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Pharmacist Study Program (PSPA)

ITB School of Pharmacy organizes a two-semester Pharmacist Professional Education Program for undergraduates (S1) in Pharmacy to become Pharmacists.

The educational goal is to achieve pharmacist competency in accordance with national requirements (Indonesian Pharmacists Association/IAI, Indonesian Pharmacy Higher Education Association/APTFI) and global (International Pharmaceutical Federation/FIP).

With these competency standards, graduates are directed according to their interests to work in various pharmaceutical sectors: pharmaceutical industry (formulation, raw materials), service pharmacy (hospitals, pharmacies), regulation (supervision, coaching, testing and inspection), scientific (research and development, education and training), pharmaceutical distribution, and other sectors related to pharmacy.


Based on the decision of LAM-PT Kes No.: 0531 /LAM-PTKes/ Akr/Pro/VIII/2017, the Pharmacist Profession Study Program of the School of Pharmacy was accredited A which is valid until August 26, 2022.

Vision of Study Program

The vision of PSPA SF-ITB is to become an institution that organizes a superior Pharmacist Professional Study Program at the national and international levels.

Mission of Study Program

Organizing a quality Pharmacist Professional Study Program for potential Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates. Improve effective cooperation with stakeholders, the Association of Higher Pharmacy Education (APTFI, AASP), Professional Organizations (IAI, FAPA, FIP) to ensure the implementation of a quality education process.


To produce pharmacists who are able to internalize and carry out the work and position of the pharmaceutical profession well, have a strong personality, have high integrity and loyalty to their profession, are communicative and responsive to challenges and public health issues. Developing the academic abilities of prospective pharmacists in terms of science, management, laws and regulations, and professional ethics as a basis for carrying out pharmaceutical work duties.


The quality targets of PSPA are as follows:

  1. A minimum of 80% of ITB School of Pharmacy Bachelor graduates become PSPA ITB School of Pharmacy participants
  2. On-time graduation >= 80%
  3. Graduate waiting time <= 3 months
  4. Graduate user satisfaction >= 90%
  5. At least 10 graduates in the first 5 years become entrepreneurs
No. Target 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
1 Accreditation status A A A A
2 Percentage of undergraduate students from ITB School of Pharmacy who continue to PSPA ITB School of Pharmacy 0.75 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
3 Percentage of Pharmacist graduation on time 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9
4 Implementation of quality assurance system v v v v v
5 Average waiting time to get first job in the field (Pharmacist Profession) 2,2 months < 3 months < 3 months < 3 months < 3 months
6 Number of graduates working in their field (Pharmacist Profession) Min 75% Min 75% Min 75% Min 75% Min 75%

1. Direct admission

Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates from ITB with a maximum diploma date of 5 years from the date of student acceptance, can be accepted directly as students of the Pharmacist Professional Program at the School of Pharmacy-ITB

2. Selection Exam

In addition to direct acceptance, admission of students to the Pharmacist Professional Program at the School of Pharmacy-ITB is also carried out through a selection exam. Participants accepted through the selection test are:

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates from other accredited universities
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates from ITB, who have graduated more than 5 years since the date of student acceptance (calculated from the date of the Bachelor of Pharmacy diploma).

The selection test aims to select Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates who meet the minimum competency standards of Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates from ITB to take part in the Pharmacist Profession Program at ITB. The selection test is held by the PSPA prospective student admissions committee formed by the Dean of SF ITB.

2.1 Registration Procedure

The registration procedure for prospective participants in the selection test is as follows:

  • Prospective participants register online via
  • Prospective participants upload the administrative requirement documents during registration. The documents consist of:
    • Original Bachelor of Pharmacy Diploma
    • Original Bachelor of Pharmacy Transcript
    • Recent color photograph measuring 4×6 cm
    • Proof of health insurance (can facilitate hospitalization due to illness)
    • Original certificate of freedom from color blindness from an Eye Specialist
    • Statement of readiness to participate in the ITB Pharmacist Professional Program
    • Statement of authenticity of documents, Letter of commitment to finance education
    • Payment of registration fees and proof of accreditation of the original University

Complete information can be seen on the website

2.2 Selection Schedule

The selection test is held in 2 periods in a year, namely June-July and November-December.

