Pharmacochemistry Research Group
The Pharmacochemistry Scientific Group (KK) consists of two main scientific subgroups, namely: Analytical Pharmacy and Medicinal Chemistry. The resources of the Scientific Group support all series of research activities in the fields of Analytical Pharmacy, Clinical Chemistry, Microbiological Analysis, Food Analysis and Safety, and Medicinal Chemistry.
Excellent Programs in Education/Teaching
In the field of education, the Pharmacochemistry Group develops courses for the undergraduate program in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and the undergraduate program in Clinical and Community Pharmacy, and the health technology study program which will be formed with content that is in accordance with the development of science and technology and the development of research in Pharmacochemistry ITB, as well as in accordance with the demands of competencies needed in the world of work. Facilitating scientists to deepen their knowledge through master’s or doctoral programs in the fields of analytical pharmacy, medicinal chemistry, analytical toxicology, and food analysis and safety.
Excellent Programs in Research
- Development and validation of analysis methods for pharmaceutical preparations and food products containing various components of active substances or nutrients, as well as contaminant analysis. This is related to the difficulties faced by the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry.
- Design, synthesis and physical biochemical testing of cationic porphyrin compounds as anti-cancer candidates. This research involves collaboration with international institutions and is expected to encourage an increase in the number of international publications.
- Development of quinine alkaloid derivatives as chiral selectors and anti-malarial drug candidates. Development of quercetin derivatives as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug candidates.
- Optimization of beta-lactam antibiotic intermediate synthesis procedures.
- Development of natural-based food additives, especially dyes and antioxidants.
- Engineering of TB vaccine candidates from mycobacterial proteins. With the establishment of a TB center at the School of Pharmacy, it is hoped that within 5 years it can teach the TB vaccine which is greatly needed by developing countries in Asia and Africa. This research is a cross-KK research at the School of Pharmacy and involves researchers from other universities in Indonesia and abroad.
Excellent Service Program
Providing quality testing services for various products, including drugs, cosmetics, food, household health supplies, and certain non-electromedical health devices.
- apt. Elin Julianti, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D
- Prof. Dr. apt. Ilma Nugrahani, S.Farm., M.Si
- Prof. apt. Marlia Singgih Wibowo, Ph.D
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. apt. Rahmana Emran Kartasasmita, M.Si
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sophi Damayanti, M.Si
- Prof. Dr. apt. Tutus Gusdinar Kartawinata
- Dr. apt. Tursino, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Benny Permana, S.Si., M.Si
- apt. Andhika Bintang Mahardhika, S.Farm., M.Si.
- Dr. apt. Tasia Amelia, S.Farm., M.Si
- apt. Muhammad Azhari, S.Farm., M.Si.
- Dr. Fransiska Kurniawan, S.Farm., M.Si
Academic Assistant
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Instrumentation Laboratory
- Clinical Chemistry and Medical Biochemistry Laboratory
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Bioprocess Laboratory
- Medicinal Chemistry, Computation and Bioactive Molecule Testing Laboratory
Research Theme Coverage
- Development of analysis methods
- Design and synthesis of porphyrin and chlorophyll compounds for cancer treatment, and chemical review of existing cancer drugs
- Design and synthesis of quinine derivative compounds as anti-malarial, stereoselective reagents
- Development of the Dane Salt synthesis method to support independent amoxicillin production
- Engineering and isolation of TB vaccine candidates from mycobacterial proteins
- Development of natural dyes (chlorophyll, monascus)
- Reagent development
- Development of alternative food ingredients from local sources.
Leading Research (2007-2010)
- Development and validation of analysis methods for preparations containing multivitamins, amino acids and minerals (Collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry)
- Development of melamine determination methods in various dairy products (collaboration with the food industry)
- Development of Radiopharmaceuticals for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy (National Strategic Excellence Grant, DP2M Dikti)
- Pre-clinical Test of Porphyrin Cationic Compounds as Anti-cancer Candidates (Competency Grant, DP2M Dikti
- Development of Carotenoid Pigments from Red Oncom Mushrooms (Nerospora sitophilla) as Natural Colorants for Drugs and Food Ingredients (Research Grant according to Priority, DP2M Dikti)
- Utilization of Cassava Leaves as Initial Material for the Synthesis of Potent Quercetin Derivative Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Research Incentive Applied, KNRT)
- Production of Dane Salt as an Effort to Support the Independence of Amoxicillin Antibiotic Production in Indonesia (National Strategic Excellence Grant/Year 2, DP2M Dikti)
- Porphyrin-Based Radiopharmaceuticals for Cancer Diagnosis (Patent-Oriented Excellence Research, IMHERE SF ITB)
- Synthesis of Chlorophyllin Derivative Compounds for Cancer Therapy (KK Grant, ITB)
- Engineering of TB vaccine candidates from mycobacterial proteins.
Research Collaboration Partners
- Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio Univ., Japan (Prof. Hidenari Inoue, Ph.D., Prof. Yoshioka Naoki, Ph.D.)
- Jena Univ., Germany (Prof. Dr. J. Lehmann, Dr. M. Decker)
- Duesseldorf Univ., (Prof. Dr. Mathias Kassack)
- Department of Molecular Imaging and Radiotherapy, Chiba Univ., Japan (Prof. Yasushi Arano, Ph.D.)
- Virginia Bioinformatic Institute, USA (Dr. Biswarup)
- Central Radiopharmaceutical Development Division, BATAN, Puspitek Serpong (Abdul Mutalib, Ph.D.)
- Department of Chemistry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (Mudasir, Ph.D.)
- Rotinsulu Lung Hospital, Bandung (Dr. Fransisca, M. Kes.)