- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1994
- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1998
- S3 Kyushu University, Fukuoka – Jepang 2004
NS Ni’ma, K AnggadiredjaBiology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry 13 (1), 199-204, 2024
Computer-Assisted Histopathological Calculation Analysis of the Sciatic Nerve of Diabetic Neuropathy Rat Model
IT Lestari, K Anggadiredja, AN Garmana, S NurafniBorneo Journal of Pharmacy 7 (2), 126-135, 2024 -
Piperine- hydroxybenzoate as phytochemistry antiosteoarthritis combination: Structural, solubility, and in vivo antiinflammatory study
A Sartinah, H Uekusa, Y Abekura, S Ibrahim, K Anggadiredja, I NugrahaniHeliyon 10 (11), 2024 -
Potent antioxidant activity of black grass jelly (Mesona palustris BL) leaf extract and fractions
DA Deswati, K Anggadiredja, AN GarmanaPharmacia 71, 1-5, 2024 -
Calcium Nanoliposomes: Potential Insulin Release Stimulator In Vivo.
K Anggadiredja, R MauludinMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 20, 2024 -
Healthcare Professionals’ Attitudes towards Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting in Primary Healthcare Settings: A Cross-sectional Survey
CT Yuniar, RZ Fadhilah, K Anggadiredja, L AmaliaJURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) 14 (1), 64-68, 2024 -
The Phytochemistry, Ethnobotany, and Cardioprotective Potential of the Medicinal Plants Zingiber officinale Roscoe Var Rubrum, Curcuma domestica Val. and Allium sativum
PS Dewi, K Anggadiredja, NF KurniatiBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 14 (1), 2023 -
The potential of Nigella sativa oil on clinical output improvement of diabetic neuropathy.
S Syuhada, K Anggadiredja, NF Kurniati, A AkromJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 13 (9), 009-017, 2023 -
Studi Efikasi dan Pemantauan Reaksi Obat Merugikan dari Antiplatelet pada Pasien Pasca Stroke Iskemik di RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung (Efficacy Study and Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions of Antiplatelet Therapy in Post-Ischemic Stroke Patients at dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital)
RR Ariani, L Amalia, S Gunadharma, K AnggadiredjaJurnal Sains dan Kesehatan 5 (5), 850-859, 2023 -
Decreased Expression of EP3 Receptor mRNA in the Brain of Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
K Anggadiredja, NF Kurniati, A Kasai, H HashimotoMicroRNA 12 (3), 221-226, 2023 -
Ameliorating Effects of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) on Nicotine Dependence and Quality of Life in Smokers
K Anggadiredja, L Amalia, FA HaqCNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders) 22 (8), 1243-1249, 2023 -
The Potential of Nigella sativa oil on Clinical output improvement of diabetic neuropathy
K Anggadiredja, NF KurniatiJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 13 (9), 009-017, 2023 -
Anti-neuropathic pain mechanistic study on A. conyzoides essential oil, Precocene II, Caryophyllene, or Longifolene as single agents and in combination with pregabalin
YP Sukmawan, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaCNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders) 22 (6), 924-931, 2023 -
Potential combined effect of Spirulina platensis and Momordica charantia fruits on attenuation of isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats: identification and prediction its mechanism
GK Prasesti, K Anggadiredja, NF KurniatiPharmacia 70 (3), 425-433, 2023 -
Effect of the Surfactant Charge on the Characteristics and Anticancer Effects of Docetaxel-loaded Poloxamer Polymeric Micelles
D Harry Nugraha, K Anggadiredja, H RachmawatiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 11 (2), 167-179, 2023 -
Centella asiatica (Indian Pennywort) Extract and Exercise Increase Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Plasma, Cognition, and Physical Fitness among Menopausal Women
I Setiawan, LA Fitriana, IK Adnyana, K Anggadiredja, N Ufamy, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, ST Putri, U Rahmi, S Andriyani, RMT Komarudin, A CahyaniUniversal Journal of Public Health 11(6), 861-868, 2023 -
Essential oil of Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.: Acute and subchronic toxicity studies
IK Adnyana, K Anggadiredja, YP SukmawanJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 11 (4), 625-634, 2023 -
Momordica charantia Fruit Extract on Cardiac Biomarker Serum Attenuation in Rats and its Bioactive Compound Molecular Docking Against SIRT-1 Protein.
