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Dr. Fransiska Kurniawan, S.Farm., M.Si

Sekolah / Fakultas:
Sekolah Farmasi
Kelompok Keahlian:
Jabatan Fungsional:
siska at; fransiskakurniawan at


  • S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2013
  • S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2015
  • S3 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2018

Awards 10th terakhir

  • First Runner-Up Oral Presenter in The 2nd International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry 2017
  • Beasiswa PMDSU 2013 -2017
  • Beasiswa Sandwich-like Program, DIKTI, Keio University, Jepang, dengan supervisor Prof. Naoki Yoshioka 2016
  • Beasiswa Sandwich-like Program, DIKTI, Keio University, Jepang, dengan supervisor Prof. Naoki Yoshioka 2015
Judul Tahun Funding
Source Total (IDR million)
Study of antivirus molecules for SARS-CoV-2 by in silico method 2020 RISTEKBRIN 195
Porphyrin derivatives as radiopharmaceutical kit for cancer diagnostic 2020 Kemenristek/BRIN 456.5
In silico study and synthesis orientation of caffeine derivatives as anticancer candidate 2020 P3MI ITB 100
Development of Food Additives (BTP) Safety Evaluation Methods Based on Computing Methods (In Silico) As a Supporting System in Policy Implementation 2019 LPDP 327.6
Safety Study of Sildenafil and Its Derivatives Using the In Silico Method 2019 P3MI ITB 100
Porphyrin derivatives as radiopharmaceutical kit for cancer diagnostic 2019 Kemenritek-dikti 237.6
In vivo study of porphyrin derivatives as anticancer candidate 2019 Riset ITB 250
Development of mefenamic acid synthesis as an effort to encourage national independence in the provision of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) 2017 Kemenkes RI 238.5
Development of porphyrin derivatives as radiopharmaceutical ligands, photosensitizer, and anticancer 2017 Kemenritek-dikti 416.5
Development of porphyrin derivatives as radiopharmaceutical ligands, photosensitizer, and anticancer 2016 Kemenritek-dikti 450
Collaborative Research at Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio University, Japan (Program Sandwich-Like) 2016 DIKTI 95
Synthesis of porphyrin derivatives and labeling with 99mTc as radiopharmaceutical kit ligand 2016 Riset KK ITB 150
Development of porphyrin derivatives as radiopharmaceutical ligands, photosensitizer, and anticancer 2015 Kemenritek-dikti 381
Study of reactivity, structure, and complex electronic properties of porphyrin derivatives with transition metal using density functional theory (DFT) method 2015 Riset KK ITB 150
Judul Tahun Tempat Peserta
  • Pengembangan Senyawa Turunan Aminofenil Porfirin sebagai Ligan Radiofarmaka (2021)

  • International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)

  • Uji Toksisitas Akut oral dan dermal PT. Indesso Aroma (2020)

  • Pemberian Pendanaan Riset Inovatif Produktif (RISPRO) Terkait Pengembangan Metode Evaluasi Keamanan Bahan Tambahan Pangan (btp) Berbasis Metode Komputasi (in Silico) Sebagai Supporting System Dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Dan Tata Kelola Terkait Prosedur (2019)

  • Pengujian Ekstrak Gambir, abu sabut kelapa, dan asap Cair (2019)

Judul Tahun Tipe No. Paten
Senyawa Turunan Porfirin Sebagai Antikanker dan Ligan Radiofarmaka Serta Metode Sintesisnya 2018 Paten P00201809524