- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2003
- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2006
- S3 University of Groningen, Belanda – Belanda 2014
A Setiawansyah, MI Arsul, S Sukrasno, S Damayanti, M Insanu, I FidriannyAdvances in Traditional Medicine 24 (2), 475-487, 2024
Prediction of antioxidant activities of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) with different harvesting times using FTIR spectra and chemometrics
A Rohman, D Santosa, M Rafi, NS Aminah, M Insanu, I IrnawatiFood Research 8 (1), 92-98, 2024 -
Parang Romang (Boehmeria virgata (Frost.) Guill.): Correlation of Phytochemistry with Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitory Activities
MI Arsul, I Fidrianny, M InsanuHAYATI Journal of Biosciences 31 (3), 457-464, 2024 -
Assessment of Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Dayak Onion (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.) Extract in Comparison to Celecoxib.
Z Permana, NF Zefrina, NF Kurniati, M Insanu, D MudhakirMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 20, 2024 -
Antioxidant potential and xanthine oxidase inhibition of flavonol glycosides from Phyllanthus emblica L. leaves
RH Husnunnisa, R Mauludin, M InsanuJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 12 (6), 1067-1078, 2024 -
LC- HRMS and FTIR-based metabolomics analysis and xanthine oxidase inhibitory evaluation of Sida rhombifolia with different drying methods
D Silviani, WT Wahyuni, UD Syafitri, A Ilmiawati, DA Septaningsih, M Insanu, NS Aminah, A Rohman, M RafiBiocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 52, 102833, 2023 -
The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of avicularin and 4-O-methyl gallic acid isolated from Syzygium myrtifolium leaves
I Nor, KR Wirasutisna, R Hartati, M InsanuSaudi pharmaceutical journal 31 (8), 101677, 2023 -
UHPLC‐Q‐Orbitrap HR‐MS‐Based Metabolomics for Profiling the Sida rhombifolia Metabolites with Different Plant Organs and Cultivation Ages
D Silviani, SZ Astari, DA Septianingsih, AH Karomah, A Ilmiawati, UD Syafitri, WT Wahyuni, NS Aminah, M Insanu, A Rohman, M RafiChemistry & Biodiversity 20 (6), e202201042, 2023 -
UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS-based Untargeted Metabolomics of Sida rhombifolia Leaves and Stem Extracts
AH Karomah, M Rafi, DA Septaningsih, A Ilmiawati, UD Syafitri, NS Aminah, M Insanu, A RohmanHAYATI Journal of Biosciences 30 (4), 770-778, 2023 -
Bioactivity- guided isolation of a bioactive compound with α-glucosidase inhibitory activity from the leaves extract of Sauropus androgynus
N Putra, AN Garmana, NP Qomaladewi, LMRA Muqarrabun, AR Rosandy, A Chahyadi, M InsanuSustainable chemistry and pharmacy 31, 100907, 2023 -
Phytochemical compounds and pharmacological activities of Ipomoea batatas L.: An updated review
H Suhendy, I Fidrianny, M InsanuPharmacia 70 (4), 1283-1294, 2023 -
Reduction of Microbial Contamination in Kaolin from Belitung Island, Indonesia.