GK Prasesti, K Anggadiredja, NF KurniatiTropical Journal of Natural Product Research 7 (1), 2023 -
Alkaloids from Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb Leaf as Promising Candidates for Antidyslipidemic Agents: An in silico study
MP Lumbanraja, K Anggadiredja, HN Muhammad, NF KurniatiPharmacognosy Journal 15 (1), 2023 -
Potential metabolites of Arecaceae family for the natural anti-osteoarthritis medicine: A review
A Sartinah, I Nugrahani, S Ibrahim, K AnggadiredjaHeliyon 8 (12), 2022 -
Effect of Banana (Musa sp.) Peels Extract in Nanoemulsion Dosage Forms for the Improvement of Memory: In Vitro & In Vivo Studies
NA Al-Hakim, I Fidrianny, K Anggadiredja, R MauludinPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 10 (4), 299, 2022 -
Effect of the Surfactant Charge on the Characteristics and Anticancer Effects of Docetaxel-loaded Poloxamer Polymeric Micelles.
H Nugraha, K Anggadiredja, H RachmawatiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology, 2022 -
Bitter melon juice concentrate improves depressive symptoms in a mouse model: Possible effect on brain cortisol
K Anggadiredja, AN GarmanaJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 12 (10), 156-160, 2022 -
YP Sukmawan, L Amalia, IK Adnyana, K AnggadiredjaJurnal Kesehatan Bakti Tunas Husada: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keperawatan, Analis Kesehatan dan Farmasi 22 (1), 58-75, 2022 -
Mini-review of poloxamer as a biocompatible polymer for advanced drug delivery
DH Nugraha, K Anggadiredja, H RachmawatiBrazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 58, e21125, 2022 -
Exercise and Gotu Kola Extract to Ameliorate Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha, Quality of Life, and Executive Function in Cognitive Impairment Women
LA Fitriana, I Darmawati, ST Putri, S Andriyani, S Rohaedi, IK Adnyana, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, U RahmiHealth 10 (5), 465-472, 2022 -
Medication adherence and characteristics of hypertensive patients: A study in rural areas
EY Sukandar, K AnggadiredjaResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 15 (1), 370-374, 2022 -
Differences of electroencephalography wave with eyes-closed between older women with dementia and without dementia
LA Fitriana, A Pragholapati, S Rohaedi, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, IK AdnyanaJournal of Engineering Research – ASSEEE Special Issue, 2021 -
The Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Estradiol Plasma, Quality of Sleep, and Cognitive Function in Menopausal Women.
L Amalia, LA Fitriana, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, A Suherman, NA Novan, L Komariyah, IK AdnyanaMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 17, 2021 -
Effect of Centella Asiatica and Aerobic Exercise in Older Women With Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
LA Fitriana, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, ST Putri, S Rohaedi, K Anggadiredja, I Setiawan, N Fauziyah, IK AdnyanaMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 17, 2021 -
Hypertensive Patients’ Adherence to Medication in Rural Area: A Review.
EY SUKANDAR, K ANGGADIREDJAInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (09752366) 13 (3), 2021 -
Twenty weeks of Centella asiatica improved cognitive function of women elderly with dementia
LA Fitriana, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 755 (1), 012064, 2021 -
H RIASARI, R HARTATI, K ANGGADIREDJAInternational Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 12-16, 2021 -
Anti-neuropathic pain activity of Ageratum conyzoides L due to the essential oil components
YP Sukmawan, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaCNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders) 20 (2), 181-189, 2021 -
Potensi Ketergantungan Mahasiswa Terhadap Konsumsi Minuman Berenergi
K Anggadiredja, TK Putri, S DamayantiJurnal Sains Keolahragaan Dan Kesehatan 6 (1), 2021 -
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) as Adjunct Therapy for Nicotine Dependence in Smokers
K ANGGADIREDJAReport of Grant-Supported Research The Asahi Glass Foundation 90, 2021 -
Immunostimulatory activity test of extract and isolation of the secondary metabolites of kabau (Archidendron Bubalinum) fruit peel
FN Okta, S Sukrasno, K AnggadiredjaBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 12 (2), 2691-2700, 2021 -
Effects of Canarium indicum oil in enhancing brain-derived neurotrophic factor in rats
H Rahman, K Anggadiredja, T Gusdinar, JP Sitompul, T TursinoNusantara Bioscience 12 (2), 2020 -
