- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2003
- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2006
- S3 University Of Groningen, Netherlands – Belanda 2012
C Raihanah, S Sukrasno, NF KurniatiBiomedical Reports 20 (5), 1-8, 2024
In vitro and in silico studies of the potential cytotoxic, antioxidant, and HMG CoA reductase inhibitory effects of chitin from Indonesia mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) shells
I Fajriaty, I Fidrianny, NF Kurniati, NM Fauzi, SH Mustafa, IK AdnyanaSaudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 103964, 2024 -
Assessment of Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Dayak Onion (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.) Extract in Comparison to Celecoxib.
Z Permana, NF Zefrina, NF Kurniati, M Insanu, D MudhakirMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 20, 2024 -
Assessing The Influence of DOTAP: Lipid Ratio on Lipid Nanoparticles Serving as Genetic Material Delivery System.
GNJ Anton Prasetia, D Mudhakir, C Riani, NF KurniatiMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 20, 2024 -
The Phytochemistry, Ethnobotany, and Cardioprotective Potential of the Medicinal Plants Zingiber officinale Roscoe Var Rubrum, Curcuma domestica Val. and Allium sativum
PS Dewi, K Anggadiredja, NF KurniatiBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 14 (1), 5, 2023 -
The Enhancement of Isoflavone Aglycones Daidzein and Genistein from Soybean Devon-1 Tempeh through Heat Treatment after 61 Hours of Fermentation.
C Raihanah, Y Karlina, S Wikarsa, NF KurniatiTropical Journal of Natural Product Research 7 (12), 2023 -
The potential of Nigella sativa oil on clinical output improvement of diabetic neuropathy.
S Syuhada, K Anggadiredja, NF Kurniati, A AkromJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 13 (09), 009-017, 2023 -
Cardioprotective activity of Apples Juice on Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Infarction in Rat
NF Kurniati, YR NadhirahIndonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 10 (3), 154-163, 2023 -
Aktivitas Obat Golongan SGLT-2i dan GLP-1RA serta SGLT-2i dan DPP-4i dengan atau tanpa Metfomin pada Tikus Diabetes tipe 2 dengan Model Kerusakan Sel Beta Pankreas dan Resistensi Insulin: Comparing Drug Classes SGLT-2i and GLP-1 as well as SGLT-2i and DPP-4i with or without Metfomin in Type 2 Diabetic Rats with Pancreatic Beta Cell Damage and Insulin Resistance
NF Kurniati, D Sukaeningsih, ZH FadhilahJurnal Sains dan Kesehatan 5 (5), 591-598, 2023 -
Decreased Expression of EP3 Receptor mRNA in the Brain of Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
K Anggadiredja, NF Kurniati, A Kasai, H HashimotoMicroRNA 12 (3), 221-226, 2023 -
Plasma levels of interleukin-6 and-18 significantly increase in patients with acute coronary syndrome
QU Ain, TI Dewi, NF KurniatiOman Medical Journal 38 (4), e532, 2023 -
Potential combined effect of Spirulina platensis and Momordica charantia fruits on attenuation of isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats: identification and prediction its mechanism
GK Prasesti, K Anggadiredja, NF KurniatiPharmacia 70 (3), 425-433, 2023 -
Peptide derived C. striata albumin as a natural angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
G Berlian, C Riani, NF Kurniati, H RachmawatiHeliyon 9 (5), 2023 -
Development and validation of an analytical method for the determination of nanostructured lipid carrier’s cinchonine used direct method modified by liquid-liquid extraction using high-performance liquid chromatography.
