun 2012 Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi -ITB (2012)
Program Development (PDV) 2012 (2012)
Program Riset Unggulan 2012 Pusat Penelitian Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat-obatan (PP PKO) ITB (2012)
Uji Stabilitas, Disolusi dan Afinitas Acarbose (2012)
Analisis kuantitatif Sediaan Tablet Azithromycin, Vitamin B6 dan Phenolpthalein Emulsi (2011)
Bandung Internasional Conference On Medicinal Chemistry (2011)
Dana Pendamping 2011Sub Component B.2c Grant for Performance Based Contract (2011)
Kerma SFWHO, Rapid Assessment and Situation Analysis of current Management Medicine Supply System at Central Level & 3 Selected Provinces (Banten, DKI, Jakarta and West Java) (2011)
Program Riset Unggulan ITB 2011 Pusat Penelitian Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat (2011)
Validasi metode analisis vitamin D3 dalam syrup (2011)
Produksi Dane Salt (Garam Natrium D‐(‐)‐2‐(4‐Hidroksifenil)‐ N‐[1‐Metil‐2‐(4‐Nitrofenil‐Karbamoil)Vinil] Sebagai Upaya Mendukung Kemandirian Produksi Antibiotikum Amoksilin (2010)
Produksi Dane Salt (Garam Natrium D(-)-2-(4-Hidroksifenil)-N-[1-Metil-2-(4-Nitrofenil-Karbomoil)Vinil]Glisin) Sebagai Upaya Mendukung Kemandirian Produksi Antibioktikum Amosisilin di Indonesia (2009)