Demographic factors and disease history associated with dementia among elderly in nursing homes
LA Fitriana, N Ufamy, K Anggadiredja, L Amalia, S Setiawan, IK AdnyanaJurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran 8 (2), 120-128, 2020 -
Ameliorating Effects of Four-Week Fiber-Multivitamin Combination Treatment on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein B Profiles in Hypercholesterolemic Participants
K Anggadiredja, N Ufamy, L Amalia, NF Kurniati, IBM ReyaanJournal of Dietary Supplements 17 (2), 173-183, 2020 -
Penyebaran Virus Corona dalam perspektif geospasial
K Wikantika, A Fibriani, K Anggadiredja, F Ruluwedrata, RM HitoyoITB 17 Februari 2020 -
The Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Cognition, Physical Fitness, and Apolipoprotein E Plasma among Women with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
LA Fitriana, ST Putri, K Anggadiredja, R Theresa, IK AdnyanaInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (09752366) 12 (1), 2020 -
Development of Ethanolic Extract Combination of Centella asiatica and Ipomoea aquatica as a Hypnotic-Sedative Drug: Extract Standardization and Lab Scale Capsule Formulation
NF KURNIATI, K ANGGADIREDJA, EY SUKANDAR, R MAULUDIN旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告 (Reports of research assisted by the Asahi Glass Foundation), 1-10, 2020 -
Comparison profile of quality of life, phosphorylated-tau, and superoxide dismutase plasma in women elderly with and without dementia
LA Fitriana, I Darmawati, LA Nasution, L Amalia, S Rohaedi, K AnggadiredjaSyst Rev Pharm 11 (11), 1600-3, 2020 -
Evaluasi persepsi interprofessional education dan efektivitasnya pada tingkat pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan tentang kb oral dan suntik di Kota Bandung
IY Kusuma, K AnggadiredjaJPSCR: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Research 5 (1), 70-83, 2020 -
Changes in EP3 Receptor mRNA Expression in the Brain of Mice ASD Model
K Anggadiredja, A Kasai, H Hashimoto日本薬理学会年会要旨集 第 93 回日本薬理学会年会, 3-O-099, 2020 -
Hubungan Kemandirian (Basic dan Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) dengan Pendidikan, Status Marital, dan Demensia
LA Fitriana, S Setiawan, K Anggadiredja, IK AdnyanaJurnal Pendidikan Keperawatan Indonesia 5 (2), 177-183, 2019 -
Kajian komposisi kimia, nilai nutrisi, dan etnofarmakologis tanaman genus kenari
HR Rahman, K Anggadiredja, T Gusdinar, JP Sitompul, AR RyadinJurnal Fitofarmaka Indonesia 6 (1), 325-333, 2019 -
Comparison of extraction methods, antioxidant activities, total phenol in seeds and seed shells of kabau (Archidendron bubalinum (Jack) IC Nielsen) from lampung and South Sumatra
H Riasari, SN Fitriansyah, R Hartati, K AnggadiredjaPharmacognosy Journal 11 (6), 2019 -
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan Interprofessional Education (IPE) sebagai Alternatif Peningkatan Pengetahuan Tenaga Kesehatan tentang Kontrasepsi Oral dan Suntik di Kota Bandung
IY Kusuma, DA Nuari, K AnggadiredjaPharmacon: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia 16 (2), 49-57, 2019 -
Hubungan Tingkat Kemandirian (Basic dan Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) dengan Pendidikan, Status Marital, dan Demensia pada Lansia di Panti Wredha
LA Fitriana, N Ufamy, K Anggadiredja, S Setiawan, IK AdnyanaJurnal Pendidikan Keperawatan Indonesia 5 (2), 177-183, 2019 -
Ethanol Extract of Gardenia augusta (L.) Merr. Flowers Produces Sleep Improvement in Rat Model
K Anggadiredja, IK Adnyana, D Safitri, SF Rahmawati, T HendrayanaPharmacognosy Journal 11 (6s), 2019 -
Inhibition of nicotine dependence by curcuminoid is associated with reduced acetylcholinesterase activity in the mouse brain
G Wilar, K Anggadiredja, Y Shinoda, K FukunagaPharmacology 102 (3-4), 223-232, 2018 -
Local sustained delivery of bupivacaine HCl from a new castor oil-based nanoemulsion system
H Rachmawati, YA Arvin, S Asyarie, K Anggadiredja, RR Tjandrawinata, G StormDrug delivery and translational research 8, 515-524, 2018 -
Nanoemulsion based gel formulation of astaxanthin for enhanced permeability: potential as a transdermal drug delivery system
L Nurdianti, F Setiawan, AR Indra, D Mudhakir, K AnggadiredjaInt J Pharm Sci Rev Res 52 (2), 55-9, 2018 -
Smoking cessation counseling program: a pilot study on college smokers
F Surachman, K Anggadiredja, SF Rahmawati, Z ZazuliKnE Life Sciences, 411-419-411-419, 2018 -
Synthesis of Structured Triglycerides Based on Canarium Oil for Food Application.
