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Sasanti Tarini Darijanto, Dr., Apt.

KK Farmasetika
Associate Professor

Email : sasanti at
Telepon : +62-22-2509172 Ext. 3294

Bidang Keahlian

  1. Classical drug delivery systems : development of solid liquid dispersion formulation and semi solid formulation.
  2. New drug delivery systems : microencapsulation, sustained release formulation, nano teknologi, transdermal formulation, polimer pharmaceutics.
  3. Manufacturing system : unit process, tecnology of natural product formulation.

Publikasi di Jurnal

  1. Tofani, R.P., Sumirtapura, Y.C., Darijanto, S.T., “Formulation, characterisation, and in vitro skin diffusion of nanostructured lipid carriers for deoxyarbutin compared to a nanoemulsion and conventional cream”, Scientia Pharmaceutica, 2016, 84(4), pp 634,645
  2. Wathoni, N., Pamudji, J.S., Darijanto, S., “Effect of iontophoresis and penetration enhancers on the in vitro diffusion of a piroxicam gel”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012, 4(4), pp 215,218
  3. Yeyet C. Sumirtapura, Jessie S. Pamudji, Sasanti T. Darijanto, Erwida Maulia, “Penggunaan Turunan Siklodekstrin Untuk Meningkatkan Kelarutan Parasetamol Dalam Sediaan Larutan Oral Tanpa Alkohol”, Jurnal Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, Vol. XXXII, No. 1, Maret 2007
  4. Sasanti.T. Darijanto, Slamet Ibrahim, Tifa Cirsa Pokta, “Pengembangan Sediaan Kosmetika Asam Glikolat dalam Bentuk Krim dan Gel serta Uji Stabilitas Sediaan”, Jurnal Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, Vol. XXXII, No. 1, Maret 2007
  5. Sasanti T. Darijanto, Maria I. Iwo, H. Soraya, 2004, “Determination the stability and in vitro diffusion of prednisolone from gel formulations using oleic acid as penetrance enhancer and its in vivo anti inflamation effect test”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, XXIX (2).
  6. Goeswin Agoes, Fauzi Sjuib, Sukmadjaya Asyarie, Sasanti T.Darijanto, Jessie S. Pamudji, Tri Suciati, Daryono H. Tjahjono, Rahmat Mauludin, 2002, “Stability study of amoxcyllin-clavulanic tablets (Part I)”, Health Article in Journal of Medicine (Majalah Medika). (in Indonesian)
  7. Goeswin Agoes, Fauzi Sjuib, Sukmadjaya Asyarie, Sasanti T. Darijanto, Jessie S. Pamudji, Tri Suciati, Daryono H. Tjahjono, Rahmat Mauludin, 2002, “Stability study of Amoxcyllin-clavulanic tablets (Part II)”, Health Article in Journal of Medicine (Majalah Medika). ( in Indonesia)
  8. Sasanti T. Darijanto, Goeswin Agoes, Halim, 2001, “Developing of gastrointestinal bioadhesif formulations of chlorfeniramin maleat”, Acta Pharmaceutical Indonesia, XXVI, 1-13.
  9. Goeswin Agoes, Sasanti T. Darijanto, E. Suraida, 1999, “Microballon formulations of phenilpropanolamin hydrochloride using polymetilen metacrillate”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, XXIV, 3.
  10. Agoes Goeswin, Sasanti T. Darijanto, Meiyung Putra P., 1999, “Microballon formulations of furosemide to extended floating time in artifficiale gastric juice”, Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia, XXIV (4).
  11. Suprijanto, Ayu, D., Nadhira, V., Darijanto, S.T., 2009, “Development of image processing for digital dermatoscopy”, International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering 2009, ICICI-BME 2009, art. no. 5417216, .
  12. Suprijanto, Nadhira, V., Lestari, D.A., Juliastuti, E., Darijanto, S.T., 2011, “Digital dermatoscopy method for human skin roughness analysis”, ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 5 (1), pp. 57-71.
  13. Susilo, R.A., Sumirtapura, Y.C., Rachmawati, H., Darijanto, S.T., Retnoningrum, D.S., Kardono, L.B.S., 2012, “Over production of human recombinant interferon a-2b: Scaling up process”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 12 (15), pp. 1613-1617.

