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Clinical and Community Pharmacy (FKK)

The Clinical and Community Pharmacy Study Program was established in 2006. The PS FKK curriculum focuses on the field of patient-oriented pharmacy services with graduates primarily working in the service-based pharmacy sector in both clinical and community settings.

The Clinical and Community Pharmacy Study Program studies the science of pharmacy covering aspects of pharmaceutical services (pharmaceutical care), implementation of the concept of clinical pharmacy and management of community pharmacy in line with the Healthy Paradigm, filling the needs of health workers in order to realize health services by the tripartite profession of Doctors (medical care). Pharmacists (pharmaceutical care). Nurses (nursing care); and familiar with various pharmaceutical products and medical devices that are directed towards the goal of excellent service for patients (patient oriented).


To become an organizer of superior clinical and community pharmacy undergraduate education programs at regional and international levels that are oriented towards improving public health

  1. To organize high-quality clinical and community pharmacy education for all levels of society
  2. To expand education programs based on the basics of pharmaceutical science so that graduates are able to fill the needs of all aspects and roles in pharmaceutical activities nationally and internationally
  3. To expand and deepen integrated research in all aspects of pharmaceutical science in the discovery of new drug substances and/or activities of a drug and the utilization of natural materials
  4. To direct its contribution to all pharmacy programs for: the development of higher quality pharmaceutical services to the community in hospitals, pharmacies and other pharmaceutical service locations; development of pharmaceutical regulation that can ultimately develop economic growth to achieve national welfare
  5. Supporting and striving to improve the quality, dedication, and work ethic of pharmaceutical professionals in the appreciation and application of pharmaceutical care as one of the universal pharmaceutical profession missions

The learning process implemented by the PS FKK is expected to produce creative, innovative pharmacy graduates/outputs in pharmaceutical science, technology and information (academic knowledge) supported by communication skills (communication skills), thinking skills (skill of thinking), managerial skills (management skills) and the ability to solve problems and prevent problems so that they have high competitiveness and are able to penetrate the international job market. Specifically, the PS FKK has the following objectives: to produce superior clinical and community pharmacy graduates who are highly competitive in the field of pharmaceutical profession that is oriented towards patients or the community; to produce research outputs that can be published and contribute to increasing the efficiency of drug use; and actively participate in community service activities, especially those related to pharmaceutical services to the community.

  • Hospital (Staff/Officer)
  • Health Center (Staff/Officer)
  • Food Industry (Owner/Manager)
  • Research and Education (Professor, Innovator)
  • Policy, Ministry of Health, and Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (Minister of Health/Head of BPOM/Director General/Deputy/Head of Office)
  • Cosmetics Industry (Owner/Manager)
  • Medical Devices and Drug Distribution (Owner/Manager)
  • Veterinary (Owner/Manager)
  • Digital Pharmacy (Owner/Manager)
  • Pharmacy (Pharmacy Owner/Pharmacy Network)

Curriculum 2024

Semester 1

Code Subject Credit
Matematika 4
Fisika 3
Kimia 3
WI 1101 Pancasila 2
WI 1102 Berpikir Komputasional 2
WI 1103 Pengantar Prinsip Keberlanjutan 2
WI 1111 Laboratorium Sains Dasar 2
SKS Semester 1: 18

Semester 2

Code Subject Credit
FA 1201 Perhitungan Dalam Farmasi 2
FA 1221 Botani Farmasi 2
FA 1241 Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia I 2
WI 2001 Pengenalan Rekayasa dan Desain 3
WI 2002 Literasi Data dan AI 2
WI 2003 Olah Raga 1
WI 2005 Bahasa Indonesia 2
WI 2006 Kewarganegaraan 2
WI 201X Agama 2
SKS Semester 2: 18

Semester 3

Code Subject Credit
FA 2141 Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia II 2
FK 2111 Mikrobiologi Medik 2
FK 2112 Praktikum Mikrobiologi Medik* 1
FK 2113 Kimia Farmasi Organik dan Fisik 2
FK 2114 Biokimia Klinik 2
FK 2131 Dasar Formulasi 2
FK 2132 Praktikum Dasar Formulasi* 2
FK 2141 Epidemiologi 2
Pilihan 3
SKS Semester 3: 18

Semester 4

Code Subject Credit
FA 2241 Farmakologi dan Toksikologi I 2
FA 2242 Praktikum Farmakologi dan Toksikologi I 1
FA 2243 Imunologi 2
FK 2211 Analisis Obat 1 2
FK 2212 Praktikum Biokimia dan Kimia Farmasi* 1
FK 2221 Dasar Obat Bahan Alam 2
FK 2222 Praktikum Dasar Obat Bahan Alam 1
FK 2231 Dasar Teknologi Farmasi 2
FK 2232 IV Admixture 2
Pilihan 3
SKS Semester 4: 18

