Pharmaceutics Research Group
Pharmaceutics Research Group has 3 (three) subgroups, namely:
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
The three subgroups are responsible for the development of their respective scientific fields as well as improving the academic performance of Pharmaceutical science. Administratively, all members of the Pharmaceutics Research Group are given special assignments in the management of the following areas:
- Education/Teaching (lecture and practicum arrangements)
- Research (topic analysis, funding sources and product dissemination levels)
- Community Services (service and promotion models)
- Resources (investment patterns, human resource development)
- Management (self-evaluation models, curriculum evaluation)
Leading Program in Education/Teaching
- Provision of Professional Masters Education in Industrial Pharmacy. The curriculum has been prepared but still requires input or response from the Pharmaceutical industry community.
- Learning Pattern e-learning. All courses managed by the Pharmaceutics Research Group are delivered in the form of multimedia. To change it into an e-learning system, it still requires assistance from information system experts and funds.
- Establishment of the Pharmaceuticals Engineering Center. Partnerships with the Pharmaceutical industry have been formed. The challenges given by the industry urge the allocation of investment funds for equipment and the development of intellectual and motor skills of human resources in a more specific direction.
LEading Program in Research
- Establishment of a therapeutic recombinant protein research center. Pharmaceutics Research Group has the necessary expertise. Activities designed to support research activities at this center are exploration of diseases that focus on therapy using recombinant proteins (diabetes with insulin, hepatitis with interferon, cancer with interferon and others), development of in vivo models in experimental animals, development of epidemiological and pharmacoeconomic research related to the type of disease, development of recombinant vaccines, development of drug formulations and delivery systems and modification of drug pharmacokinetics.
- Development of Nanoparticle Technology. Pharmaceutics Research Group has started research activities both in the production of nanoparticles/nanocaries and the development of dosage forms and routes of administration. Some of the supporting equipment: ultra turax, sonicator, particle sizer are already in Pharmaceutics Research Group. Procurement of nanoparticle production equipment such as High Pressure Homogenizer and probe sonicator is in the procurement process. Pharmaceutics Research Group has also joined the ITB program in developing the Nanotechnology Center.
- Development of Recombinant Vaccines, Recombinant Therapeutic Proteins, followed by pharmacokinetic profiles, biodistribution and biopharmaceuticals.
- Development of Cosmeceuticals. Expertise in the development of cosmetic products for the purpose of improving the physical body has been formed. Development will be carried out specifically on cosmetic preparations for therapeutic purposes that require the development of transdermal system research.
- Veterinary Drug Pharmacokinetics Development Program. The expertise that has been formed at this time is the strategy for developing veterinary drug preparations. The next stage of the product is to determine the reasonable level of dosage of the sustained or controlled release preparation and control of its pharmacokinetic profile.
- Development of Solid Kinetics and Binary Systems crystallographically. The kinetic reaction of the decomposition of drug compounds based on chemical reactions is already well understood. This is not the case with solid kinetics which is based on physical changes in drug compounds or polymorphic transformations. Such changes occur quite often in polymorphic drug compounds. While the binary system studies the possibility of interactions between 2 or more drug compounds or between drug compounds and auxiliary materials. The chance of occurrence is quite significant considering that almost 95% of drug formulations in Indonesia involve 2 or more drug compounds.
- Increasing research collaboration between the Pharmaceutics Research Group and several foreign universities, including: University of Groningen, The Netherlands; TU Braunschweig, Germany; Free University of Berlin, Germany, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Leading Program in Service
- Accreditation of BioAvailability and BioEquivalence Testing Laboratories to improve the level of service quality to regional and even international scales.
- Accreditation of several other service laboratories in Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.
- Dr. rer. nat. apt. Catur Riani, S.Si., M.Si
- Diky Mudhakir, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D
- Dr. Lucy Dewi Nurhajati Sasongko, M.Si
- Dr. rer. nat. apt. Rachmat Mauludin, M.Si
- Dr. apt. Saleh Wikarsa, S.Si., M.Si., DEA
- Dr. apt. Tri Suciati. M.Si
- Dr. rer. nat. apt. Aluicia Anita Artarini, S.Si.,M.Sc
- Dr. Ratna Annisa Utami, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Satrialdi, S.Farm., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Amirah Adlia, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Yuda Prasetya Nugraha, S.Farm., M.Si.
- apt. Annisa Rahma, S.Si., M.Sc.
- apt. Anindyajati, S.Farm., M.Si
- apt. Nur Azizah Fitria, S.Farm., M.Sc.
Academic Assistant
- apt. Sion Elisabeth Elfainatur Haloho, S.Farm., M.Sc.
- apt. Eskarani Tri Pratiwi, M.S.Farm.
- Basic Pharmacy and Physical Pharmacy Laboratory
- Solid Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory
- Liquid, Semi-Solid and Sterile Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory
- Biopharmacology and Pharmacokinetics Laboratory
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Laboratory
Research Group Library
Research Group Computer Room
Research Fields/Topics
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Development of New Systems for Drug and Therapeutic Protein Delivery
- Development of Drug Dosage Forms
- Development of Excipients
- Development of Validation Methods
- Development of Cosmetic Preparations
- Kinetics Solids
- Polymorphic Transformation
- Nanopharmacology
- Development of Veterinary Drug Preparations
- Biopharmacology and Pharmacokinetics
- Exploration of pharmacokinetic and biodistribution profiles
- Study of drug interactions in vivo
- Study of pathophysiological effects on drug pharmacokinetics
- Biotechnology
- Development of vaccines and recombinant proteins
Leading Research Products
In the next 5 (five) years, KK research is designed to be able to produce leading research products: therapeutic recombinant proteins, pharmaceutical dosage forms with new delivery systems including targeted delivery, nanopharmaceutical products. The raw materials for active substances used are limited to synthetic chemical drugs, recombinant proteins/vaccines and plant extracts. The technological basis that will be developed is Nano technology with the assistance of developing auxiliary materials (natural polymers or partial synthetics) sourced from Indonesian plants or animals. Meanwhile, the target tropical diseases that are the reference for the development of New Drug Delivery Systems are infectious diseases (eg Hepatitis, TB), cardiovascular diseases (eg thrombosis) and degenerative diseases (eg Diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia) as well as inflammatory diseases.
Development of national and international partnerships
In 2010, the Pharmaceutics Research Group will hold an international scientific activity in the field of cosmetics. Through this activity, the Pharmaceutics Research Group wants to establish partnerships with universities, research institutions at the national and international levels, and domestic cosmetic industries. In addition, in the next 5 years, the Pharmaceutics Research Group wants to socialize the application of nanotechnology for the development of drugs and dosage forms from chemical synthesis, herbs, and therapeutic protein recombinants.
Pharmaceutics Research Group already has a fairly extensive network and will continue to be improved such as with the pharmaceutical and herbal medicine industry and government institutions such as the Directorate of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development, LIPI and BPOM as well as professional organizations in the fields of education, consulting services, experts, research and testing. In addition, the Pharmaceutics Research Group through its members has a research network with institutions abroad: the Netherlands, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Libya, Pakistan, and the USA.
In the academic field, the Pharmaceutics Research Group also collaborates with Universities in Malaysia through a guest lecture program at IIUM, Kuantan for the fields of Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy.