Prof. I Ketut Adnyana, M.Si., Ph.D.
KK Farmakologi-Farmasi Klinik
Email : Adnyana at
Telepon : 022 2504852
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Bidang Keahlian
Farmakologi Bahan Alam
Publikasi di Jurnal
- Fitrianda, E., Sukandar, E.Y., Elfahmi, Adnyana, I.K., “Antidiabetic activity of extract, fractions, and asiaticoside compound isolated from Centella asiatica Linn. Leaves in alloxan-induced diabetic mice ”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2017
- Rachmawati, H., Pradana, A.T., Safitri, D., Adnyana, I.K., “Multiple functions of D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) as curcumin nanoparticle stabilizer: In vivo kinetic profile and anti-ulcerative colitis analysis in animal model”, Pharmaceutics 2017
- Saraswaty, V., Ketut Adnyana, I., Pudjiraharti, S., (…), Kurniati, N.F., Rachmawati, H., “Fractionation using adsorptive macroporous resin HPD-600 enhances antioxidant activity of Gnetum gnemon L. seed hard shell extract ”, Journal of Food Science and Technology 2017
- Zazuli, Z., Rohaya, A., Adnyana, I.K., “Drug-related problems in Type 2 diabetic patients with hypertension in Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia: A prospective study ”, International Journal of Green Pharmacy 2017
- Iskandar, I., Setiawan, F., Sasongko, L.D.N., Adnyana, I.K., “Six-month chronic toxicity study of tamarind pulp (Tamarindus indica L.) water extract ”, Scientia Pharmaceutica2017
- Sarimanah, J., Ketut Adnyana, I., Sukandar, E.Y., Kurniati, N.F., “The antirheumatic activity of Muntingia calabura L. Leaves ethanol extract and its fraction ”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2017
- Safitri, D., Kurniati, N.F., Adharani, S., Suciyati, S.W., Adnyana, I.K., “The study of red ginger Rhizomes ethanol extract (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe Var. Sunti Val.) on hyperlipidemic-induced rats ”, Pharmacologyonline 2016
- Rachmawati, H., Safitri, D., Pradana, A.T., Adnyana, I.K., “TPGS-stabilized curcumin nanoparticles exhibit superior effect on carrageenan-induced inflammation in wistar rat ”, Pharmaceutics 2016
- Sutrisno, E., Ketut Adnyana, I., Sukandar, E.Y., Fidrianny, I., Aligita, W., “Anti-inflammatory study of Anredera cordifolia leaves and Centella asiatica herbs and its combinations using human red blood cell-membrane stabilization method ”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016
- Adnyana, I.K., Christopher, W., “Preventive effect of jasmine flower ethanol extract on MSG-high fat diet induced in male wistar rats ”, International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2016
- Abuzaid, A.S., Iskandar, E.Y., Kurniati, N.F., Adnyana, I.K., “Preventive effect on obesity of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp ethanolic extract by reduction of fatty acid synthase level in monosodium glutamate and high-calorie diet-induced male wistar rats ”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016
- Hasimun, P., Adnyana, I.K., Valentina, R., Lisnasari, E., “Potential alpha-glucosidase inhibitor from selected zingiberaceae family ”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016
- Abuzaid, A.S., Iskandar, E.Y., Kurniati, N.F., Adnyana, I.K., “Prevention of obesity and development of metabolic syndrome by mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L) pericarp ethanolic extract in male wistar rats fed with High-Fat diet ”, Prevention of obesity and development of metabolic syndrome by mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L) pericarp ethanolic extract in male wistar rats fed with High-Fat diet 2016
- Putri, C.A., Ayu Kartika, I.G.A., Adnyana, I.K., “Preventive effect of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth herbs on ovariectomy-induced osteoporotic rats”, Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016
- Herowati, R., Kartasasmita, R.E., Adnyana, I.K., Kartawinata, T.G., “Anti-inflammatory activities and gastric ulcer-inducing properties of tetraacetylquercetin and tetrapivaloylquercetin ”, Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 2016
- Setiawan, F., Sukandar, E.Y., Sukrasno, Ketut Adnyana, I., “Activity of tamarindus indica pulp water extract in high carbohydrate diet rats as a treatment for obesity and insulin resistance”, Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 25(12), pp. 892-897 2016
- Andayani, D.G.S., Sukandar, U., Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana, I.K., “Antibacterial, Antifungal and Anticancer Activity of Five Strains of Soil Microorganisms Isolated From Tangkuban Perahu Mountain by Fermentation”, HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 22(4), pp. 186-190 2016
- Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana R, I.K., Nurfitria, R.S., “Antioxidant potential of garlic and turmeric mixture–A traditional Indonesian formulation”, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 14(4), pp. 632-636 2015
- Sukandar, U., Andayani, D.G.S., Sukandar, E.Y., Ketut Adnyana, I., “Antifungal activity of five strains of soil microorganisms isolated from Tangkuban Perahu mountain”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 7(2), pp. 84-88 2015
- Sri Andayani, D.G., Sukandar, E.Y., Sukandar, U., Ketut Adnyana, I., 2014, “Isolation, identification of phenylacetic acid from Streptomyces galbusTP2 strain and its toxicity”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (5), pp. 643-646.
