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Dr. apt. Afrillia Nuryanti Garmana, S.Si., M.Si.

KK Farmakologi-Farmasi Klinik

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Publikasi di Jurnal

  1. Garmana, A.N., Sukandar, E.Y., Fidrianny, I., “Preliminary study of blood pressure lowering effect of Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) steenis) on Wistar rats”, International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2016

Publikasi di Seminar

  1. Indriyanti, N., Garmana, A.N., Setiawan, F., Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana, I.K., “The effect of aqueous extract of Kalanchoe Folium on methylprednisolone pharmacokinetic profile”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2016