Publikasi di Konferensi

  1. Mauludin, R, Sasanti Tarini D, I. Fidrianny, R. Rinaldi, Mouthwash formulation development of Piper betle extract and activity test against Streptococcus mutans, International Conference On Medicinal Plant, Surabaya, 21-22 July,2010.
  2. Sasanti T. Darijanto, Irda Fidriani and Ellen Natsia, “Formulation of White Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O.K.) Water Extract Mouthwash and Deteremination of Its Antioxidant Activity”, Bandung International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry 6-8 August 2009
  3. Heni Rachmawati, Dita Herawati, Sasanti Tarini Darijanto, “Folic Acid Encapsulation in Solid Lipid Nanoparticles”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, ITB, 28-23 October 2008
  4. Sasanti T. Darijanto, Daryono H. Tjahjono, Virani Yusita Sari, “Pengembangan Formula Lipstik Gel Aloe Vera Serta Uji Stabilitasnya Melalui Analisis Warna Dengan Spektrofotometer CM 3600 d”, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah ISFI XVI, Yogyakarta, 11-12 Agustus 2008
  5. Yustine Ardina, Dr. Sasanti Tarini D, DR. Irda Fidrianny, Dr. Marlia Singgih, “Development Of Antiacne Gel Formulation And Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Determination From Carica papaya Leaves Extract (Carica papaya Linn.)”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
  6. Dr. Sasanti.T.D, Dr. Rahmana E. K, Yustika N. A., “Microemulsion Formulation Of Ibuprofen With Virgin Coconut Oil”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
  7. Sasanti T.D, Slamet Ibrahim, Clare, “Pengembangan Sediaan Aromatik Minyak Kenanga (Cananga odoraa) Dalam Basis Krim Untuk Sediaan Spa”, Kongres Ilmiah XV ISFI, Jakarta, 18-19 Juli 2007
  8. Anita Sukmawati, Sasanti T. Darijanto, Sukmadjaja Asyarie, “Formulasi Sediaan Gel Kompleks Inklusi Meloksikam – B – Siklodekstrin : Tinjauan Terhadap Sifat Fisik Gel”, Kongres Ilmiah XV ISFI, Jakarta, 18-19 Juli 2007
  9. Deni Rahmat, Sukmadjaja Asyarie, Sasanti Tarini D, “Evaluasi Dan Karakterisasi Garam Meloksikan-Etanolamin”, Kongres Ilmiah XV ISFI, Jakarta, 18-19 Juli 2007
  10. Rahmat D., Asyarie S., Tarini S., “The Effect Of Meloxicam-Monoethanolamine Salt Formulated Into Gel On Percutaneous Penetration”, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
  11. Sasanti T.D., Agoes.G., Siregar.C., Sumirtapura.C.Y., “Formulation of Scopolamine Hydrobromide in liposome for transdermal drug delivery system”, Proceedings of Seminar on Facullty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB, Bandung, Oktober 2004
  12. Sasanti T.D, Immaculata, A. Pujiwulandari, “Development of formulation, in vitro diffusion and in vivo irritation test of Vitamin C Gel using hydroxipropyl cellulosa vehicles”, Proceedings of Seminar on Research Result of Department of Pharmacy, Bandung, Oktober 2002
  13. Sasanti T.D, Sukmadjaya A, Camelia, “In vitro diffusion and release test of prednisolon from the transdermal drug delivery system using gel and cream vehicles”, Proceedings of Scientific Seminar on Pharmaceutical Technology, BPPT, 29 Mei 2002
  14. Sasanti. T.D, Goeswin Agoes, Hilda Arjani, “Microencapsullation of Asetilsalicylic acid with Ethocel 22 cps using Coaservation Phase Separation Method”, Proceedings of Scientific Seminar on Pharmaceutical Technology, BPPT, 29 Mei 2002
  15. Sasanti T.D, Agoes G., Noviarni, 2000, “Enteric coated microencapsullation of Sodium Dyclofenax with HP-55 Coating Substance using Hardening in Solvent Method”, Proceedings of Facullty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB Seminar, Bandung, 29 Mei 2000
  16. Sasanti T.D, Agoes.G., Nain Milti, “Determination in vitro diffusion of Propanolol Hidrochloride from Gel Formulations using penetrate enhancer”, Proceedings of ISFI Indonesian Pharmacist Association XIII, Jakarta, Juli, 2000
  17. Yeyet C., Sasanti T.D, Siti Fatimah, “Determination in vitro diffusion of Methylsalisylic from Gel Formulations using penetrate enhancer”, Proceedings of Indonesian Pharmacist Association Congress (ISFI) XIII, Jakarta, Juli, 2000
  18. Sasanti T. D., Maria Immaculata Iwo, Tri Suciati, “Development of cream and gel from Aloe vera gel and its primary irritation effect”, Proceedings of 4th Scientific Conference of The Asean Societies of Cosmetic : Cosmetic, Safety and Efficacy Dream and Fact, Bali, April 1999
  19. Iwo M.I., Sugiarso N.C., Sasanti T.D, Kusmardiyani.S., Sukrasno, “The influence of chemical substance of Capsicum frutescens, Linn, on the growth of mice hairs”, Proceedings of Scientifics Seminar on the utillazation of natural products for cormetics raw materials, 1999

