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- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1996
- S3 The University of Nottingham, Nottingham – Inggris 2007
RS Rosdianto, N Zakiyah, RN Viviani, FS Deisberanda, TL Nareswari, S Satrialdi, I Fidrianny, DR Adhika, WX Waresindo, U Supratman, T SuciatiACS Omega 8 (18), 15932-15950, 2023
Biopolymer-based polycaprolactone-hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
A Aminatun, T Suciati, YW Sari, M Sari, KA Alamsyah, W Purnamasari, Y YusufInternational Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 72 (5), 376-385, 2023 -
The Effect of Polyvinyl Alcohol on the Multicomponent Biopolymer/Hydroxyapatite/Carbonated Hydroxyapatite Composite
YW Sari, RM Munir, A Saputra, M Sari, A Aminatun, T Suciati, Y YusufPrePrint https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2578080/v1 -
Freeze-thaw hydrogel fabrication method: basic principles, synthesis parameters, properties, and biomedical applications
WX Waresindo, HR Luthfianti, A Priyanto, DA Hapidin, D Edikresnha, AH Aimon, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalMaterials Research Express 10 (2), 2023 -
A facile technique for overcoming seeding barriers of hydrophobic polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite-based nanofibers for bone tissue engineering
TL Nareswari, M Juniatik, A Aminatun, M Sari, RA Utami, YW Sari, K Khairurrijal, Y Yusuf, T SuciatiJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 13 (2), 049-060, 2023 -
Physicochemical Characteristics and Antibacterial Activities of Freeze-Thawed Polyvinyl Alcohol/Andrographolide Hydrogels
HR Luthfianti, WX Waresindo, D Edikresnha, A Chahyadi, T Suciati, FA Noor, K KhairurrijalACS Omega 8 (3), 2915-2930, 2023 -
Combined Treatment Effect of Topical CM-hWJMSCs and Oral Moringa oleifera extract on Wound Healing of Diabetic Rat
DR Laksmitawati, U Marwati, W Widowati, R Noverina, T Suciati, A FariedOpen Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 11 (A), 23-30, 2023 -
Current developments on rotary forcespun nanofibers and prospects for edible applications
A Priyanto, DA Hapidin, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalFood Engineering Reviews 14 (3), 435-461, 2022 -
Fabrication and characterization of hydroxyapatite-polycaprolactone-collagen bone scaffold by electrospun nanofiber
LA Yuwono, S Siswanto, M Sari, Y Yusuf, T Suciati, YW Sari, CAC Abdullah, A AminatunInternational Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 1-13, 2022 -
The Study of the Swelling Degree of the PVA Hydrogel with varying concentrations of PVA
N Asy-Syifa, WX Waresindo, D Edikresnha, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalJournal of Physics: Conference Series 2243 (1), 012053, 2022 -
Characterization of Lactobacillus zeae as probiotic and starter culture for tamarillo fermented product
I Inayah, MS Wibowo, E Julianti, T SuciatiFood Science and Technology 42, e54021, 2022 -
Freeze-thawed hydrogel loaded by Piper crocatum extract with in-vitro antibacterial and release tests
D Edikresnha, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalJournal of Materials Research and Technology 15, 17-36, 2021 -
Nanostructure of carbonated hydroxyapatite precipitation extracted from pearl shells (Pinctada maxima) by pH treatment.