H HARIYANTI, NF KURNIATI, YC SUMİRTAPURA, R MAULUDINJournal of Research in Pharmacy 27 (2), 2023 -
Combination of Empagliflozin and Liraglutide protects heart against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats
NF Kurniati, A FathadinaPharmacia 70 (1), 171-180, 2023 -
In Vivo Pharmacodynamics of Calophyllum soulattri as Antiobesity with In Silico Molecular Docking and ADME/Pharmacokinetic Prediction Studies
I Fajriaty, H Ih, I Fidrianny, NF Kurniati, MA Reynaldi, IK Adnyana, R Rommy, F Kurniawan, DH TjahjonoPharmaceuticals 16 (2), 191, 2023 -
Activity and Safety of Cinchonine Nanostructured Lipid Carriers as a Hair Growth Stimulant in Mice Model of Androgenetic Alopecia
H HARIYANTI, R MAULUDIN, YC SUMIRTAPURA, NF KURNIATISains Malaysiana 52 (6), 1671-1683, 2023 -
Momordica charantia Fruit Extract on Cardiac Biomarker Serum Attenuation in Rats and its Bioactive Compound Molecular Docking Against SIRT-1 Protein.
GK Prasesti, K Anggadiredja, NF KurniatiTropical Journal of Natural Product Research 7 (1), 2023 -
Alkaloids from Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb Leaf as Promising Candidates for Antidyslipidemic Agents: An in silico study
MP Lumbanraja, K Anggadiredja, HN Muhammad, NF KurniatiPharmacognosy Journal 15 (1), 2023 -
Cardioprotective activity of combination of soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) and avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill.) on isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats
NF Kurniati, J Nathania, GK PrasestiEgyptian Journal of Chemistry 65 (11), 173-179, 2022 -
A review: Pharmacological activities of quinoline alkaloid of Cinchona sp
H Hariyanti, R Mauludin, YC Sumirtapura, NF KurniatiBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 13 (4), 3, 2022 -
Toxicity studies of Centella asiatica for drug development: Mini review
GK Prasesti, NF KurniatiBiointerface Res. Appl. Chem 12, 8081-8093, 2022 -
Sifat Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol 90% Batang Sereh (Cymbopogon citratus) dengan Kulit Buah Delima (Punica granatum L.) Terhadap Bakteri Klebsiella pneumoniae
SA Novitri, NF KurniatiJurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika 12 (2), 29-36, 2021 -
Combination effect of ethanol extract of pomegranate peel (Punica granatum L.) and lemongrass stalk (Cymbopogon citratus) against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538
SA Novitri, NF Kurniati2nd Syedza Saintika International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery, Medical Laboratory Technology, Public Health, and Health Information Management (SeSICNiMPH 2021), 20-25, 2021 -
Confounders in identification and analysis of inflammatory biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases
QU Ain, M Sarfraz, GK Prasesti, TI Dewi, NF KurniatiBiomolecules 11 (10), 1464, 2021 -
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe var. Sunti Val) essential oil distillation residues
S Suciyati, S Sukrasno, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaEgyptian Journal of Chemistry 64 (9), 5031-5035, 2021 -
M Singgih, NF Kurniati, B Permana, A Yuliana, DR AmeliaInternational Food Conference 2021, 2021 -
Evaluation of Antioxidant and Wound Healing Activities of Spirulina sp. Extract
S Agustina, NN Aidha, E Oktarina, NF KurniatiEgyptian Journal of Chemistry 64 (8), 4601-4610, 2021 -
Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis and Sonchus arvensis L. inhibit gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity: The role of urinary N-acetyl beta-D-glucosaminidase
N Suliska, NF Kurniati, EY SukandarJournal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences 10 (2), 256-260, 2021 -
Nephroprotective effect of ethanol extract of Sonchus arvensis L. leaves in gentamicin-piroxicam induced rat renal failure
N Suliska, M Praviska, NF Kurniati, EY SukandarJournal of Research in Pharmacy 25 (4), 441-449, 2021 -
Pengaruh kombinasi ekstrak etanol kulit buah delima (Punica granatum L.) dengan batang sereh (Cymbopogon citratus) terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli ATCC 8739
SA Novitri, NF KurniatiJurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika 12 (1), 198-204, 2021 -
The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Punica granatum Linn. Leaves on Lipid Profiles of Dyslipidemic Rat
NF Kurniati, AN Garmana, LN SakinahPharmaceutical Sciences and Research 8 (2), 86-92, 2021 -
Tanggapan terhadap maraknya penggunaan disinfektan pada bilik disinfeksi untuk pencegahan COVID-19
A Adlia, AB Mahardhika, A Artarini, C Riani, HN Muhammad, M Insanu, NF Kurniati, R Hartati, YP NugrahaTersedia online di https://fa.itb.ac.id/tanggapan-terhadap-disinfektan-bilik/ , 2020 -
Ameliorating Effects of Four-Week Fiber-Multivitamin Combination Treatment on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein B Profiles in Hypercholesterolemic Participants
K Anggadiredja, N Ufamy, L Amalia, NFKurniati, IBM ReyaanJournal of Dietary Supplements 17 (2), 173-183, 2020 -
Aktivitas Antidiare Daun Harendong (Malestoma malabathricum L)
EY Sukandar, NF KurniatiJournal Syifa Sciences and Clinical Research 2 (1), 39-48, 2020 -
Evaluation effect of polarity of the compound from Sonchus arvensis (Linn.) leaves as hypertension inhibitor.
