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Learning Outcomes – FKK

General Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss and present academic work orally supported with current technology;
  2. Write and disseminate scientific reports based on experiment results or literature studies;
  3. Work together as a team;
  4. Show good attitude in academic and social settings;
  5. Develop responsibility, open-mindedness, honesty, curiosity and perseverance
  6. Show at least moderate proficiency in English.


Learning Outcomes of the Undergraduate Programme in Clinical and Community Pharmacy

  1. Describe drugs’ mechanisms of action, adverse reaction, and interactions, taking into account the pathophysiology of the indicated conditions;
  2. Explain the principle of cost effective drug therapy and its assessment method;
  3. Describe the basic principle of pharmaceutical formulation, manufacturing and quality assessment;
  4. Demonstrate effective communication with health professionals, patients and community;
  5. Conduct counselling on drug use to patients and the community;
  6. Perform basic compounding of pharmaceutical preparation and quality assessment of pharmaceutical product;
  7. Design clinical trial for new drug/formulation development;
  8. Select the most rational medicine based on efficacy, safety and economic consideration;
  9. Organise systems for storage, preparation, dispensing and distribution of medicine;
  10. Organise monitoring of post-marketing drug effects.