Pharmacology - Clinical Pharmacy Research Group
Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacy Research Group consists of three subgroups, namely Pharmacology-Toxicology, Immunology, and Hospital Pharmacy. Pharmacology Scientific Group Resources Clinical pharmacy in addition to its role in managing education and teaching, research, and services to the community, is also responsible for producing drugs, cosmetics, and medical nutrition from natural, semi-synthetic or synthetic materials, which are guaranteed to be efficacious and safe; and excellent pharmaceutical care for the general public and other health professionals.
Leading Program in Education/Teaching
Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacy Research Group has prepared a Masters program in Applied Hospital Pharmacy and Science. The curriculum has been prepared but still requires a response from the community of graduate users. Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacy Research Group continues to develop courses for the undergraduate program in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and the undergraduate program in Clinical and Community Pharmacy, and the Health Technology study program which will be formed with a curriculum that is in accordance with the development of science and technology and the development of research in the field of ITB Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacology, as well as in accordance with the demands of competencies needed in the world of work. Facilitating scientists to deepen their knowledge through master’s or doctoral programs in pharmacology, hospital pharmacy, social pharmacy, and clinical pharmacy.
Leading Program in Research
- Development of natural medicine to overcome degenerative diseases. In the last 2 years, the Pharmacology Research Group has developed a pharmacological method to induce stroke and tested several plant extracts on stroke animal models. Almost all of the extracts studied showed prospective results to be used as standardized herbal medicines or even phytopharmaceuticals. In addition to being an anti-stroke, methods for testing the effects on dyslipidemia, antioxidants, anti-platelet aggregation, and others have also been developed.
- Development of a method to create an animal model of autoimmune disease. One year ago, a method for inducing rheumatoid arthritis was developed – one type of autoimmune disease. Given that the number of sufferers of this disease continues to increase, the success in developing research methods and at the same time natural ingredients for the disease is a highly anticipated result.
- Development of an animal model with multiple sclerosis (MS) which is also a type of autoimmune disease that is currently starting to have an increasing number of sufferers. This research still requires further development.
- Development of natural medicine to overcome infectious diseases. Expertise in the field of microbiology in the Pharmacology Research Group is very strategic for developing drug products for infectious diseases. Currently, a superior product with anti-tuberculosis properties from plants has been produced which is in the process of clinical trials at the Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta. This research is a research in partnership with industry.
- Development of natural medicine with immunomodulatory properties. Research expertise in the field of immunology is a strategy that allows for producing quality products for the immune response. Currently, more than 20 plants have been studied for their efficacy on the immune response. The next stage is the selection of potential extracts and clinical trials through collaboration with hospitals.
- Development of research to overcome drug dependence. Expertise in this type of research that already exists in the Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacy Research Group is a strategy to produce a guide to addiction therapy.
- Development of drugs for kidney failure. An animal model of kidney failure has been developed. The success of the method development allows further drug development.
- Cosmetic Development. The Pharmacology Research Group is involved in cosmetic efficacy tests. Together with the Pharmaceutics Research Group, the development of cosmetic products for the purpose of improving the physical body has begun. Development will be carried out specifically on cosmetic preparations for therapeutic purposes that require multidisciplinary research development.
- Pharmaceutical care development. The expertise that has been formed is the main capital for carrying out excellent pharmaceutical care for the general public and other health professionals.
Leading Program in Service
Providing efficacy and safety inspection services for pharmaceutical products. Actively participating in providing drug, cosmetic, food and beverage information services. Providing continuous learning services for those interested.
- Dr. Kusnandar Anggadiredja, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Lia Amalia, S.Si., M.Si
- Prof. Dr. apt. Maria Immaculata Iwo
- Dr. apt. Neng Fisheri Kurniati, S.Si., M.Si
- apt. Tomi Hendrayana, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Pratiwi Wikaningtyas, S.Farm., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Afrillia Nuryanti Garmana, S.Si., M.Si
- apt. Dewi Safitri, S.Farm., M.Si
- apt. Tjokorde Istri Armina Padmasawitri, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D
- apt. Cindra Tri Yuniar, S.Farm, M.Si
- apt. Zulfan Zazuli, S.Farm., M.Farm., Ph.D
- Dra. Anis Sussieyani , M.Ds
- apt. Siti Farah Rahmawati, S.Farm., M.Si
- Dr. Nova Suliska, S.Farm., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Hubbi Nashrullah Muhammad, S.Farm., M.Si
Academic Assistant
- dr. Nazhifa Ufamy, M.Si.
- Ardika Fajrul Ihsan, S.Farm.
- Bambang Tri Laksono, S.Farm.
- Pharmacology Instrumentation Laboratory
- Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory
- Experimental Pharmacology Laboratory
- Clinical Pharmacy Simulation Laboratory
Research Group Library
Research Field/Topic
- Pharmacology toxicology: Development of Pharmacology and Toxicology Methods, Exploration of the efficacy of drugs, cosmetics, and medical nutrition for various organ-system disorders, and cell diseases and infections
- In the Immunology subfield: Development of immunology methods, development of immunomodulators (immunostimulants, immunosuppressants, and tolerogens), development of biomedical products.
- Hospital pharmacy: study of Drug Related Problems, Treatment Related Problems, creation of treatment guidelines and handling of side effects, Development of pharmaceutical care systems and guidelines.
Leading Research (2010-2015)
In the next five years, for the field of Pharmacology-Toxicology, the Pharmacology Research Group – Clinical Pharmacy research is designed to produce medicinal products from Indonesian medicinal plants with an activity pharmacology and a certain degree of safety, as well as a pattern of drug dependency management. Research in the field of immunology is designed to produce an autoimmune disease induction method and a product in the form of an immunomodulator from plants. In 2010, research will focus on ethnopharmacology studies which are expected to obtain superior plants in the same year which in 2011-2012 will be subjected to preclinical testing covering pharmacological/immunological activity and safety. In 2013, it is planned to obtain one standardized herbal product that has scientific and commercial potential, one for pharmacological properties and one for immunomodulators. In 2014-2015, it is planned to conduct clinical trials through cooperation with RSHS Bandung and other hospitals. Research in the field of Hospital Pharmacy is designed to produce optimal pharmaceutical care guidelines in the community and in hospitals.
Partnership Development
In 2010, together with the Pharmaceutics Research Group, the Pharmacology Research Group of Clinical Pharmacy will hold an international scientific activity in the field of cosmetics. This activity aims to establish partnerships with universities, research institutions at the national and international levels, and domestic and foreign cosmetic industries. The Pharmacology Research Group – Clinical Pharmacy in the period 2010-2015 will hold a pharmacotherapy refresher seminar for both health professionals and the general public. In addition, the Pharmacology Research Group – Clinical Pharmacy will hold short courses in Pharmacology, Toxicology, Immunology, and will compile a pocket book on self-medication and autoimmune diseases.
Pharmacology Research Group has a fairly extensive network and will continue to be improved such as with hospitals, the pharmaceutical and herbal medicine industry and government institutions such as the Directorate of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, LIPI, and the POM Agency and professional organizations in the fields of education, consulting services, experts, research and testing. In addition, the Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacy Research Group through its members has a research network with institutions abroad: Virginia, the Netherlands, Japan, Seoul, and Germany.