JP Sitompul, T Gusdinar, K Anggadiredja, H RahmanJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 50 (1), 2018 -
D Anggraeny, A Barlian, K AnggadiredjaMedika Kartika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan 1 (1), 15-31, 2017 -
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Peresepan Obat Rawat Jalan Terhadap Formularium Obat Pada Salah Satu Provider Asuransi Kesehatan Komersil Di Bandung
E Kusumahati, K Anggadiredja, L LustianiMedical Sains: Jurnal Ilmiah Kefarmasian 2 (1), 18-24, 2017 -
Evaluation of rational drug use for acute pharyngitis associated with the incidence and prevalence of the disease at two community health centers in Indonesia
CT Yuniar, K Anggadiredja, AN IslamiyahScientia Pharmaceutica 85 (2), 22, 2017 -
The in vitro-in vivo safety confirmation of peg-40 hydrogenated castor oil as a surfactant for oral nanoemulsion formulation
H Rachmawati, MA Novel, S Ayu, G Berlian, OM Tandrasasmita, RR Tjandrawinata, K AnggadiredjaScientia pharmaceutica 85 (2), 18, 2017 -
In vitro evaluation of xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of selected medicinal plants
R Hendriani, EY Sukandar, KS Anggadiredja, S SukrasnoInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 8 (4), 235-238, 2016 -
In vitro antibacterial activity of Kaempferia pandurata Roxb. and Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. extracts in combination with certain antibiotics against MSSA and MRSA
EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, K Anggadiredja, A KamilInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 8 (1), 108-11, 2016 -
Antifungal Activity of Kombucha Tea Against Human Pathogenic Fungi
A Yuniarto, K Anggadiredja, RAN AqidahAsian J Pharm Clin Res 9 (5), 253-255, 2016 -
Consumption study and identification of methyl salicylate in spicy cassava chips
M Nirjana, K Anggadiredja, S DamayantiAIP Conference Proceedings 1677 (1), 2015 -
Intraoral Film Containing Insulin-Phospholipid Microemulsion: Formulation and In Vivo Hypoglycemic Activity Study
H Rachmawati, BM Haryadi, K Anggadiredja, V SuendoAAPS PharmSciTech 16, 692-703, 2015 -
Synthesis and characterization of 2-monoacylglycerols from Canarium oil (Canarium indicum)
H Rahman, K Anggadiredja, JP Sitompul, T GusdinarProcedia Food Science 3, 162-173, 2015 -
Antimicrobial Activity of Fractions of Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels) Leaves Extract Against Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria and Fungi
L Mulqie, K AnggadiredjaProceeding of the International Conference on Herbal Medicine Industrialization as Complementary Therapy in Natural Disasters, 22-28, 2015 -
Interaction between cholinergic and opioid systems in relapse to alcohol dependence
K Anggadiredja, JS LebangInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 7, 103-106, 2015 -
Cardiovascular Effects of Phaleria macrocarpa Extracts Combined with Mainstay FAC Regimen for Breast Cancer
K Anggadiredja, RR TjandrawinataCardiovascular toxicology 15, 90-99, 2015 -
Tafsir Salman: Tafsir Ilmiah Juz ‘Amma
Team Tafsir Ilmiah Salman ITBAlMizan, 2014 -
The Dual Positive Actions of Colonic Release of Ibuprofen in TNBS-Induced Colitis Wistar Rats
H Rachmawati, IK Adnyana, K AnggadiredjaJournal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 2014, 2014 -
In vitro evaluation of xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of Sonchus arvensis leaves
