- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 1994
- S2 Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta – Indonesia 2005
- S3 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2009
A Sartinah, H Uekusa, Y Abekura, S Ibrahim, K Anggadiredja, I NugrahaniHeliyon, 2024
The Benefits and Challenges of Antibiotics-Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Non-Covalent Reaction
I Nugrahani, D Herawati, MS WibowoMolecules 28 (9), 3672, 2023 -
Optimization of active antioxidative defatted Canarium indicum L.(Canary) protein hydrolysate production
CN Apsari, I Nugrahani, T GusdinarJournal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology 11 (2), 187-197, 2023 -
Stability and antibiotic potency improvement of levofloxacin by producing new salts with 2, 6-and 3, 5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and their comprehensive structural study
I Nugrahani, MR Sulaiman, C Eda, H Uekusa, S IbrahimPharmaceutics 15 (1), 124, 2022 -
Non-Covalent Reactions Supporting Antiviral Development
I Nugrahani, E Susanti, T Adawiyah, S Santosa, AN LaksanaMolecules 27 (24), 9051, 2022 -
Potential metabolites of Arecaceae family for the natural anti-osteoarthritis medicine: A review
A Sartinah, I Nugrahani, S Ibrahim, K AnggadiredjaHeliyon 8 (12), 2022 -
New organic salt from levofloxacin-citric acid: What is the impact on the stability and antibiotic potency?
I Nugrahani, AN Laksana, H Uekusa, H OyamaMolecules 27 (7), 2166, 2022 -
New sodium mefenamate-nicotinamide multicomponent crystal development to modulate solubility and dissolution: preparation, structural, and performance study
I Nugrahani, F Fisandra, A Horikawa, H UekusaJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (9), 3246-3260, 2021 -
From neutral to salt cocrystal development to gain superior performance of NSAIDs
I Nugrahani, H Uekusa, A Horikawa, F Fisandra, RA KumalasariActa Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 77, C1039-C1039, 2021 -
Sustainable Pharmaceutical Preparation Methods and Solid-state Analysis Supporting Green Pharmacy
I NugrahaniCurrent Pharmaceutical Analysis 17 (8), 969-982, 2021 -
Challenges and progress in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs co-crystal development
I Nugrahani, RD ParwatiMolecules 26 (14), 4185, 2021 -
Amino acids as the potential co-former for co-crystal development: a review
I Nugrahani, MA JessicaMolecules 26 (11), 3279, 2021 -
Solid-State Dehydration Mechanism of Diclofenac Sodium Salt Hydrates
H Oyama, T Miyamoto, A Sekine, I Nugrahani, H UekusaCrystals 11 (4), 412, 2021 -
Composing novel diclofenac potassium and l-proline salt cocrystal as a strategy to increase solubility and dissolution
I Nugrahani, SW Komara, A Horikawa, H UekusaJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109 (11), 3423-3438, 2020 -
Development of HPLC method for phenylethyl resorcinol content determination in whitening cream preparation
I NUGRAHANI, S IBRAHIM, YN KEMBARENJournal of Research in Pharmacy 24 (5), 2020 -
Diclofenac-proline nano-co-crystal development, characterization, in vitro dissolution and diffusion study
I Nugrahani, WN AuliHeliyon 6 (9), 2020 -
Salt cocrystal of diclofenac sodium-l-proline: Structural, pseudopolymorphism, and pharmaceutics performance study
I Nugrahani, RA Kumalasari, WN Auli, A Horikawa, H UekusaPharmaceutics 12 (7), 690, 2020 -
A comprehensive study of a new 1.75 hydrate of ciprofloxacin salicylate: SCXRD structure determination, solid characterization, water stability, solubility, and dissolution study
I Nugrahani, B Tjengal, T Gusdinar, A Horikawa, H UekusaCrystals 10 (5), 349, 2020 -
FTIR method for peptide content estimation and degradation kinetic study of Canarium nut protein
I Nugrahani, R Oktaviary, S Ibrahim, T Gusdinar, C ApsariIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy 31 (2), 78-83, 2020 -
Chemometrical analysis of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum profile of Indonesia’s black tea products (Camellia sinensis L.)