S Dwiani, AR Choirunnisa, A Haniffadli, R Hartati, M Insanu, I Fidrianny, S SukrasnoTropical Journal of Natural Product Research 7 (1), 2023 -
Identification of Sida rhombifolia from Its Related Plants Using Thin-Layer Chromatographic Analysis
M Rafi, SR Yolanda, DA Septaningsih, M Bintang, NS Aminah, M Insanu, A RohmanIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 23 (1), 21-32, 2023 -
Lemon (Citrus limon L.): Antioxidative Activity and Its Marker Compound
D Rizaldy, M Insanu, N Sabila, A Haniffadli, AA Zahra, SNE Pratiwi, SN Mudrika, R Hartati, I FidriannyBiointerface Res. Appl. Chem. 13, 21, 2023 -
Evaluation of xanthine oxidase inhibitory, antioxidative activity of five selected Papua medicinal plants and correlation with phytochemical content
S Dirgantara, M Insanu, I FidriannyPharmacia 69 (4), 965-972, 2022 -
Unused Parts of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus): Prospective In Vitro Antioxidative Activity
M Insanu, H Pramasatya, AK Buddhisuharto, C Tarigan, AA Zahra, A Haniffadi, N Sabila, I FidriannyOpen Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (A), 1529-1536, 2022 -
A review of the Phyllanthus genus plants: Their phytochemistry, traditional uses, and potential inhibition of xanthine oxidase
H Husnunnisa, R Hartati, R Mauludin, M InsanuPharmacia 69 (3), 681-687, 2022 -
Antioxidant activities of various seed extracts from four varieties of rambutan (nephelium lappaceum) using DPPH and ABTS assays
I Fidrianny, L Fikayuniar, M InsanuRecent Trends in Medical Pharmaceutical 1, 2022 -
Peperomia pellucida extracts stimulates bone healing in alveolar socket following tooth extraction
IGAA Kartika, C Riani, M Insanu, IK AdnyanaJournal of traditional and complementary medicine 12 (3), 302, 2022 -
In Vitro Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity and the Isolation of Luteolin from the Flower of Gymnanthemum amygdalinum (Delile) Sch. Bip ex Walp.
S Vonia, R Hartati, M InsanuMolecules 27 (7), 2132, 2022 -
Medicinal properties of ant nest plant (Myrmecodia Genus): A comprehensive review
S Dirgantara, M Insanu, I FidriannyOpen Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (F), 97-103, 2022 -
Phytochemical and antioxidant profile: Cucumber pulp and leaves extracts
M Insanu, AA Zahra, N Sabila, V Silviani, A Haniffadli, D Rizaldy, I FidriannyOpen Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (A), 616-622, 2022 -
In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Unused Parts of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus).
M Insanu, H Pramasatya, AK Buddhisuharto, C Tarigan, AA Zahra, A Haniffadi, N Sabila, I FidriannyOpen Access Maced J Med Sci. 10 (A), 1529-1536, 2022 -
Potential Antioxidative Activity of Waste Product of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.).
M Insanu, R Amalia, I FidriannyPakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 25 (8), 681-687, 2022 -
Comparative Study of Sida rhombifolia from Two Different Locations
ER Laili, NS Aminah, AN Kristanti, AP Wardana, M Rafi, A Rohman, M Insanu, KNW TunRasayan J. Chem 15 (1), 642-650, 2022 -
Vitamin E Extraction from Magnesium Salts of Palm Fatty Acid Distillates
D Lestari, KP Aqilah, S Putri, A Harimawan, D Mudhakir, M InsanuJ. Eng. Technol. Sci 54 (1), 2022 -
Antioxidant activities and phytochemicals of polar, semi-polar, and nonpolar extracts of used and unused parts of Carica papaya fruit
M Insanu, NMDMW Nayaka, L Solihin, KR Wirasutisna, H Pramastya, I FidriannyBiocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 39, 102270, 2022 -
Syzygium samarangense: review of phytochemical compounds and pharmacological activities
C Tarigan, H Pramastya, M Insanu, I FidriannyBiointerface Res. Appl. Chem. 12, 2084-2107, 2022 -
Chemical compounds and pharmacological activities of cucumis genus
M Insanu, D Rizaldy, V Silviani, I FidriannyBiointerface Res Appl Chem 12 (1), 1324-34, 2022 -
Skrining Uji Toksisitas Akut Lima Rimpang Suku Zingiberaceae menggunakan Embrio Ikan Zebra
A Paramita, I Wibowo, M InsanuActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 46 (2), 1-9, 2021 -
Antihypertensive activity of combination of anredera cordifolia (Ten.) V. Steenis and Sonchus arvensis L. leaves on Epinephrine Induced male Wistar Rat
N Suliska, M Insanu, EY SukandarJournal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research 12 (4), 384-388, 2021 -
A study of genus Zingiber : the role of condiments in science
A Paramita, I Wibowo, M InsanuCurrent Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology, 3 (1), 186-195, 2021 -
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction and the antioxidant activities of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia)
AN Ikhtiarini, W Setyaningsih, M Rafi, NS Aminah, M Insanu, I Irnawati, A RohmanJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 11 (8), 070-076, 2021 -
Molecular modeling for potential cathepsin L inhibitor identification as new anti-photoaging agents from tropical medicinal plants
S Damayanti, NR Fabelle, W Yooin, M Insanu, S Jiranusornkul, P WongrattanakamonJournal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 53, 259-274, 2021 -
Hydrogenated Palm Fatty Acid Distillate as Raw Materials for Magnesium Stearate Alternatives.
