Learning Outcomes – FKK
General Learning Outcomes
- Discuss and present academic work orally supported with current technology;
- Write and disseminate scientific reports based on experiment results or literature studies;
- Work together as a team;
- Show good attitude in academic and social settings;
- Develop responsibility, open-mindedness, honesty, curiosity and perseverance
- Show at least moderate proficiency in English.
Learning Outcomes of the Undergraduate Programme in Clinical and Community Pharmacy
- Describe drugs’ mechanisms of action, adverse reaction, and interactions, taking into account the pathophysiology of the indicated conditions;
- Explain the principle of cost effective drug therapy and its assessment method;
- Describe the basic principle of pharmaceutical formulation, manufacturing and quality assessment;
- Demonstrate effective communication with health professionals, patients and community;
- Conduct counselling on drug use to patients and the community;
- Perform basic compounding of pharmaceutical preparation and quality assessment of pharmaceutical product;
- Design clinical trial for new drug/formulation development;
- Select the most rational medicine based on efficacy, safety and economic consideration;
- Organise systems for storage, preparation, dispensing and distribution of medicine;
- Organise monitoring of post-marketing drug effects.