The advancement of science and technology has influenced the development of medicines, particularly in the fields of formulation, manufacturing technology, and drug quality control, all of which have required the use of increasingly sophisticated and complex equipment and methods. This was followed by regulatory developments in the pharmaceutical sector, particularly in the industrial sector. The process of globalization in various aspects of life has an impact on globalization in the pharmaceutical sector through regional and global harmonization.

To meet this challenge, professional pharmacists who are capable of overcoming the pharmaceutical industry's various problems are required. The required capabilities of a pharmacist by the pharmaceutical industry today can only be met by providing a solid pharmaceutical scientific foundation that focuses on aspects related to drug production and quality control

School of Pharmacy of ITB has opened the Industrial Pharmacy Masters Study Program as an effort to prepare human resources who have more competence for the pharmaceutical industry. The Industrial Pharmacy Masters Study Program is supported by expertise and a strong network, as well as ITB's partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities both domestically and internationally.


To become an excellent and dignified Industrial Pharmacy Masters Education Program both nationally and internationally.


  1. Organizing Industrial Pharmacy Education in accordance with the latest developments in science and technology, especially science and technology in the pharmaceutical industry.
  2. Conducting innovative, competitive, and sustainable applied research in the pharmaceutical industry.
  3. Applying the results of research and the latest knowledge in community service activities.
  4. Establish intensive cooperation and utilize the national and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as well as related resources for the development of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries in Indonesia.


  1. Create graduates with high integrity and professional abilities in managing various routine activities in the pharmaceutical industry, such as: designing pharmaceutical factories, determining formulas and manufacturing techniques for pharmaceutical preparations, determining specifications and standardization methods, manufacturing/production of pharmaceutical preparations and their control , quality control and assurance, packaging, determination of storage conditions and shelf life of products, management of raw materials and finished products, registration of finished drugs, participation in the production and dissemination of innovations and new technologies.
  2. Create graduates who are able to solve problems in the production and quality testing of pharmaceutical preparations in the field accurately and quickly (directed) based on in-depth scientific considerations and by observe various aspects comprehensively, including formulation development, standardization for both old and new medicines, and recent regulatory developments.
  3. Create graduates who contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical science and technology on a national and international scale through product research and development (drugs, cosmetics, biomedical products, nutraceuticals, food-beverage supplements, herbs, and traditional medicines) and pharmaceutical preparation standardization.

Graduates of the Industrial Pharmacy Masters at the ITB School of Pharmacy have the following competencies:

  • Capable of designing a pharmaceutical factory or industry
  • Capable of developing and determining specifications and evaluation techniques for pharmaceutical raw materials, processes, and products.
  • Capable of effectively managing the pharmaceutical industry
  • Capable of keeping up with the most recent advances in science and technology in the pharmaceutical field

Struktur kurikulum berdasarkan urutan mata kuliah (MK) semester demi semester:


Kode MK

Nama Mata Kuliah




Perancangan Pabrik Farmasi



Pengembangan Produk



Statistika Terapan




Manajemen Farmasi Industri



Regulasi Farmasi & Etika Profesi



Jaminan & Pengawasan Mutu Produk  Farmasi



MK Pilihan I




Pengembangan & Validasi di Industri  Farmasi



Pengembangan Bisnis Farmasi






Studi Kasus Spesifik di Industri Farmasi




MK Pilihan II



Proyek Akhir



Sidang Magister


Total SKS



The new student recruitment system includes: New student recruitment policies, new student selection criteria, decision-making systems, and new student admission procedures.

The new student recruitment system applied to this study program.

The policy regarding the admission of postgraduate students at ITB refers to the ITB Rector's Decree Number 177/SK/I1.A/PP/2013 concerning Academic and Student Regulations of Institut Teknologi Bandung Article 2.2.

The flow of admissions for PS MFI SF-ITB students is shown in the following chart.

