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Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (STF)

The Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Study Program studies science and technology in the field of pharmacy, covering various aspects related to pharmaceutical products starting from the search/discovery, processing and development of raw materials to become pharmaceutical preparations that are ready for use. In other words, this study program is oriented towards the development of pharmaceutical science and technology or its approach is product-oriented to meet the needs of research personnel, development, production and inspection of pharmaceutical products and medical devices.

Graduate Competencies

Graduates of the undergraduate study program (S1) in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology are expected to be able to fill the needs that exist in society today, namely having the ability to apply and develop science and technology to be able to carry out work tasks and functions in the fields of production, quality control, research and development of pharmaceutical products.

Since 2006, the Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Study Program of the ITB School of Pharmacy has opened an International Class to attract prospective students from outside Indonesia who are interested in continuing their studies at the ITB School of Pharmacy through selection.


To become an organizer of a superior undergraduate pharmacy education program in the field of pharmaceutical science and technology at the national and international levels.

  1. Organizing high quality and superior higher education in pharmaceutical science and technology.
  2. Organizing and disseminating innovative, competitive and sustainable research in the fields of pharmacy and health, especially contributions to the empowerment of Indonesian natural medicine.
  3. Applying research results and the latest knowledge developments in community service activities.
  1. Mastering pharmaceutical science and technology that includes theoretical concepts, kinetics, working mechanisms, and their relationship to the physico-chemical properties and biological activities of drugs and other pharmaceutical preparations.
  2. Producing innovative graduates who are able to contribute to the search and development of safe, effective, quality, and affordable pharmaceutical preparations.
  3. Able to identify and solve problems related to the design, manufacture, quality assurance and monitoring, and distribution of pharmaceutical preparations.

Curriculum 2024

Semester 1

Code Subject Credit
Matematika 4
Fisika 3
Kimia 3
WI 1101 Pancasila 2
WI 1102 Berpikir Komputasional 2
WI 1103 Pengantar Prinsip Keberlanjutan 2
WI 1111 Laboratorium Sains Dasar 2
Semester Credit 1: 18

Semester 2

Code Subject Credit
FA 1201 Perhitungan Dalam Farmasi 2
FA 1221 Botani Farmasi 2
FA 1241 Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia I 2
WI 2001 Pengenalan Rekayasa dan Desain 3
WI 2002 Literasi Data dan AI 2
WI 2003 Olah Raga 1
WI 2005 Bahasa Indonesia 2
WI 2006 Kewarganegaraan 2
WI 201X Agama 2
Semester Credit 2: 18

Semester 3

Code Subject Credit
FA 2111 Mikrobiologi Farmasi 2
FA 2112 Praktikum Mikrobiologi Farmasi* 1
FA 2113 Kimia Organik Obat 2
FA 2114 Analisis Farmasi Dasar 2
FA 2115 Praktikum Analisis Farmasi Dasar* 1
FA 2121 Farmakognosi 2
FA 2131 Dasar Formulasi Sediaan Likuid dan Semisolid Non-Steril 2
FA 2141 Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia II 2
Pilihan 4
Semester Credit 3: 18

Semester 4

Code Subject Credit
FA 2211 Analisis Farmasi Instrumental 1 2
FA 2212 Praktikum Analisis Farmasi Instrumental 1* 1
FA 2213 Biokimia Farmasi 2
FA 2214 Praktikum Biokimia Farmasi* 1
FA 2231 Teknologi Farmasi Sediaan Solida 2
FA 2232 Praktikum Sediaan Likuid dan Semisolid Non-Steril* 2
FA 2233 Bioteknologi Farmasi 3
FA 2241 Farmakologi dan Toksikologi I 2
FA 2242 Praktikum Farmakologi dan Toksikologi I 1
FA 2243 Imunologi 2
Semester Credit 4: 18

Semester 5

Code Subject Credit
FA 3001 Ujian Komprehensif I 1
WI 2023 Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 2
FA 3111 Analisis Farmasi Instrumental 2 2
FA 3121 Farmakognosi Analitik 2
FA 3122 Praktikum Farmakognosi Terpadu* 1
FA 3131 Teknologi Farmasi Sediaan Steril 2
FA 3132 Farmakokinetik 2
FA 3133 Praktikum Farmakokinetik* 1
FA 3141 Farmakologi dan Toksikologi II 2
FA 3142 Praktikum Farmakologi dan Toksikologi II* 1
Pilihan 2
Semester Credit 5: 18

Semester 6

Code Subject Credit
FA 3211 Kimia Medisinal 2
FA 3221 Fitokimia 2
FA 3222 Praktikum Fitokimia* 1
FA 3231 Praktikum Teknologi Farmasi Sediaan Steril* 1
FA 3232 Praktikum Teknologi Farmasi Sediaan Solida* 1
FA 3233 Biofarmasi 2
FA 3234 Validasi di Industri Farmasi 2
FA 3241 Farmakoterapi Dasar 2
Pilihan 5
Semester Credit 6: 18