D Lestari, AR Zakaria, DR Setiawan, M Laniwati, A Harimawan, M Insanu, D MudhakirJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (3), 2021 -
Secondary metabolite compounds from Sida genus and their bioactivity
NS Aminah, ER Laili, M Rafi, A Rochman, M Insanu, KNW TunHeliyon 7 (4), 2021 -
Phytochemical compounds and pharmacological activities of Vitis vinifera L.: An updated review
M Insanu, H Karimah, H Pramastya, I FidriannyBiointerface Res. Appl. Chem 11 (5), 13829-49, 2021 -
Polarity difference and the presence of phytoestrogen compounds affecting estrogenic activity of Peperomia pellucida extracts
I Kartika, M Insanu, C Riani, KH Chung, IK AdnyanaSains Malaysiana 50 (2), 449-460, 2021 -
Improvement Activity of Antioxidant, Tyrosinase Inhibition, And Anti-Inflammatory of (Phaleria Macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl) Seed Extracts in Nanoemulsion Dosage Form: In Vitro and in Vivo Studies
E Agustin, R Mauludin, M InsanuITB Graduate School Conference 1 (1), 171-186, 2021 -
Antioxidant Activity of Vitamin E Concentrate from Magnesium Salts of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (Mg-PFAD)
D Lestari, KP Aqilah, S Putri, A Harimawan, D Mudhakir, M InsanuReaktor 21 (1), 35-43, 2021 -
Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of Boehmeria Genus: An Update Review
MI Arsul, M Insanu, I FidriannyPharmacognosy Journal 13 (6), 2021 -
The use of chemometrics for classification of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) based on FTIR spectra and antiradical activities
A Rohman, AN Ikhtiarini, W Setyaningsih, M Rafi, NS Aminah, M Insanu, I Irnawati, D SantosaIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 21 (6), 1568-1576, 2021 -
Potent inhibition of Peperomia pellucida extracts towards rankl-induced osteoclast formation through m1 macrophage polarization
A Kartika, C Riani, M Insanu, K Paiboonsukwong, N Charoenphandhu, A Tubsuwan, IK AdnyanaRasayan J Chem 14, 1369-1377, 2021 -
Evaluation of xanthine oxidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities of three organs of idat (Cratoxylum glaucum Korth.) and correlation with phytochemical cont
D Juanda, I Fidrianny, KR Wirasutisna, M InsanuPharmacognosy Journal 13 (4), 2021 -
An updated review of phytochemical compounds and pharmacology activities of Artocarpus genus
AK Buddhisuharto, H Pramastya, M Insanu, I FidriannBiointerface Res Appl Chem 11 (6), 14898-14905, 2021 -
Macadamia genus: An updated review of phytochemical compounds and pharmacological activities
M Insanu, R Hartati, F Bajri, I FidriannyBiointerface Res. Appl. Chem 11, 14898-14905, 2021 -
Liberica coffee (Coffea liberica L.) from three different regions: In vitro antioxidant activities
M Insanu, I Fidrianny, NHH Imtinan, S KusmardiyaniBiointerface Res. Appl. Chem 11 (5), 13031-13041, 2021 -
A review of the phytochemical compounds and pharmacological activities from selected Ficus plants
M Insanu, F Santoso, I FidriannyInternational Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11 (SPL4), 921-928, 2020 -
Isolation and Characterization of Phenylpropanoid and Lignan Compounds from Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth with Estrogenic Activities
IGAA Kartika, IJ Bang, C Riani, M Insanu, JH Kwak, KH Chung, IK AdnyanaMolecules 25 (21), 4914, 2020 -
Phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of Annona genus: a review
S Kusmardiyani, YA Suharli, M Insanu, I FidriannyCurrent Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology 2 (1), 77-88, 2020 -
Sida Rhombifolia Linn: Phytochemicals Composition and Biological Activities.
