Publikasi 2020
Jurnal Internasional 2020
No. | Title | Authors | Publication |
1 | Acetylcholinesterase: Inhibitory activity of some Indonesian vegetables and fraction of selected plants | Nuria M.C., Suganda A.G., Sukandar E.Y., Insanu M. | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2020, 10(1), pp. 101–107 |
2 | The influence of extraction methods on rutin yield of cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz) | Chahyadi, A., Elfahmi, | Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2020, 28(11), pp. 1466-1473 |
3 | Short communication: Callus induction in purple and white-purple varieties of orthosiphon aristatus (blume) miq. | Faramayuda, F., Mariani, T.S., Elfahmi,, Sukrasno, | Biodiversitas, 2020, 21(10), pp.4967-4972 |
4 | Antidiabetes activity of herbal product containing phyllanthus Niruri and Zingiber Americans | Aktiviti antidiabetes produk herba yang mengandungi phyllanthus niruri dan zingiber americans | Elfahmi,, Ketut Adnyana, I., Fitria, I., Taufikurahman, T. | Sains Malaysiana, 2020, 49(9), pp.2159-2168 |
5 | Evaluation of myricetin nanophytosome with thin-sonication layer hydration method using ethanol and acetone solvents | Purnamasari, N.A.D., Dzakwan, M., Pramukantoro, G.E., Mauludin, R., Elfahmi, | International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 2020, 12(5), pp.153-157 |
6 | Molecular docking, synthesis and biological evaluation of ergosteryl-ferulate as a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor | Aziz, S., Elfahmi,, Soemardji, A.A., Sukrasno, | Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 33(3), pp.997-1003 |
7 | Transformation of amorphadiene synthase and antisilencing P19 genes into artemisia annua L. And its effect on antimalarial artemisinin production | Elfahmi, E., Cahyani, F.M., Kristanti, T., Suhandono, S. | Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2020, 10(3), pp. 464-471 |
8 | Positioning Bacillus subtilis as terpenoid cell factory | Pramastya, H., Song, Y., Elfahmi, E.Y., Sukrasno, S., Quax, W.J. | Journal of Applied Microbiology,2020 |
9 | Expression of two key enzymes of artemisinin biosynthesis FPS and ADS genes in saccharomyces cerevisiae | Elfahmi,, Hapsari, R.A., Chrysanthy, T., …Setiawan, A., Muranaka, T. | Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2020, 11(1), pp. 181-187 |
10 | Production of Squalene in Bacillus subtilis by Squalene Synthase Screening and Metabolic Engineering | Song, Y., Guan, Z., Van Merkerk, R., …Setroikromo, R., Quax, W.J. | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(15), pp.4447-4455 |
11 | A regulated synthetic operon facilitates stable overexpression of multigene terpenoid pathway in Bacillus subtilis | Abdallah, I.I., Xue, D., Pramastya, H., …Setroikromo, R., Quax, W.J. | Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, 47(2), pp.243-249 |
12 | Overview of phytochemical compounds and pharmacological activities of ananas comosus l. Merr | Hartati, R., Suarantika, F., Fidrianny, I. | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 11(3), pp. 4760-4766 |
13 | Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of multiflora honey extracts from the Indonesian Apis cerana bee | Nayaka, N.M.D.M.W., Fidrianny, I., Sukrasno,, Hartati, R., Singgih, M. | Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 2020, 15(3), pp.211-217 |
14 | Dominant chemical compound of chicken bile extract | Tuty, S., Fidrianny, I., Sukrasno, | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 11(2), pp.2632-2637 |
15 | Review of the chemical properties, pharmacological properties, and development studies of cymbopogon sp. | Zahra, A.A., Hartati, R., Fidrianny, I. | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2020, 11(3), pp. 10341-10350 |
16 | Crystal Guava (Psidium guajava L. crystal): Evaluation of in Vitro Antioxidant Capacities and Phytochemical Content | Hartati, R., Nadifan, H.I., Fidrianny, I. | Scientific World Journal, 2020, 2020, 9413727 |