Suryani, EY Sukandar, M Insanu, NF KurniatiRasāyan Journal of Chemistry 13 (3), 1807-1816, 2020 -
Suatu Ekstrak Air Secang (Caesalpinia Sappan) Untuk Menurunkan Interleukin 1ᵦ dan Meningkatkan Interleukin 10 Pada Infark Miokardium
FC Saputri, A Mun’im, NF Kurniati, P Puspasari, C AstariPaten ID P00201600900 -
Development of Ethanolic Extract Combination of Centella asiatica and Ipomoea aquatica as a Hypnotic-Sedative Drug: Extract Standardization and Lab Scale Capsule Formulation
NF KURNIATI, K ANGGADIREDJA, EY SUKANDAR, R MAULUDIN旭硝子財団助成研究成果報告 (Reports of research assisted by the Asahi Glass Foundation), 1-10, 2020 -
Xylan from pineapple stem waste: a potential biopolymer for colonic targeting of anti-inflammatory agent mesalamine
AL Anindya, RD Oktaviani, BR Praevina, S Damayanti, NF Kurniati, C Riani, H RachmawatiAAPS PharmSciTech 20, 1-13, 2019 -
Water fraction of Sonchus arvensis (Linn.) leaves protects heart upon isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats and promotes survival of cardiomyocytes in vitro
NF Kurniati, EY Sukandar, R Rusnedy, DK Ayuningtyas, N Suliska, Y FujioMarmara Pharma J 23 (2), 2019 -
Alpha mangostin and Xanthone activity on fasting blood glucose, insulin and langerhans Islet of langerhans in Alloxan induced diabetic mice
W Ratwita, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, NF KurniatiPharmacognosy Journal 11 (1), 2019 -
Antibacterial activity of curcumin in combination with tetracycline against Staphylococcus aureus by disruption of cell wall.
EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, K Puspatriani, HP AdityasResearch Journal of Medicinal Plant 12 (1), 1-8, 2018 -
Alpha mangostin and xanthone from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) role on insulin tolerance and PPAR-γ in preclinical model diabetes mellitus
W Ratwita, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaJournal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 8 (3), 83-90, 2018 -
Cardioprotective potential of ethanol extract of Sonchus arvensis L. Leaves on isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rat
NF Kurniati, EY Sukandar, R Pardilah, N Suliska, DK AyuningtyasJurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 16 (1), 20-24, 2018 -
Myocardial infarction elevates inflammation and contributes to the formation of atheroma plaques in the aorta of hypercholesterolaemic rats
NF Kurniati, T Angelia, AA Artarini, M NurfatwaMakara Journal of Health Research 22 (1), 7, 2018 -
Aktivitas Makrofag Meningkat Pada Aorta Tikus Hiperkolesterolemia
NF Kurniati, M Nurfatwa, AA ArtariniMajalah Kedokteran Bandung 50 (1), 13-20, 2018 -
Macrophage activity increases in hypercholesterolemia rat aorta
NF Kurniati, M Nurfatwa, AA ArtariniMAJALAH KEDOKTERAN BANDUNG-MKB-BANDUNG MEDICAL JOURNAL 50 (1), 13-20, 2018 -
Aktivitas antidiare ekstrak etanol daun suji (Dracaena angustifolia Roxb)
IK Sukmawati, EY Sukandar, NF KurniatiPHARMACY: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia) 14 (2), 173-187, 2018 -
Aktivitas mukolitik kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun kemangi dan ekstrak etanol daun sirih merah
NF Kurniati, DW Suwandi, S YuniatiPharmaceutical Sciences and Research 5 (1), 2, 2018 -
Antimicrobial Activity of Some Indonesian Plant Species from The Genus Ficus