I Nugrahani, M SundalianBiointerface Research In Applied Chemistry 10 (1), 4721-4727, 2020 -
A Firmansyah, I Nugrahani, KR Wirasutisna, S IbrahimInternational Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 12 (5), 2020 -
New preparation method using microwave, kinetics, in vitro dissolution-diffusion, and anti-inflammatory study of diclofenac-proline co-crystal
I Nugrahani, D Utami, L Ayuningtyas, AN Garmana, R OktaviaryChemistrySelect 4 (45), 13396-13403, 2019 -
Cocrystal construction between the ethyl ester with parent drug of diclofenac: Structural, stability, and anti-inflammatory study
I Nugrahani, D Utami, YP Nugraha, H Uekusa, R Hasianna, AA DarusmanHeliyon 5 (12), 2019 -
FTIR- derivative as a green method for simultaneous content determination of caffeine, paracetamol, and acetosal in a tablet compared to HPLC
I Nugrahani, EY Manosa, L ChintyaVibrational Spectroscopy 104, 102941, 2019 -
I Nugrahani, AA DarusmanAsian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2019, 2019 -
Rapid Method for Fraction Determination of Canarium indicum Peptide Using FTIR
R Oktaviary, I Nugrahani, SI Surantaatmadja, CN Apsari, TG KartawinataAsian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2019, 2019 -
Validity and Reliability Study of The Swamonitoring Commercial Devices for Blood’s Uric Test
ID Rahayu, I Nugrahani, TG KartawinataAsian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2019, 2019 -
L-Proline as Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES) to Solubility and Difussion Enhancer of Tretinoin
I Nugrahani, TM Ulfah, E HerlinaAsian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2019, 2019 -
The rapid and green hair analysis method development using FTIR for papaverine HCl determination
I NUGRAHANI, S SULISTIANA, S IBRAHIMInternational Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 211-217, 2019 -
Spectrofluorometric determination of L-tryptophan in canary (Canarium indicum L.) seed protein hydrolysate
I Nugrahani, IM Abotbina, CN Apsari, TG Kartavinata, S Sukrasno, R OktaviaryBiointerface. Res. Appl. Chem 10 (1), 4780-4785, 2019 -
Quantitative vibrational methods development and its performance comparison to colorimetry on the assay of kanamycin sulfate
I Nugrahani, R FauziaInt. J. Appl. Pharm 11, 426-435, 2019 -
Pengujian mutu sediaan kapsul minyak hati ikan cucut botol dalam beberapa produk yang beredar di pasaran
TH Wijaya, TG Kartawinata, I NugrahaniPharmaceutical Sciences and Research 6 (3), 6, 2019 -
Rapid assay development of diclofenac sodium coated tablet assay using FTIR compared to HPLC method
I Nugrahani, N DillenInternational Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 43-50, 2018 -
The performance of derivative FTIR spectrophotometry method compared to colorimetry for tranexamic acid tablet content determination
I Nugrahani, WN AuliPharmaciana 8 (1), 11-24, 2018 -
Zwitterionic cocrystal of diclofenac and L-proline: Structure determination, solubility, kinetics of cocrystallization, and stability study
I Nugrahani, D Utami, S Ibrahim, YP Nugraha, H UekusaEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 117, 168-176, 2018 -
Development of the NSAID-L-proline amino acid zwitterionic cocrystals
I Nugrahani, D Utami, B Permana, S IbrahimJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (4), 057-063, 2018 -
Green method for acetaminophen and ibuprofen simultaneous assay in the combination tablet using FTIR
I Nugrahani, F KhalidaInt. J. Appl. Pharm 10 (3), 77-83, 2018 -
Determinasi Kadar Kafein Produk Teh Hitam Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan Spektrofotometer Fourier Transform Infrared
M Sundalian, I NugrahaniIndonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 7 (1), 41-49, 2018 -
Studies of preparation, characterization, and solubility of mefenamic acid-nicotinamide co-crystal synthesized by using melt crystallization method
DU Purwantoro, I Nugrahani, SI SurantaatmadjaAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10 (5), 135, 2017 -
Mefenamic acid-nicotinamide co-crystal synthesized by using melt crystallization method and its solubility study
D Utami, I Nugrahani, S IbrahimAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 135-139, 2017 -
