Master of Sports
Sports are physical and spiritual activities that have noble values that can provide maturity to the human soul. Starting from the maturation of fitness endurance, sportsmanship, mental toughness, tenacity, straightforwardness, spirit of cooperation. solidarity, never giving up, and high fighting spirit. These positive values and noble character are felt as an interest that must be developed in higher education, so that they can support the formation of healthy, enthusiastic, mentally and morally good scientists.
Facing the challenges of the times, sports are not only about education. But sports have entered the industrial and professional world. Therefore, professional sports personnel are needed who understand the needs of the era that is moving towards industry and modernity. Therefore, sports personnel are needed who understand physiology, biomechanics, nutrition and sports management. With the provision of the ability of ITB Sports Masters graduates who master sports science in the modern era, they will help contribute to improving the quality of the national sports world.
The Sports Masters Study Program at the Bandung Institute of Technology School of Pharmacy was officially organized based on the Decree of the Rector of the Bandung Institute of Technology N0.279/SK/I1.A/OT/2011 dated. September 29, 2011. Until finally in 2019 the Master of Sports Study Program received A accreditation from BAN-PT.
Scope of Research
Answering the challenges of the times, research is focused on four aspects, namely:
- Sports Physiology
- In the learning and research process, students/graduates are able to understand the physiological characteristics of sports or physical activities during sports. Concretely, sports physiology tries to provide an understanding as well as a way to implement every knowledge they gain to a problem or challenge that exists in the field/work world. For example: The implementation of the creation of a training design for athletes or the creation of fitness norm values for the general public, both of which are made based on a sports science perspective, are examples of concrete implementation results from the success of learning related to the utilization of knowledge of physiological characteristics in athletes and the general public obtained when taking this course.
- Sports Biomechanics
- We realize that the results of a movement analysis in sports cannot only be proven qualitatively, but must also be proven quantitatively based on a tool or parameter that has good validity and reliability. Realizing this, sports biomechanics invites all students/graduates to understand and be able to analyze sports movement science from a sports biomechanics perspective. Where in the learning process, students/graduates are able to understand the most basic body shape in sports activities in order to be developed properly, and understand the concept of analyzing body movement activities based on mechanical principles, so that they can prove and analyze a movement quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Sports Nutrition
- Sports nutrition learning and research makes students/graduates understand how to control a good and safe diet. In addition, students/graduates can understand the use of good and safe supplements for achievement sports and health are well mastered.
- Sports Management
- The development of sports towards industry increases the need for someone who has specialist sports management competencies. The field of sports management studies is here to answer the needs of the times.
Graduate Profile
Graduates of the Master of Sports Study Program have diverse educational backgrounds, ranging from medical education backgrounds, industrial engineering, informatics engineering, to pharmacy.
After completing their studies, alumni work in their respective fields that are in line with their research and fields of study. Starting from lecturers, sports marketing consultants, fitness consultants, fitness trainers, to athlete performance analysts.
- To produce master’s graduates of sports who are strong and have broad scientific insight in the fields of sports, business and social, and are able to integrate their knowledge in carrying out their professional tasks based on an integrative, honest, noble personality, accompanied by a high work ethic.
- To produce quality research products in the field of sports and the results of the research can be useful for improving national sports achievements and public health, so that they can compete at the national and international levels. international.
- To produce sports master graduates who are able to improve professional skills and scientific abilities in the field of sports, both in direct implementation and for the benefit of continuing studies to a higher level.
The quality targets of the Sports Master Study Program are as follows:
- Accreditation status A
- Number of students 10
- Maintaining 100% on-time graduation
- Average GPA of graduates 3.5 ≥ 80%
- Graduate waiting time for first job < 6 months
- The number of graduates working in the field of sports (education, research, agencies, and entrepreneurship) 100%
- Graduate user satisfaction ≥ 90%
- Students are required to present their research in seminars/publications in scientific journals at least at a national level
- Lecturer Academic Performance Index (IKAD) reaches 90% > 3.5 (on a scale of 4)
The selection of master’s degree students is carried out by SPS ITB by following the technical guidelines in the form of SOP for New Student Admissions Selection Procedures for Masters and Doctoral Programs 005/UKA/2013 in 2013. In the SOP there is a division of tasks from the resources involved in the selection process, including the following:
- KPPS (Postgraduate Program Committee of School/Faculty) is the student admission committee at the postgraduate program level at ITB. The KPPS members referred to are assignments consisting of the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Head of Masters and Doctoral Study Programs in the school/faculty environment, members of the ITB Postgraduate School, who are responsible to the Dean of the School/Faculty based on the Decree of the Dean of the School/Faculty.
- SPS (Postgraduate School) is an institution that organizes postgraduate education at the master’s and doctoral levels.
- The Entrance Selection Team Committee is the committee that handles the registration and selection of new students, responsible for implementing tests starting from registration, formulating questions, and other tests such as the Group Dynamic Test which is formed based on the Decree of the Dean of the School/Faculty who is responsible to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the School/Faculty.
