Satrialdi merupakan seorang dosen di Kelompok Keilmuan Farmasetika, Sekolah Farmasi, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana Farmasi (S.Farm.) dari Program Studi Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, Sekolah Farmasi ITB pada tahun 2010. Pada tahun 2012, beliau berhasil menyelesaikan studi di tingkat magister dan memperoleh gelar Magister Sains (M.Si.) dari Program Studi Magister Farmasi, Sekolah Farmasi ITB. Berselang satu tahun, tepatnya di tahun 2013, Satrialdi berhasil meraih gelar Apoteker (apt.) dari Program Studi Profesi Apoteker, Sekolah Farmasi ITB. Pada tahun 2020, beliau berhasil mempertahankan disertasinya yang berjudul “Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer using Mitochondrial Drug Delivery System (ミトコンドリア薬物送達システムを用いた癌光線力学療法の検証)” dan meraih gelar Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science dari Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University.
Saat ini, Satrialdi aktif sebagai dosen yang memberikan perkuliahan terkait keilmuan di bidang farmasetika, serta aktif melakukan penelitian di bidang Drug Delivery System dengan fokus utama penelitian pada pengembangan sistem penghantaran obat bertarget ke mitokondria untuk terapi kanker, termasuk aplikasi nanoteknologi berbasis lipid dalam penghantaran obat. Beberapa sistem penghantaran obat yang telah berhasil dikembangkan sampai saat ini meliputi sistem LipoDQ yang merupakan salah satu platform sistem penghantaran bertarget mitokondria, sistem nanopartikel berbasis lipid yang digunakan untuk tujuan drug repurposing, serta sistem nanopartikel berbasis lipid untuk penghantaran essential oils.
- S1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2010
- S2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung – Indonesia 2012
- S3 Hokkaido University, Hokkaido – Jepang 2020
S Satrialdi, NN Husna, RQ Rihad, RA UtamiPharmaceutical Nanotechnology 12 (5), 2024
P Rachmawati, T Suciati, S SatrialdiFarmacia 72 (2), 2024 -
Novel Insight into Pickering Emulsion and Colloidal Particle Network Construction of Basil Extract for Enhancing Antioxidant and UV-B-Induced Antiaging Activities
RS Rosdianto, N Zakiyah, RN Viviani, FS Deisberanda, TL Nareswari, S Satrialdi, I Fidrianny, DR Adhika, WX Waresindo, U Supratman, T SuciatiACS omega 8 (18), 15932-15950, 2023 -
Fine-tuning the encapsulation of a photosensitizer in nanoparticles reveals the relationship between internal structure and phototherapeutic effects
F Kubota, S Satrialdi, Y Takano, M Maeki, M Tokeshi, H Harashima, Y YamadaJournal of Biophotonics 16 (3), e202200119, 2023 -
Diabetic Nephropathy: Pathogenesis and Drug Delivery System
N Jummah, S Satrialdi, AA Artarini, Anindyajati, D MudhakirResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 16 (12), 6062-6070, 2023 -
An updated review of Typhonium flagelliforme: phytochemical compound, pharmacological activities and the use of vitexin and isovitexin as flavonoid compound in cosmetics development.
HL Maha, I Fidrianny, S Satrialdi, T SuciatiPharmacia 70 (3), 673-680, 2023 -
S Satrialdi, PA Putri, YA LumintangMajalah Farmasi dan Farmakologi 27 (2), 32-38, 2023 -
Fine-tuning the encapsulation of a photosensitizer in nanoparticles reveals the relationship between internal structure and phototherapeutic effects
F Kubota, S Satrialdi, Y Takano, M MaekiJournal of Biophotonics 16(3), 2022 -
An effective in vivo mitochondria-targeting nanocarrier combined with a π-extended porphyrin-type photosensitizer
S Satrialdi, Y Takano, E Hirata, N Ushijima, H Harashima, Y YamadaNanoscale Advances 3 (20), 5919-5927, 2021 -
Power of mitochondrial drug delivery systems to produce innovative nanomedicines
Y Yamada, S Satrialdi, M Hibino, D Sasaki, J Abe, H HarashimaAdvanced Drug Delivery Reviews 154-155, 187-209, 2020 -
Mitochondrial delivery of an anticancer drug via systemic administration using a mitochondrial delivery system that inhibits the growth of drug-resistant cancer engrafted on mice
Y Yamada, R Munechika, S Satrialdi, F Kubota, Y Sato, Y Sakurai, H HarashimaJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109 (8), 2493-2500, 2020 -
The optimization of cancer photodynamic therapy by utilization of a pi-extended porphyrin-type photosensitizer in combination with MITO-Porter
S Satrialdi, R Munechika, V Biju, Y Takano, H Harashima, Y YamadaChemical Communications 56 (7), 1145-1148, 2020 -
Therapeutic Strategies for Regulating Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress
Y Yamada, Y Takano, S Satrialdi, J Abe, M Hibino, H HarashimaBiomolecules 10 (1), 83, 2020 -
A novel acemannan-chitosan modified lipid nanoparticles as intracellular delivery vehicles of antibiotic
T Suciati, P Rachmawati, E Soraya, AB Mahardhika, S Satrialdi, R Hartarti, K AnggadiredjaJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8 (12), 001-011, 2018 -
Packaging the Alkaloids of Cinchona Bark in Combination with Etoposide in Polymeric Micelles Nanoparticles
D Mudhakir, S Satrialdi, S Asyarie, YC SumirtapuraInternational Journal of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6(12), 685-689, 2012 -
Formulasi dan Karakterisasi Sediaan Mukoadhesif Ekstrak Etanol Centella asiatica (L.) urb.
T Suciati, D Prasetya, I Fidrianny, S SatrialdiActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (3 & 4), 54-60, 2011 -
Uji Disolusi Terbanding Zat Karbamazepin dalam Bentuk Sediaan Tablet
S Satrialdi, S Asyarie, D MudhakirActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia 36 (1 & 2), 25-28, 2011 -
S Satrialdi北海道大学, 2020 -
Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer using Mitochondrial Drug Delivery System
S SatrialdiHokkaido University, 2020 -
Development of transdermal nanoemulsion formulation for simultaneous delivery of protein vaccine and artin-m adjuvant
T Suciati, A Aliyandi, S SatrialdiInt. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 6 (6), 536-541, 2014
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Pengembangan sistem penghantaran obat bertarget mitokondria dan aplikasinya dalam penghantaran zat antioksidan (2021)
International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy (ICPSP) (2020)