R Anggraini, M Sari, T Suciati, K Dahlan, Y YusufDigest Journal of Nanomaterials & Biostructures (DJNB) 16 (4), 2021 -
Porous carbonated hydroxyapatite-based paraffin wax nanocomposite scaffold for bone tissue engineering: A physicochemical properties and cell viability assay analysis
M Sari, A Aminatun, T Suciati, YW Sari, Y YusufCoatings 11 (10), 1189, 2021 -
Nano-carbonated hydroxyapatite precipitation from abalone shell (Haliotis asinina) waste as the bioceramics candidate for bone tissue engineering
HA Permatasari, M Sari, Aminatun, T Suciati, K Dahlan, Y YusufNanomaterials and Nanotechnology 11, 18479804211032851, 2021 -
WITHDRAWN: Preliminary study of composite fibers polyvinylpyrrolidone/cellulose acetate loaded by garlic extract by means of electrospinning method
D Edikresnha, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalMaterials Today: Proceedings, 2021 -
The initial study of polyvinyl alcohol/honey/glycerin composite fibers
D Arianto, D Edikresnha, T SuciatiMaterials Today: Proceedings 44, 3408-3411, 2021 -
Preliminary study of composite fibers polyvinylpyrrolidone/cellulose acetate loaded by garlic extract by means of electrospinning method
D Edikresnha, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalMaterials Today: Proceedings 44, A1-A4, 2021 -
A freeze-thaw PVA hydrogel loaded with guava leaf extract: Physical and antibacterial properties
WX Waresindo, HR Luthfianti, D Edikresnha, T Suciati, FA Noor, K KhairurrijalRSC advances 11 (48), 30156-30171, 2021 -
Study of morphology of composite fibers polyvinylpyrrolidone/cellulose acetate loaded by garlic extract with glycerin as an additive
D Edikresnha, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalMaterials Today: Proceedings 44, A5-A8, 2021 -
Transcutaneous Delivery of Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate Using a Solid-in-oil Dispersion Methods.
FK Nursal, T Suciati, YC Sumirtapira, RE KartasasmitaJournal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences 12 (Suppl 2), s852-934, 2020 -
Development and Evaluation of Sodium ascorbyl phosphate Nanoemulsion for Transcutaneous Delivery
FK Nursal, YC Sumirtapura, RE Kartasasmita, H Rahma, T SuciatiResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 13 (7), 3086-3092, 2020 -
ArtinM Grafted Phospholipid Nanoparticles for Enhancing Antibiotic Cellular Uptake Against Intracellular Infection
T Suciati, S Nafisa, TL Nareswari, M Juniatik, E Julianti, MS Wibowo, T Yudhistira, I Ihsanawati, Y Triyani, K KhairurrijalInternational Journal of Nanomedicine 15, 8829, 2020 -
Optimasi Nanoemulsi Natrium Askorbil Fosfat Melalui Pendekatan Design of Experiment (Metode Box Behnken)
FK Nursal, YC Sumirtapura, T Suciati, RE KartasasmitaJurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis 6 (3), 228-236, 2019 -
Optimasi Nanoemulsi A/M/A Ekstrak Etanol Daun Binahong dan Konjugat AG-Kitosan Menggunakan Desain Box-Behnken
T Suciati, M Prihantini, I FidriannyJurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 17 (2), 150-159, 2019 -
Optimasi Formula Lipid Nanostruktur dengan Pentarget Manosa sebagai Sistem Penghantaran Rifampisin
T Suciati, N Istiqomah, B Permana, E Julianti, MS Wibowo, T Yudistira, Y TriyaniJURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA 17 (2), 189-198, 2019 -
W Widowati, L Darsono, J Suherman, E Afifah, R Rizal, Y Arinta, T Mozef, T SuciatiBIOTROPIA-The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology 27 (1), 14-21, 2019 -
Development of Lecithin Nanoparticle Formulation as Rifampicin Delivery System
T Suciati, S Nafisa, T Yudhistira, E Julianti, MS Wibowo, Y TriyaniAsian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2019, 2019 -
Polyvinylpyrrolidone/ cellulose acetate electrospun composite nanofibres loaded by glycerine and garlic extract with in vitro antibacterial activity and release behaviour test
D Edikresnha, T Suciati, MM Munir, K KhairurrijalRSC Advances 9 (45), 26351-26363, 2019 -
A novel acemannan-chitosan modified lipid nanoparticles as intracellular delivery vehicles of antibiotic
T Suciati, P Rachmawati, E Soraya, AB Mahardhika, Satrialdi, R Hartarti, K AnggadiredjaJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (12), 001-011, 2018 -
Mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) as protective agent in glucose-induced mesangial cell as in vitro model of diabetic glomerulosclerosis
W Widowati, DR Laksmitawati, TL Wargasetia, E Afifah, A Amalia, Y Arinta, R Rizal, T SuciatiIranian journal of basic medical sciences 21 (9), 972, 2018 -
Electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/green tea extract composite nanofiber mats and their antioxidant activities
P Pusporini, D Edikresnha, I Sriyanti, T Suciati, MM Munir, K KhairurrijalMaterials Research Express 5 (5), 054001, 2018 -