Admission of students for the Masters Program in Sports is carried out every odd semester and registration is done online. Prospective students are graduates of accredited universities in relevant fields with complete requirements that can be accessed here
The selection process generally begins with prospective students registering online and submitting the required documents. The Entrance Selection Team Committee will validate the validity of the documents and prepare a selection schedule for each wave. Prospective students then take part in the selection and the results will be summarized by the Entrance Selection Team Committee to be reported to the academic and study program sections. The academic and study program sections hold a meeting with the KPPS inviting the Chairperson of the Selection Committee, Head of Study Program, and members of the Selection Committee. The result of the meeting was the issuance of a summons letter for prospective students who were accepted and a notification letter for prospective students who did not pass.
Since 2015, the selection followed by prospective students has become 2 stages, namely written selection and interviews. This is stated and regulated in more detail in the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Masters and Doctoral Selection specifically for SF ITB which is contained in the letter of the Head of Study Program No. 789 / I1.C03.5.3 / PP / 2015 concerning the Selection of the Masters Study Program in Sports. In addition, there are other requirements that must be met by prospective students, including a Bappenas TPA score certificate of at least 475, and a TOEFL ITP/TOEFL iBT/TOEIC/IELTS/ELPT ITB score certificate of at least 475/56/500/5/77.
The types of selection are as follows:
- Written test: carried out for 60 minutes consisting of two types of questions, namely questions about basic science knowledge and questions related to the chosen path.
- Interview: carried out verbally for 15 minutes, led by a chairperson from the KPPS members to direct the selection process. Each member of the examiner consisting of three to four examiners from related fields of science provides an assessment.
The second stage of selection is carried out at the faculty/school level by a selection team consisting of the Postgraduate Program Committee, SF-ITB Lecturers, and the Head of the Master of Sports Study Program. This temporary selection pattern is in the form of an interest interview, the institution of origin when taking undergraduate education, discussing the candidate’s talents and abilities according to their undergraduate academic achievements and the fields of interest in the future such as sports management, sports health, and sports technology. In addition, questions are also asked about the candidate’s understanding of the Master of Sports Study Program curriculum and questions are asked about the master plan or strategy for developing institutions and expertise in their respective institutions, so that the level of benefit of studying in the Master of Sports Study Program becomes more significant. On that occasion, all members of the selection team wrote separate recommendations for each candidate who interviewed. The recommendations submitted are submitted to the Dean of SF ITB and DEKTM ITB for final decision making. The selection results from the School of Pharmacy are then submitted to the Postgraduate School of ITB to be determined and announced as the final results of the selection for new students of the Master of Sports Studies. Prospective students who pass the selection process then re-register.
In addition, in the interview stage, prospective students are required to have a research plan that is in accordance with the Study Program’s research roadmap. Furthermore, the candidates prepare the names of lecturers in the Study Program to be submitted as prospective Thesis supervisors that will be submitted during the interview selection stage.
Kurikulum 2024
Compulsary Courses
Semester 1
Code | Subject | Credit |
FA 5071 | Metodologi Penelitian | 3 |
FA 5072 | Literasi Digital dan Etika Akademik | 2 |
KO 5081 | Fisiologi Olahraga | 3 |
KO 5082 | Doping dalam Olahraga | 2 |
KO 5083 | Nutrisi & Kesehatan | 2 |
MKB | 2 | |
Semester Credit 1: 14 |
Semester 2
Code | Subject | Credit |
FA 5001 | Penulisan Proposal Penelitian | 3 |
KO 5084 | Tes & Evaluasi Fisiologi | 2 |
KO 5085 | Norma UU & Etika Keolahragaan | 2 |
KO 5086 | Teori dan Metode Kepelatihan | 2 |
KO 5087 | Biomekanika Olahraga | 2 |
MKB | 2 | |
Semester Credit 2: 13 |
Semester 3
Code | Subject | Credit |
KO 6001 | Tesis I | 5 |
KO 6081 | Kedokteran Olahraga | 2 |
KO 6082 | Bisnis dan Pemasaran Olahraga | 2 |
MKB | 6 | |
Semester Credit 3: 15 |
Semester 4
Code | Subject | Credit |
KO 6091 | Sidang Magister | 2 |
KO 6003 | Tesis II | 7 |
KO 6002 | Penyusunan Artikel Ilmiah | 3 |
Semester Credit 4: 12 | ||
Credit Total: 54 |
Elective Courses
Code | Subject | Credit |
KO 5018 | Sosiologi Olahraga | 2 |
KO 5019 | Managemen Olahraga | 2 |
KO 5020 | Komposisi Tubuh dan Managemen Berat Badan | 2 |
KO 6014 | Olahraga dan Managemen Stress | 2 |
KO 6015 | Sains Sepak Bola | 2 |
KO 6016 | Psikologi Olahraga | 2 |
KO 6091 | Magang | 2 |