Semester 5

Code Subject Credit
FA 3141 Farmakologi dan Toksikologi II 2
FA 3142 Praktikum Farmakologi dan Toksikologi II* 1
FK 3001 Ujian Komprehensif I 1
FK 3111 Analisis Obat 2 2
FK 3112 Praktikum Analisis Obat* 1
FK 3131 Praktikum Dasar Teknologi Farmasi* 1
FK 3132 Bioteknologi Medik 2
FK 3141 Farmasi Rumah Sakit dan Komunitas 2
WI 2023 Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan 2
Pilihan 4
SKS Semester 5: 18

Semester 6

Code Subject Credit
FA 3211 Kimia Medisinal 2
FK 3221 Fitoterapi 3
FK 3231 Biofarmasi dan Farmakokinetik Klinik 3
FK 3241 Farmakoterapi I 2
FK 3242 Praktikum Farmakoterapi I* 1
FK 3243 Komunikasi dan Dasar Konseling 2
FK 3244 Dasar Farmasi Klinik 2
FK 3245 Praktikum Farmasi Klinik* 1
Pilihan 2
SKS Semester 6: 18

Semester 7

Code Subject Credit
FK 4091 Pengenalan Praktik Kefarmasian 2
FK 4092 Tugas Akhir I 1
FK 4101 Biostatistik 2
FK 4141 Farmakoterapi II 2
FK 4142 Praktikum Farmakoterapi II* 1
FK 4143 Evaluasi Khasiat dan Keamanan Obat 2
FK 4144 Farmakovigilans 2
Pilihan 6
SKS Semester 7: 18

Semester 8

Code Subject Credit
WI 2004 Bahasa Inggris 2
FK 4001 Ujian Komprehensif II 1
FK 4002 Sidang Skripsi 1
FK 4093 Tugas Akhir II 5
Pilihan 9
SKS Semester 8: 18
SKS Total: 144

Pharmacist Education Interest Courses

Code Subject Credit
FA 3002 Distribusi Sediaan Farmasi 2
FA 3031 Integrated Dispensing 2
FA 4003 Peraturan Per-Undang-Undangan Farmasi dan Kesehatan 2
FA 4131 Cara Pembuatan Sediaan Farmasi yang Baik 3
FK 3031 Farmasi Industri 2
FK 3044 Pharmacoeconomics and Health Policy 2
SKS Total: 13

Sports Health Minor Course

Code Subject Credit
FK 2041 Fisiologi Olahraga 2
FK 3051 Nutrisi Kesehatan Olahraga 2
FK 3052 Olahraga Tradisional 2
FK 3053 Cedera dalam Olahraga 2
FK 3054 Teknologi Penggunaan Olahraga 2
FK 3055 Bisnis dan Management Event Olahraga 2
FK 3056 Olahraga Rekreasi & Managemen Stress 2
FK 3057 Sains Sepak Bola 2
FK 3058 Wearable Technologies and Sports Analytics 2
SKS Total: 18

Elective Courses

Code Subject Credit
FK 2011 Kimia Klinik 2
FK 2041 Fisiologi Olahraga 2
FK 2042 Hematologi 2
FK 3002 Kewirausahaan Farmasi 3
FK 3041 Metode Farmakologi dan Toksikologi 2
FK 3042 Parasitologi dan Virologi 2
FK 3043 Toksikologi Klinik 2
FK 4003 Paparan Internasional dalam Bidang Farmasi 2
FK 4004 Pembelajaran Mandiri 2
FK 4041 Imunoterapi 2
FK 4042 Terapi Nutrisi Medikal 2
FK 4043 Aplikasi Klinik Diagnosis Molekuler 2
FK 4044 Farmakogenomik 2
FK 4045 Farmasi Klinik Digital 2
FK 4046 Mitigasi Bencana dalam Bidang Farmasi 2
FK 4047 Penilaian Teknologi Kesehatan (PTK) 2

General Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss and present academic work orally with the support of the latest technology
  2. Write and disseminate scientific reports based on the results of experiments or literature studies
  3. Work in teams
  4. Demonstrate good attitudes in academic and social environments
  5. Develop responsibility, open-mindedness, honesty, curiosity, and perseverance
  6. Demonstrate at least English language skills are sufficient

Learning Outcomes of the Undergraduate Program in Clinical and Community Pharmacy