Sebuah Pengantar: Analisis Padatan Sebagai Metode Yang Andal dan Komprehensif untuk Penetapan Struktur dan Kadar Senyawa Kimia dan Bahan Obat
I NugrahaniProceeding 3, i-v, 2017 -
Development and validation of content uniformity analytical procedure of glipizide extended release tablet
I Nugrahani, I Fatmawati, S IbrahimJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 6 (12), 192-196, 2016 -
Effect of ethanol-water composition on clindamycin hydrochoride pseudopolymorphism
I Nugrahani, S AnggraeniInt. J. Pharma Sci 8 (11), 269-274, 2016 -
Formation and characterization of mefenamic acid-nicotinamide cocrystal during co-milling based on X-ray powder diffraction analysis
D Utami, I Nugrahani, S IbrahimJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 6 (10), 075-081, 2016 -
Development and validation analysis of acyclovir tablet content determination method using FTIR
I Nugrahani, MV MussadahInt. J. Appl. Pharm 8 (3), 43-47, 2016 -
S Fatmawati, I NugrahaniProceeding 2, 219-231, 2016 -
Determination of thiamine HCl (vitamin b1) and pyridoxine HCl (vitamin b6) content in tablet by FTIR
I Nugrahani, C KartiniInt J Pharm Pharm Sci 8, 257-64, 2016 -
Theophylline-Na-sacharrine single crystal isolation for its structure determination
I Nugrahani, EA Pertiwi, OD PutraInt. J. Pharm. Sci 7, 15-24, 2015 -
Study of physical interaction between ibuprofen and caffeine and its influence on solubility and hygroscopicity of ibuprofen
I Nugrahani, KA KartiniInt. J. Pharm. Sci 7, 223-227, 2015 -
Hydrate transformation of sodium sulfacetamide and neomycin sulphate
I Nugrahani, SS MinInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 7 (10), 409-415, 2015 -
Study of physical interaction mefenamic acidâisonicotinamide
Y Yuyun, I NugrahaniAIP Conference Proceedings 1677 (1), 2015 -
Hydrate transformation study of fluoroquinolone antibiotics using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
I Nugrahani, S Ibrahim, R Mauludin, M AlmiraInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 7 (8), 246-252, 2015 -
Studi Pembentukan Kompleks Nikel-Kloramfenikol dengan Pengaturan pH dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Aktivitas Antimikroba pada Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli, Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) dan Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
I Nugrahani, L NingsihJurnal Matematika dan Sains 19 (1), 26-32, 2015 -
The dynamic study of co-crystal formation between anhydrous and monohydrate theophylline with sodium saccharine dihydrate by FTIR
I Nugrahani, MU BahariJ Chem Biochem 2 (2), 117-137, 2014 -
Polimorfisasi dan Solvatomorfi Amoksisilina Trihidrat setelah Proses beku Kering
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S IbrahimMajalah Ilmu Kefarmasian 7 (2), 2, 2014 -
Aktivitas antibakteri madu pahit terhadap bakteri gram negatif dan gram positif serta potensinya dibandingkan terhadap antibiotik kloramfenikol, oksitetrasiklin dan gentamisin
D Astrini, MS Wibowo, I NugrahaniActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 39 (3), 75-83, 2014 -
Kristal Biru 2, 3 dimetil-N-fenilalanin (DNF) Hasil Interaksi Kimia Padatan Asam Mefenamat dengan Asam Oksalat
I Nugrahani, S Ibrahim, DD PuspitaJ Mat Sains 17, 98â, 2013 -
Studi Transformasi Hidrat Sefadroksil Monohidrat dan Sefaleksin Monohidrat dengan FTIR
I Nugrahani, S Ibrahim, R Mauludin, P KrisnamurthiJurnal Matematika & Sains 18 (1), 1-10, 2013 -
Karakterisasi Padatan Mikrosfer Metformin HCl/Alginat-Ca2+ Paut Silang
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, B NurmeynaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 38 (1), 19-25, 2013 -
Pembentukan padatan semi kristalin dan ko-kristal parasetamol
OD Putra, I Nugrahani, S Ibrahim, H UekusaJurnal Matematika dan Sains 17 (2), 83-88, 2012 -
Indirect iodination on the vinyl double bond of andrographolide
J Levita, NM Widiastuti, I Nugrahani, A Musadad, A Mutalib, S IbrahimInternational Journal of Chemistry 3 (4), 47, 2011 -
Analytical Chemistry: Methods and Applications
HH TrimmCRC Press, 2011 -
Studi Padatan dengan Differential Scanning Calorimetry dan Scanning Electron Microscope pada Mikrosfer Pautan Silang Alginat yang Mengandung Metformin HCl