- Fajriaty, I., Ketut Adnyana, I., Fidrianny, I., 2014, “Acute and sub-chronic (28 days) repeated oral toxicity test of ethanol extract of lerak (sapindus rarak. DC) fruits in wistar rats”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN- 0975-1491 Vol 6, Issue 11, 2014, pp.487-492.
- Adnyana, I.K., Sukandar, E.Y., Yuniarto, A., Finna, S., 2014, “Anti-obesity effect of the pomegranate leaves ethanol extract (Punicagranatuml.) in high-fat diet induced mice”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (4), pp. 626-631.
- Sukandar, E.Y., Anggadireja, K., Sigit, J.I., Adnyana, I.K., Tjandrawinata, R.R., 2014, “Toxicity studies of a bioactive protein with antithrombotic-thrombolytic activity, DLBS1033”, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 37 (1), pp. 8-16.
- Adnyana, I.K., Sigit, J.I., Asad, S.A., 2014, “Antidiabetic activity of nigella sativa L. seed powder and its combination with gliclazide in alloxan induced diabetic mice”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(10), pp. 434-437.
- Andayani, D.G.S., Sukandar, E.Y., Sukandar, U., Ketut Adnyana, I., 2013, “Characterization and identification of a soil Nocardia sp. TP-1 isolated from Indonesian volcanic soil”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (2), pp. 291-294.
- Adnyana, I.K., Yulinah, E., Yuliet, Kurniati, N.F., 2013, “Antidiabetic activity of aqueous leaf extracts of Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk., ethanolic extracts of Curcuma xanthorrhiza and their combinations in alloxan-induced diabetic mice”, Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 7 (3), pp. 158-164.
- Adnyana, I.K., Sukandar, E.Y., Setiawan, F., Christanti, Y., 2013, “Efficacy and safety O-desmethyl quinine compare to quinine for nocturnal leg cramp” Journal of Medical Sciences (Faisalabad), 13 (8), pp. 819-823.
- Adnyana, I.K., Murtini, S., Roni, A., Wardani, I.G.A.A.K., 2013, “Evaluation of antibacterial activity and determination amoxicillin concentration on generic and branded products, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (3), pp. 353-357.
- Adnyana, K., Setiawan, F., Insanu, M., 2013, “From ethnopharmacology to clinical study of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (3), pp. 66-73.
- Mulyani, Y., Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana, I.K., Elfahmi, 2012, “Petiveria alliacea: New alternative for the treatment of sensitive and multi-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis”, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, 4 (7), pp. 91-95.
- Hasimun, P., Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana, I.K., Tjahjono, D.H., 2011, “A simple method for screening Antihyperlipidemic agents”, International Journal of Pharmacology, 7 (1), pp. 74-78.
- Hasimun, P., Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana, I.K., Tjahjono, D.H., 2011, “Synergistic effect of curcuminoid and S-methyl cysteine in regulation of cholesterol homeostasis”, International Journal of Pharmacology, 7 (2), pp. 268-272
- Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Hikmat Permana, I Ketut Adnyana, Joseph I. Sigit, Rikrik A. Ilyas, Patonah, Dewi mardiyah, 2010,”Clinical Study of Turmeric and garlic Extracts as Antihyperglycemic and Antihyperlipidemic Agents in Type-2 Diabetes-Dyslipidemia Patients, Article No.19233-IJP-ANSI, Article No.19233-IJP-ANSI, International Journal of pharmacology
- Widodo, G.P., Sukandar, E.Y., Sukrasno, Adnyana, I.K., 2008, “A coumarin from Ageratum leaves (Ageratum conyzoides L.) International Journal of Pharmacology, 4 (1), pp. 56-59.
- I Ketut Adnyana, Joseph I. Sigit, Eveline C. Samuels, Tennia P. Srani, 2007,”Aktivitas Antidiabetes dan Profil Keamanan Ekstrak Daging Biji Oyong (Luffa acutangula L. Roxb)”, Jurnal Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, Vol. XXXII, No. 2, Juni 2007
- Priyatno, L.H.A., Sukandar, E.Y., Ibrahim, S., Adnyana, I.K., 2007, “Xanthine oxidase inhibitor activity of terpenoid and pyrrole compounds isolated from snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) cv. Bongkok, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (20), pp. 3127-3130.
