My work in precision medicine focuses on pharmacogenomics/-genetics with strong interest in oncology and drug-induced diseases in special populations.
In 2021, I obtained my PhD from Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam through a project entitled “Optimizing safety of cisplatin treatment: Utilizing pharmacogenomics to prevent nephrotoxicity”.
In the past, I also conducted a study on pharmacogenetics of antituberculosis-induced liver injury and several research in the field of clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice.
Together with our national and international collaborators, we are now working on how we can incorporate pharmacogenetics in the treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Personalized Medicine in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia/PEDIALL study) and on exhaled breath analysis in pulmonary TB patients with and without HIV infections to better stratify the patients and to deliver personalized therapy.
- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2010
- S2 Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung – Indonesia 2014
- S3 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam – Belanda 2021
Z Zazuli, NM Sari, FK MaulanaMalaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 20, 2024
Factors affecting the outcomes in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients at an Army Central Hospital
NU Nurwulandari, Z Zazuli, R Wihastuti, P WikaningtyasPharmacy Practice (Granada) 22 (1), 10, 2024 -
Dampak Intervensi Edukasi dan Aplikasi Pengingat Minum Obat terhadap Pengetahuan dan Kepatuhan Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Puskesmas di Kota Bandung
IBM Reyaan, I Faustincia, Z ZazuliJURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) 13 (4), 256-265, 2024 -
Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in childhood cancer: Comparison between two countries
Z Zazuli, CJPO Hoog, SJH Vijverberg, R Masereeuw, SR Rassekh, M Medeiros, RR Ruiz, AHMVD Zee, BC CarletonPediatric Nephrology 38 (2), 593-604, 2023 -
Identification of potential treatments for acute lymphoblastic Leukemia through integrated genomic network analysis
Z Zazuli, LM Irham, W Adikusuma, NM SariPharmaceuticals 15 (12), 1562, 2022 -
Association between genetic variants and cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity: a genome-wide approach and validation study
Z Zazuli, CD Jong, W Xu, SJH Vijverberg, R Masereeuw, D Patel, M Mirshams, K Khan, D Cheng, BO Perez, S Huang, A Spreafico, AR Hansen, DP Goldstein, JRD Almeida, SV Bratman, A Hope, JJ Knox, RKS Wong, GE Darling, A Kitchlu, SWAV Haarlem, FVD Meer, ASR van Lindert, AT Heuvel, J Brouwer, CJD Ross, BC Carleton, TCG Egberts, GJM Herder, VHM Deneer, AHMVD Zee, G LiuJournal of personalized medicine 11 (11), 1233, 2021 -
Monitoring of high-dose methotrexate (Mtx)-related toxicity and Mtx levels in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a pilot-study in Indonesia
NM Sari, LE Rakhmilla, MH Bashari, Z Zazuli, N Suryawan, S Susanah, L Reniarti, H Raspati, E Supriadi, GJL Kaspers, P IdjradinataAsian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 22 (7), 2025, 2021 -
Optimizing safety of cisplatin treatment: Utilizing pharmacogenomics to prevent nephrotoxicity
Z ZazuliUniversity of Amsterdam, 2021 -
The impact of genetic polymorphisms in organic cation transporters on renal drug disposition
Z Zazuli, NJCB Duin, K Jansen, SJH Vijverberg, AHMVD Zee, R MasereeuwInternational journal of molecular sciences 21 (18), 6627, 2020 -
947P Association between genetic variants and cisplatin nephrotoxicity: A genome-wide approach
Z Zazuli, W Xu, S Vijverberg, R Masereeuw, M Mirshams, K Khan, BO Perez, SH Huang, A Spreafico, AR Hansen, D Goldstein, JD Almeida, S Bratman, A Hope, B Carleton, AHMVD Zee, G LiuAnnals of Oncology 31, S674, 2020 -