17 | Boron-silica based mesoporous for curcuminoid isolation from turmeric extract | Firmansyah, A., Nugrahani, I., Wirasutisna, K.R., Ibrahim, S. | International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 2020, 12(5), pp.302-306 |
18 | Formation of boron – silica based mesoporous and studies of its adsorption ability for curcuminoids | Firmansyah, A., Nugrahani, I., Wirasutisna, K.R., Ibrahim, S. | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2020, 10(2), pp. 14977-4981 |
19 | Isolation and Characterization of Phenylpropanoid and Lignan Compounds from Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth with Estrogenic Activities | Kartika, I.G.A.A., Bang, I.J., Riani, C., …Chung, K.H., Adnyana, I.K. | Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2020, 25(21) |
20 | Sida rhombifolia linn: Phytochemicals composition and biological activities | Rohman, A., Ikhtiarini, A.N., Setyaningsih, W., …Irnawati,, Windarsih, A. | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2020, 12, pp. 2950–2958 |
21 | Evaluation effect of polarity of the compound from sonchus arvensis (Linn.) leaves as hypertension inhibitor | Suryani,, Sukandar, E.Y., Insanu, M., Kurniati, N.F. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(3), pp. 1807–1816 |
22 | Ameliorative Effect of Etlingera calophrys (K.Schum.) Rhizome Ethanolic Extract on High Fat Diet-Induced Obese Zebrafish | Kesan Memperbaikkan Ekstrak Etanol Rizom Etlingera calophrys (K.Schum.) pada Diet Teraruh Tinggi Lemak Ikan Belang Obes | Nayaka, N.M.D.M.W., Fidrianny, I., Sukrasno,, Hartati, R., Singgih, M. | Sains Malaysiana, 2020, 49(2), pp.389-397 |
23 | Antidiabetic activity of Tenebrio molitor linn powder by oral glucose tolerance test to swiss webster male mice | Samsul, E., Soemardji, A.A., Kusmardiyani, S., Kuncoro, H. | Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2020, 24(2), pp.24-27 |
24 | Spectrofluorometric determination of L-tryptophan in canary (Canarium indicum L.) seed protein hydrolysate | Nugrahani, I., Abotbina, I.M., Apsari, C.N., …Sukrasno,, Oktaviary, R. | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2020, 10(1), pp. 4780-4785 |
25 | Updates on 4-hydroxyderricin and xanthoangelol of angelica plants: Extraction and pharmacological activities | Aulifa, D.L., Adnyana, I.K., Sukrasno,, Levita, J. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(1), pp. 11–17 |
26 | Ligand-based pharmacophore modeling, molecular docking, and molecular dynamic studies of dual tyrosine kinase inhibitor of egfr and vegfr2 | Sangande, F., Julianti, E., Tjahjono, D.H. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(20), pp. 1–16, 7779 |
27 | Reactivity and Stability of Metalloporphyrin Complex Formation: DFT and Experimental Study | Pratiwi, R., Ibrahim, S., Tjahjono, D.H. | Molecules, 2020, 25(18), 4221 |
28 | Identification of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase δ (PI3Kδ) inhibitor: Pharmacophore-based virtual screening and molecular dynamics simulation | Arba, M., Sufriadin, M., Tjahjono, D.H. | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 20(5), pp. 1070–1079 |
29 | Porphyrin-acridine hybrid compounds as potential candidates for topoisomerase ii alpha inhibitors | Muhammad, H.N., Damayanti, S., Tjahjono, D.H. | Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2020, 47(3), pp. 455–472 |
30 | Identification of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in the Primary Health Center in Bandung (Qualitative study in Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie) | Firdayati, M., Nastiti, A., Singgih, M., …Azhari, M., Trihartomo, D. | E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 148, 04003 |
31 | Composing Novel Diclofenac Potassium and L-Proline Salt Cocrystal as a Strategy to Increase Solubility and Dissolution | Nugrahani, I., Komara, S.W., Horikawa, A., Uekusa, H. | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 109(11), pp. 3423–3438 |
