Admission of New Students


The new student recruitment system includes: New student recruitment policies, new student selection criteria, decision-making systems, and new student admission procedures.

The new student recruitment system applied to this study program.

The policy regarding the admission of postgraduate students at ITB refers to the ITB Rector's Decree Number 177/SK/I1.A/PP/2013 concerning Academic and Student Regulations of Institut Teknologi Bandung Article 2.2.

Information on recruitment of students of the SF-ITB Industrial Pharmacy Masters Study Program can be seen through brochures, are available at the ITB Postgraduate Program and at the SF-ITB. In addition, information about the program can be obtained through the School of Pharmacy-ITB homepage ( which contains information, about graduate competencies, curriculum, registration, and teaching staff at Industrial Pharmacy Master’s Study Program. Promotion of the program is also carried out by visiting various pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries to attract potential participants.

The flow of admissions for PS MFI SF-ITB students is shown in the following chart.

Prospective Industrial Pharmacy Master’s Study Program students must first register by completing the registration form available at Sekolah Pascasarjana ITB Jalan Tamansari No. 64 Bandung. According to the ITB Rector's Decree No. 201/SK/K.01/PP/2008 regarding the Master and Doctoral Program Admission Requirements at Institut Teknologi Bandung, candidates must submit the following documents:

  • A legalized duplicate of bachelor’s degree diploma
  • Legalized undergraduate academic transcripts.
  • BAPPENAS TPA requires a minimum TOEFL score of 475 or an ELPT ITB (English Language Proficiency Test) score of at least 77.
  • Nilai TPA BAPPENAS minimal 475
  • Health certificate issued by Doctor

According to the ITB Rector's Decree Number 126/SK/K01/2006 concerning Guidelines for Implementing an Applied Masters Study Program at the Institut Teknologi Bandung, prospective students must have at least one year of work experience in a profession relevant to the field of interest, backed up by a certificate from the institution/company where the prospective student works. In addition, in accordance with the curriculum designed for this study program, prospective students must meet the following additional requirements:

  • Proof of working experience in the pharmaceutical/cosmetic industry for at least 5 years for candidates who are not pharmacy graduates but from related scientific fields.
  • Statement letter of prospective student is working in a pharmaceutical/cosmetic industry before the selection process until the end of the study period for all prospective students

The selection of new students for the master's program at ITB is done in two stages, namely:

  1. The first stage involves reviewing prospective students' requirements and administrative documents at the ITB Postgraduate School.
  2. The second stage is an evaluation of prospective students' academic ability by the study program and the school/faculty in question.

During the first stage of selection, the authenticity of registration supporting documents is assessed and verified. Candidates who meet the administrative requirements as determined by Admission ITB will be forwarded to School of Pharmacy-ITB for the next stage of selection.

A selection team comprised of the Postgraduate Program Committee, School of Pharmacy-ITB Lecturers, and the Head of the Industrial Pharmacy Master’s Study Program conducted the second stage of selection at the faculty/school level. This temporary selection pattern takes the form of an interest interview, the institution of origin when attending undergraduate education, discussing the candidate's talents and abilities in relation to his undergraduate academic achievements and the field of work in the industry that is currently being undertaken as well as those of future interest such as production, quality control, quality assurance, or research and development, funding sources, time commitment for the study, and proposed final project topic. Furthermore, it was inquired about the candidate's understanding of the PSMFI curriculum, as well as the master plan or strategy for institutional development and expertise in their respective institutions, in order to increase the level of benefit of studying at the ITB School of Pharmacy. On that occasion, each member of the selection team wrote a separate recommendation for each candidate interviewed. The recommendations are forwarded to the Deans of the ITB School of Pharmacy and the Admission ITB for final approval. The School of Pharmacy selection results are then submitted to the Sekolah Pascasarjana ITB to be determined and announced as the final result of the selection of new Industrial Pharmacy Master’s Study Program admissions. Prospective students who pass the admissions selection then expected to re-register.