DP Wibowo, NF Kurniati, KR Wirasutisna, M InsanuJournal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research – 3rd ISPST 2018 Special Issue, 2018 -
Antihyperlidemic Effects of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Pericarp Ethanolic Extract in High-Carbohydrate Wistar Rats
AS Abuzaid, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaJournal of Natural Remedies, 165-173, 2017 -
Fractionation using adsorptive macroporous resin HPD-600 enhances antioxidant activity of Gnetum gnemon L. seed hard shell extract
V Saraswaty, I Ketut Adnyana, S Pudjiraharti, T Mozef, M Insanu, …Journal of food science and technology 54, 3349-3357, 2017 -
SW Suciyati, NF Kurniati, N Sukrasno, IK Adnyana2nd ISEJ 2017 Abstract and Full Paper Submission System 1 (1), 36-36, 2017 -
Corrigendum: Shock-induced stress induces loss of microvascular endothelial Tie2 in the kidney which is not associated with reduced glomerular barrier function (vol 297, pg F272, 2009)
M van Meurs, NF Kurniati, FM Wulfert, SA Asgeirsdottir, IA de Graaf, S. C. Satchell, P. W. Mathieson, RM Jongman, PK Kmpers, JG Zijlstra, P Heeringa, G MolemaAmerican journal of physiology-Renal physiology 312 (3), F456-F456, 2017 -
Alpha mangostin and xanthone from Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) role on glucose tolerance and glucose transporter-4 in diabetes mellitus
W Ratwita, EY Sukandar, IK Adnyana, NF KurniatiInt J Pharmacogn Phytochem Res 9 (9), 1206-12, 2017 -
The antirheumatic activity of Muntingia calabura L. Leaves ethanol extract and its fraction
J Sarimanah, IK Adnyana, EY Sukandar, NF KurniatiAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10 (1), 84-86, 2017 -
Aktivitas antibakteri dan antijamur ekstrak etanol akar, bunga, dan daun turi (Sesbania grandiflora L. Poir)
NF Kurniati, AN Garmana, N AzizActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 42 (1), 1-8, 2017 -
The study of red ginger rhizomes ethanol extract (zingiber officinale roscoe var. Sunti val.) on hyperlipidemic-induced rats
D Safitri, NF Kurniati, S Adharani, SW Suciyati, IK AdnyanaPharmacologyonline 3, 15-21, 2016 -
Caesalpinia sappan enhances interleukin-10 levels on isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rat
A Mun’im, NF Kurniati, P Puspasari, C AstariPlanta Medica 82 (S 01), P863, 2016 -
EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, AB PurnamaAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 176-178, 2016 -
Preventive effect on obesity of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp ethanolic extract by reduction of fatty acid synthase level in monosodium glutamate and high-calorie diet-induced male wistar rats
AS Abuzaid, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaAsian J Pharm Clin Res 9 (3), 257-260, 2016 -
Antiobesity effect of ethanol extract of Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis leaves on obese male wistar rats induced by high_carbohydrate diet
EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, AN NurdiantiInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 171-173, 2016 -
In vitro study on antihypertensive and antihypercholesterolemic effects of a curcumin nanoemulsion
H Rachmawati, IS Soraya, NF Kurniati, A RahmaScientia pharmaceutica 84 (1), 131-140, 2016 -
Binahong leaf extract prevents the increase in blood cholesterol in rats fed high fat feed.