Bantuan Penelitian

  1. Formulation of Scopolamine Hydrobromide in liposome for transdermal drug delivery system, 2005-2007, granted by Ministry of National Education, Indonesia, (competetive grant, Hibah Bersaing XIII), [Sasanti.T.Darijanto, Goeswin Agoes, Yeyet Cahyati]
  2. Release test of Ketokenasol from cream base, 2001- 2002, joint research with Kalbe Farma Tbk,[Goeswin Agoes, Sasanti T. Darijanto, Tri Suciati]
  3. Development of liposome formulation and its delivery mechanisme through the skin, 2000-2001, granted by Ministry of National Education, Indonesia, (competitive grant, Iptek Dasar), [Sasanti.T.Darijanto, Marlia Singgih, Eliza]
  4. Development of ketoprofen gel formulation with hydroxipropyl cellulosa and Carbopol as vehicles and determination of its iritation effect on skin, 1999-2000, joint research with Kalbe Farma Tbk,[Goeswin Agoes, Sasanti T. Darijanto, Immaculata Iwo, Tri Suciati]
  5. Development of cream and gel formulations of Aloe vera and determination of its iritation effect on the skin, 1999-2000, granted by Institut of Technology Bandung (competitive grant, OPF), [Sasanti T. Darijanto, Immaculata Iwo, Tri Suciati]
  6. Development of aditive food (premix) formulation for chicken growth and its dissolution test , 1998-1999, granted by Ministry of National Education, Indonesia, (competetive grant, Hibah Bersaing), [Sukmadjaya Asyarie, Yeyet Cahyati, Sasanti.T.Darijanto, Mansyur]
  7. Production and utilization of capsaicin from Capsicum frutescens, Linn, 1996-1997, granted by Ministry of National Education, Indonesia, (competetive grant, Hibah Bersaing), [Sukrasno, Siti Kusmardiyani, Sasanti.T.Darijanto, Immaculata Iwo]
  8. Utilization of sea weed Euchema SP as anti inflamation drug and for bone degenerative desseases,1995-1996, granted by Ministry of National Education,Indonesia,(competetive grant, Hibah Bersaing), [N.C.Sugiarso, Embit Kartadarma, Sasanti.T.Darijanto]

Pengalaman Mengajar

  1. Drug development (2005 – present)
  2. New Drug Delivery System (2002- present)
  3. Unit Process in Pharmacy (1998 – present)
  4. Cosmetics Technology (1998 – prsesent)
  5. Liquids and semi solides dosage form (1992 – present)