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, RA Utami, OD PutraActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (3&4), 2011 -
Measuring Echo Strength of Fish and Sea Bottom Using Underwater Acoustic Instrument
HM ManikProceedings of The Third International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2010, 2011 -
Potassium clavulanate
K Fujii, K Toyota, A Sekine, H Uekusa, I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, NS Soewandhi, S IbrahimActa Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 66 (8), m985-m986, 2010 -
Pengamatan Visual Tahap-Tahap Pembentukan Kristal Sistem Eutektikum Asetaminofen-Pseudoefedrin Hidroklorida
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S IbrahimMajalah Ilmu Kefarmasian 7 (1), 3, 2010 -
Science for Sustainable Development
SK Chaerun, R SaragihProceedings of a conference held on November 23, 25, 2010 -
Acoustic backscatter quantification of seabed using multibeam echosounder instrument
ZA Harahap, HM Manik, S PujiyatiProceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematics and Natural, 2010 -
Amoxicillin trihydrate – potassium clavulanate solid solution
I Nugrahani, SN Soewandhi, S Ibrahim, S AsyarieActa Crystallographica Section A 64, C436-C436, 2008 -
The Cold Contact Method as a Simple Drug Interaction Detection System
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S IbrahimAdvances in Physical Chemistry 2008 (1), 169247, 2008 -
The antibiotic potency of amoxicillin-clavulanate co-crystal
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewa, S IbrahimInternational Journal of Pharmacology 3 (6), 475-481, 2007 -
Identification of physical interaction between levodopa – benzerazide hydrochloride
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S IbrahimIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 96-104, 2007 -
I Nugrahan, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S IbrahimFarmasi UMS, 2007 -
Karakterisasi Rekristalit Antalgin-Fenilbutason dengan Pelarut Aseton sebagai Suatu Sistem Interaksi Fisika
I Nugrahani, S Ibrahim, SN Soewandhi, S AsyarieJurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 5 (1), 37-44, 2007 -
Identifikasi interaksi fisika antara levodopa – benserazid hidroklorida
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S IbrahimMaj Farm Indones. 18 (2), 96-104, 2007 -
The Antibiotic Potency of Amoxicillin-Clavulanate Co-Crystal
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewa, S IbrahimInternational Journal of Pharmacology 3 (6), 444-452, 2007 -
Solid state interaction between amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium Clavulanate
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S IbrahimMalays. J. Pharm. Sci 5 (1), 45-57, 2007 -
The impact of hot melt granulation method on propranolol hydrochloride physicochemical properties
I Nugrahani, H Rahmat, J DjajadisastraIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 167-172, 2005 -
Penyakit Kaki, Tangan, dan Mulut dan Pengobatannya
I NugrahaniJURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA 3 (1), 41-46, 2005 -
Pengaruh metode granulasi peleburan terhadap sifat fisikokimia propranolol hidroklorida
I Nugrahani, H Rahmat, J DjajadisastraMajalah Farmasi Indonesia, 16(3), 167 – 172, 2005 -
Karakterisik Granul dan Tablet Propranolol Hidroklorida dengan Metode Granulasi Peleburan
I Nugrahani, H Rahmat, J DjajadisastraMajalah ilmu kefarmasian 2 (2), 5, 2005 -
Simple Thermal Analysis as a Green Method for the Detection of Meat Adulteration
I Nugrahani, A AdityaIndonesian Journal of Chemistry 23 (5), 2023 -
Pengujian Mutu Sediaan Kapsul Minyak Hati Ikan Cucut Botol Dalam Beberapa Produk yang Beredar di Pasaran Quality Evaluation of Shark Liver Oil Capsule in Several Products on Market
TH Wijaya, TG Kartawinata, I NugrahaniPharmaceutical Sciences and Research (PSR) 6(3), 170-178, 2019 -
Formation of boron – silica based mesoporous and studies of its adsorption ability for curcuminoids
A Firmansyah, I Nugrahani, KR Wirasutisna, S IbrahimBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 10 (2), 4977-4981, 2020 -
Chemometrical analysis of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum profile of Indonesia’s black tea products (Camellia sinensis L.)