AA Rahman, NF Kurniati, EY SukandarJurnal Farmasi Indonesia 8 (2), 150-156, 2016 -
Prevention of obesity and development of metabolic syndrome by mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp ethanolic extract in male wistar rats fed with high-fat diet
AS Abuzaid, EY Iskandar, NF Kurniati, IK AdnyanaInt J Pharm Pharmaceutic Sci 8, 1-7, 2016 -
In vitro antibacterial activity of Kaempferia pandurata Roxb. and Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. extracts in combination with certain antibiotics against MSSA and MRSA
EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, K Anggadiredja, A KamilInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 8 (1), 108-11, 2016 -
Antidiabetic study of combination of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F.) Wallich. Ex Ness. Herbs extract and Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk. Leaves extract in obese diabetic mice model
W Aligita, NF Kurniati, EY SukandarInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 8 (1), 316-20, 2016 -
Antibacterial interaction of combination of ethanolic extract of Zingiber officinale var rubrum rhizome, Boesenbergia pandurata rhizome, and Stevia rebaudiana leaves with certain antibiotics against infectious mouth microbial
EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, P Wikaningtyas, D AgprikaniAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 9 (1), 332-335, 2016 -
Pancreatic lipase and α-amylase inhibitory potential of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) pericarp extract
IK Adnyana, AS Abuzaid, EY Iskandar, NF KurniatiInternational Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences 5 (1), 23-28, 2016 -
The effect of simvastatin, aspirin, and their combination in reduction of atheroma plaque
NF Kurniati, A PermatasariAIP Conference Proceedings 1677 (1), 2015 -
Anti Inflamatory Activities of UNRIPE, Ripe Mutingia Calabura L. Fruits and Mutingia Calabura L Leaves In Wistar White Rat
J Sarimanah, IK Adnyana, NF KurniatiUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015 -
Evaluation of teratogenicity effects of ethanolic extracts of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten) Steenis) in wistar rat
EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, V FitriaInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6 (11), 7-12, 2014 -
Antidiabetic activity of leaves ethanol extract Chromolaena odorata (L.) RM King on induced male mice with alloxan monohydrate
M Marianne, D Lestari, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, R NasutionJurnal natural 14 (1), 2014 -
Vasodilator effect of ethanolic extract of mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) in rat and rabbit
NF Kurniati, GP Suryani, JI SigitProcedia Chemistry 13, 142-146, 2014 -
The flow dependency of Tie2 expression in endotoxemia
NF Kurniati, RM Jongman, F Vom Hagen, KC Spokes, J Moser, ER Regan, G Krenning, JRAJ Moonen, MC Harmsen, MMRF Struys, HP Hammes, JG Zijlstra, WC Aird, P Heeringa, G Molema, M van MeursIntensive care medicine 39, 1262-1271, 2013 -
Pleiotropic effects of angiopoietin-2 deficiency do not protect mice against endotoxin-induced acute kidney injury
NF Kurniati, M van Meurs, F Vom Hagen, RM Jongman, J Moser, PJ Zwiers, MMRF Struys, J Westra, JG Zijlstra, HP Hammes, G Molema, P HeeringaNephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28 (3), 567-575, 2013 -
Antidiabetic activity of aqueous leaf extracts of Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk., ethanolic extracts of Curcuma xanthorrhiza and their combinations in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.