  1. Explain the mechanism of action, adverse reactions, and drug interactions, taking into account the pathophysiology of the indicated condition
  2. Explain the principles of cost-effective drug therapy and its assessment methods
  3. Explain the basic principles of pharmaceutical formulation, manufacturing and quality assessment
  4. Demonstrate effective communication with health workers, patients and the community
  5. Conduct counseling on drug use to patients and the community
  6. Conduct basic compounding of pharmaceutical preparations and assess the quality of pharmaceutical products
  7. Design clinical trials for the development of new drugs/formulations
  8. Select the most rational drug based on considerations of efficacy, safety and economy
  9. Arrange storage, preparation, distribution and distribution systems medicine
  10. Organizing post-marketing drug effects monitoring


Subject ECTS
Introduction to Pharmacy & Health 4.17
Pharmaceutical Botany 4.17
Medical Microbiology 4.17
Pharmaceutical Analysis I 2.78
Organic Chemistry of Drug 4.17
Basic Pharmaceutical Compounding and Manufacturing 11.12
Human Anatomy and Physiology 5.56
Environmental Pharmacy 2.78
Statistics 2.78
Basic Pharmacy Practice 5.56
Pharmaceutical Analysis II 5.56
Basic Pharmacology and Toxicology 5.56
Phytopharmacy 8.24
Clinical Biochemistry and Bioanalysis 11.12
Medical Biotechnology 2.78
Principles of Drug Action 8.34
Management and Entrepreneurship 2.78
Pharmaceutical Care 11.12
Principles of Rational Medicine 12.51
Medicinal Chemistry 2.78
Final Project 11.11

Selection System

New student admissions meet the principles of credibility, fairness, transparency, flexibility, efficiency, and accountability and are non-discriminatory by considering the potential of prospective students and the specificities of the university. The recruitment system for prospective undergraduate students implemented by ITB is the National Selection for Entrance to State Universities (SNMPTN) and the Joint Selection for Entrance to State Universities (SBMPTN-UTBK) to recruit prospective new students who are considered to have the competence and potential to take part in undergraduate education at ITB. In addition, in order to realize ITB’s Vision to become a World Class University, PS FKK SF ITB also opens student admissions for international classes. The new student recruitment system at SF-ITB for S1 (STF & Clinical and Community Pharmacy) can be seen in Figure 1. The goal is to obtain superior students who meet the academic requirements set by SF-ITB.

New Student Admissions Chart

SNMPTN is carried out based on the results of tracking academic achievements using report cards and academic portfolios. The report cards used are semesters 1-5 for SMA/SMK/MA with a 3-year study period or semesters one to seven for SMK with a four-year study period. Selection is based on the following principles:

  1. Evaluation of the academic quality of prospective students using report card scores, other achievements relevant to the chosen study program
  2. Taking into account the track record of the prospective student’s school of origin
  3. Using national selection criteria and criteria set by each PTN in a fair, accountable and transparent manner.

SBMPTN is a national university entrance examination system. The purpose of implementing SBMPTN is to select prospective new students who have the academic ability to follow and complete their education at a university according to the specified time limit. The exam materials tested in SBMPTN are the Academic Potential Test (TPA), General Basic Ability Test (TKDU), and Basic Ability Test according to the exam group. Each of the materials tested has been designed to assess the talents, academic potential, and psychology of prospective students. This recruitment system is based on the principle of fairness and non-discrimination by not distinguishing between gender, religion, ethnicity, race, social status, and economic ability of prospective students, and still paying attention to the potential of prospective students and the specifics of the university. Additional admission requirements for prospective students of the ITB School of Pharmacy are not color blind, either total or partial. This must be proven by a certificate from an eye doctor. These additional admission requirements are adjusted to the type of pharmaceutical work that will be closely related to the ability to identify colors. Prospective students can also access for more recent information.

Starting in 2005, ITB has recruited students from abroad with a special selection system. To anticipate foreign students who do not have a background in the same language, they are accommodated in international classes. The presence of foreign students is expected to have a positive impact on increasing the self-confidence of local students, improving the ability of lecturers in the teaching and learning process, and increasing the geographical reach of student and alumni networks. As for international students, they are selected through desk evaluation based on the following criteria:

  1. Applicants have a minimum English language competency score: 61 (iBT) or 5.0 (IELTS)
  2. SAT Certificate ( ) or have taken the ITB academic qualification test (ITB AQ Test)
  3. Good high school report card grades
  4. Applicants are not color blind

Based on the SBMPTN, SNMPTN and special selection systems, ITB will accept prospective students who have high academic achievements and are predicted to successfully complete their studies at ITB based on academic achievements.