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Kelas Internasional

Mata Kuliah Wajib

Semester 5

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FA 3112 Development & Validation of Analytical Methods 2
FA 3111 Instrumental Pharmaceutical Analysis 3 (1)
FA 3131 Pharmaceutical Technology of Liquid-Semisolid Dosage Forms 4 (1)
FA 3132 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3
FA 3141 Pharmacology and Toxicology II 3 (1)
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Semester 6

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FA 3241 Basic Pharmacotherapy 2
FA 3201 Environmental Pharmacy 2
FA 3211 Practicum of Biochemistry and Bioanalysis 2 (2)
FA 3232 Pharmacokinetics 3 (1)
FA 3231 Pharmaceutical Technology of Solid Dosage Forms 3 (1)
FA 3221 Analytical Pharmacognosy 3 (1)
SKS Semester 6: 15

Semester 7

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FA 4111 Medicinal Chemistry 2
FA 4141 Communication, Drug Information and Education 2
FA 4001 Final Project I 1
FA 4121 Phytochemistry 4 (1)
FA 4101 Pharmaceutical Statistics 2
FA 4131 Biopharmacy 2
FA 4002 Introduction to Pharmacy Profession 2
SKS Semester 7: 15

Semester 8

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FA 4092 Seminar 1
FA 4201 Pharmacy Management 2
FA 4091 Final Project II 5
FA 4093 Final Comprehensive Examination 1
FA 4221 Natural Product Technology 2
FA 4231 Basic Industrial Pharmacy 2
SKS Semester 8: 13

Mata Kuliah Pilihan

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS Rekomendasi Semester Pengambilan
FA 2011 Food Safety Analysis 2 3
FA 2031 Drug Stability 2 3
FA 3011 Chromatography and Electrophoresis 2 5
FA 3012 Radio Pharmacy 2 5
FA 3013 Analytical Toxicology 2 5
FA 3014 Analytical Microbiology 2 5
FA 3021 Marine Pharmacognosy 2 5
FA 3022 Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, and Secondary Metabolite Biosynthesis 2 5
FA 3031 Pharmaceutical Polymer 2 5
FA 3032 Cosmetics Technology 2 5
FA 4011 Synthesis of Drug Compounds 2 7
FA 4012 Principle of Halal Assurance System in Pharmacy 2 7
FA 4031 Cell Therapy & Tissue Engineering 2 7
FA 4032 Future Recombinant Therapy 2 7
FA 4033 Kapita Selekta Farmasetika 2 7
FA 4034 Veterinary Pharmacy 2 7
FA 4035 Nanopharmaceutics 2 7
FA 4036 Crystallography 2 7
FA 4041 Ethnopharmacology 2 7
FA 4037 Capita Selecta of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2

Mata Kuliah Wajib

Semester 1

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
MA 1102 Mathematics IB 3
FI 1102 Elementary Physics IB 3
KI 1101 General Chemistry IA 3
KU 1011 Indonesian Language: Scientific Writing 2
FA 1101 Introduction to Pharmacy & Health 2
FA 1102 Pharmaceutical Cellular Biology 2
KU 1102 Introduction to Computation 3
SKS Semester 1: 18

Semester 2

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
MA 1202 Mathematics IIB 3
FI 1202 Elementary Physics IIB 3
KI 1201 General Chemistry IIA 3
KU 1001 Sports 2
FA 1241 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 2
KU 1202 Introduction to Engineering and Design 3
KU 1024 English 2
SKS Semester 2: 18

Semester 3

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FK 2111 Medical Microbiology 3 (1)
KU 206X Religion and Ethics 2
FK 2131 Basic Physical Pharmacy 2
FA 2141 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 2
FK 2141 Epidemiology 2
FA 2131 Basic Pharmaceutics 3 (1)
FA 2121 Pharmaceutical Botany 3 (1)
FA 2114 Drug Organic Chemistry 2
SKS Semester 3: 19

Semester 4

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FK 2211 Medical Biochemistry 2
KU 2071 Pancasila and Civic Education 2
FK 2221 General Pharmacognosy 3 (1)
FK 2212 Clinical Chemistry 2
FK 2241 Pathophysiology 2
FA 2241 Pharmacology and Toxicology 3 (1)
FA 2242 Immunology 2
SKS Semester 4: 16

Semester 5

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FK 3112 Drug Analysis 3 (1)
FK 3132 Biopharmacy and Clinical Pharmacokinetics 3
FK 3111 Practicum Clinical Biochemistry 2 (2)
FK 3131 Basics of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Technology 3 (1)
FK 3141 Basic of Hospital Pharmacy 2
FK 3142 Pharmacotherapy I 2
FA 3141 Pharmacology and Toxicology II 3 (1)
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Semester 6

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FK 3232 IV Admixture 2
FK 3221 Phytotherapy 3
FK 3242 Pharmacotherapy II 3
FK 3231 Medical Biotechnology 2
FK 3241 Communication and Basic Counseling 2
FA 3201 Environmental Pharmacy 2
SKS Semester 6: 14

Semester 7

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FK 4002 Introduction to Pharmacy Profession 2 (2)
FK 4143 Pharmacoeconomics 2
FK 4101 Biostatistics 2
FK 4142 Basic Clinical Pharmacy 3 (1)
FK 4001 Final Project I 1
FA 4111 Medicinal Chemistry 2
FK 4141 Counseling and Drug Information 3 (1)
SKS Semester 7: 15

Semester 8

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
FK 4241 Evaluation of Drug Efficacy and Safety 2
FK 4091 Final Project II 5
FK 4092 Seminar 1
FK 4093 Final Comprehensive Examination 1
FA 4201 Pharmacy Management 2
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Mata Kuliah Pilihan

Kode Mata Kuliah SKS Rekomendasi Semester Pengambilan
FK 2041 Sport Physiology 2 3
FK 2042 Hematology 2 3
FK 3041 Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 2 5
FK 3042 Parasitology and Virology 2 5
FK 3043 Clinical Toxicology 2 5
FK 4041 Immunotherapy 2 7
FK 4042 Medical Nutrition Therapy 2 7
FK 4043 Pharmacovigilance 2 7
FK 4044 Molecular Diagnosis Clinical Applications 2 7
FK 4045 Pharmacogenomics 2 7
FK 4046 Digital Clinical Pharmacy 2 7
FK 4047 Disaster Mitigation in Pharmacy 2 7
FK 4048 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) 2 7
FK 3101 Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurship 3
FK 4003 International Exposure in Pharmacy 2
FK 4004 Independent Learning 2
Visiting Research Program Konten