32 | Diclofenac-proline nano-co-crystal development, characterization, in vitro dissolution and diffusion study | Nugrahani, I., Auli, W.N. | Heliyon, 2020, 6(9), e04864 |
33 | Salt cocrystal of diclofenac sodium-l-proline: Structural, pseudopolymorphism, and pharmaceutics performance study | Nugrahani, I., Kumalasari, R.A., Auli, W.N., Horikawa, A., Uekusa, H. | Pharmaceutics, 2020, 12(7), 690 |
34 | A comprehensive study of a new 1.75 hydrate of ciprofloxacin salicylate: SCXRD structure determination, solid characterization, water stability, solubility, and dissolution study | Nugrahani, I., Tjengal, B., Gusdinar, T., Horikawa, A., Uekusa, H. | Crystals, 2020, 10(5), 349 |
35 | Chemometrical analysis of fourier transform infrared spectrum profile of indonesia’s black tea products (Camellia sinensis L.) | Nugrahani, I., Sundalian, M. | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2020, 10(1), pp. 4721–4727 |
36 | Development of hplc method for phenylethyl resorcinol content determination in whitening cream preparation | Nugrahani, I., Ibrahim, S., Kembaren, Y.N. | Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 2020, 24(5), pp. 748–764 |
37 | FTIR Method for Peptide Content Estimation and Degradation Kinetic Study of Canarium Nut Protein | Nugrahani, I., Oktaviary, R., Ibrahim, S., Gusdinar, T., Apsari, C. | Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 2020, 31(2), pp. 78-83 |
38 | Acute toxicity tests of fermented robusta green coffee using zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) | Narko, T., Wibowo, M.S., Damayanti, S., Wibowo, I. | Pharmacognosy Journal,2020, 12(3), pp. 485–492 |
39 | Effect of kombucha culture on caffeine and chlorogenic acid content in fermentation of robusta green coffee beans (Coffea canephora l.) | Narko, T., Wibowo, M.S., Damayanti, S., Wibowo, I. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(2), pp. 1181–1186 |
40 | Effect of drug treatment on serum Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein levels in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Knee Osteoarthritis in Bandung, Indonesia | Saptarini, N.M., Hadisoebroto, G., Wibowo, M.S., Gusdinar, T. | Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research, 2020, 10(2), pp. 41–45 |
41 | Determination of anthraquinone in some Indonesian black tea and its predicted risk characterization | Kartasasmita, R.E., Kurniawan, F., Amelia, T., …Harmoko, H., Pratama, Y. | ACS Omega, 2020, 5(32), pp. 20162–20169 |
42 | Development and evaluation of sodium ascorbyl phosphate nanoemulsion for transcutaneous delivery | Nursal, F.K., Sumirtapura, Y.C., Kartasasmita, R.E., Rahma, H., Suciati, T. | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2020, 13(7), pp. 3086–3092 |
43 | Optimization of robusta green coffee fermentation using response surface methodology | Narko, T., Wibowo, M.S., Damayanti, S., Wibowo, I., Hadiyat, M.A. | Coffee Science, 2020, 15(1), pp. 1–9, e151671 |
44 | Regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway and proinflammatory cytokines by ursolic acid in murine macrophages infected with Mycobacterium avium | Eka Pitaloka, D.A., Cooper, A.M., Artarini, A.A., Damayanti, S., Sukandar, E.Y. | Infectious Disease Reports, 2020, 12, 8717 |
45 | In silico study on interaction and preliminary toxicity prediction of eleutherine americana components as an antifungal and antitoxoplasmosis candidate | Damayanti, S., Martak, N.A.S., Permana, B., …Hartati, R., Wibowo, I. | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 20(4), pp. 899–910 |
46 | Discovery of Tricyclic Xanthines as Agonists of the Cannabinoid-Activated Orphan G-Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR18 | Schoeder, C.T., Mahardhika, A.B., Drabczyńska, A., Kieć-Kononowicz, K., Müller, C.E. | ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11(10), pp. 2024–2031 |