Reactive oxygen species and aging mechanism
W Widowati, R Noverina, W Ayuningtyas, D Kurniawan, A Faried, DR Laksmitawati, DD Rihibiha, R Rizal, T Suciati, SB SumitroReactive Oxygen Species (ROS): Mechanisms and Role in Health and Disease, 101-134, 2018 -
Reactive oxygen species in osteoarthritis
W Widowati, O Rachmat, T Suciati, DD Rihibiha, E Afifah, T Mozef, R Rizal, TL Wargasetia, SB SumitroReactive Oxygen Species (ROS): Mechanisms and Role in Health and Disease, 135-175, 2018 -
Mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) and its constituents to lower lipid content on adipogenesis cells model (3T3-L1)
W Widowati, L Darsono, J Suherman, E Afifah, R Rizal, Y Arinta, RL Qodariah, T Mozef, T SuciatiJournal of Natural Remedies 18 (2), 41-48, 2018 -
Polyvinyl Alcohol/Soursop Leaves Extract Composite Nanofibers Synthesized Using Electrospinning Technique and their Potential as Antibacterial Wound Dressing
NM Aruan, I Sriyanti, D Edikresnha, T Suciati, MM MunirProcedia Engineering 170, 31-35, 2017 -
Formulasi Sediaan Emulgel Untuk Penghantaran Transdermal Ketoprofen
SE Priani, ST Darijanto, T Suciati, MI IwoActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 38 (1), 37-42, 2017 -
Optimasi Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Jakalin dari Biji Nangka
T Suciati, N Widanengsih, C Riani, T GusdinarActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (4), 130-138, 2017 -
Formulasi Natrium Ascorbyl Phosphate dalam Mikroemulsi A/M VCO
T Suciati, L PatriciaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 37 (3), 90-94, 2017 -
Pengaruh Superoksida Dismutase Rekombinan Staphylococcus equorum Terhadap Viabilitas Sel dan Deposisi Kolagen Pada Sel Fibroblas 3T3 Yang Dipaparkan UVA
A Indrayati, S Asyarie, T Suciati, DS RetnoningrumJurnal Farmasi Indonesia 13 (1), 34-40, 2016 -
Formulasi dan Evaluasi Sediaan Mikroemulsi Untuk Penghantaran Transdermal Ketoprofen dengan Fasa Minyak Labrafil M1944CS
SE Priani, ST Darijanto, T Suciati, MI IwoJurnal Matematika dan Sains 19 (3), 92-97, 2015 -
L Fitriani, T SuciatiJurnal Riset Kimia 4 (2), 7, 2015 -
Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)/Chitosan Nanofibrous Membrane Containing Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis
AY Nuryantini, MM Munir, A Rahma, T SuciatiAdvanced Materials Research 1112, 453-457, 2015 -
AY Nuryantini, MP Ekaputra, MM Munir, T SuciatiJurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 10 (2), 186-193, 2014 -
Formulation and characterization of ascorbyl palmitate loaded o/w microemulsion
R Mauludin, SFB Mohamad, T SuciatiInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 6 (9), 294-298, 2014 -
Study on the properties of purified recombinant superoxide dismutase from Staphylococcus equorum, a local isolate from Indonesia
A Indrayati, S Asyarie, T Suciati, DS RetnoningrumInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 6 (11), 1-6, 2014 -
Development of jacalin conjugated nanostructured lipid carriers formula for transcutaneous vaccine delivery
T Suciati, A Samhana, R MauludinInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 6 (6), 542-546, 2014 -
Mass Production of Stacked Styrofoam Nanofibers Using a Multinozzle and Drum Collector Electrospinning System
MM Munir, AY Nuryantini, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalAdvanced Materials Research 896, 20-23, 2014 -
Electrospinning of poly (vinyl alcohol)/chitosan via multi-nozzle spinneret and drum collector
AY Nuryantini, MM Munir, MP Ekaputra, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalAdvanced Materials Research 896, 41-44, 2014 -
Development of transdermal nanoemulsion formulation for simultaneous delivery of protein vaccine and artin-m adjuvant
T Suciati, A Aliyandi, S SatrialdiInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 6, 536-546, 2014 -
Pembuatan Serat Nano PVA/Kitosan dengan Penambahan Sodium Tripolifosfat (STTP) sebagai Agen Ikatan Sambung Silang
AY Nuryantini, MM Munir, T SuciatiSeminar Nasional Material, 70-73, 2013 -
Codon optimization for high level expression of human bone morphogenetic protein – 2 in Escherichia coli
DS Retnoningrum, HT Pramesti, PY Santika, O Valerius, S Asjarie, T SuciatiProtein expression and purification 84 (2), 188-194, 2012 -
Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2: optimization of overproduction, solubilization, renaturation and its characterization
HT Pramesti, T Suciati, A Indrayati, S Asjarie, DS RetnoningrumBiotechnology 11 (3), 133, 2012 -
Development of Growth Protein Delivery System in Bone Implant Based Bionanocomposite
R Mauludin, T Suciati, H PratiwiAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 5, 2012 -
Formulasi dan Karakterisasi Sediaan Mukoadhesif Ekstrak Etanol Centella asiatica (L.) urb.