IK Adnyana, E Yulinah, Y Yuliet, NF KurniatiResearch Journal of Medicinal Plant 7 (3), 158-164, 2013 -
Age-dependent role of microvascular endothelial and polymorphonuclear cells in lipopolysaccharide-induced acute kidney injury
FM Wulfert, M van Meurs, NF Kurniati, RM Jongman, MC Houwertjes, P Heeringa, MMRF Struys, JG Zijlstra, G MolemaThe Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 117 (1), 126-136, 2012 -
MicroRNA-126 contributes to renal microvascular heterogeneity of VCAM-1 protein expression in acute inflammation
SA Asgeirsdottir, C van Solingen, NF Kurniati, PJ Zwiers, P Heeringa, M van Meurs, SC Satchell, MA Saleem, PW Mathieson, B Banas, JAAM Kamps, TJ Rabelink, AJ van Zonneveld, G MolemaAmerican journal of physiology-Renal Physiology 302 (12), F1630-F1639, 2012 -
UnTie-ing the role of the Angiopoietin/Tie2 system in the microvascular response to endotoxemia
NF KurniatiUniversity of Groningen, 2012 -
Increased renal microvascular endothelial responsiveness to LPS in aged mice
FM Wulfert, M van Meurs, N Kurniati, R Jongman, P Heeringa, JG Zijlstra, MMRF Struys, G MolemaNederlands Tijdschrift voor Anesthesiologie, 2010 -
Shock Induced Stress Induces Loss of Microvascular Endothelial Tie2 in the Kidney
F Wulfert, M van Meurs, N Kurniati, MMRF Struys, G MolemaAnesthesiology 111, A 1318, 2009 -
Renal microvascular endothelial activation in a mouse model of hemorrhagic shock: is the neutrophil a key player in organ dysfunction?
FM Wulfert, M van Meurs, N Kurniati, M Struys, JG Zijlstra, G MolemaNederlands Tijdschrift voor Anesthesiologie, 2009 -
Shock- induced stress induces loss of microvascular endothelial Tie2 in the kidney which is not associated with reduced glomerular barrier function
M van Meurs, NF Kurniati, FM Wulfert, SA Asgeirsdottir, IA de Graaf, SC Satchell, PW Mathieson, RM Jongman, P Kümpers, JG Zijlstra, P Heeringa, G MolemaAmerican Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 297 (2), F272-F281, 2009
Judul | Tahun | Tempat | Peserta |
Kajian Mekanisme Antidiabetes Oleurepein dan Hydroxytyroxol Dari Daun Zaitun (Olea Europeae) serta Carvacrol dan Thymol dari Daun Kenari (Juglans Regia) (2021)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal Pestisida (2021)
International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal Pestisida (2020)
Development of Ethanolic Extracts Combination of Centella asiatica and Ipomoea aquatica as a Hypnotic&8208;Sedative Drug: Extract Standardization and Lab Scale Capsule Formulation (2019)
Kajian Biomarker Spesifik Pembentuk Plak Ateroma Dan Jalur Signaling Aktivasinya Untuk Pendeteksian Dini Penyakit Stroke Dan Serangan Jantung (2019)
Pengembangan Produk Bahan Alam Ikan Unagi (2019)
Pengujian Ekstrak Buah Pare (2019)
Pengujian preklinis efikasi Wound Healing dan pengujian toksisitas produk kapsul ikan gabus & cordyceps (2019)
Pengujian Toksisitas Produk Biopestisida Organik dari Daun Tembakau (2019)
Uji Preklinis kardioprotektif ekstrak melinjo (2019)
Uji Toksisitas Akut dan Subkronis Jahe Merah (2019)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal Pestisida (2019)
Kajian Biomarker Spesifik Pembentuk Plak Ateroma dan Jalur Signaling Aktivasinya untuk Pendeteksian Dini Penyakit Stroke dan Serangan Jantung (2018)
Pelaksanaan Uji dan Penelitian Toksisistas (2018)
Uji Toksisitas Pestisida (2018)
Interaksi Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis dengan obat Antidiabetik Metformin pada Tikus Model Diabetes Melitus : Studi Farmakokinetik-Farmakodinamik (2017)
Kajian Biomarker Spesifik Pembentuk Plak Ateroma Dan Jalur Signaling Aktivasinya Untuk Pendeteksian Dini Penyakit Stroke Dan Serangan Jantung (2017)
Kerjasama Uji Toksisitas Pestisida (2017)