R Hendriani, EY Sukandar, K Anggadiredja, S SukrasnoInt J Pharm Clin Res 6, 501-3, 2014 -
A Barlian, K Anggadiredja, A Rakhmat旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告 (Reports of research assisted by the Asahi Glass Foundation), 1-9, 2014 -
Acute and subchronic oral toxicity studies of ethyl acetate extract of sonchus arvensis L. leaves
Y Nurianti, R Hendriani, EY Sukandar, K AnggadiredjaInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 6 (5), 343-7, 2014 -
Antihypertensive Effect of Bay Leaf Extract (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp., Myrtaceae)
S Sukrasno, K Anggadiredja, D Dudi, AB SuciatmoActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 38 (4), 134-138, 2013 -
Involvement of Cholinergic System in Alcohol Dependence Behavior
R Islamie, K Anggadiredja, SSA HernandezProceedings – 2nd ASEAN Academic Society International Conference (AASIC), 43, 2013 -
Evaluation of Adverse Effects of Mutein Forms of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha-2b in Female Swiss Webster Mice
H Rachmawati, A Merika, RA Ningrum, K Anggadiredja, DS RetnoningrumBioMed Research International 2013 (1), 943687, 2013 -
Antiinflamasi Salep Kombinasi Ekstrak Babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides) dan Jahe (Zingiber officinale)
EY Sukandar, AG Suganda, U Mar’u, E Kumolosasi, K Anggadiredja, E AndrijantoPaten dan Invensi (Granted), 2013 -
Study the potency of colonic pellet containing ibuprofen on the suppression of gastro duodenal ulceration in male Wistar rats
H Rachmawati, K Apparavoo, A Anatasia, K AnggadiredjaInt. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 4(4), 523-527, 2013 -
Antifungal potency of turtle eggshell extract.
A Barlian, K Anggadiredja, I PrihatinJournal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 7 (8), 369-377, 2012 -
Antihypertensive potency of wild cosmos (Cosmos caudatus Kunth, Asteraceae) leaf extract.
L Amalia, K Anggadiredja, S Sukrasno, I Fidrianny, R InggrianiJournal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 7 (8), 359-368, 2012 -
Damage in fungal morphology underlies the antifungal effect of lyophilisate of granular gland secretion from Duttaphrynus melanostictus frog.
A Barlian, K Anggadiredja, A KusumoriniJournal of Biological Sciences 11 (3), 282-287, 2011 -
Structure of Duttaphrynus melanostictus frog skin and antifungal potency of the skin extract.
A Barlian, K Anggadiredja, A Kusumorini, U EkawatiJournal of Biological Sciences 11 (2), 196-202, 2011 -
SP Fitrianingsih, EY Sukandar, K AnggadiredjaProsiding SNaPP: Sains, Teknologi 2 (1), 1-8, 2011 -
Damage in Fungal Morphology Underlies the Antifungal Effect of Lyophilisate of Granular Gland Secretion from Duttaphrynus melanostictus Frog
A Barlian, K Anggadiredja, A KusumoriniJournal of Biological Sciences 11 (3), 282-287, 2011 -
Virgin Coconut Oil prevents nicotine dependence and relapse.
K Anggadiredja, A Barlian, YDM Pinang, D AnggraenyInternational Journal of Pharmacology 7 (5), 664-669, 2011 -
Pengaruh Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk. Dan Ekstrak Rimpang Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. Terhadap Fase Pralahir Tikus Wistar
SP Fitrianingsih, EY Sukandar, K AnggadiredjaProsiding Konferensi Nasional Sains dan Aplikasinya Tahun 2011, 2011 -
Influence of drying method on flavonoid content of Cosmos caudatus (Kunth) leaves.