- Leni Herliyani, Slamet Ibrahim, Elin Yulinah Sukandar, I Ketut Adnyana Aktivitas, “antioksidan ekstrak buah salak”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, 31 No. 1, Maret 2006
- Adnyana, I.K., Elin Yulinah, J.I. Sigit, Dewi Fitriani, 2005, “Uji in vitro Antikolesterol Ekstrak Air Bulbus Allium sativum, daun Eugenia polyantha Wight, dan buah Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl Menggunakan Kultur Primer Sel Hati Tikus”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, XXX (2),
- I Ketut Adnyana, Joseph I. Sigit, Elin Yulinah S., 2005, “Aktivitas Antikolesterol ekstrak bulbus bawang putih, daun salam dan Mahkota Dewa”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, 2005.
- Elin Yulinah, Suwendar, I. Ketut Adnyana, 2005, “Uji Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Minyak Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus LAMK)”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, XXX(3), 76-79
- Sigit, J.I., I.K. Adnyana, Widyaningsih, M., Sukandar, E.Y., 2005,”Pengaruh penambahan homosistein ke dalam kultur primer sel hati tikus terhadap profil kolesterol total”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, XXX (2),
- Ketut Adnyana, Elin Yuliunah, Andreanus A. Soemardji, Endang Kumolosasi, Maria Immaculata Iwo, 2004, “Aktivitas Antidiabetes ekstrak buah Mengku”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, 2004
- Awale, S.; Tezuka, Y.; Banskota, A. H.; Adnyana, I K.; Kadota, S., 2003, “Highly-oxygenated isopimarane-type diterpenes from Orthosiphon stamineus of Indonesia and their nitric oxide inhibitory activity”, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 51, 268 – 275.
- Awale, S.; Tezuka, Y.; Banskota, A. H.; Adnyana, I K.; Kadota, S., 2003, “Nitric oxide inhibitory isopimarane-type diterpenes from Orthosiphon stamineus of Indonesia”, J. Nat. Prod., , 51, 255 – 258.
- Tran, Q.L., Adnyana, I.K., Tezuka, Y., Harimaya, Y., Saiki, I., Kurashige,Y., Tran, Q.K., Kadota, S., 2002, “Hepatoprotective effect of majonoside R2, the major saponin from Vietnamese ginseng (Panax vietnamensis)”, Planta Medica, 68 (5), pp. 402-406.
- Adnyana, K., Tezuka, Y., Awale, S., Banskota, A.H., Tran, K.Q., Kadota, S., “1-O-galloy l-6-O-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy)benzoyl-β-D-glucose, a new hepatoprotective constituent from Combretum quadrangulare”, Planta Medica, 67 (4), pp. 370-371.
- Adnyana, K., Tezuka, Y., Banskota, A.H., Tran, K.Q., Kadota, S., 2001, “Three new triterpenes from the seeds of Combretum quadrangulare and their hepatoprotective activity, Journal of Natural Products, 64 (3), pp. 360-363.
- Banskota, A.H., Tezuka, Y., Adnyana, I.K., Ishii, E., Midorikawa, K., Matsushige, K., Kadota, S., 2001,”Hepatoprotective and anti-Helicobacter pylori activities of constituents from Brazilian propolis”, Phytomedicine, 8 (1), pp. 16-23.
- Le Tran, Q., Adnyana, I.K., Tezuka, Y., Nagaoka, T., Tran, Q.K., Kadota, S., 2001, “Triterpene saponins from Vietnamese ginseng (Panax vietnamensis) and their hepatocytoprotective activity”, Journal of Natural Products, 64 (4), pp. 456-461.
I Ketut Adnyana, Horvatz Z., Study of Patient’s Knowledge of Drug Information: A Study Case of Antibiotic, The 10th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, July 9-12, 2010 Singapore.
I Ketut Adnyana, Sukrasno and Nuraini Dharmaputri, Antitumor Activity of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Eleutherine Americana on 7,12 Dimethylbenz[a] anthracene (DMBA)-induced cancer mice, 2010 Natural Pigments Conference for South-East Asia (NP-SEA) Malang, East Java, INDONESIA, March 20-21st 2010.
I Ketut Adnyana, Nur’aini, “Nut Grass (Cyperus Rotundus L.), an Indonesian Medicinal Tea, Prevents the Onset of High-Fat Diet Induced Obesity in Male Wistar Rats”, 12th Government Food Analysts Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 22-24 Februari 2009.