Requirements for Taking the Selection Test

The requirements for taking the selection test are as follows:

  • Prospective participants who do not complete the administrative registration requirements by the deadline set as in point 3.2.1, are considered to have withdrawn.
  • Prospective participants have 2 (two) opportunities to take the Selection Test. For prospective participants who do not attend the selection test, they are considered to have withdrawn but are not counted as 1 (one) opportunity.
2.3 Selection Test Procedure

The selection test procedure is as follows:

  • Prospective exam participants are required to be present no later than 30 minutes before the exam takes place
  • Prospective participants are required to bring their selection exam participant card
  • Prospective exam participants sit in the seats provided according to their participant number
  • During the exam, prospective participants:
    • Not allowed to bring a cellphone/other communication device
    • Allowed to bring a standard calculator
    • Only write the participant number on each exam sheet
  • The exam takes place in 4 sessions, each session lasting 45 minutes, with a 5-minute break between sessions
2.4 Selection Exam Material

The selection exam material covers 4 fields/groups of material which are the pillars of science as follows:

  1. Pharmaceutical Biology
  2. Pharmacochemistry
  3. Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacy
  4. Pharmaceutics

The selection exam questions can be multiple choice and/or essay, focused on solving pharmaceutical problems. The questions in the selection exam are made based on the material grid for each group of material that is the minimum requirement to be mastered by a Bachelor of Pharmacy.

2.5 How to Assess Selection Exam Results

The policy for assessing selection exam results is different for each interest.

For the production and quality control (PPM) interest, the following criteria apply:

  1. Calculation of the final score of the selection exam, based on the weighting of each field’s score of 25%.
  2. Participants are declared to have passed the selection exam if the final score of the selection exam is ≥ 55 and the score of each field > 50 or average score ≥ 60 but there is a score of one field between 40-50
  3. Participants who have taken the selection test 2 times, can be declared to have passed the selection test if the average score is ≥ 55 and only one field has a score between 40 – 50.

For the interest in pharmacy services (PF), the following criteria apply:

  1. The calculation of the final score of the selection test is based on the weighting of the scores, namely pharmacology-clinical pharmacy 40% and other fields each 20%.
  2. Participants are declared to have passed the selection test if the final score of the selection test is ≥55, with the score of pharmacology-clinical pharmacy ≥50 and other fields ≥40.
  3. Participants who have taken the selection test 2 times, can be declared to have passed the selection test if the score average ≥ 55 and only one field has a value between 40 – 50.


  • Participants in the selection test category who pass, register as prospective participants in the Pharmacist Profession Program for the semester that will soon take place
  • The number of participants who are graduates of S1 pharmacy from other universities who are taking education in the Pharmacist Profession Study Program is a maximum of 30% per number of students/year.
  • If the number of participants who pass the selection exceeds the maximum limit of 30% per year, then a ranking is determined. Participants who have passed but are ranked lower become participants on the waiting list for the next semester without having to take the selection test again.
2.6 Interest Grouping

Participants in the selection test submit the interests chosen at the time of registration for the selection test. Based on the minimum score in each field and the final score of the selection exam obtained, the interest that will be followed by participants in the ITB Pharmacist Profession Program is determined at the plenary meeting of the selection exam participants’ graduation. Selection exam participants with the choice of production and quality control (PPM) interest and do not meet the graduation criteria, but pass based on the criteria for passing the pharmaceutical service (PF) interest can be advised to move to the pharmaceutical service interest.

The Pharmacist Profession Study Program of the ITB School of Pharmacy organizes 2 interest paths, namely (1) Production & Quality Control (PPM) interest, and (2) Pharmacy Services (PF) which differ in the selection of courses, professional internships and final exams for institutional pharmacists which are adjusted to the focus of the field of work of graduates of the two interests. To obtain a competency certificate, one stage that must be taken by pharmacists is competency certification through the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Test (UKAI).

2024 Curriculum

Mandatory for All Paths

Semester 1

Code Subject Credit
FP 5031 PKPA Pemerintahan 4
FP 5021 Pra-PKPA dan Evaluasi PKPA Pemerintahan 1
FP 5011 Studi Kasus Kefarmasian Terintegrasi 3
FP 5012 Interprofessional Education 2
FP 5041 Ujian Apoteker 1 1
Semester Credit 1: 11

Semester 2

Code Subject Credit
FP 5032 PKPA Apotek 4
FP 5033 PKPA Distribusi 4
FP 5022 Pra-PKPA dan Evaluasi PKPA Apotek dan Distribusi Farmasi 1
FP 5042 Ujian Apoteker 2 2
Semester Credit 2: 11

Mandatory for Pharmacy Service Path (PF)

Semester 1

Code Subject Credit
FP 5035 PKPA Minor Industri Farmasi 4
FP 5024 Pra-PKPA dan Evaluasi PKPA Industri Farmasi 1
Semester Credit 1: 5

Semester 2

Code Subject Credit
FP 5037 PKPA Rumah Sakit 8
FP 5023 Pra-PKPA dan Evaluasi PKPA Rumah Sakit 1
Semester Credit 2: 9

Mandatory for Production and Quality Control Path (PPM)

Semester 1

Code Subject Credit
FP 5034 PKPA Minor Rumah Sakit 4
FP 5023 Pra-PKPA dan Evaluasi PKPA Rumah Sakit 1
Semester Credit 1: 5

Semester 2

Code Subject Credit
FP 5036 PKPA Industri Farmasi 8
FP 5024 Pra-PKPA dan Evaluasi PKPA Industri Farmasi 1
Semester Credit 2: 9