47 | Computational investigations on the binding mode of ligands for the cannabinoid-activated g protein-coupled receptor GPR18 | Neumann, A., Engel, V., Mahardhika, A.B., …Kieć-Kononowicz, K., Müller, C.E. | Biomolecules, 2020, 10(5), 686 |
48 | Allosteric modulation of G protein-coupled receptors by amiloride and its derivatives. Perspectives for drug discovery? | Massink, A., Amelia, T., Karamychev, A., IJzerman, A.P. | Medicinal Research Reviews, 2020, 40(2), pp. 683–708 |
49 | Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for a simultaneous analysis of quercetin and ascorbic acid in psidium guajava fruit extract at different ripening stages | Sulastri, A., Maulana, Y.E., Amaliya, A., Sukrasno, S., Soemardji, A.A. | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2020, 15(6), pp. 3615–3624 |
50 | Leaf extract of artocarpus altilis [park.] fosberg has potency as antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and immunosuppressant | Palupi, D.H.S., Retnoningrum, D.S., Iwo, M.I., Soemardji, A.A. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(1), pp. 636–646 |
51 | Pharmacological effects of garcinia mangostana l.: An update review | Mahmudah, R., Adnyana, I.K., Sukandar, E.Y. | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2020, 13(11), pp. 5471–5476 |
52 | Inhibitory activity of the active compound of ethyl acetate fraction of tamoenju (Hibiscus surattensis L.) leaves against α-glucosidase and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 enzymes | Yuliet,, Sukandar, E.Y., Budipramana, K., Adnyana, I.K. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(2), pp. 826–835 |
53 | Antibacterial activity of several indonesian plant extracts and combination of antibiotics with syzygium malaccense extract as the most active substance | Yuniarni, U., Sukandar, E.Y., Fidrianny, I. | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 11(3), pp. 3300–3308 |
54 | Active subfractions, phytochemical constituents, dipeptidyl peptidase-iv inhibitory activity and antioxidant of leaf extract from hibiscus surattensis L. | Yuliet,, Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana, I.K. | Natural Products Journal, 2020, 10(4), pp. 400–410 |
55 | Acetylcholinesterase: Inhibitory activity of some Indonesian vegetables and fraction of selected plants | Nuria, M.C., Suganda, A.G., Sukandar, E.Y., Insanu, M. | Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2020, 10(1), pp. 101–107 |
56 | E-test versus agar dilution for antibiotic susceptibility testing of Helicobacter pylori: A comparison study | Miftahussurur, M., Fauzia, K.A., Nusi, I.A., …Akada, J., Yamaoka, Y. | BMC Research Notes, 2020, 13(1), 22 |
57 | Potential benefits of resveratrol derivatives for treatment and prevention of metabolic syndromes | Saraswaty, V., Adnyana, I.K., Pudjiraharti, S., Rachmawati, H. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(3), pp. 1363–1371 |
58 | The effect of aerobic exercises on cognition, physical fitness, and apolipoprotein E plasma among women with mild cognitive impairment | Fitriana, L.A., Putri, S.T., Anggadiredja, K., Theresa, R.M., Adnyana, I.K. | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2020, 12(1), pp. 1646–1652 |
59 | Anti-helicobacter pylori effects of propolis ethanol extract on clarithromycin and metronidazole resistant strains | Ratnasari, N., Rezkitha, Y.A.A., Adnyana, I.K., …Yamaoka, Y., Miftahussurur, M. | Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020, 11(3), pp. 429–434 |
60 | Ameliorating Effects of Four-Week Fiber-Multivitamin Combination Treatment on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein B Profiles in Hypercholesterolemic Participants | Anggadiredja, K., Ufamy, N., Amalia, L., Fisheri Kurniati, N., Bahana Maulida Reyaan, I. | Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2020, 17(2), pp. 173–183 |
61 | Pharmacological characterisation of novel adenosine A3 receptor antagonists | Barkan, K., Lagarias, P., Stampelou, M., …Kolocouris, A., Ladds, G. | Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1), 20781 |