Patonaha, Elin Yulinah Sukandara, I Ketut Adnyanaa and Aldo Grefhorstb, “Transcription Factors Involving in the In Vitro Curcuminoid Effects on Hepatocytes”, Bandung International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry 6-8 August 2009
Leni Herliani Afriantia, Elin Yulinah Sukandarb, Slamet Ibrahimc and I Ketut Adnyanab, “Effect of Etylacetate Extract of Snake Fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) var. Bongkok as Anthyhiperuricemia on Wistar Male Rat”, Bandung International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry 6-8 August 2009
I Ketut Adnyana, Sukrasno, Siti Kusmardiyani, “Antitumor Activity of Isolated Compounds from Bawang Sabrang (Eleutherine Americana Merr)”, Bandung International conference on medicinal chemistry, August 6-8 , 2009
Patonah, Elin Yulinah Sukandar, I Ketut Adnyana, Aldo Grefhorst, “The Lipid Transcription Factors Involvement in the Curcumin Effect in Hepatocytes in vitro”, The International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yogyakarta, October 5-6, 2009
I Ketut Adnyana, Elin Yulinah S., Dewi Mardiyah , Hikmat permana,Rikrik A. IIyas, “A Randomized Controlled Trial Extracts Of Turmeric (Curcuma Longa, L.) And Garlic (Allium Sativum, L.) As Antidiabetic In Type-2 Diabetes-Dislipidemic Subjects”, The 8th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, Surabaya, Indonesia, July 1-4, 2008
I Ketut Adnyana, Heni Rachmawati, Neng Any Tadjudin., “Hepatoprotective Activity of Saponin Fraction of Oyong Seeds (Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb) on Liver Fibrocytic Rat-induced with CCl4”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, ITB, 28-23 October 2008
Rahmana Emran Kartasasmita, Rina Herowati , Nuraini Harmastuti, I Ketut Adnyana, Tutus Gusdinar., “Anti-Inflammatory Activity and Docking Methylated Derivatives of Quercetin”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, ITB, 28-23 October 2008
Rina Herowati, Rahmana Emran Kartasasmita, I Ketut Adnyana dan Tutus Gusdinar Kartawinata., “Sintesis dan Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Senyawa Turunan Bromo-kuersetin”, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah ISFI XVI, Yogyakarta, 11-12 Agustus, 2008
Sundani Nurono Soewandhi, Ni Nyoman Wiwik Sutrisni, I Ketut Adnyana, Asa’rie Nawawi., “Dissolusi Rate And Stability Of Pellet Of Garlic (Allium Sativum) Aqueous ExtracT”, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah ISFI XVI, Yogyakarta, 11-12 Agustus, 2008
Gunawan Pamudji Widodo, Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Sukrasno, I Ketut Adnyana, “Isolation Of Antifungal And Antibacterial Compounds From Ethanol Extract Of Ageratum Leaves (Ageratum conyzoides L.)”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
I Ketut Adnyana, Asari Nawawi, Neng Fisheri, Linda Adriyani, Hayati N Adisani, “Antiarthritic Effect Of Ethanol Extract Of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl Frutis On Collagen-Induced Arthritic Rats”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
I Ketut Adnyana, Elin Yulinah, Muh. Sukandar Insanu, “Antidislipidemic Activity of Ethanol Extract of Nut Grass (Cyperus rotundus L.) on Male Rat”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, November 29-30, 2006
Djatiningsih, M., Sigit, J.I., Adnyana, I. K., “Effect of Corn Silk (Maydis Stigma) Extract on Renal Failure Rat Induced by Combination of Gentamicin and Piroxicam”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, November 29-30, 2006
Kurniati, N.F., Yulinah, E., Adnyana, I. K., “Activity Test of Ethanol Extract of Red Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Rosc. Var. Sunti Val.) Rhizomes and Its Fraction Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strain H37Rv, Strain Lakes-232, and Strain Labkes-450”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, November 29-30, 2006
Leni Herliani Afrianti Priyatno, Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Slamet Ibrahim, I. Ketut Adnyana, “Isolasi, Elusidasi Struktur dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak buah Salak Bongkok (Salacca Edulis Reinw.)”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional PATPI, Yogyakarta, 2-3 Agustus 2006
I Ketut Adnyana, “Aromaterapi dan masalah kesehatan wanita”, Seminar Naturopati dan kesehatan wanita self healing, Aula Barat Bandung, 2005
I Ketut Adnyana, “Aromaterapi dan masalah kesehatan wanita”, Seminar Naturopati dan kesehatan wanita self healing, Aula Barat Bandung, 2005
Rani W. H., As’ari N., I K. Adnyana, Sjamsul A. A., Lukman M., Euis H. H., Yana M. S. dan Mariko K., “Glukosida benzofenon dari buah merah mahkota dewa Phaleria macrocarpa serta uji aktivitas terhadap DPPH dan sel murin leukemia P-388”, Simposium Purnabakti Prof. Dr. Sjamsul Arifin Ahmad, Aula Barat ITB Bandung. (poster), 2004
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