A Rohman, AN Ikhtiarini, W Setyaningsih, M Rafi, NS Aminah, M Insanu, A WindarsihInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (09752366), 2020 -
Tanggapan terhadap maraknya penggunaan disinfektan pada bilik disinfeksi untuk pencegahan COVID-19
A Adlia, AB Mahardhika, A Artarini, C Riani, HN Muhammad, M Insanu, NF Kurniati, R Hartati, YP NugrahaTersedia online di https://fa.itb.ac.id/tanggapan-terhadap-disinfektan-bilik/, 2020 -
Acetylcholinesterase: Inhibitory activity of some Indonesian vegetables and fraction of selected plants
MC Nuria, AG Suganda, EY Sukandar, M InsanuJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 10 (1), 101-107, 2020 -
Evaluation effect of polarity of the compound from Sonchus arvensis (Linn.) leaves as hypertension inhibitor.
Suryani, EY Sukandar, M Insanu, NF Kurniati -
Overview of phytochemical compounds and pharmacology activities of Cratoxylum genus
D Juanda, I Fidrianny, K Ruslan, M InsanuRasayan Journal of Chemistry 12 (4), 2065-2073, 2019 -
Aktivitas Inhibisi Asetilkolinesterase Empat Jenis Sayuran Secara in Vitro
MC Nuria, EY Sukandar, AG Suganda, M InsanuJurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik 16 (01), 43-50, 2019 -
M Insanu, S Aziz, I Fidrianny, R Hartati, S Elfahmi, KR WirasutisnaRasayan J. Chem 12 (2), 519-22, 2019 -
Research Article In vitro Antioxidant Profiles and Phytochemical Content of Different Organs of Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duchesne)
I Fidrianny, F Syifa, M Insanu -
D MUDHAKIR, A AHMADI, M INSANU, N NURAINIAsian J Pharm Clin Res 12 (1), 346-350, 2019 -
Preparation and release behavior of carboxylated cellulose nanocrystals-alginate nanocomposite loaded with rutin
LATW Asri, A Rahmatika, MZ Fahreza, M Insanu, BS PurwasasmitaMaterials Research Express 5 (9), 095303, 2018 -
Antioxidant properties of peels extracts from three varieties of banana (Musa sp.) grown in West Java-Indonesia.