Pelaksanaan Seminar Tahun 2017 (2017)
Pengembangan Senyawa Bioaktif Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale Roscoe var. Rubrum) sebagai Agen Antiaterosklerosis (2017)
Pengembangan sistem penghantaran bertarget prodrug mesalamin dengan silan dari limbah batang nanas (Ananas comusus): kajian in vivo dan aktivitas pada model kolitis ulseratif (2017)
Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Ekstraksi dan Green Nanotechnology untuk Peningkatan Rendemen dan Nilai Guna Terapi Resveratrol dan Trans-Resveratrol dari Biji Melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon L) untuk Anti Hiperurisemia, Dan Spirulina Indonesia (Arthrospira Platensi (2017)
Telaah fitokimia biji pepaya (Carica papaya L.) dan potensinya sebagai antioksidan dan antidiabetes secara in vitro (2017)
Uji Preklinis dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Seledri Produk PT. Kalbe Farma (2017)
Uji Preklinis dan Toksisitas Produk PT. Kalbe Farma (2017)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal WENDA 20 WP (2017)
Uji Toksisitas Pestisida (2017)
Clinical Study of Oral Bios-Life C Twice Daily for 8 Weeks in the Treatment of Adults with Hyperlipidemia (2016)
Farmakokinetika Gliklazid dan Siprofloksasin pada Pemberian Bersama di Tikus Normal yang Menjalani Dialisis Peritoneal Serta Studi Mekanisme Interaksi Gliklazid-Siprofloksasin pada Tikus NOrmal (2016)
Mannosilasi nanopartikel menggunakan produk hidrolisis acemannan sebagai agen pentarget antibiotika ke sel makrofag (2016)
Pelatihan pengolahan dan standardisasi produk dari tanaman suku zingiberaceae (2016)
Pembentukan Nano partikel Kurkumin-Emas (Curcumin-gold nanoparticle) Untuk Terapi Bertarget ke hati: Kajian Biofarmasi, Toksisitas Invitro -in vivo dan uji Aktivitas Invitro (2016)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal Terstandar (OHT) Asam Jawa(Tamarindus Indica L.) Sebagai Antiobesitas (2016)
Uji Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale var Rubrum) secara in vitro terhadap TNF-alfa, IL-6 dan IL-10: Peranan dalam Aterosklerosis (2016)
Uji Preklinis dan Toksisitas Produk Antar PT.Kalbe Farma Tbk. Dengan SF_ITB (2016)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal BM TRICALON 480 EC, BM EMATEZ 5 SG (2016)
Uji Toksisitas Akut Oral dan Dermal RECOR PLUS 300 EC (2016)
Uji Toksisitas Pestisida Antara Sekolah Farmasi dan Pt.Multi Sarana Indotani (2016)
Farmakokinetika Gliklazid pada Pemberian Bersama Siprofloksasin pada Tikus Model Gagal Ginjal (2015)
Pengembangan Sistem Pembawa Berbasis Teknologi Nano untuk Silimarin dan Kombinasinya dengan Kurkumin untuk Terapi Fibrosis hati:Kajian Invitro dan mekanisme kerja secara biologi molokuler (2015)
Studi Efek Anti-aterosklerosis dan Vaodilator Ekstrak Daun Binahong [Anredera cordifolia(ten)Steenes] (2015)
Uji Toksisitas Pestisida Antara Sekolah Farmasi dan Instansi Lain (2015)
Kajian Mekanisme Ekstrak Etanol Daun Bungur (Lagerstroemia Speciosa (L.)) sebagai Anti Hiperlipidemia dan Uji Toksisitas Akutnya (2014)
Pencarian Biomarker Terbentuknya Plak Ateroma Pada Model Tikus Aterosklerosis yang Diinduksi Dengan Makanan Tinggi Lemak (2014)
Pengembangan Obat Herbal Terstandar (OHT) Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica L.) Sebagai Antiobesitas (2014)
Peran Simvastatin, Aspirin dan Kombinasinya pada Penanganan Aterosklerosis pada Model Tikus Aterosklerosis yang Diinduksi dengan Makanan Tinggi Lemak (2013)
Lustrum Ke-13 Tahun 2012 Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi -ITB (2012)
Judul | Tahun | Tipe | No. Paten |
Suatu Ekstrak Air Secang (Caesalpinia Sappan) Untuk Menurunkan Interleukin 1ᵦ dan Meningkatkan Interleukin 10 Pada Infark Miokardium | 2020 | Paten | P00201600900 |