I Nugrahani, M SundalianBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 10 (1), 4721-4727, 2020 -
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Soewandhi, S Ibrahim -
Pengaruh Interaksi Fisika Amoksisilina Trihidrat-Kalium Klavulanat terhadap Peningkatan Potensi Antibiotika pada Bakteri Non-Beta Laktamase Sarcina Lutea Sp.
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Suwandhi, S IbrahimMaranatha Journal of Medicine and Health 7 (2), 149423, 2008 -
Identifikasi Interaksi Kimia Fisika Pada Kombinasi Antibiotika Amoksisilina Trihidrat-Kalium Klavulanat Dengan Kalorimeter Larutan Dan Rekristalisasi
I Nugrahani, S Asyarie, SN Suwandhi, S IbrahimMajalah Ilmu Kefarmasian 4 (3), 2, 2007
Judul | Tahun | Tempat | Peserta |
PM TOP-DOWN/Penugasan Tahun 2023 – Pembinaan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Pedagang di Pujasera Sehat dan Halal di Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Jakarta | 2023 | Jakarta, Bandung | Pedagang Makanan di Sekitar Kantor Kementerian Kominfo di Jakarta, Pendamping Proses Produk Halal (PPPH) binaan Pusat Kajian Halal ITB di Bandung |
PM Top-Down Tahun 2022 Tahap 2 – Pelatihan Pendamping Proses Produksi Halal (PPH) sebagai Pendukung Program Kegiatan Kampus Merdeka dan Indonesia sebagai Negara Industri Halal | 2022 | Bandung, Jawa Barat | Pendamping Produk Halal |
Inovasi Garam Kokristal Baru : Produksi Determinasi Struktur Tiga Dimensi Modulasi Karakter Fisikokimia Padatan dan Peningkatan Kinerja Obat Nsaid Diklofenak (2021)
Riset Internasional – Pengembangan Dan Penetapan Struktur Multikomponen Baru Antibiotika Golongan Fluorokuinolon dengan Karakter Padatan Superior (2021)
International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)
Multicomponent Crystal of Ciprofloxacin – HCl – Salicylate: Production, Three-Dimensional Structure Determination, Solid Characterization, and Pharmaceutical Performance Study (2020)
Penetapan Komposisi Peptida Biji Kenari sebagai Kandidat ACE Inhibitor Alami dengan Kemometrika Analisis Instrumental (2019)
Pengujian Keandalan Test-Kit Komersial untuk ‘Swa-Monitoring’ Kesehatan Klinis dan Pengaruh Lokasi Pengambilan Sampel Darah Terhadap Validitas Hasil Pengukuran (2019)
Produksi Senyawa Molekular Prodrug Etil – diklofenak dengan Asamnya Sebagai Kandidat Bahan Baku Obat Sediaan Transdermal Menggunakan Metode Ramah Lingkungan (2019)
Metode Penetapan Kadar Obat yang Andal dan Ramah Lingkungan Menggunakan Instrumen Fourier Transform Infra Red (2018)
Isolasi dan Penetapan Struktur Tiga Dimensi Ko-kristal Zwitter Ion Ibuprofen-Asam amino Menggunakan SCXRD (2017)
Pengaruh Frekuensi Produksi Telur Terhadap Residu Siprofloksasin Pada Telur Ayam Setelah Pemberian Rute Oral (2017)
Kajian pangan nusantara berbahan dasar biji kenari (Canarium indicum): Pengembangan teknologi dari produk tradisi hingga bahan baku farmasi (2013)
Lustrum Ke-13 Tahun 2012 Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi -ITB (2012)
Pengaruh Kelembaban Terhadap Pembentukan Siproloksasin Hidrat (2010)