T Suciati, D Prasetya, I FidriannyActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (3 & 4), 54-60, 2011 -
Enkapsulasi dan stabilitas pigmen karotenoid dari Neurospora intermedia n-1 (encapsulation and the stability of carotenoids from Neurospora intermedia n-1)
T Gusdinar, M Singgih, S Priatni, AE Sukmawati, T SuciatiJurnal manusia dan lingkungan 18 (3), 206-211, 2011 -
Peningkatan Penetrasi Senyawa Hidrofilik Melalui Formulasi Emulsi Ganda A1/M/A2 dengan Mikroemulsi A1/M sebagai Fasa Dalam
T Suciati, RRS Dwiani, T SudiatiActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (1 & 2), 1-5, 2011 -
Formulasi Mikroenkapsulasi Protein Dalam Poli (D, L-Laktida) Dengan Teknik Penguapan Pelarut
L Fitriani, H Rachmawati, T SuciatiJurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi Vol 15, 2010 -
Zonal release of proteins within tissue engineering scaffolds
T Suciati, D Howard, J Barry, NM Everitt, KM Shakesheff, FRAJ RoseJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 17 (11), 1049-1056, 2006 -
Zonal release of proteins from tissue engineered scaffolds
T Suciati, AE Olaye, D Howard, NM Everitt, KM Shakesheff, FRAJ RoseJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 58 (Supplement_1), 2006 -
Development of a microparticle-based scaffold for tissue engineering
T Suciati, F Rose, K ShakesheffInternational Journal of Experimental Pathology 86 (3), 2005 -
Analisis Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Senyawa Hidrokuinon dan Raksa dalam Krim Pemutih yang Beredar di Indonesia
JS Pamudji, I Slamet, T Suciati, M RahmatHasil Penelitian dan Kerja Sama Farmasi, FMIPA ITB dengan YLKI, Bandung, 2000 -
Solubilization and refolding of bacterial inclusion body proteins.