Semester 7

Code Subject Credit
FA 4091 Pengenalan Praktik Kefarmasian 2
FA 4092 Tugas Akhir I 1
FA 4101 Statistika Farmasi 2
FA 4121 Teknologi Bahan Alam 3
FA 4131 Cara Pembuatan Sediaan Farmasi yang Baik 3
Pilihan 7
Semester Credit 7: 18

Semester 8

Code Subject Credit
WI 2004 Bahasa Inggris 2
FA 4001 Ujian Komprehensif II 1
FA 4002 Sidang Skripsi 1
FA 4093 Tugas Akhir II 5
Pilihan 9
Semester Credit 8: 18
Credit Total: 144

Pharmacist Education Interest Courses

Code Subject Credit
FA 3002 Distribusi Sediaan Farmasi 2
FA 3031 Integrated Dispensing 2
FA 3041 Komunikasi, Informasi Obat, dan Edukasi 2
FA 3042 Pelayanan Farmasi 2
FA 4003 Peraturan Per-Undang-Undangan Farmasi dan Kesehatan 2
FA 4037 Farmasi Industri 2
FK 3044 Pharmacoeconomics and Health Policy 2
Credit Total: 14

Elective Courses

Code Subject Credit
FA 2011 Analisis Keamanan Pangan 2
FA 2012 Farmasi Lingkungan 2
FA 3011 Kromatografi dan Elektroforesis 2
FA 3012 Radiofarmasi 2
FA 3013 Toksikologi Analisis 2
FA 3014 Mikrobiologi Analisis 2
FA 3015 Biodinamika Molekuler 2
FA 3021 Farmakognosi Bahari 2
FA 3022 Kultur Sel, Jaringan dan Biosintesis Metabolit Sekunder Tumbuhan 3
FA 3023 Kosmetika Bahan Alam 2
FA 3032 Teknologi Kosmetik 2
FA 3033 Stabilita Obat 2
FA 3034 Polimer Farmasetik 2
FA 4004 Paparan Internasional dalam Bidang Farmasi 2
FA 4005 Pembelajaran Mandiri 2
FA 4011 Sintesis Senyawa Obat 2
FA 4012 Prinsip Sistem Penjaminan Halal dalam Bidang Farmasi 2
FA 4013 Pengembangan Metode Analisis 2
FA 4014 Dasar Desain Obat berbasis Komputasi 3
FA 4015 Kapita Selekta Farmakokimia 2
FA 4031 Terapi Sel & Rekayasa Jaringan 2
FA 4032 Terapi Rekombinan Mendatang 2
FA 4033 Kapita Selekta Farmasetika 2
FA 4034 Farmasi Veteriner 2
FA 4035 Nanofarmasetika 2
FA 4036 Kristalografi 2
FA 4041 Etnofarmakognosi 2

General Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss and present academic work orally with the support of the latest technology
  2. Write and disseminate scientific reports based on the results of experiments or literature studies
  3. Work in teams
  4. Demonstrate good attitudes in academic and social environments
  5. Develop responsibility, open-mindedness, honesty, curiosity, and perseverance
  6. Demonstrate at least sufficient English language proficiency

Learning Outcomes of the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Program

  1. Explain drug classification and mechanisms of action and their interactions
  2. Describe drug characteristics based on chemical structure to support all aspects of pharmaceutical science
  3. Recognize the physical, chemical, and physicochemical properties of pharmaceutical materials in relation to drug formulation
  4. Describe the methods used in drug discovery
  5. Formulate and prepare pharmaceutical dosage forms
  6. Conduct chemical, instrumental, and microbial analysis methods on raw materials and finished pharmaceutical preparations
  7. Demonstrate the production process and characterization of natural materials
  8. Design the formula and manufacturing process of pharmaceutical preparations
  9. Determine the action, fate, and pathway of drugs based on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic aspects
  10. Develop analytical methods for the control and quality assurance of pharmaceutical preparations


Subject ECTS
Introduction to Pharmacy & Health 4.17
Basics of Drug Design 8.34
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Analysis 5.56
Microbiology 4.17
Pharmaceutical Compounding and Manufacturing 9.73
Basic Phytopharmacy 6.95
Human Anatomy and Physiology 5.56
Environmental Pharmacy 2.78
Pharmaceutical Statistics 2.78
Pharmaceutical Analysis 11.12
Pharmaceutical Technology 11.12
Basic Pharmacology and Toxicology 5.56
Phytopharmacy 9.73
Principles of Drug Regimen 6.95
Principles of Drug Action and Rational Therapy 11.12
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 4.17
Management and Entrepreneurship 2.78
Principles of Drug Design 5.56
Principles of Drug Manufacturing 2.78
Integrated Phytopharmacy 2.78
Final Project 11.11