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Prof. Dr. Elfahmi, S.Si., M.Si.

KK Biologi Farmasi

Email : elfahmi at, elfahmi at
Telepon : +62 22 250 4852

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Bidang Keahlian

  1. Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy of lignans and other secondary metabolites
  2. Production of secondary metabolites using plant cell and tissue culture
  3. Metabolic engineering of lignans and other secondary metabolites
  4. Biotechnology of medicinal plants producing active compounds

Publikasi di Jurnal

  1. Fitrianda, E., Sukandar, E.Y., Elfahmi, Adnyana, I.K., “Antidiabetic activity of extract, fractions, and asiaticoside compound isolated from Centella asiatica Linn. Leaves in alloxan-induced diabetic mice “, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2017
  2. Herdwiani, W., Soemardji, A.A., Elfahmi, Tan, M.I., A review of cinnamon as a potent anticancer drug, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016, 9 (3), pp. 8-13
  3. Tofiana, F.A., Immaculata Iwo, M., Kartasasmita, R.E., Elfahmi, Stigmasterol content of Artemisia annua L. And the phytosterol profile, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016, 9, pp. 239-241
  4. Tofiana, F.A., Immaculata I., M., Elfahmi, Kartasasmita, R.E., Synthesis of stigmasteryl oleate, palmitate and stearate applying ethyl chloroformate as activator, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2016
  5. Tina Rostinawati, Catur Riani, Elfahmi, Yeyet Cahyati Sumirtapura, and Debbie Sofie Retnoningrum, Y93F Substitution of Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from Bacillus sp. A2-5a and Its Enzyme Characterization, Biotechnology 2015, 14 (4): 181-187.
  6. Elfahmi, Suhandono S, Chahyadi A., “Optimization of genetic transformation of Artemisia annua L. Using Agrobacterium for Artemisinin production.”, “Pharmacogn Mag. 2014 Jan;10(Suppl 1):S176-80. doi: 10.4103/0973-1296.127372.
    PMID:  24914301,   [PubMed]”
  7. Yadnya-Putra, A.A.G.R., Chahyadi, A., Elfahmi, “Production of panduratin A, cardamomin and sitosterol using cell cultures of fingerroot (Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) schlechter))”,  Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 11 (1), pp. 43-52.
  8. Elfahmi, Woerdenbag, H.J., Kayser, O., “Jamu: Indonesian traditional herbal medicine towards rational phytopharmacological use”,  Journal of Herbal Medicine, 4 (2), pp. 51-73.
  9. Mulyani, Y., Sukandar, E.Y., Adnyana, I.K., Elfahmi, 2012, “Petiveria alliacea: New alternative for the treatment of sensitive and multi-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis”, (2012) , Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, 4 (7), pp. 91-95.
  10. Tanjung, M., Hakim, E.H., Elfahmi, Latip, J., Syah, Y.M., 2012, “Dihydroflavonol and flavonol derivatives from Macaranga recurvata”, (2012), Natural Product Communications, 7 (10), pp. 1309-1310.
  11. Ruslan, K., Rukayadi, Y., Wahyuningsih, R., Singgih, M., Elfahmi, 2012 , “Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Jatropha curcas Linn. seedcake from biofuel production”, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 6 (2), pp. 645-651.