HT Pramesti, T Suciati, A Indrayati, S Asjarie, DS Retnoningrum, SF Arnold, E Tims, BE McGrath, U Beshay, H El-Enshasy, IMK Ismail, H Moawad, E Wojciechowska, S Abd-El-Ghany, PC Bessa, AJ Pedro, B Klosch, A Nobre, M van Griensven, RL Reis, M Casal, P Bhandari, J Gowrishankar, DM Bollag, MD Rozycki, SJ Edelstein, EJ Freydell, M Ottens, M Eppink, G van Dedem, L van der Wielen, SR Gallagher, K Graumann, A Premstaller, DK Guillen, N Mobius, LC Rodriguez, E Castano, F Hillger, G Herr, R Rudolph, E Schwarz, K Iohara, M Nakashima, M Ito, M Ishikawa, A Nakasima, A Akamine, H Ishikawa, K Itoh, F Sugiura, N Ishiguro, B Jatta, M Gunasekaran, N Mohan, A Jungbauer, W Kaar, T Katagiri, A Yamaguchi, M Komaki, E Abe, N Takahashi, C Kawamura, M Kizaki, K Yamato, H Uchida, Y Fukuchi, GN King, N King, AT Cruchley, JM Wozney, FJ Hughes, CA Kirker-Head, S Long, L Truong, K Bennett, A Phillips, F Wong-Staal, H Ma, S Mandhania, V Jain, SP Malhotra, AK Patra, R Mukhopadhyay, R Mukhija, A Krishnan, LC Garg, AK Panda, D Romano, G Molla, L Pollegioni, F Marinelli, N Roy, N Nemoto, Y Akihiko, J Sambrook, DW Russell, C Scheufler, W Sebald, M Hulsmeyer, FR Schmidt, HG Schmoekel, FE Weber, JC Schense, KW Gratz, P Schawalder, JA Hubbell, NK Tripathi, K Sathyaseelan, AM Jana, PVL Rao, YJ Um, DS Song, JY Hong, SW Jung, SB Lee, KS Cho, CS Kim, LF Vallejo, M Brokelmann, S Marten, S Trappe, J Cabrera-Crespo, LF Vallejo, U Rinas, S Von Einem, E Schwarz, R Rudolph, JM Wozney, H Zhang, J Wu, Y Zhang, N Fu, J Wang, S Zhao, Y Zhang, Y Ma, M Yang, S Min, J Yao, L Zhu, SM Singh, AK PandaBiotechnology 11 (3), 1031-1037, 1999 -
Studi kandungan air dan derajat pengembangan hidrogel dengan variasi durasi freeze-thaw dan jumlah cycle
D Edikresnha, T Suciati, K KhairurrijalSeminar Kontribusi Fisika (SKF 2019)
Judul | Tahun | Tempat | Peserta |
Inovasi Pemanfaatan Obat Herbal untuk Peningkatan Kesehatan Kulit dan Rambut Melalui Edukasi dan Pelatihan Santri Di Ponpes Manarul Huda Bandung | 2020 | Bandung, Jawa Barat | Santri Di Ponpes Manarul Huda Bandung, Jawa Barat |
PKM Pelatihan Pembuatan Produk Obat Herbal untuk Penanggulangan Pediculosis dan Upaya Diversifikasi Produk Pertanian di Pesantren Al-Ittifaq, Ciwidey, Bandung | 2019 | Bandung, Jawa Barat | Santri di Pesantren Al-Ittifaq, Ciwidey, Bandung, Jawa Barat |
RKI – Analisis Mechanical Properties dan In Vitro Assay pada Scaffold Nanofiber dari Hidroksiapatit (HAp) dan Karbonat Hidroksiapatit (CHAp) Berbahan Dasar Biogenik Menggunakan Polimerik Porogen untuk Aplikasi Rekayasa Jaringan Tulang (2021)
Inovasi Pemanfaatan Obat Herbal untuk Peningkatan Kesehatan Kulit dan Rambut Melalui Edukasi dan Pelatihan Santri Di Ponpes Manarul Huda Bandung (2020)
International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)
Pengembangan Sistem Pentargetan Aktif Antibiotik Dalam Bentuk Nanokomposit Glikolipid dan Glikoprotein untuk Terapi Infeksi Staphylococcus Aureus Intraselular (2020)
RKI – Material Nanofiber Komposit Scaffold dari Hidroksiapatit (Hap) dan Karbonat Hidroksiaoatit (CHAp) Berbahan Dasar Biogenik Menggunakan Polimerik Porogen untuk Aplikasi Rekayasa Jaringan Tulang (2020)
Stabilisasi dan Pengembangan Formula Ekstrak Edelweiss. (2020)
Webinar (2020)
Pengembangan Sistem Pentargetan Aktif Antibiotik Dalam Bentuk Nanokomposit Glikolipid Dan Glikoprotein Untuk Terapi Infeksi Staphylococcus Aureus Intraselular (2019)
Pengembangan Sistem Pentargetan Aktif Antibiotik Dalam Bentuk Nanokomposit Glikolipid Dan Glikoprotein Untuk Terapi Infeksi Staphylococcus Aureus Intraselular (2018)
