Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group
Pharmaceutical Biology (in a broad sense) is a (applied) science in the field of pharmacy based on biology whose applications include the discovery, development and production of drugs, standardization, control of processing and use. Pharmaceutical biology has basic sub-disciplines including cytology, genetics, microbiology, botany, zoology, biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology, toxicology, biotechnology and pharmacognosy. In relation to this, pharmacognosy is the science of drugs and auxiliary materials derived from organisms (microbes, plants and animals) and the organisms that produce them. Pharmacognosy is often interpreted as pharmaceutical biology in the narrow sense.
By looking at these definitions, it can be said that the field of pharmacognosy-phytochemistry is needed in pharmaceutical practice, and especially in Indonesia this has more value because it is related to the many natural materials (especially plants) used as medicinal ingredients and drugs, which of course requires evaluation, standardization or development whose consequences will be based on pharmacognosy-phytochemistry.
With the rapid development of herbal medicine in Indonesia which is marked by the increasing number of traditional medicine industries and herbal products both in the categories of herbal medicine, standardized herbal medicine and phytopharmaceuticals, quality research is needed in various related fields. Government policy on herbal medicine scientification emphasizes the need for scientific approaches in the use of herbal medicine so that it can be used appropriately in society. In addition to these herbal products, medicinal ingredients derived from natural materials have also increased. The discovery of new compounds that can be used as model compounds (lead compounds) is very possible with the development of supporting technology and equipment. The use of natural materials is not limited to medicine, but is also needed in the fields of cosmetics, food, functional food supplements and others that require development at all times so that research in these fields needs attention. The Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group with existing resources and expertise actively participates together with other stakeholders at home and abroad to contribute to the development of Indonesian natural materials for various purposes both in the fields of education, research and community service.
Excellent Program in Education
In the field of education, the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group develops courses for the undergraduate program in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and the undergraduate program in Clinical and Community Pharmacy with content that is in accordance with the development of science and technology and the development of research in Pharmaceutical Biology ITB, as well as in accordance with the demands of competency needed in the world of work. Facilitating scientists in the field of Pharmaceutical Biology to deepen their knowledge through master’s or doctoral programs. In addition, to improve competence and expertise in their fields, members of the Pharmaceutical Biology KK attend and serve as members at scientific meetings held by scientific groups relevant to the development of Indonesian natural medicine and natural medicine associations, such as the Association of Natural Medicine Researchers (Perhipba), the Indonesian Medicinal Plant Working Group (Pokja TOI), the Association of Natural Medicine Chemistry and others. Several members of the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group are also included in the national Indonesian natural medicine development team, such as the standardization team.
Excellent Research Program
As described above, the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group actively conducts superior research, especially in the fields of:
- Standardization of herbal medicines
- Isolation and activity testing of medicinal compounds from natural ingredients
- Activity testing of extracts, fractions and isolated compounds from medicinal plants
- Biotechnology of Medicinal Plants including tissue culture, biotransformation, elicitation and combinatorial biosynthesis
- Comprehensive research on several types of plants from the Zingiberacea family and other plants that are widely used as compositions of Indonesian herbal medicines
- Natural material technology
Excellent Program in Service Field
The services provided include standardization services for simple drugs or extracts using analytical methods that provide accurate and valid results, provision of markers for quality evaluation of simple drugs or extracts. In addition, it also provides short course services for those interested in participating in continuous learning services. In the last two years, the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group with the assistance of DIKTI funds has provided guidance to the Small Traditional Medicine Industry (IKOT) in order to improve production, quality, quality and marketing of herbal medicines.
- Prof. Dr. Elfahmi, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Hegar Pramastya, S.Si., M.Si
- Prof. Dr. apt. Muhamad Insanu, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Rika Hartati, S.Si., M.Si
- Prof. Dr. apt. Sukrasno, M.S
- Dr. apt. Defri Rizaldy, S.Si., M.Si
- Dr. apt. Atina Rizkiya Choirunnisa, S.Farm., M.Si.
- apt.Rara Raden Sarlita Dwiani, M.Sc.