  12. Sukandar, E.Y., Nurdewi, Elfahmi, 2012, “Antihypercholesterolemic effect of combination of Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk. leaves and Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. rhizomes extract in wistar rats”, International Journal of Pharmacology, 8 (4), pp. 277-282.
  13. Ruslan, K., Selfitri, A.D., Bulan, S.A., Rukayadi, Y., Elfahmi, 2012 , “Effect of Agrobacterium rhizogenes and elicitation on the asiaticoside production in cell cultures of Centella asiatica”, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 8 (30), pp. 111-115.
  14. Sukrasno, Kartika, Fidrianny, I., Elfahmi, Anam, K., 2012, “Influence of storage on the volatile oil content of Curcuma rhizome”, Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 6 (3), pp. 274-280.
  15. Elfahmi, Artri, Ruslan, K., 2011, “Phytochemical study of Jatropha curcas cell culture”, Biotropia, 18 (1), pp. 42-49.
  16. Wirasutisna, K.R., Artria, Elfahmi, 2011, “Reducing of phorbol ester content in callus cultures of physic nut (Jatropha Curcas L.) using manganese chloride and n-ethylmaleimid”, Pharmacognosy Journal, 3 (20), pp. 42-46.
  17. Elfahmi, Wirasutisna, K.R., Batterman, S., Koulman, A., Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., 2010, “Reduced coniferin and enhanced 6-methoxypodophyllotoxin production in Linum flavum cell cultures”, Pharmacognosy Journal, 2 (17), pp. 74-80.
  18. Elfahmi, 2007, “Lignan profile of Piper cubeba, an Indonesian medicinal plant”, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology Corresponding, 2007
  19. Elfahmi, Sieb Batterman, Albert Koulman, Thomas Hackl, Rein Bos, Oliver Kayser, Herman J. Woerdenbag, Wim J. Quax, 2006, “Lignan of Phyllanthus niruri, an Indonesian Medicinal Plants”, Journal of Natural Products, 2006, 69 (1), 55-58
  20. Nikolay Vasilev, Elfahmi, Rein Bos, Oliver Kayser, Georgi Momekov, Spiro Konstantinov, Iliana Ionkova, 2006, “Production of Cytotoxic Arylnaphthalene Lignan from Genetically Transformed Root Cultures of Linum leonii”, Journal of Natural Products, 2006 (in press)
  21. Elfahmi, Rein Bos, Komar Ruslan, Herman J. Woerdenbag, Oliver Kayser, and Wim J. Quax., 2006, “Essential oil constituents of Piper cubeba from Indonesia”, Journal of Essential Oil Research, 2006 (Accepted after minor revision)
  22. Elfahmi, Ruslan, K., Batterman, S., Bos, R., Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., 2006, “Lignan profile of Piper cubeba, an Indonesian medicinal plant”, Biochemical Ecology and Systematics, 2006 (Accepted after minor revision)
  23. Elfahmi, Batterman, S., Koulman, A., Hackl, T., Bos, R., Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., 2006, “Lignans from cell suspension cultures of Phyllanthus niruri, an Indonesian medicinal plant”, Journal of Natural Products, 69 (1), pp. 55-58.
  24. Vasilev, N., Elfahmi, Bos, R., Kayser, O., Momekov, G., Konstantinov, S., Ionkova, I., 2006. “Production of justicidin B, a cytotoxic arylnaphthalene lignan from genetically transformed root cultures of Linum leonii”, Journal of Natural Products, 69 (7), pp. 1014-1017.
  25. Elfahmi, Koulman, A., Julsing, M.K., 2002, “Er is meer onder de zon; traditionele therapie van tropische ziekten. In Foliolum”, Jaargang XV Editie III, Februari 2002, pp. 31-35.