Terapi Penyembuhan Luka Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) menggunakan gel Topikal berbasis Conditioned Medium Sel Punca Mesenkim (2018)
Desain Perangkat Rekayasa Jaringan Kulit Berbasis Porogen Mikropartikal dalam Matriks Kotosan dengan Berbagai Bobot Molekul (2016)
Mannosilasi nanopartikel menggunakan produk hidrolisis acemannan sebagai agen pentarget antibiotika ke sel makrofag (2016)
Pengembangan dan Pengujian efek antikanker nanopartikel BRD4-inhibitor-jakalin-kitosan secara invitro pada lini sel kanker ovarium dan payudara (2016)
Aplikasi Sistem Dispersi Padat Untuk Meningkatkan Permeasi Transkutan Natrium Ascorbyl Phosphate dalam Sediaan Nanoformulasi (2015)
Peningkatan permeasi senyawa aktif farmasi dari sediaan transdermal berbasis solid lipid nanopartikel (2015)
Rekonstruksi Vektor Ekspresi untuk Produksi Bone Morphogenetic Proein-2 dimer Rekombinan manusia yang Aktif pada Sistem Escherichia Coli (2015)
Pemintal Elektrolit Multinozzle dan Kolektor Drum untuk Produksi Komposit Nanoserat sebagai Matrik dalam Penyembuhan Luka Bakar (2014)
Pengembangan Dan Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi:Kotosan Rantai Pendek (2014)
Program Riset Unggulan Pusat Penelitian Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat-obatan (2014)
Eksipien Tablet Kempa Langsung Turunan Amilum Jagung Yang Dimodifikasi Dengan Pragelatinasi – Hidrolis Enzimatik – Fosforilasi (2013)
Karakterisasi Superoksida Dismutase Rekombinaan Staphylococcus equorum Sebagai Kandidat Bahan Aktif Kosmetik (2013)
Pemintal Elektrolit Multinozzle dan Kolektor Drum untuk Produksi Komposit Nanoserat sebagai Matrik dalam Penyembuhan Luka Bakar (2013)
Lustrum Ke-13 Tahun 2012 Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi -ITB (2012)
Program Development (PDV) 2012 (2012)
Program Riset Unggulan 2012 Pusat Penelitian Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat-obatan (PP PKO) ITB (2012)
Bionanokomposit untuk sistem penghantaran protein pertumbuhan dalam implan tulang dengan menggunakan bovine serum albumin sebagai model (2011)
Pengembangan Eksipien Salut Enterik Berbasis Amilum Menggunakan Fermentasi Aspergilus oryzae Dan Fosforilasi Untuk Meningkatkan Stabilitas Obat Dan Pangan Fungsional Di Lambung (2011)
Program Riset Unggulan ITB 2011 Pusat Penelitian Pangan, Kesehatan dan Obat (2011)
Optimasi Proses Hilir rhBMP-2 Hasil Ekspresi Gen Sintetik dan Enkapsulasi dalam Implan Polilaktida Mengandung Lidah Buaya untuk Mempercepat Regenerasi Tulang (2010)
Pengembangan eksipien salut enterik berbasis amilum menggunakan fermentasi Aspergilus oryzae dan fosforilasi untuk meningkatkan stabilitas obat dan pangan fungsional di lambung (2010)
Uji klinik antiartritis dan peningkatan produksi sediaan fitofarmaka dari buah Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) (2010)
Pengembangan dan Produksi Radiofarmaka untuk Diagnosa dan Terapi Kanker (2009)
Pengembangan Fortifikan Makanan Mengandung Tepung Ikan dan Laktobasiuls Berkhasiat Antidiare dan Mencegah Peningkatan Kolesterol Darah Melalui Modifikasi Penyalut Tepung Jagung (2009)
Uji klinik antiartritis dan peningkatan produksi sediaan fitofarmaka dari buah Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) (2009)
Pengembangan Sistem Pelepasan Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) Terlokalisir dalam Implan Lapis Ganda untuk Mempercepat Regenerasi Tulang (2008)
Teknologi Pembuatan Mikrokapsul Tepung Ikan untuk meningkatkan Nilai Gizi berbagai Makanan Tradisional Berbasis Beras (2007)