I Fidrianny, NAS Anggraeni, M InsanuInternational Food Research Journal 25 (1), 2018 -
Effect of MgO to Fatty Acid Molar Ratio on the Production of Magnesium Salt of Fatty Acid from Palm Fatty Acid Distillates (PFAD) for Food Additives
R Yuniarti, RH Al-Aziz, D Rizaldy, M Insanu, A Harimawan, D LestariMATEC Web of Conferences 159, 02063, 2018 -
Antioxidant potential of different parts of bogor pineapple (ananas comosus [l.] merr. var. queen) cultivated in West Java-Indonesia
I Fidrianny, V Virna, M InsanuAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11 (1), 129-133, 2018 -
Isolation of 5, 7-dihydroxy, 6, 8-dimethyl flavanone from Syzygium aqueum with its antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibitor activities
M Insanu, ZM Ramadhania, EN Halim, R Hartati, KR WirasutisnaPharmacognosy research 10 (1), 60, 2018 -
Correlation of phytochemical content with antioxidant potential of various sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in West Java, Indonesia
I Fidrianny, H Suhendy, M InsanuAsian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 8 (1), 25-30, 2018 -
Comparison of antioxidant activities from four species of piper
M Insanu, L Marliani, NP DinilahPharmaciana 7 (2), 305-312, 2017 -
Fractionation using adsorptive macroporous resin HPD-600 enhances antioxidant activity of Gnetum gnemon L. seed hard shell extract
V Saraswaty, I Ketut Adnyana, S Pudjiraharti, T Mozef, M Insanu, NF Kurniati, HRachmawatiJournal of food science and technology 54, 3349-3357, 2017 -
Antioxidant activity from ten species of myrtaceae
ZM Ramadhania, M Insanu, NS Gunarti, KR Wirasutisna, S Sukrasno, R HartatiAsian J Pharm Clin Res 10 (14), 5, 2017 -
M Insanu, I Maryam, D Rohdiana, KR WirasutisnaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 42 (1), 32-41, 2017 -
Penapisan fitokimia dan karakterisasi simplisia daun jambu mawar (syzygium jambos alston)
S Handayani, KR Wirasutisna, M InsanuJurnal farmasi UIN Alauddin Makassar 5 (3), 174-183, 2017 -
Isolation of 8-Hidroxy-6, 7-Dimethoxy Coumarin from Jarak Tintir Stem (Jatropha Multifida L.) and Its Toxicity Value Using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT)
AK Syam, M Insanu, KR WirasutisnaMajalah Obat Tradisional 22 (1), 21-24, 2017 -
New update: Traditional uses, phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicity review of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth
I Kartika, M Insanu, D Safitri, CA Putri, IK AdnyanaPharmacologyonline 2, 30-43, 2016 -
Antioxidant capacities of various fruit extracts from three varieties of tomato and correlation with total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content
I Fidrianny, S Natalia, M InsanuInt J Pharm Clin Res 7 (4), 283-289, 2015 -
Evaluation of antioxidant activities from various extracts of sweet orange peels using DPPH, FRAP assays and correlation with phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content
I Fidrianny, M Harnovi, M InsanuAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 186-190, 2014 -
Rational use of Jatropha curcas L. in food and medicine: from toxicity problems to safe applications
M InsanuUniversity of Groningen, 2014 -
Development of immunonutrient from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchense Ex. Lamk.) seed
MI Iwo, M Insanu, CAS DassProcedia chemistry 13, 105-111, 2014 -
Recent Studies on Phytochemicals and Pharmacological Effects of Eleutherine americana Merr.