Publikasi di Konferensi

  1. Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Nurdewi, Elfahmi, “Effect of Combination of Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk leaves and Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb rhizomes extract on Prevention Hyperlipidemia in Wi star rats”, International Herbal Conference 2009, Bangalore, India, 26-28 Februari 2009.
  2. Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Dian Pertiwi, Elfahmi, “Effects of Water Extracts of Mutamba (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk.) Leaves in Combination with Ethanol Extracts of Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Rhizomes on Blood Lipid Level of Hyperlipidemic Rat”, The International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yogyakarta, October 5-6, 2009
  3. Elfahmi, “Development of Indonesian medicinal plants: the use of biotechnological approach”, 4th Asian Association Of Schools Of Pharmacy- 9th Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Pharmacy Scientific Conference 2009, 10th � 13th June 2009, Vistana Hotel, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  4. Elfahmi, “Enhancement of secondary metabolite production of medicinal plants: the use of biotechnological approaches”, Bandung International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry: Emerging Targets, Novel Candidates and Innovative Strategies (ITB Campus, 6-8 August 2009)
  5. Elfahmi, “Engineering of secondary metabolite production of medicinal plants using biotechnological approaches”, Simposium Nasional Kimia Bahan Alam XVII (SimNasKBA-2009) di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, yang akan berlangsung pada tanggal 27-28 Oktober 2009
  6. Maria lmmaculata lwo, Elfahmi, Anna Niken Nindita, “Comparative Study of Ex Vivo Antioxidant Activity of Green Tea And Black Tea (Camellia Sinensis L.O. Kuntze)”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, ITB, 28-23 October 2008
  7. Maria Immaculata Iwo, Elfahmi, Anna Niken Nindita., “Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Air Daun Teh (Camellia Sinensis L. 0. Kuntze) Hijau”, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah ISFI XVI, Yogyakarta, 11-12 Agustus, 2008
  8. Elfahmi, “Genetic transformation of Linum leonii hairy root cultures for the production of a cytotoxic lignan,justicidin B”, IOCD Internatioanl Symposium, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Studies of Asian Plants, Surabaya, 9-11 April 2007
  9. Dr. Komar Ruslan W., Popy Indriany, Dr. Elfahmi, Screening And Isolation Of Lignan From Indonesian Medicinal Plants, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
  10. Elfahmi, Komar Ruslan W, Meilina Marsinta M, Production Of Active Compound From Medicinal Plant Using Cell And Hairy Root Cultures, International Seminar On Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy ITB, 31 Okt – 01 Nov, 2007
  11. Elfahmi, Batterman, S., Bos, R, Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., “Biosynthesis of cytotoxic lignans in cell suspension cultures of Linum flavum: key role of glucosyltransferase”, In an International Congres: Chemistry, pharmacology and biosynthesis of alkaloids, 25 – 29 April 2006, Belek, Antalya, Turkey
  12. Elfahmi, “Biosynthesis of cytotoxic lignan, a biotechnological approach, Asian Symposium on Medicinal plants, Spices, and Other Natural Products (ASOMPS) XII”, 13-18 November 2006, Padang, West Sumatera, 2006
  13. Elfahmi, Batterman, S., Bos, R, Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., “Biosynthesis of cytotoxic lignans in cell suspension cultures of Linum flavum: key role of glucosyltransferase. Chemistry”, pharmacology and biosynthesis of alkaloids (International Congres), 25 – 29 April 2006, Belek, Antalya, Turkey
  14. Elfahmi, S. Batterman, Koulman, A. Bos, R., Woerdenbag, H. Quax, W., “New lignan from cell suspension culture of Phyllanthus niruri“, Proceeding Future trends in Phytochemistry, A young scientists symposium, Gargnano, Italy, May 5-8, 2004 (Poster and Oral presentation)
  15. Elfahmi, Batterman, S., Koulman, A., Bos, R, Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., “New lignan from cell suspension cultures of Phyllanthus niruri“, (the same poster with 6). Figon Dutch Medicine Days 2004, The Future of the past, Oktober 2004, Lunteren, The Netherlands
  16. Elfahmi, Batterman, S., Koulman, A., Bos, R, Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., “New lignan from cell suspension cultures of Phyllanthus niruri“, A Young Scientific Symposium (Future Trends in Phytochemistry), Palazzo Feltrinelli, 05-08 May 2004, Gargnano, Italia
  17. Elfahmi, Batterman, S., Koulman, A., Bos, R, Kayser, O., Woerdenbag, H.J., Quax, W.J., “New lignan from cell suspension cultures of Phyllanthus niruri. (the same poster with a)”, Figon Dutch Medicine Days 2004, The Future of the past, Oktober 2004, Lunteren

Pengalaman Mengajar

  1. Fitokimia (2007)
  2. Kapita selekta Farmasi, Topik : Bioteknologi tumbuhan obat, kultur jaringan,rekayasa genetika tumbuhan obat, combinatorial biosynthesis, dll (2006-sekarang)
  3. Statistika Farmasi 2006-sekarang
  4. Farmakognosi Analitik 2006-sekarang
  5. Pembimbing Mahasiswa Mater pada Jurusan Farmasi Universitas Groningen (2003-2004)
  6. Fitokimia (praktikum) 1998-2001 dan 2006-sekarang
  7. Farmakognosi (praktikum) 1998-2001 dan 2006-sekarang
  8. Kapita selekta (2000)

Keanggotaan Organisasi Ilmiah

  1. The Phytochemistry Society of Europe (1994-present)


  1. The PSE symposium Grant, Turkey (2006)
  2. Ubbo Emius Scholarship (2005-2006)
  3. Travel Grant to attend the Summer School, University of Turku, Finland (2002)
  4. Travel Grant to attend the transgenic plant course, Universiy of Bochum, Germany, 2002 The PSE symposium Grant, Italy (2004)
  5. University Research and Graduate Education (URGE) grant for Master degree 1995 QUE project Grant for Ph.D. degree (2001)
  6. THOMSON Reuters