S Sukrasno, I Fidriany, K Anggadiredja, WA Handayani, K AnamResearch Journal of Medicinal Plant 5 (2), 189-195, 2011 -
Nicotine Alters Caffeine Behavioral Dependence Pattern: A Study of Conditioned Place Preference
H Pramastya, K AnggadiredjaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (3&4), 2011 -
Neuroprotective effect of gotu kola (centella asiatica L urban) in cerebral ischemic rat model
H Pramastya, K Anggadiredja, I FidrianyProceeding 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Natural Science, 77-90, 2010 -
Suppression of methamphetamine-seeking behavior by nicotinic agonists
T Hiranita, Y Nawata, K Sakimura, K Anggadiredja, T YamamotoProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (22), 8523-8527, 2006 -
Studi Efek Teratogenik Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) pada Tikus Wistar Putih
K Anggadiredja, EY Sukandar, S SantosaMaranatha Journal of Medicine and Health 5 (2), 148784, 2006 -
Decrease in prostaglandin level is a prerequisite for the expression of cannabinoid withdrawal: a quasi abstinence approach
K Anggadiredja, T Yamaguchi, H Tanaka, Y Shoyama, S Watanabe, T YamamotoBrain research 1066 (1-2), 201-205, 2005 -
Nicotinic agonists inhibit reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking behavior in rats
T Yamamoto, T Hiranita, K AnggadiredjaNEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 30, S219-S219, 2005 -
Activation of rat nicotinic cholinergic system in the prelimbic cortex attenuates reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking behavior
T Hiranita, M Miyamoto, K Sakimura, K Anggadiredja, C Fujisaki, T YamamatoJOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 97, 264P-264P, 2005 -
Endocannabinoid system in the amygdala and nucleus accumbens: Role in relapse to methamphetamine seeking
K Sakimura, T Hiranita, K Anggadiredja, T YamamotoJOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 97, 61P-61P, 2005 -
Nicotine attenuates relapse to methamphetamine-seeking behavior (craving) in rats
T Hiranita, K Anggadiredja, C Fujisaki, S Watanabe, T YamamotoAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1025 (1), 504-507, 2004 -
Naltrexone attenuates cue-but not drug-induced methamphetamine seeking: a possible mechanism for the dissociation of primary and secondary reward
K Anggadiredja, K Sakimura, T Hiranita, T YamamotoBrain research 1021 (2), 272-276, 2004 -
Endocannabinoid system modulates relapse to methamphetamine seeking: possible mediation by the arachidonic acid cascade
K Anggadiredja, M Nakamichi, T Hiranita, H Tanaka, Y Shoyama, S Watanabe, T YamamotoNeuropsychopharmacology 29 (8), 1470-1478, 2004 -
Behavioral pharmacological studies of endocannabinoid-arachidonic acid cascade interaction in the brain reward system
K AnggadiredjaKyushu University, 2004 -
A Role for the Endocannabinoid-Arachidonic Acid Pathway in Drug Reward and Long-Lasting Relapse to Drug Taking
Y Tsuneyuki, A Kusnandar, H TakatoThe Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 96 (4), 382-388, 2004 -
New perspectives in the studies on endocannabinoid and cannabis: a role for the endocannabinoid-arachidonic acid pathway in drug reward and long-lasting relapse to drug taking
T Yamamoto, K Anggadiredja, T HiranitaJournal of pharmacological sciences 96 (4), 382-388, 2004 -
Prostaglandin E2 attenuates SR141716A-precipitated withdrawal in tetrahydrocannabinol-dependent mice
K Anggadiredja, T Yamaguchi, H Tanaka, Y Shoyama, S Watanabe, T YamamotoBrain Research 966 (1), 47-53, 2003 -
Role of cannabinoid system in relapse to methamphetamine seeking.
K Anggadiredja, T Hiranita, T Yamatani, M Nakamichi, S Watanabe, T YamamotoJOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 91, 169P-169P, 2003 -
Effect of nicotine on relapse to methamphetamine-seeking behavior in rats
Judul | Tahun | Tempat | Peserta |
Peningkatan Waspada Narkoba di Kalangan Mahasiswa ITB | 2023 | ITB | Mahasiswa ITB dan Civitas Akademika ITB |
Edukasi mengenai Interaksi Obat COVID-19 kepada Tenaga Kesehatan | 2020 | Daring | Tenaga Kesehatan |
Aktivitas Senyawa Inhibitor COX-2 Turunan Pirazol pada Model Hewan Ketergantungan Nikotin (2020)
International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) as adjunct therapy for niicotine dependence in smokers (2020)
