Sport is a physical and spiritual activity that has noble values that can provide maturity to the human soul. Starting from the maturation of fitness endurance, sportsmanship, mental resilience, tenacity, straightforwardness, the spirit of cooperation, solidarity, unyielding, to high fighting spirit, these positive and noble values are felt as an interest that must be developed in higher education. Therefore, they can support the formation of a scientist’s character who is healthy, enthusiastic, and good mentally and morals.
Facing the challenges of the times, sport is not only about education, but also industrial and professional field. Hence, professional sports workers who understand the needs of the times that are moving towards industry and modernity are needed. Besides that, they also need to comprehend physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, and exercise management. Having the ability of mastering sports science in this modern era, graduates of Master’s in Sports Science ITB will help contribute to improving the quality of the national sports.
Master’s Study Program in Sports Science at the School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, was officially held based on the Decree of the Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung N0.279/SK/I1.A/OT/2011 on 29 September 2011. Finally, in 2019, Master’s Study Program in Sports Science received an A accreditation from BAN-PT.
Producing graduates of Master’s in Sports Science who are strong and have broad scientific insight in the fields of sports and business and social, and are able to integrate their knowledge in carrying out their professional duties based on an integrative, honest, and virtuous personality accompanied by a high work ethic.
Producing quality research products in the field of sports, and its results can be useful for improving national sports achievements and public health, so that they can compete at national and international levels.
Producing graduates of Master’s in Sports Science who are able to improve their professional skills and scientific abilities in the field of sports, both in straightforward implementation and for their interests to continue their studies to a higher level.
The Scope of Research
Responding to the challenges of the times, the research is focused on four aspects, namely:
- Sports Physiology
In the learning and research process, students/graduates are able to understand the physiological characteristics of sports or physical activity while doing sports. Specifically, sports physiology tries to provide an understanding and a way to implement any knowledge they get to a problem or challenge that exists in the field of work. The implementation of making an exercise design for athletes or the creation of fitness norms for society, based on a sport science, is the example of concrete implementation results from successful learning related to the use of knowledge of physiological characteristics in athletes and society obtained when taking courses this.
- Sports Biomechanics
It is realized that a result of movement analysis in sports cannot only be proven qualitatively, but also must be proven quantitatively based on a tool or parameter that has good validity and reliability. Therefore, sports biomechanics invites all students/graduates to understand and be able to analyze sports movement in the perspective of sports biomechanics in which in the learning process, students/graduates are able to understand the most basic body shapes in sports activities, so that they can be developed properly, and comprehend the analysis concept of body movement activities in mechanical principles. Thus, they can prove and analyze a movement quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Sports Nutrition
Sports nutrition learning and research makes students/graduates understand how to control a good and safe diet. In addition, they can understand the use of good and safe supplements for well-controlled achievement sports and health sports.
- Sports Management
The development of sports towards industry increases the need for someone who has the competence of a sports management specialist. The field of sports management studies is present to answer the needs of the times.
Graduate Profile
Graduates of the Master’s Study Program in Sports Science have various educational backgrounds, ranging from medical education, industrial engineering, informatics engineering, to pharmacy
After completing the study, the alumni work in their respective fields that are in line with the research and fields they are engaged in, ranging from lecturers, sports marketing consultants, fitness consultants, fitness coaches, to athlete performance analysts..
Master’s in Sports Science aims at producing Master's graduates in the field of sports who are knowledgeable and professional in sports science, able to produce quality research products in the field of sports and its results can be useful for improving national sports achievements and public health, so that they can compete at the national and international level. Besides that, it aims at producing graduates who have broad, creative, and innovative knowledge in the field of sports in accordance with the world's demands for research in the fields of sports achievement, sports health, and sports education, generating excellent researchers in the field of sports recognized at regional and international levels, producing experts who are able to implement research results in community service programs, producing research that integrates aspects of technology, health, and management in the field of sports.
The quality targets of Master’s Study Program in Sports Science are as follows:
- Achieving A accreditation status
- Having 10 students
- Maintaining 100% timely graduation
- Having 80% graduates’ average GPA of 3.5
- Waiting time for graduates for getting their first job < 6 months
- Having 100% number of graduates who work in sports (education, research, institutions, and entrepreneurs)
- Reaching 90% graduate’s user satisfaction
- Presenting or publishing research in seminars/publications in scientific journals of at least national level for students
- Reaching 90% Lecturer Academic Performance Index (Indeks Kinerja Akademik Dosen, IKAD) > 3.5 (on a scale of 4)
The admission selection of Master’s student is carried out by SPS ITB by following technical guidelines in the form of the SOP for the Selection Procedure of Admission of New Students for Master and Doctoral Program 005/UKA/2013 Year 2013. In the SOP, the resources involved in the selection process divides the tasks as follows:
- KPPS (Komite Program Pascasarjana Sekolah/Fakultas or Committee of School/Faculty Postgraduate Program) is a student admission’s committee at the postgraduate program level at ITB. The KPPS members are the Deputy Dean of Academics and Student Affairs, the Head of Master and Doctoral Study Programs in the school/faculty environment, members of ITB Postgraduate School, who are responsible to the Dean of the School/Faculty based on the Decree of the Dean of the School/Faculty in the form of delegation.