Comparison of myelotoxicity and nephrotoxicity between daily low-dose cisplatin with concurrent radiation and cyclic high-dose cisplatin in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Z Zazuli, R Kos, JD Veltman, W Uyterlinde, C Longo, P Baas, R Masereeuw, SJH Vijverberg, AHMVD ZeeFrontiers in Pharmacology 11, 975, 2020 -
Outcome Definition Influences the Relationship between Genetic Polymorphisms of ERCC1, ERCC2, SLC22A2 and Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity in Adult Testicular Cancer Patients
Z Zazuli, LS Otten, BI Drögemöller, M Medeiros, JG Monzon, GEB Wright, CK Kollmannsberger, PL Bedard, Z Chen, KA Gelmon, N McGoldrick, A Kitchlu, SJH Vijverberg, R Masereeuw, CJD Ross, G Liu, BC Carleton, AHMVD ZeeGenes 10 (5), 364, 2019 -
Pharmacogenetics of inhaled long‐acting beta2‐agonists in asthma: a systematic review
EMA Slob, SJH Vijverberg, CNA Palmer, Z Zazuli, N Farzan, NMB Oliveri, MW Pijnenburg, GH Koppelman, AHMVD ZeePediatric Allergy and Immunology 29 (7), 705-714, 2018 -
Genetic variations and cisplatin nephrotoxicity: a systematic review
Z Zazuli, S Vijverberg, E Slob, G Liu, B Carleton, J Veltman, P Baas, R Masereeuw, AHMVD ZeeFrontiers in pharmacology 9, 1111, 2018 -
Evaluating Inhaler Use Technique among Asthma and COPD Patients at a Primary Health Care Unit: A Pilot Study in Selangor Malaysia
Z Zazuli, K Ramasamy, IK AdnyanaJURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) 8 (2), 2018 -
Smoking cessation counseling program: a pilot study on college smokers
F Surachman, K Anggadiredja, SF Rahmawati, Z ZazuliKnE Life Sciences / The 3rd International Meeting of Public Health and the 1st Young Scholar Symposium on Public Health, 411-419, 2018 -
Provision of Patient Medication Counseling Service In A Tertiary-Care Eye Hospital In Bandung: A Gap Analysis of Patient’s Need, Standard and Service Provider Resources
T Hendrayana, Z Zazuli, G Fadhila, NS CahyonoIndonesian Journal of Pharmacy 28 (4), 232, 2017 -
Analisis kesesuaian dosis pada pasien gangguan fungsi ginjal di suatu rumah sakit pendidikan di Kota Bandung
Z Zazuli, T Hendrayana, B Pratiwi, C RahayuActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 42 (1), 42-49, 2017 -
Identification of drug-related problems on beta lactam antibiotics used for pediatric at a secondary-care hospital in Cimahi, Indonesia
Z Zazuli, T Hendrayana, SF Rahmawati, SP FitriahActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 42 (2), 69-75, 2017 -
Drug-related problems in Type 2 diabetic patients with hypertension in Cimahi
Z Zazuli, A Rohaya, IK AdnyanaInternational Journal of Green Pharmacy 11 (2), 298-304, 2017 -
Studi Pengelolaan Obat-obatan Look Alike (Rupa Mirip) di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit X di Kota Cimahi
M Safitri, Z Zazuli, DentiariantiSeminar Nasional Farmasi (SNIFA) 2 UNJANI, 2016 -
Polymorphism of PXR gene associated with the increased risk of drug-induced liver injury in Indonesian pulmonary tuberculosis patients
Z Zazuli, MI Barliana, UA Mulyani, DA Perwitasari, H Ng, R AbdulahJournal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics 40 (6), 680-684, 2015 -
Permasalahan terkait obat (Drug Related Problems/Drps) pada penatalaksanaan penyakit ginjal kronis dengan penyulit penyakit arteri koroner
WH Furqani, Z Zazuli, N Nadhif, S Saidah, R Abdulah, K LestariJurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesiaher 4, 141-150, 2015 -
Antibiotic Use Evaluation in Surgery Patients at a Private Hospital in Bandung
Z Zazuli, EY Sukandar, I LisniIndonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 4 (2), 87-97, 2015 -
Evaluasi penggunaan obat pada pasien bedah di suatu Rumah Sakit swasta di Bandung
Z Zazuli, EY Sukandar, I LisniJ Farm Klin Indones 4 (2), 87-97, 2015
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