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International Virtual Course 2023

International Virtual Course 2023

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One of the missions of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is to become a World Class University (WCU). Central to the achievement of the mission is to create and maintain an international academic atmosphere. The School of Pharmacy contributes to the effort by organizing annual summer school programs which are open to local and foreign students, involving lecturers from overseas institutions.

The summer school program is expected to contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practices through sharing of knowledge and experiences, and to promote cultural exchange among the participants. Due to the present situation, the summer school will be offered as an online lecture series, namely International Virtual Course.

This year, the School of Pharmacy offers three different virtual courses with the following topics:


Plant tissue culture plays pivotal role in advancing research and understanding on plant metabolism. It has been helping the elucidation of secondary metabolites pathway. Together with genetic engineering tools, plant tissue culture has broadened its scope and intensified the influence on agriculture as well as on secondary metabolites production at industrial scale.

International virtual course program formulated by Bandung Institute of Technology as a bridge to connect students from all over the world and Indonesia and professional as a means for continuing education. This IVC provides basic knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of plant tissue culture together with understanding of secondary metabolites pathway. The course will be presented by lecturers from the School of Pharmacy, School of Life Science and Technology ITB as well as professional and internationally renowned researchers.


According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), disaster is defined as ‘A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its resources.’ Disasters have a negative impact on health. Health issues during disasters arise from various aspects, including injuries sustained by disaster victims, limited capacity of healthcare, and destruction of the environment that leads to diseases. Disruption in pharmacy supply is also one of the leading health challenges during a disaster.

Healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, are expected to operate efficiently during the highly demanding disaster situation. Pharmacists are responsible for the provision and ensuring the proper use of medication for patients. Additionally, pharmacists might have to expand their role. They are also given extended responsibilities due to the limited numbers of other healthcare professionals during a disaster. Given these critical roles, it is essential to ensure that pharmacists have proper knowledge and sufficient training regarding disaster management.

This course will provide students with basic knowledge regarding disaster management, especially from pharmacists’ perspective. This knowledge includes risk assessment and disaster mapping, risk communication and disaster preparedness, pharmaceutical supply/logistics planning for disaster, and roles and responsibilities of various organizations during a disaster. This course will also include two case studies for risk assessment and logistic planning.

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