M Insanu, S Kusmardiyani, R HartatiProcedia Chemistry 13, 221-228, 2014 -
Development of tandem mass spectrometry for dehydroxy phorbol esters and phorbol myristate acetate analysis
M Insanu, P Tepper, M Jeronimus, H Permentier, W Quax, O KayserRational Use of Jatropha curcas L. in Food and Medicine, 55, 2014 -
Validation of detoxification process for Jatropha curcas L. kernel meal for use as animal feed
M Insanu, R Setoikromo, P Tepper, CMJ Stratingh, H Permentier, PVD Linde, J Brooker, O Kayser, WJ QuaxRational Use of Jatropha curcas L. in Food and Medicine, 100, 2014 -
In vitro antioxidant activities from various extracts of banana peels using ABTS, DPPH assays and correlation with phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content
I Fidrianny, K Rizki, M InsanuInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6 (8), 299-303, 2014 -
Uji aktivitas antioksidan tiga spesies tanaman sarang semut (Famili: Rubiaceae) asal Kabupaten Merauke, Papua
S Dirgantara, A Nawawi, M InsanuJurnal Biologi Papua 5 (1), 10-16, 2013 -
Rational use of Jatropha curcas L. in food and medicine: from toxicity problems to safe applications
M Insanu, C Dimaki, R Wilkins, J Brooker, P van der Linde, O KayserPhytochemistry reviews 12, 107-119, 2013 -
Isolation and characterization of 3-acetyl aleuritolic acid and scopoletin from stem bark of Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd
WC Prabowo, KR Wirasutisna, M InsanuInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (3), 851-853, 2013 -
From ethnopharmacology to clinical study of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth
IK Adnyana, F Setiawan, M InsanuInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (3), 66-73, 2013 -
Curcacycline A and B – new pharmacological insights to an old drug
M Insanu, J Anggadiredja, O KayserInt J Appl Res Nat Prod 5 (2), 26-34, 2012 -
Original Research Curcacycline A and B – new pharmacological insights to an old drug
M Insanu, J Anggadiredja, O KayserInternational Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products 5 (2), 26-34, 2012 -
Isolasi Flavonoid dari Daun Durian (Durio Zibethinus Murr., Bombacaceae)
M Insanu, K Ruslan, I Fidrianny, S WijayaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (1), 6-10, 2011 -
Isolation of curcacycline A from latex of Jatropha curcas and its antibiotic and cytotoxic effect
M Insanu, J Anggadireja, O KayserPlanta Medica 76 (12), P435, 2010 -
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Penetapan Kadar Flavonoid Total dan Fenolik Total Ekstrak Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia L.)
A Asma, A Rohman, D Santosa, M Rafi, NS Aminah, M Insanu, I IrnawatiJournal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 634-643, 0 -
Comparison of antioxidant activities from four species of piper Perbandingan aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak daun empat tanaman marga piper
M Insanu, L Marliani, NP DinilahPharmaciana 7 (2), 305-312, 2017 -
Antimicrobial Activity of Some Indonesian Plant Species from The Genus Ficus
DP Wibowo, NF Kurniati, KR Wirasutisna, M InsanuJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 10 (11), 2018 -
Y OKTARIZA, OD PUTRA, M INSANU, AM MIFTAHInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (4), 2013
Judul | Tahun | Tempat | Peserta |
Pengaruh Modifikasi Pola Hidup dalam Penatalaksanaan Beberapa penyakit Degeneratif di Wilayah nagrog ujung berung | 2017 | Ujungberung, Bandung | Masyarakat Nagrog |
Pelatihan pengolahan dan standardisasi produk dari tanaman suku zingiberaceae | 2016 | Ujungberung, Bandung | Masyarakat Nagrog |
Penyuluhan Keamanan Penggunaan Obat Bahan Alam Di Daerah Nagrog Ujungberung | 2015 | Ujungberung, Bandung | Masyarakat Nagrog |
RKI – Pendekatan metabolomik untuk standardisasi sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) melalui pemprofilan metabolit (Spektrum FTIR, KLT, LC-MS/MS) serta aktivitas antioksidan dan inhibisi xantin oksidase (2021)