Academic Assistant
- apt. Nurma Sabila, MS.Farm.
- apt. Ariranur Haniffadli, S.Farm.
- Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy Laboratory
- Natural Pharmacy Laboratory
- Plant Biotechnology Laboratory
- Natural Drug Standardization Laboratory
In addition, the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group also has access to several other laboratories such as: laboratories in the Pharmacochemistry, Pharmaceutics, and Pharmacology-Clinical Pharmacy Research Group ITB School of Pharmacy, Laboratory in the scope of Chemistry Study Program FMIPA ITB, ITB Life Sciences Center and Applied Chemical Instrumentation Laboratory LIPI Serpong.
Research topics
Research in the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group is divided into:
- Based on activity: Anti-degenerative (antidiabetic; antihypertensive; antioxidant; antihyperpidemic, anti-inflammatory; cosmetics: hair growth, antiaging; pesticides), antimicrobial, antimalarial
- Based on chemotaxonomy: Rutaceae, Liliaceae, Myrtaceae, Piperaceae, Zingiberaceae, Combretaceae
- Production of comparative active ingredients and markers
- Production of excipients (starch, cellulose, agar, alginate, carrageenan, and dyes)
- Production of essential oils
- Production of secondary plant metabolites through biotechnology
- Standardization of herbal medicines and extracts (method development and application)
- Ethnopharmacognosy
Leading Research Products
Leading programs in the form of research in the development of natural medicine include the discovery of new compounds, making extracts, standardization, testing activity (in vitro) to the form of drug preparations in the category of herbal medicine (herbal medicine or traditional medicine, standardized herbal medicine and phytopharmaceuticals. Several types of potential plants are used as the focus such as chives (Allium Schoenoprasum L.) tiwai onion (Eleutherine Americana), mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa), Zingiberacea family plants (Curcuma domestica, C. heyneana, C. xanthorriza, C. mangga, Zingiber officinale, Z. zerumbet, Z. casumunar), pegagan (Centella asiatica), sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), Artemisia annua, bay leaves (Syzigium polyanthum) and others. In addition, the discovery of natural medicines with pharmacological activity against diseases degenerative (diabetes, etc.). In the last five years, the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group has intensively conducted research in improving the quality of natural materials using biotechnology techniques including the use of tissue culture, biotransformation, elicitation and combinatorial biosynthesis.
As an expert group, the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group is active together with other research groups at ITB and Indonesia in developing the potential of Indonesian natural materials. This activity is illustrated by research funded from various sources and published in national and international scientific journals. The Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group is an expert group that is closest in its scientific knowledge to the development of natural medicine, which itself functions as a group that is active in research for development purposes. In the future, the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group is expected to function as a driving force (leading) in the development of natural medicine.
Development of National and International Partnerships
- Cooperation for the production of active natural ingredients and excipients, standardization of natural medicine (raw materials, production processes, and finished materials) with other industries or agencies
- Assisting the POM Agency in standardizing natural medicine (raw materials, production processes, and finished materials) and developing standard books that serve as references for the production and development of herbal medicine
- Short course on introduction to medicinal plants, medicinal plant biotechnology, extraction techniques and isolation of active compounds from plants with participants from other agencies or universities
- Educational and research cooperation with Yonsei University, South Korea, one of which is marked by the visiting Professor activity from the University to the ITB School of Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group, in this scheme several activities related to education have been, are being and will be carried out (guest lectures, workshops, seminars) and others as well as research collaborations
- Collaboration with the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, one of which is marked by the continuing education of one of the staff of the Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group at the Pharmaceutical Biology Department, University of Groningen
Research that has been and is being conducted
- Competitive Grant Research (DIKTI)
- Basic Research (DIKTI)
- ITB’s Leading Research
- PHK A-3 Research
- Toray, Community Service, Standardization of standardized extract manufacturing (BPOM Agency)
- Research related to teaching activities for S-1, S-2 and S-3
- Development of natural medicinal products (negotiation process of cooperation with PT Dexa Medica, PT Darya Varia, PT Indofarma, PT Phapros, etc.)
- Internship in research on isolation of active compounds.