Prospective Industrial Pharmacy Master’s Study Program students must first register by completing the registration form available at Sekolah Pascasarjana ITB Jalan Tamansari No. 64 Bandung. According to the ITB Rector's Decree No. 201/SK/K.01/PP/2008 regarding the Master and Doctoral Program Admission Requirements at Institut Teknologi Bandung, candidates must submit the following documents:

  • A legalized duplicate of bachelor’s degree diploma
  • Legalized undergraduate academic transcripts.
  • BAPPENAS TPA requires a minimum TOEFL score of 475 or an ELPT ITB (English Language Proficiency Test) score of at least 77.
  • Nilai TPA BAPPENAS minimal 475
  • Health certificate issued by Doctor

According to the ITB Rector's Decree Number 126/SK/K01/2006 concerning Guidelines for Implementing an Applied Masters Study Program at the Institut Teknologi Bandung, prospective students must have at least one year of work experience in a profession relevant to the field of interest, backed up by a certificate from the institution/company where the prospective student works. In addition, in accordance with the curriculum designed for this study program, prospective students must meet the following additional requirements:

  • Proof of working experience in the pharmaceutical/cosmetic industry for at least 5 years for candidates who are not pharmacy graduates but from related scientific fields.
  • Statement letter of prospective student is working in a pharmaceutical/cosmetic industry before the selection process until the end of the study period for all prospective students

The selection of new students for the master's program at ITB is done in two stages, namely:

  1. The first stage involves reviewing prospective students' requirements and administrative documents at the ITB Postgraduate School.
  2. The second stage is an evaluation of prospective students' academic ability by the study program and the school/faculty in question.

During the first stage of selection, the authenticity of registration supporting documents is assessed and verified. Candidates who meet the administrative requirements as determined by Admission ITB will be forwarded to School of Pharmacy-ITB for the next stage of selection.

A selection team comprised of the Postgraduate Program Committee, School of Pharmacy-ITB Lecturers, and the Head of the Industrial Pharmacy Master’s Study Program conducted the second stage of selection at the faculty/school level. This temporary selection pattern takes the form of an interest interview, the institution of origin when attending undergraduate education, discussing the candidate's talents and abilities in relation to his undergraduate academic achievements and the field of work in the industry that is currently being undertaken as well as those of future interest such as production, quality control, quality assurance, or research and development, funding sources, time commitment for the study, and proposed final project topic. Furthermore, it was inquired about the candidate's understanding of the PSMFI curriculum, as well as the master plan or strategy for institutional development and expertise in their respective institutions, in order to increase the level of benefit of studying at the ITB School of Pharmacy. On that occasion, each member of the selection team wrote a separate recommendation for each candidate interviewed. The recommendations are forwarded to the Deans of the ITB School of Pharmacy and the Admission ITB for final approval. The School of Pharmacy selection results are then submitted to the Sekolah Pascasarjana ITB to be determined and announced as the final result of the selection of new Industrial Pharmacy Master’s Study Program admissions. Prospective students who pass the admissions selection then expected to re-register.

Prof. Dr. Slamet Ibrahim,
Prof. Dr. Sukmadjaja A.,
Prof. Dr. Sukrasno,
Prof. Dr. Sundani Nurono S,
Prof. Dr. Yeyet Cahyati S.,
Prof. Dr. Jessie Sofia P.,
Prof. Dr. Heni Rachmawati,
Prof. Dr. Rahmana Emran,
Prof. Dr. Elfahmi,
Dr. Lucy Dewi Nurhajati Sasongko,
Dr. Kusnandar Anggadiredja,
Dr. Diky Mudhakir,
Dr. Rachmat Mauludin,
Dr. Saleh Wikarsa,
Dr. Tri Suciati,
Dr. Catur Riani
Dr. Aluicia Anita Artarini
Dr. Ir. Danu Ariono, DEA.
Dr. Yosi Agustina
Dr. Titah Yudhistira
Dr. Leiman Sutanto,
Dr. Neni Nuraini,
Dra. Anita Ekayanti, MM,
Dra. Emmy Cholida, Apt., MH.,
Dra. Nuning S Barwa, MM,
Dra. Togi JH., Apt.,
Dra. Yuliarti Merati M.Sc.,
Drs. Pre Agusta, MM.,
Drs. Basuki Hadi , MM.,
Drs. Mohammad Sumarno,
Rikrik Asiyah Ilyas, Apt, MSc, Ph.D.
Drs. Ganggas Cahyono, MM., Apt.
Lydia Prima MPH