International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)
Penelitian bahan Aktif untuk kosmetik dari tanaman musa PARADISIACA VAR MULI (2020)
Pengembangan Tanaman Tradisional Khas Papua sebagai Obat Antipirai (batal) (2020)
RKI – Lanjutan – Pendekatan metabolomik untuk standardisasi sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) melalui pemprofilan metabolit (KLT dan LC-MS/MS) serta aktivitas antioksidan dan inhibisi xantin (2020)
Aplikasi teknologi nano dan isolasi senyawa aktif dari teh putih (Camellia sinensis) sebagai inhibitor enzim asetilkolinesterase (2019)
Pengembangan Metode Deteksi Cepat Inhibitor Xanthine Oksidase dari Bahan Alam Menggunakan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (2019)
International Seminar on Natural Product Medicine (ISNPM) 2018 (2018)
Aplikasi teknologi nano dan isolasi senyawa aktif dari teh putih (Camellia sinensis) sebagai inhibitor enzim asetilkolinesterase (2018)
Pengembangan Metode Deteksi Cepat Inhibitor Xanthine Oksidase dari Bahan Alam Menggunakan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (2018)
Aplikasi teknologi nano dan isolasi senyawa aktif dari teh putih (Camellia sinensis) sebagai inhibitor enzim asetilkolinesterase (2017)
Penetapan Kadar tumbuhan Obat Farmakope Herbal Indonesia Edisi II (2017)
Pengembangan Herba dan Senyawa Bioaktif dari Tanaman Sirih Bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L]. Kunt.) sebagai Agen Antiosteoporosis (2017)
Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Ekstraksi dan Green Nanotechnology untuk Peningkatan Rendemen dan Nilai Guna Terapi Resveratrol dan Trans-Resveratrol dari Biji Melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon L) untuk Anti Hiperurisemia, Dan Spirulina Indonesia (Arthrospira Platensi (2017)
Telaah fitokimia biji pepaya (Carica papaya L.) dan potensinya sebagai antioksidan dan antidiabetes secara in vitro (2017)
Nanopartikel Polifenol Sebagai Sumber Bahan Anti Asam Urat (2016)
Pelatihan pengolahan dan standardisasi produk dari tanaman suku zingiberaceae (2016)
Pengembangan herba sirih bumi (Peperomia pellucida L.) sebagai sediaan obat untuk Pencegahan Osteoporosis (2016)
Pengembangan Produksi Phlobaphene Dari Ampas Kulit Kina (Cinchona sp, Rubiaceae) Sebagai Bahan Baku Obat Herbal Bekhasiat Antioksidan (2016)
Pengembangan Proses Produksi Vitamin E dan Magnesium Stearat dari PFAD untuk Bahan Aditif Pangan dan Nutraseutikal (2016)
Pengujian Simplisia dan Ekstrak Farmakope Herbal Indonesia Edisi II Suplemen I (2016)
Pengujian Simplisia dan Ekstrak Farmakope Herbal Indonesia Edisi II Suplemen I Tahap II (2016)
Skrining Aktivitas Inhibitor Asetikolin Esterase dari Beberapa Tanaman Suku Piperaceae setta Isolasi Senyawa Aktifnya (2016)
Pelatihan Penanaman Tumbuhan Obat Suku Zingiberaceae di Daerah Nagrog Ujung Berung (2015)
Penggunaan Adjuvant Ekstrak Phyllanthus Niruri L. dan Ekstrak Moringa Oleifera Lam. Pada Penghantaran Nanopartikel Hbsag Secara Oral (2015)
Pengujian Simplisia dan Ekstrak dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Revisi Farmakope Herbal Edisi I(Paket 13) (2015)
Efek Antidepresan dan Pengaruh Ketergantungan dari Isolat Arilus Pala (Myristica Fragrans Houtt.) (2014)
Kajian Mekanisme Ekstrak Etanol Daun Bungur (Lagerstroemia Speciosa (L.)) sebagai Anti Hiperlipidemia dan Uji Toksisitas Akutnya (2014)
Optimasi Produksi Dan Uji Aktivitas Immunostimulan Ekstrak Terstandar Temu Kunci( Boesenbergia Pandurata (Roxb.) Schlect., Zigiberaceae) (2014)
Skrining Aktivitas Inhibitor Xantin Oksidase dan Antioksidan dari Beberapa Tumbuhan Suku Myrtaceae dan Isolasi Senyawa Aktifnya (2014)
Pengolahan Bawang Putih untuk Mengurangi Penyakit Degeneratif dan Kemandirian Pengobatan di Daerah Padat Penduduk Kiaracondong (2013)
Lustrum Ke-13 Tahun 2012 Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi -ITB (2012)
Bandung Internasional Conference On Medicinal Chemistry (2011)