62 | Elevated intracellular cAMP concentration mediates growth suppression in glioma cells | Safitri, D., Harris, M., Potter, H., …Bailey, D., Ladds, G. | Biochemical Pharmacology, 2020, 174, 113823 |
63 | The impact of genetic polymorphisms in organic cation transporters on renal drug disposition | Zazuli, Z., Duin, N.J.C.B., Jansen, K., …Maitland-Van der Zee, A.H., Masereeuw, R. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(18), pp. 1–23, 6627 |
64 | Comparison of Myelotoxicity and Nephrotoxicity Between Daily Low-Dose Cisplatin With Concurrent Radiation and Cyclic High-Dose Cisplatin in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients | Zazuli, Z., Kos, R., Veltman, J.D., …Vijverberg, S.J.H., Maitland-van der Zee, A.-H. | Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 11, 975 |
65 | Molecular Characterization of Bacterial Fibrinolytic Proteins from Indonesian Traditional Fermented Foods | Purwaeni, E., Riani, C., Retnoningrum, D.S. | Protein Journal, 2020, 39(3), pp. 258–267 |
66 | Development and characterization of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (Snedds) formulation for enhancing dissolution of fenofibric acid | Suhery, W.N., Sumirtapura, Y.C., Pamudji, J.S., Mudhakir, D. | Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 2020, 24(5), pp. 738–747 |
67 | Relationship of Agaricus bisporus mannose-binding protein to lectins with β-trefoil fold | Ismaya, W.T., Tjandrawinata, R.R., Dijkstra, B.W., …Nabila, N., Rachmawati, H. | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020, 527(4), pp. 1027–1032 |
68 | Theoretical exploration on free radical scavenging mechanism of curcumin analogues in water solvent | Boli, L.S.P., Aisyah, N.D., Khoirunisa, V., …Rachmawati, H., Dipojono, H.K. | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 856(1), 012004 |
69 | Theoretical investigation on electron transfer-based antioxidant activity of melinjo resveratrol | Khoirunisa, V., Fadilla, R.N., Boli, L.S.P., …Rachmawati, H., Dipojono, H.K. | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 856(1), 012005 |
70 | Lectins from the edible mushroom agaricus bisporus and their therapeutic potentials | Ismaya, W.T., Tjandrawinata, R.R., Rachmawati, H. | Molecules, 2020, 25(10), 2368 |
71 | Formation of electrosprayed composite nanoparticles from polyvinylpyrrolidone/mangosteen pericarp extract | Rezeki, Y.A., Hapidin, D.A., Rachmawati, H., Munir, M.M., Khairurrijal, K. | Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31(5), pp. 1811–1824 |
72 | Role of nanocarriers and their surface modification in targeting delivery of bioactive compounds | Rachmawati, H., Larasati, A., Adi, A.C., Shegokar, R. | Nanopharmaceuticals: Volume 1: Expectations and Realities of Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems, 2020, pp. 17–43 |
73 | Physical–chemical crosslinked electrospun colocasia esculenta tuber protein–chitosan–poly (Ethylene oxide) nanofibers with antibacterial activity and cytocompatibility | Wardhani, R.A.K., Asri, L.A.T.W., Rachmawati, H., Khairurrijal, K., Purwasasmita, B.S. | International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2020, 15, pp. 6433–6449 |
74 | Future views on nanonutrition for critically ill patients: The role of extra virgin olive oil nanoemulsion in sepsis enteral nutrition | Veterini, A.S., Soedarmo, S.M., Hasanul,, …Rachmawati, H., Rehatta, N.M. | Critical Care and Shock, 2020, 23(5), pp. 208–220 |
75 | In-silico molecular interaction of short synthetic lipopeptide/importin-al-pha and in-vitro evaluation of transgene expression mediated by lipo-some-based gene carrier | Tarwadi, T., Jazayeri, J.A., Pambudi, S., …Kartasasmita, R.E., Asyarie, S. | Current Gene Therapy, 2020, 20(5), pp. 383–394 |