- SPS (Sekolah Pascasarjana or Postgraduate School) is an institution providing postgraduate education at Master and Doctoral levels.
- The Committee of Entrance Selection Team is the committee handling the registration and selection of new students, responsible for administering tests starting from registration, formulation of questions, and other tests such as Group Dynamic Test which is formed based on the Decree of the Dean of the School/Faculty who is responsible to the Deputy Dean of School/Faculty Academics.
Penerimaan mahasiswa Program Magister Keolahragaan dilakukan di setiap semester Ganjil dan pendaftaran dilakukan secara online. Calon mahasiswa merupakan lulusan sarjana universitas terakreditasi pada bidang yang relevan dengan persyaratan lengkap dapat diakses di
The selection process generally begins with prospective students registering online and submitting the required documents. The Committee of Entrance Selection Team will validate the document and prepare a selection schedule for each batch. Prospective students then take part in the selection and the results will be recapitulated by the Committee of Entrance Selection Team to be reported to the academic section and study program. The academic department and study program hold a meeting with KPPS which invites the Head of Study Program, the Chairman and members of the Committee of Entrance Selection Team. The result of the meeting is in the form of the issuance of a summons for prospective students who are accepted and a notification letter of results for prospective students who do not pass the selection.
Semenjak tahun 2015, seleksi yang diikuti oleh calon mahasiswa menjadi 2 tahap yaitu seleksi tertulis dan wawancara. Hal ini tertuang dan diatur lebih detail dalam Pedoman Pelaksanaan Seleksi Magister dan Doktor khusus untuk SF ITB yang termuat dalam surat kaprodi No 789/I1.C03.5.3/PP/2015 perihal Seleksi Prodi Magister Keolahragaan. Selain itu, ada persyaratan lain yang harus dilengkapi oleh calon mahasiswa diantaranya sertifikat nilai TPA Bappenas paling rendah 475, serta sertifikat nilai TOEFL ITP/TOEFL iBT/TOEIC/IELTS/ELPT ITB paling rendah 475/56/500/5/77.
The types of selection are as follows:
- Written test is carried out for 60 minutes consisting of two types of questions, namely regarding basic scientific knowledge and the intended subject choice.
- Interview is carried out orally for 15 minutes, led by the chairman from KPPS members to direct the selection process. Each examiner, consisting of three to four examiners from the related field of science, provides an assessment.
Seleksi tahap kedua dilakukan pada tingkat fakultas/sekolah oleh tim seleksi yang terdiri dari Komite Program Pascasarjana, Dosen SF-ITB, dan Kaprodi Magister Keolahragaan. Pola seleksi sementara ini berupa wawancara minat, institusi asal saat mengikuti pendidikan S1, membahas bakat dan kemampuan kandidat sesuai dengan prestasi akademik S1 yang dimilikinya dan bidang yang diminati di masa mendatang seperti manajemen olahraga, kesehatan olahraga, dan teknologi olahraga. Di samping itu juga ditanyakan tentang pemahaman kandidat mengenai kurikulum PS Magister Keolahragaan dan ditanyakan mengenai master plan atau strategi pengembangan institusi dan kepakaran di institusi masing-masing, sehingga tingkat kemanfaatan studi di Program Studi Magister Keolahragaan menjadi lebih signifikan. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, seluruh anggota tim seleksi menuliskan rekomendasi secara terpisah untuk setiap kandidat yang diwawancarai. Rekomendasi yang diajukan diserahkan kepada Dekan SF ITB dan DEKTM ITB untuk pengambilan keputusan akhir. Hasil seleksi dari Sekolah Farmasi tersebut kemudian diserahkan kepada Sekolah Pascasarjana ITB untuk kemudian ditetapkan dan diumumkan sebagai hasil akhir seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa baru PS Magister Keolahragaan. Calon mahasiswa yang lulus seleksi penerimaan kemudian melakukan registrasi ulang.
Selain itu, dalam tahapan wawancara, kandidat mahasiswa diwajibkan sudah memiliki rencana penelitian yang sesuai dengan roadmap penelitian Prodi. Selanjutnya para kandidat menyiapkan nama dosen di Prodi untuk diajukan sebagai calon pembimbing Tesis yang akan diajukan pada saat tahapan seleksi wawancara.
Beban 36 SKS dengan masa studi 4 semester (2 tahun).
Compulsory Courses (SKS)
- Sports Physiology (3)
- Sports Biomechanics (3)
- Nutrition and Health (2)
- Sports Management (2)
- Coaching Theories and Methods (2)
- Sports Psychology (2)
- Sports Law and Ethics (2)
- Sports Medicine (3)
- Research Methods (3)
- Thesis I (2)
- Thesis II (5)
- Seminars (1)
Elective Courses*
- Sports Business and Marketing (2)
- Sports Sociology (2)
- Physiological Tests and Measurements (2)
- Aspects of Drugs and Doping (2)
- Capita Selecta (2)
- Computer Simulation (2)
- Materials Science (2)
- Sports Product Design (2)
- Statistics (2)
- Internship (2)
*) Elective courses are determined in accordance with the specified competences.