Pemberian Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif (RISPRO) Terkait Pengembangan Sediaan Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Binahong (Anredera Cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis Dan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Tempuyung (Sonchus Arvensis L.) Sebagai Kandidat Fitofarmaka Untuk Antihi (2019)
Studi Ekspresi Reseptor Prostaglandin EP3 dan Enzim Siklooksigenase pada Model Hewan Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (2019)
Hibah Penyusunan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Prodi (2018)
Studi Ekspresi Reseptor Prostaglandin EP3 dan Enzim Siklooksigenase pada Model Hewan Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (2018)
Pelaksanaan Seminar Tahun 2017 (2017)
Penerimaan Dana legalisir 2017 (2017)
Clinical Study of Oral Bios-Life C Twice Daily for 8 Weeks in the Treatment of Adults with Hyperlipidemia (2016)
Desain Perangkat Rekayasa Jaringan Kulit Berbasis Porogen Mikropartikal dalam Matriks Kotosan dengan Berbagai Bobot Molekul (2016)
Mannosilasi nanopartikel menggunakan produk hidrolisis acemannan sebagai agen pentarget antibiotika ke sel makrofag (2016)
Efek Nanokurkumin pada Model Hewan Ketergantungan Alkohol (2015)
Pengembangan dan Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi Ekstrak Terstandar Stobilanthes Crispus L sebagai Diuretik dan Anti Batu Ginjal (2015)
Potensi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) sebagai Adjunct Therapy untuk Pasien Ketergantungan Obat yang Menjalani Terapi Rumatan Metadon (2015)
Royalti Fortibi Priode Bulan januari- Desember 2015 (2015)
Efek Antidepresan dan Pengaruh Ketergantungan dari Isolat Arilus Pala (Myristica Fragrans Houtt.) (2014)
Pengembangan interferon alfa 2b rekombinan untuk terapi kanker (2014)
Pengembangan Nanofiber Responsif pH sebagai Sistem Pembawa Kurkumin untuk Tujuan Penghantaran Bertarget ke Kolon (2014)
Potensi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) sebagai Adjunct Therapy untuk Pasien Ketergantungan Obat yang Menjalani Terapi Rumatan Metadon (2014)
Kajian pangan nusantara berbahan dasar biji kenari (Canarium indicum): Pengembangan teknologi dari produk tradisi hingga bahan baku farmasi (2013)
Keterlibatan Sistem Kolinergik pada Perilaku Ketergantungan Alkohol (2013)
Nanoemulsifikasi Spontan Kurkumin untuk Peningkatan Bioavailabilitas Proses Pembentukan Serta Karakterisasi in Vitro-in vivo (2013)
Pengembangan Film Intraoral Mengandung Insulin Nanoemulsi, Karakterisasi Profil Pelepasannya, serta Kajian Efektivitasnya pada Model Hewan (2013)
Pengembangan Mutan Interferon Alpha-2B untuk Terapi Kanker (2013)
PENGEMBANGAN OBAT HERBAL TERSTANDAR ANTIPIRAI DARI EKSTRAK DAUN TEMPUYUNG (SONCHUS ARVENSIS L.) Development of Standardized Antigout Herbal Medicine from Tempuyung (Sonchus Arvensis L.) Leaf Extract (2013)
Dana Pendamping PHKI (2012)
Kajian Penekanan Ulser dari Colonic targeting ibuprofen pelet-salut serta studi efikasinya dalam penanganan model inflammatory bowel disease pada tikus jantan galur wistar (2012)
Lustrum Ke-13 Tahun 2012 Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi -ITB (2012)
Program Development (PDV) 2012 (2012)
Dana Pendamping 2011Sub Component B.2c Grant for Performance Based Contract (2011)
Dana pendamping PHK-I 2011 (2011)
Isolasi Peptida antifungi dari Ekstrak Kulit Telur Unggas (Isolation of Antifungal Peptides from Avian Eggshell) (2011)
Dana pendamping PHK-I 2010 (2010)
Development of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) as Anti-Nicotine Addiction: A Neuroinflammatory Approach (2010)
Isolasi Peptida Antifungi dari Sekret Kulit Katak (2010)
Pengembangan Ekstrak Daun Salam Komposit Sebagai Bahan Antihipertensi Tanpa Efek Konstipasi (2010)
Ekspresi Reseptor Prostanoid EP3 Pada Beberapa Daerah Otak Pengatur Memori dari Tikus Ketergantungan Nikotin (2009)
Pengembangan Ekstrakt Daun Salam Komposit Sebagai Bahan Antihipertensi Tanpa Efek Konstipasi (2009)
Pengembangan Sediaan Tropikal Antifugi dari Sekret Kulit Katak (2009)
Senyawa Kationik Porfirin Baru Sebagai Kandidat Anti Kanker (2009)
Judul | Tahun | Tipe | No. Paten |
Salep kombinasi ekstrak babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides) dan jahe (Zingiber officinale) sebagai antiinflamasi | 2013 | Paten | P002001100060 |