Sports Science Research Group
Sport Science Research Group has 2 (two) scientific subgroups, namely:
- Sports physiology and biomechanics
- Sports health
These two scientific subgroups integrate with each other to form the Sport Science Research Group road map. The sports physiology scientific subgroup analyzes the body’s physiological functions during sports (health sports and competitive sports), sports biomechanics analyzes body movements during sports (health sports and competitive sports). While sports health analyzes human physical abilities and how to maintain, preserve, and improve health through a sports activity approach. Both scientific subgroups are expected to be independent in the future and develop their respective competencies such as; sports management, sports sociology, etc. Administratively, the Sport Science Research Group is given a special assignment and is responsible for managing the following areas:
- Executor of sports courses (MKOR) which are compulsory courses for all TPB ITB students who teach around 3000 students per year, and arranges the schedule of theory and practicum lectures
- Responsible for developing research with research topics that cover each scientific subgroup, funding sources, and level of dissemination of research results
- Providing scientific competency services to the academic community and the general public
Sport Science Research Group in addition to being assigned the tri dharma of higher education is also given the task of developing human resources (investment patterns and HR development) through training, seminars, and workshops.
Excellent Program
In the next 5 (five) years, along with the formation of a master’s program in applied sports science in collaboration with other Research Groups at ITB, it is expected to produce models of training aids and health aids so as to contribute to increasing sports achievements and improving public health. The curriculum has been prepared, but is still being discussed with the ITB Academic Senate. This master’s program is expected to be an interface between sports and technology so that ITB can participate in producing useful technological products in the field of sports which can ultimately contribute to improving the achievements of national athletes. In the field of learning, the Sport Science Research Group is developing an e-learning learning pattern. Sports courses for TPB students managed by the Sport Science Research Group that can be delivered in the form of multimedia.
Sport Science Research Group is supported by very adequate sports facilities and has a very close network of cooperation with both KONI and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Sport Science Research Group staff are widely involved in national and international events as coaches or expert teams. Based on this internal and external support, the Sport Science Research Group has a very high opportunity to guide athlete talent from an early age so that they can participate in producing national or international class athletes.
Through cooperation with other Research Groups in SF, the Sport Science Research Group is involved in the development of an international standard Doping Lab.
In the next 5 (five) years, the Sport Science Research Group will further enhance cooperation with related agencies (KONI, Kemenpora, etc.) in order to develop a national sports coaching system. Development of research cooperation with universities related to sports science, and exchange of teaching staff with various universities at home and abroad.
- Dr. Didi Sunadi, S.Pd., M.Pd
- Dr. Kusnaedi, M.Pd
- Dr. Nia Sri Ramania, M.Sc
- Dr. Rini Syafriani, M.Kes
- Dr. Samsul Bahri, M.Kes
- Agung Dwi Juniarsyah, S.Pd., M.Or
- Dr. Muhamad Fahmi Hasan, S.Pd., M.Or
Academic Assistant
- Bagus Winata, S.Or., M.Or.
- Imam Safei, S.Pd., M.Or.
- Sports and Health Laboratory
Sports function:
- Study of lactic acid levels reviewed from various treatments
- Study of lactic acid levels reviewed from various metabolic results from various sports
- Effect of various supplements on lactic acid levels
- Effect of natural supplements on fatigue index
- Effect of weight training on muscle speed and strength
- Effect of strength training on sports skills
- Physiological characteristics of various sports
- Dehydration during sports activities
- Dual video to analyze a movement
- Gait analysis system
- Training tool prototype
- Analyzing muscle strength in various sports.
Sports health:
- The effect of sports on health
- Comparison of fitness levels between those who never exercise and those who exercise regularly
- Relationship between sports activities and cumulative achievement index
- Differences in temperature on the implementation of sports activities
- Effects of cigarettes on fitness levels
- Sports injuries
Sports management:
- The effect of sports on stress
- Modeling of health sports for the community
- Optimization of sports infrastructure
- Athlete mapping based on geographical location
- Others