76 | Comparative in vitro and in vivo evaluation of fenofibric acid as an antihyperlipidemic drug | Antihiperlipidemik ilaç olarak fenofibrik asidin karşılaştırmalı in vitro ve in vivo değerlendirilmesi | Windriyati, Y.N., Sumirtapura, Y.C., Pamudji, J.S. | Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 17(2), pp. 203–210 |
77 | Improving telmisartan mechanical properties through the formation of telmisartan and oxalic acid co-crystal by slow evaporation and ultrasound assisted co-crystallization from solution methods | Ratih, H., Pamudji, J.S., Alatas, F., Soewandhi, S.N. | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2020, 42(1), pp. 188–195 |
78 | Kinetic estimation of solid state transition during isothermal and grinding processes among efavirenz polymorphs | Wardhana, Y.W., Hardian, A., Chaerunisa, A.Y., Suendo, V., Soewandhi, S.N. | Heliyon, 2020, 6(5), e03876 |
79 | X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopic studies of the intermolecular interactions on the grinding and compaction behaviours of lopinavir and ritonavir crystals | Setianto, A.B., Nugraha, Y.P., Suendo, V., …Uekusa, H., Soewandhi, S.N. | Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research, 2020, 77(2), pp. 259–269 |
80 | Regulation of adipogenesis and key adipogenic gene expression by mangosteen pericarp extract and xanthones in 3T3-L1 cells | Widowat, W., Darsono, L., Suherman, J., …Mozef, T., Suciati, T. | Biotropia, 2020, 27(1), pp. 14–21 |
81 | Effect of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) fruit extract in improving insulin sensitivity by modifying glucose-regulating gene expression | Aligita, W., Muhsinin, S., Wijaya, K.T., Artarini, A., Adnyana, I.K. | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(1), pp. 739–746 |
82 | Mitochondrial Delivery of an Anticancer Drug Via Systemic Administration Using a Mitochondrial Delivery System That Inhibits the Growth of Drug-Resistant Cancer Engrafted on Mice | Yamada, Y., Munechika, R., Satrialdi,, …Sakurai, Y., Harashima, H. | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 109(8), pp. 2493–2500 |
83 | Erratum: The optimization of cancer photodynamic therapy by utilization of a pi-extended porphyrin-type photosensitizer in combination with MITO-Porter | Satrialdi,, Munechika, R., Biju, V., …Harashima, H., Yamada, Y. | Chemical Communications, 2020, 56(45), pp. 6153 |
84 | Power of mitochondrial drug delivery systems to produce innovative nanomedicines | Yamada, Y., Satrialdi,, Hibino, M., …Abe, J., Harashima, H. | Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2020, 154-155, pp. 187–209 |
85 | The optimization of cancer photodynamic therapy by utilization of a pi-extended porphyrin-type photosensitizer in combination with MITO-Porter | Satrialdi,, Munechika, R., Biju, V., …Harashima, H., Yamada, Y. | Chemical Communications, 2020, 56(7), pp. 1145–1148 |
86 | Therapeutic strategies for regulating mitochondrial oxidative stress | Yamada, Y., Takano, Y., Satrialdi,, …Hibino, M., Harashima, H. | Biomolecules, 2020, 10(1), 83 |
87 | Revealing the Real Size of a Porphyrin Molecule with Quantum Confinement Probing via Temperature-Dependent Photoluminescence Spectroscopy | Nurhayati,, Suendo, V., Alni, A., …Nugraha, Y.P., Uekusa, H. | Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020, 124(13), pp. 2672–2682 |
88 | Effects of honey (Apis mellifera and Apis cerana Species) supplementation on reducing blood lactate concentration in futsal athletes | Kusnaedi, K., Ketut, A.I., Apriantono, T., …Junaidi, J., Winata, B. | Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 2020, 26(4), pp. 11–15 |
89 | The effect of social interaction and environment during aerobic dance on salivary cortisol | Ramania, N.S., Iwo, M.I., Apriantono, T., Winata, B. | Physiotherapy Quarterly, 2020, 28(3), pp. 14–20 |
90 | Effects of cinnamon extract supplementation on creatine kinase activity in badminton athletes | Junaidi, J., Apriantono, T., Winata, B., …Apriyanto, T., Syahruddin, S. | Human Movement, 2020, 21(4), pp. 102–110 |